Be Happy With What You Get

Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

Be Happy With What You Get....

I love DBD I really do BUT I can't stand people who will automatically after a new killer is announced and they're NOT happy with the developer picked, they'll be like, who's the next killer going to be? Can't you be happy with what you get? I'm excited for the new Silent Hill chapter and if you aren't happy about the ne Killer no one is forcing you to buy it OR play it for that matter.

Oh a little side topic I wanted to discuss. Why do people complain about a new Killer being OP (Overpowered) and they act like little babies and DC because they can't handle it. First off, a Killer is supposed to be overpowered, he or she IS a Killer, duh. Don't DC all because oh no it's Pyramid Head I'll go to another game, that's just childish and if you are going to act like a baby playing DBD then you should've have press PLAY to begin with. Sorry rant done. I just wanted to get that off my chest and see if others felt the same as I do.



  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Well, when someone says X Killer is OP they probably mean compared to other killers, and while there will always be killers that are more viable than others, there shouldn’t be one that highly overperforms over all others. Also I haven’t really noticed THAT high of an „PH is OP“ or „Silent Hill shouldn’t be in the game“ outcry tbh, where do you see all those complains?

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Me too. I am always excited for a new killer no matter who it is. I think the Silent Hill map looks amazing and BIG my goodness we gonna get lost in that dang thing like the Stranger Things map lol

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Mostly on YouTube or Twitch streamer who play the game lately who complain like little babies because the killer is too overpowered. My goodness if they feel that way then they learn how to play better. Don't leave the match because you don't like the killer, it should make you WANT to play to get better. Does that make sense?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    It does make sense. I don’t watch too much YouTuber or Twitch streamer though so I wouldn’t know that.

    but the same can be said about killers that complain. It’s not an issue only on the survivor side.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    But who is the next killer going to be though? 🤔


  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Almost everyone I've come across outside of forums is either happy it's Pyramid Head or just neutral. There's only one person I know who is unhappy, because he hates Konami with a passion, and doesn't like seeing them make money.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    He's hardly iconic. Just because a IP is old doesn't mean it's iconic. Add to that the ridiculous name and absurd hat and I'll pass.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I think that the thing people hate is the frequence that killer is going to appear in their games. When a new killer is released you can have 5+ matches in a row against the new killer. This can make people sick of certain new killers, especially if it's difficult to deal with or it's too strong.

    People don't want to leave their comfort zone and that is normal tho.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    "(music too in some degree)."

    Can't wait for the Dark Souls choir as the next killer!

    In all seriousness yes I agree a killer is more than just their character and be it a killer I know and love or an obscure one I've never heard about, the more we get the better. Especially love the original killers the team comes up with.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Hey,the original isn't even 25 years old,lol. It came out in like 98 or 99. I actually got it on launch day and got stuck on a puzzle at the very end for like a month. Same with my buddy. We were definitely over thinking it. Silent Hill 2 came out in 2001. So it'll be almost 20 years. Geez,you trying to say I'm old or something?! Haha.

    But yes, Pyramid Head is easily the most iconic creature in all of horror gaming history. I can't even think of many that can compare. I guess maybe Nemesis would be the next closest thing,but he really didn't transend and resonate as much as Pyramid Head. I'd argue that Silent Hill is more iconic to the horror genre than some of the other suggestions,but that's just my opinion.

    I've been a horror fan my entire life. They've included pretty much every slasher and killer from movies that have stood the test of time. It's really cool to see one from a horror game. Was beyond my expectations,so no complaints here at all. It probably wasn't easy for the devs,and I'm happy for them. There's always next time for the people who aren't excited.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I would say be happy with what you have because you can’t force someone to like something they are just not into.

    If everyone liked the same thing we’d be seeing one killer being played by everyone. So it makes sense for someone who isn’t exactly happy with who they picked to talk about other possibilities. I don’t understand how this affects you. If you don’t want read their post simply skip.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    This boils down to don't complain about something you payed money for. Take our crap and swallow. This ideology is so anti consumer I can feel Total Biscuit rolling in his grave.

    You know what's worse than complaining about a videogame, complaining about people complaining about a videogame. People payed money for a product and for a lot of them continue to pay because they love and care about the product, if something they don't like becomes included then they have every right to voice their complaints.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Everyone has their opinion, and nothing they do is gonna please everyone.

    The way I look at it is: It's a bit silly to get angry that the new game mechanics are not wrapped in the specific textures you would have preferred. I could probably rattle off a few licenses I would have preferred if it were somehow up to me, but I also think it's really cool to see them branching off into a full video game horror chapter, and Silent Hill is an absolutely awesome place to start. I'm sure that Pinhead or Candyman or Jason or whoever will wind up in DBD down the line, but I am just eager to see what each new chapter brings, whatever it may be.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    That's a nice line, I just wish it were true. Killer fun doesn't seem to be a priority. Swf is pretty much your definition of overpowered, yet it's still in the game. Matchmaking has been broken for how long?

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I wanted pinhead

    And honest the cages were how I pictured his power

    So I got what I wanted

    OmG he has a ranged attack too YESSSSShahahaha

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    This is how i feel about adding additonal Mori's, people sit there and say it's not fair but it makes killers more fun, they should add more moris for killers to enjoy

  • Player35
    Player35 Member Posts: 119

    I'd have loved a Dark Universe character/classic horror movie or comic character.

    I don't care about silent hill, as I never played it, but I'm happy so many people seem to love it, that we get a new killer who looks quite cool and I always love new maps. I can't wait to play on it!

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    While I'm not mad or anything about it being Silent Hill, I'm also not excited. So, I guess one could say not "happy?"

    Either way, I recognize that others are excited and love the upcoming Silent Hill theme. And there's nothing wrong with that. For me, though, it just means money saved since I won't purchase the DLC. I wasn't overly excited about Stranger Things, Oni, or Deathslinger, either, and didn't buy. Last DLC I bought was Ghostface, and that wasn't until he was on a sale since back then I collected them all but have never been a Ghostface fan.

    I dropped the "gotta get 'em all" mentality when Stranger Things came out since I was never a huge fan of the show.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    What I get frustrated with is people saying that Pyramid Head isn't iconic. I'm sorry, but Silent Hill was one of the games that made horror games popular in the first place. When I was a kid, the only horror games people around me talked about were Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, and Resident Evil. It's sad that the only one that really survived was Resident Evil. Silent Hill fell cuz Konami sux, and Fatal Frame fell cuz Tecmo of America didn't want to bring over Fatal Frame 4, and people all but forgot about the series when the next title was a Wii u exclusive.

    The PlayStation 2 wasn't even released until 2000. I think SH2 was released in 2001.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    The only time they think killers are OP is when they can't bully him/her. They always want a killer who is able to get bullied easily if the survivor know what they doing its why nurse and spirt was nerfed and people want spirt to be nerfed again as well. U make such a good point tho if u don't like the killer no one cares your not forced to buy them. If u think the killer OP u probably just suck.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Doesn't really matter if some people think the movie is bad or the game was lame, that's subjective. The dev's said that they were adding a horror icon, a classic. Pyramid head and silent hill as a whole is a very iconic and classic horror franchise.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited June 2020

    I'm happy with the Silent Hill chapter, although it wasn't my personal first choice.

    Now if people are unhappy with the new chapter, whether it be because of subject suitability/validity or because of the gameplay/perks...that's their opinion which they have a right to.

    It's all down to opinion if the chosen license is a good fit for DBD. If some people seriously dislike the new content, they're not obliged to purchse it.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    You are right, I only check dbd discussions for dev/mod answers now because literally every single post or comment is bunch of same people always complaining about the same stuff, right or wrong, and let's be honest most of them are wrong or complaining about subjective stuff. As you said just few hundreds of babies crying, lets make it 1000 which is very small considering how many people play this game.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    I think it can be said about ANY game to be honest people always find something to complain about. :)

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    But they will make money because aren't they remastering the first Silent Hill game or is it a whole new game coming to the PS5? I wasn't clear on that when I saw the news.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Just please work on Lisa's Face.

    PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!! I LOVE LISA! Please don't make her look meth'ed out!



  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Kinda makes me wonder you know how Oni and The Spirit have a connection in DBD I wonder if they'll do the same with Pyramid Head and the Nurse from Silent Hill. I love Pyramid Head BUT the Nurses from Silent Hill are scarier as well.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    I totally agree about the DCing people are just big babies when it comes to DBD "Oh no not Myers I'll DC because I can't survive against him." Or "Oh no we end up at the farm and I hate that map so I'll DC." I guess people will always fin something to DC about. And thank you for taking the time to respond to my discussion that was very nice of you. And btw I am looking forward to the new chapter I'll be playing it day one when it's available on June 13th on PS4.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    A good thing about this game is that whether a Chapter appeals to you or not, even if you do not buy it you'll get a free extra map to add to the already varied collection. That's a nice thing to try out.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    This might be silly but I'm looking forward to see what outfits Pyramid Head will wear IF they do give him anything. And why can't Freddy or Leatherface have any new outfits? At least put Freddy in a burnt up janitor outfit OR Leather could wear that tux he was wearing at the end of the original TCM to mix it up a bit.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I took a long few months break from these forums for such exact reason, I have put up with this for months, "Freddy needs a rework", he finally gets it and then people want old Freddy, Doctor gets a rework from his cringe 3 gen strat and how dirty he could be, he upped his viability and added a fear factor, made him opposing, people didn't like the change cause they could no longer bully the Doctor, Spirit got changes to her collision after a long request for changes, people got angry that she 'could no longer gen grab', this isn't like "Oh hi BHVR here, we made balance changes and made Killer worse", that's NOT AT ALL what that is, they make a fair adjustment and people on the forums complain instead of critique, it is how it is and people are gonna whine as they do every chapter.

    You start taking the stuff as a joke when a Survivor DC's and says that the Doctor is the easiest character in the game.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Well I did say don't quote me on the 25 years :) I played SH2 on the PS2 and I remembering have to go to the library to print out some of those answers to puzzles lol

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    My mum always said "Eat what you're given or you get nothing at all." (Read that again in Adam Sadler's Waterboy voice)

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Speaking of Jason....I sort of wish DBD would do something other than work on gens to escape. I know the folks who made Friday the 13th are having troubles why doesn't DBD buy the rights to that and use some of those elements in the game.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    You made me wonder about something about the cages I wonder if they'll do that with other Killers and give them unique traps for the other killers like The Huntress could have a hole trap in the ground that traps her victims, The Trapper he has his bear traps but what if he if could set other types of bears traps like some of electricity or fumes that immobilize the survivors or the Clown could have wacky gas that when he throws it, it makes them laugh for a short time so he can find them better. DBD make me a worker I could TOTALLY make this game demented lol My Godmother said when she saw me playing the game one day. "You seem so sweet were do you get this love for horror?" Idk I just do I guess.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    I want to THANK YOU for ALL your comments I answers as many as I could but if I missed any I apologize I'm taking care of my Mom who had surgery and she's in recovery so I'm trying to clean, take care of her and answers stuff all at the same time so I hope I didn't leave anyone out but if I did sorry about that.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Licensed characters are different from originals.

    In order to even get them into the game an agreement must be struck between the license holder and the BHVR, and any alteration to the character after would also need to meet approval if none was already given.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    "I can't even think of any that compare"

    Me: "uhhh Nemesi-"

    "Except maybe Nemesis."

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I wish, but I think it comes down on who you choose to believe.

    If Konami has actually said no (I can't seem to find where they said no), then I'm guessing no. A soft reboot does seem more likely? So who knows really.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Those kinds of things are what I thought add ons were for.

    Instead we got slight number changers. Sad.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    I like where you're going with the "music too in some degree" part. The Murmaider when?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Dude you just made me had a heart attack by saying SH 2 is 25 years old, I was like damn I'm not that old, Silent hill 2 came out in 2001 and has been iconic ever since.

    To the OP, yeah some people don't know why BHVR brought PH but the real question is "what took them so long?" Silent hill is an amazing series and imo BHVR did amazing in being able to get the license for it, I'd give them props if anything.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I didn't have internet until the Dreamcast came out,and had been out for awhile. My buddy was out shopping and found a strategy guide for the first one. We thought the puzzle had to do with the Zodiac. It did and didn't at the same time lol. It was a way easier solution than we ever dreamed of. Was like so simple it didn't even cross our minds. It's still a cool memory for me. Hopefully we'll see a new game soon. I'm happy we are getting this chapter.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Lol,yeah,I said I can't think of "many" that compare. Even Nemesis I'd say would be up for debate. 3 definitely wasn't the most popular game in the series. Otherwise we really don't have many.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Yeah but Neme only has a rocket launder for a weapon and Idk if DBD would want to go the shooter route with the game BUT Deathslinger has a chain gun so who knows but Neme saying STARS every 2 second would drive me nuts but Mr X would work too for a Resident Evil enemy if they wanted to put a RE villain in the game.

  • Taya9822
    Taya9822 Member Posts: 54

    Hmm if they make Silent Hill remake like they did with RE2 it would be amazing tbh I would buy it but SH2 is the major one that needs to be remade because that's more iconic but one game at a time I guess.