Slugging could do with a Quality of Life update.

Who wants to lay on the ground and bleed out all match without earning anything? I'm pushing a button as a slug within the game and getting nothing in return? The killer just returns to slug me as I get off the ground. I can't fight back because everyone else is slugged too. Please, this is not fun.



    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yeah, I would definitely like to see a basekit ability or even an item you can use to ######### faster when slugged if you want. Killer's can't be bothered to chill for 60 seconds of a struggle phase at end game, but it's cool for them to bleed survivors out for 4 minutes. Not really cool. If you're dead anyway, you should be able to 'let go', so to speak. LOL And yeah, recovering should provide something - since it's essentially healing, as would evading the killer if they leave you slugged and cant find you. 🤷

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Soul Guard is your answer to slugging and it's almost here in Live.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Another suicide option would be bad for the game, because it just amounts to another penalty-free DC. The downside of this is far worse than any upside of some minor convenience factor.

    Four minutes is not that long. If they meaningfully reduced it, everyone would just complain that it's too short. The timer is there to give teammates a chance to save you, while also providing a short enough window that the game isn't being held hostage by a serial slugger.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    I mean, at that point, may as well just DC and take the 5 minutes anyway.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I don't think so, there have been already changes to nerf slugging like increased recovery time, and if you hate it that much or your team don't bother at helping, you have Unbreakable (from Bill) and soul guard (from Cheryl) is coming soon. No Mither (from David) is a choice too but come with downsides. You can also make it harder to the killer with Tenacity (from Tapp), within seconds you can travel to the other side of the map and recover at the same time to be raised.

    Making it even easier would literally mean telling the devs to give every survivors one free recovery from the dying state per game without perks required for example. And that's obviously not right.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I disagree. If they can insta kill you end game to save time, you should be able to insta ######### to save yourself time. :) #fairisfair

    We all know you're SoOoOoOOoOooOo against any form of suicide. I couldn't care less. LOL

    4-minutes isn't that long in comparison to a lifetime...but in a DBD match, it's a long time. And if Killers shouldn't have their time wasted, neither should survivors. They shouldn't shorten the 4-minute timer, they should give you the option to slit your wrists and be gone. Period.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I don't like getting slugged either, but I don't really know what solution you want here. This is part of the set of game mechanics that make up Dead by Daylight. It's on your team to come save you, and on you to avoid the killer and stay on your feet. If slugging is a bridge too far, bring Unbreakable.

    I see @LALYTHIA's pushback re: more suicide options, but the last thing we need is even more matches getting ruined when some impatient player decides to throw the match. Slugging rarely means curtains unless the match is close to done anyway, and it would just cause people to suicide when they get downed instead of when they get hooked. I don't understand why you can't see why it would bad for the overall, big-picture health of the game when you give a player the power to unilaterally sandbag an entire match.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    I find it very inconvenient when the killer decides, and they do, to leave me on the ground for 4 minutes as a slug just because they can. There is no perk that can fix the dead space of 4 minutes. I'm sorry but slugging is bad manners and it is used very maliciously.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Sometimes killers are massive jerks about it, yes. But this is also a game with a lot of very inconvenient factors at play, because it's just the nature of the beast. If malicious, unnecessary slugging happened rampantly in every single match, if it was like 80% of what survivors experienced in a dominant 4K match, maybe you would have a better position, but that's just not the case. Yeah, it happens, and it's annoying when it does. But slugging is a sometimes thing.

    To wit, there's also no perk that can fix X minutes of a sandbagged match for the other players who remain, which would be the far more common outcome of introducing another penalty-free DC option. This is a case where I would firmly say that the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few. People think about this in a really selfish way instead of looking at the match and the game as a whole. It's less fun for several players to have a now-hopeless losing match because of your actions, than it is for you to occasionally spend a minute or two on the floor while a teammate comes to pick you up.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Im not going to say its never used maliciously, because im sure it happens, but most of the time if youre slugged its either the killer is trying to avoid ds or needs to build pressure on the map. Its not personal, neither is literal camping/tunneling.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I see the phrase "quality of life update" misused very often. A quality of life update is like changing the color of the cursor so it's easier to see. It's Trapper being able to reset his traps without picking them up. It's not changing a core mechanic of the game.

    If it's just about making slugging fun, maybe the devs could add in a mini-game for slugged survivors to play. One of those little Tiger Electronics games and they get to earn some BP while they bleed to death. I'd be down with that.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    Wow, someone else who actually understands what that term means!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Many people ask for blatant killer/survivor nerfs with thinly veiled excuses ("QoL change" and "not fun" being the main ones). Don't think they aren't aware of what they're doing.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    okay let me add it to the list

    -survivor rule book edition 3-

    rule 762-Killer can't try to win

    anything else you want me to add?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Not being able to constantly see everyone's aura or teleport to any gen is boring, plz fix

    (for both roles)

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    You guys have no idea what a QoL change means do you?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @TragicSolitude corrected the severely misguided definition in the OP's topic.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I don't know why survivors so upset when they slugged. When I play survivor I glad being slugged because it's better than get on hook and I could be saved with less risk from teammates. I don't run DS but when there is obsession in match Killer is paranoid for reason. Also Killer has a very limited amount of time until gens get done so sometimes it's the only option. You've got to make an huge effort to down all survivors at once unless survivors don't mess it up. In that scenario you just should play better yourself.

    I agree for that survivors should get blodpoints for recovery or even whole time on ground. Survivors bloodpoint earnings should be multiplied in certain categories as well very long ago.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited June 2020

    I'm a killer main, bub. If you bothered to read (which apparently was too much to ask of you), I covered that. You would still win. You don't have to be a survivor main to have a brain.You would lose nothing. It would even still give you the 4k. Good lord. Imagine blatantly ignoring something that hard.

    GG though. KEKW

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    I never said you weren't a killer main bub. Im just making a joke that saying dont slug for the 4k is a very "survivor rulebook" thing to say. You're acting a little weirdchamp but ggs easy 4k.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Excellent backtrack. Think about what you say next time.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    You're a moron. You put words in my mouth that i never said then proceeded to ague with them. i never said you were a survivor main, i never said you couldn't win without slugging. Dudes talking about having a brain but hes saying i said ######### i never said. How about you do this moron you quote my post where i said you cant win without sluggin or that you're a survivors main betcha can't captain schizo.

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58
    edited June 2020

    Just make survivors bleed out faster. 2 minutes sounds good. It puts more pressure on the survivors to rescue their slugged teammate much sooner, so they can get back into the game. Also is a bit more risky for the killer, a dead slug grants the killer nothing. I always thought 4 minutes was a bit much TBH.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    2 minutes is the same as on a hook, though. Maybe 3 would be best.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's necessary against good teams and to counter perks like ds. Bring unbreakable if it bothers you that much.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    At no point did I ask for a Nerf and really you've succumbed to telling me to get good? I thought veterans of this forum had a bit more to offer.

    You get absolutely nothing for filling a recovery bar. And if you have your recovery bar to Max, you get nothing for crawling to a better position. If you are slugged again you have to fill that depressing recovery bar again and if the killer is running infectious fright your depressing earn nothing recovery bar is being interrupted by things beyond your control. If you're the poor sod that was down first to a snowball and all game long you've been with a recovery bar or a bleed out timer the match is over with nothing to show for it.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    People not realizing that killers would just slug much more often if you lowered the bleed out timer significantly or gave survivors a way to suicide while downed.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There's not much to say that hasn't already been said. You have Unbreakable to get back up. You have Flip Flop if you want to benefit from being slugged. You have No Mither if you want the killer to never slug you (although this one is a bit difficult to use).

    Playing survivor means that some things (like the killers' actions and their own teammates' actions) will be beyond your control. That's part of the appeal.

    You never asked for a nerf, no, but you keep bringing up typical thinly veiled language for nerfs. "Not fun". "Beyond your control". "Can't do anything/fight back". "It's BM".

    If you're not asking for nerfs, then say, explicitly, what you do want.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    It’s more like an other NoED counter. Soul guard won’t do nothing unless there is an active hex, and only babies run nerfed ruin nowdays.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    What like a list of demands? It's not my job to keep this game fun but it only makes sense that if you are putting forth effort to get back in the game that you earn bp, for instance, everytime you fill a recovery bar you earn 250 bp that about matches up to what much of all other actions game hand out. If your bar is full or not how about some crawling away from a hook bp to give new players incentive to be doing the smart thing? And in the off chance that you've fully depleted your bleed out timer how about some bp for sticking it out? By no means is this the remedy but maybe these snowball games are so droll because the players don't see the point.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Slugging doesn't bother me in the middle of a game.

    The issue is at the end of the game when the killer has the upper hand and completely snowballing. There are two survivors, the game is over, but the killer wants to ensure 4k.

    It happened to me yesterday, we managed to raise the other one alternately, but it lasted for nothing because it was impossible to complete the repair of all the necessary generators. It only lasted because the killer refused to take the risk that the last survivor escaped through the hatch. Long and totally uninteresting for everyone.

    Now I stop healing myself and I wait. If the last survivor comes to heal me, I move to prevent it. I have no choice if I don't want to waste my time.

    Yes, a suicide option if you are dying and only 2 survivors are left would be appreciated.

  • seyiya
    seyiya Member Posts: 10

    Let the survivors be 4 min. at the doors and the killer can't hit them. Then say it doesn't bother killers.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited June 2020

    I mean I don't really like getting slugged either, but that's why I very frequently run Tenacity. If they try to slug me, I'm going to crawl away very quickly while recovering and find a friend to get me back up the rest of the way... or just find the hatch. You have options if you want to make it so you can fight back vs slugging. Unbreakable, No Mither, Flip Flop, Tenacity, and the new Soul Guard for yourself. Botany Knowledge, other healing perks, and Med Kits for your mates.

    Fun fact, Tenacity also makes slugging for the 4k not really work. I had one very comical game where 2 teammates were dead and Ghostface tried to slug me then chase the Claudette for the 4k. Tenacity let me recover, get raised mid chase, and get instantly downed twice. Then to cap it off I crawled to the hatch after GF finally caught Claudette.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2020

    Its really simple, buff the bloodpoints for everyone and lower the emblem parameters by one effect.

    Let them take the cowards way after that.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Well yes that is true, you can't just say that. That's a very selfish lazy way to put it. While there are counters to slugging, the point is that it's not fun for the survivor's side. What if that person is new with the game and they don't know how to loop ? What if nobody on the team is using Unbreakable ? I'm sure it's probably not super fun for the killer to get DS'd 4 times, but we're talking from the survivors POV.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    The new matchmaking and ranking system will fix many issues that new Survivors face. Eventually, they will learn how to counter slugging by getting better at looping, running unbreakable and good teamwork.

    You can't talk about the Survivors POV without considering the Killers point of view. If the Killer out smarted the survivor and downed them fast, why should they be punished? Why shouldn't a Killer slug? Why should the game be made more enjoyable for Survivors at the cost of the Killers enjoyment? Slugging is better for the Survivor than getting hooked. It gives you a chance to get back in the game. There is nothing wrong with slugging, if you don't like it, get better at preventing your chances for going down in the first place.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I don’t think slugging needs a change. I agree it’s unfun to be on the floor and bleed out but killers have to slug good teams in order to win.

    Survivors also have PLENTY of perks to deal with slugging like Unbreakable, the upcoming Soul Guard, No Mither, and Flip Flop helps as well. Slugging has it’s counters.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited June 2020

    I love the lack of empathy on this. Somehow the killer gets more pity because he was stabbed by DS, even though in most cases the killer tunneled him

    I get its a difficult situation believe me I hate DS myself. But come on man that's a double standard

    The rest of the guys here like @metalklok. Talk about fragile and over defensive tribal egos

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Ah yes, I must be biased and have a fragile ego because I disagree with you.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I can agree with your suggestion of speeding up the bleed out timer, especially when it is at the beginning of the match and the Killer is Billy with Infectious Fright and has already slugged 3 people even though there are still 5 gens. But so it doesn't get abused, the devs should make the hatch take a little longer to open in the situation where there are only two Survivors are left and one forfeits to give the advantage to their teammates.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I don't mind one bit if you agree with me or not. Its the clear bias around a number of the arguments being thrown around here. For example one person is upset and defensive for killers that get hit with DS. But for survivors that get slugged for 4 minutes they have nothing to say but "Just don't let it happen to you". Meanwhile a survivor could say the same about any variety of killer situations yet you don't bring it up. Both situations are obnoxious but one lasts longer, can be afflicted on an entire team, along with the caviet that survivors slugged can't best it. A killer DS'd isn't down for a potential 4 minutes or more they simply lose the chase and survivor

    I don't wish to get caught up in the minuite of this thread's debates I'm pointing out the fallacies in the driving narrative being thrown around here