General Discussions

General Discussions

Question for the Youtube Q&A



  • Member Posts: 38

    Is there any plans to reduce the grind from the game, at this current state it is a massive grind to get all the perks on killer and survivor. For someone who is a college student it is hard to find the time to grind and get the builds I want.

    That would be insulting to those who have grinded
  • Member Posts: 1,187
    Colourblind mode?
  • Member Posts: 248

    Have you considered making the shadowborn FOV the default FOV? It feels a lot nicer and makes killer feel less claustrophobic I personally love using shadownborn on all killers but on some Killers it's jut not worth the perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 5
    Why was some of the blood removed from Neas prestiged clothes?
  • Member Posts: 211
    I honestly think the ability to see lockers should be a built in perk for The Huntress, like The Pig can see jigsaw boxes and The Hag can see where she placed traps.
  • Member Posts: 15

    Can you please make a bar where you can select what type of music to be in the menu and in-game music chase?

  • Member Posts: 65

    Since you have the roadmap and every chapter is planned - does it mean that there will be no more licensed killers?

  • Member Posts: 183
    Console Update to fix framerate and a ton of the other bugs on console.
  • Member Posts: 115

    Are licensed killers a thing of the past since it is unlikely we'll be able to use auric cells to buy them or any cosmetics?

  • Member Posts: 10

    what are the next list of perks you guys will be looking at? if there is any.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Can we get stats again?

    Escape rates against all Killers on all ranks.
    Most popular Killer Perks.
    Most unpopular Killer Perks.
    Most popular Survivor Perks.
    Most unpopular Survivor Perks.
    Most popular Killers.
    Most unpopular Killers.
    Most popular Survivors.
    Most unpopular Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    edited September 2018

    Have you considered making the shadowborn FOV the default FOV? It feels a lot nicer and makes killer feel less claustrophobic I personally love using shadownborn on all killers but on some Killers it's jut not worth the perk slot.

    They have actually it's in a Q&A video.. they also mentioned toning down the brightness from the flashlight a bit as well... I dont think they will increase the FOV that much because they mentioned that if they did that if we then use M&A or shadowborn then we'd see the killers shoulders and it wouldnt look good lol.. but I also would like to know Devs... if any progress has been made on these 2 topics the fov which is incredibly frustrating and the blinded effect from flashlights are there any plans to adjust these two in the near future? Pretty please? 
  • Member Posts: 678

    Are you guys actively trying to get more rights for more licensed characters?

  • Member Posts: 125

    Can you rework the totems so after they are cleansed the related perk still can be used? Like make the perk less effective from the original one. If you want to see what my idea is check this post:

    Also can you make a scoring event for pallet stuns like the unhook event? If a survivor gets hit by the killer and gets the stun it shouldn't be a rewarding play (1000bp). It should be something like a unclean/clean stun event.

  • Member Posts: 3,823
    Will you please now consider adding colorblind options to the game? Thanks.
  • Member Posts: 198

    After we cleared the general issue why we can't get the charity case as a regular dlc on console i asked myself if it wouldn't be possible to sell it on the cosmetic store? And what happened to the dlc exclusiv cosmetics for all the other old chapters like we got one for the Leatherface dlc? Thanks and keep up the great work!

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    Can we get support for people who are color blind? Maybe change up the aura reading color(totems, generators, survivors) Scratch marks also. Color blindness affects more men then women and with so many aura reading perks this is an issue.

  • Member Posts: 940
    Hello! I just wanted to ask if there was any talk about colorblind support for this game. 
  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Please consider adding colorblind mode. Please take a look at the Wishlist thread created for that purpose. Thanks

  • Member Posts: 1,052
    With the releases of the Trapper and Huntress masks in mind, are there plans on more merchandise for other killers? (Such as a doctor coat, wraith weapon or clown drugs)
  • Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2018

    Hello guys, I'm interested in dedicated servers. I keep joining to high ping lobby almost after every game. Also I'm meeting 2-3 lag-switchers every day with is so unfair. Probably with actual network setup there are some players with bad upload and waiting for survivor whole eternity. Are you planning some upcoming changes for this part of the game?

  • Member Posts: 34

    I hope I didn't miss this question or its answer already, but are you considering using concepts of the community or at least parts of it?

  • Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2018
    Is it possible to share my vids on the forum I create DBD content on YouTube and want to share it with the comunity  most recently  a DBD Alice in Chains Parody song. Booster. For now it's only viewable @Sh1fty 423@YouTube  make sure to space betwine Sh1fty and 423 if ya search it on YT thanks
  • Member Posts: 165
    edited September 2018

    Any plans on changing the badges/rank/pips earned in game for killer and survivor or are you happy with where they are at right now? (adjusting the numbers for acquiring different tiers of badges)

    Post edited by KillJiggy on
  • Member Posts: 16
    Hey Dev I know this is off topic. If we get Official upated about the trapper mask 1:1. That was announced late last year. Thank you for providing us with amazing game.
  • Member Posts: 943
    How different are the game play statistics W/L, overall game time and bloodpoints across platforms looked at in terms of overall gaming experience across multiple platforms? I was wondering this as PC and Console are very different gaming experiences. Is there any plan on making game mechanics, ie one button for most for multiple actions like console, more streamlined? 
  • Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2018

    What about selling add ons/ offerings back for bloodpoints ? For example : I got this Map offering or any 50% BP boost, but I don´t want it and sell it back to the entity for half the price (bought for 3000 sold for 1500 BP) !? This would be great I think.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Since some killers are clearly not strong enough for rank 1, why not give to each killer his own rank?
    i'm rank 1 right now and it feel bat to know that i can't use some killers cause they are too weak for that rank.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Can you add an option to opt-out from SWF? If people want to play with friends they can always play KYF. SWF is extremely unfair to the killer. It is one sided favoring the survivors enjoyment of the game, while completely disregarding the killer's experience. It is full of toxicity. It is unbalanced to the point where you end up versing 4 red ranks while your killer is level 15. Players should have a choice if they want to play against a group of people on comms, instead you are taking it away. We do not play the game to entertain a group of 4 survivors.

  • Member Posts: 943

    What about selling add ons/ offerings back for bloodpoints ? For example : I got this Map offering or any 50% BP boost, but I don´t want it and sell it back to the entity for half the price (bought for 3000 sold for 1500 BP) !? This would be great I think.

    Omg Yeassss please! I have like so many items that I will never use! 

  • Member Posts: 3

    Any plans to add a colorblind mode? I love to play killer but its realy hard to me see genes auras and hooks (and definitively i never play trapper).

  • Member Posts: 1

    I know this nerf is probably already set in stone. But what if, With dstrike if you are the obsession you can still hop off the shoulder but if you are not it simply just stuns the killer. But if you are the obsession using dstrike will put you in the broken state for the rest of the game

  • Member Posts: 25
    Cant swf group abuse the report by submitting the same thumbs down if they feel they want to troll a killer that killed them?
  • Member Posts: 149

    Will there be devotion rewards?
    As I see it, for now, devotion takes a lot of time and is useless: nobody can see that you're devotion 1,2 or 3.
    Will there be any changes about that?

  • Member Posts: 11

    Any thoughts about making a map creator for Private lobbys? (Like CS:GO or PORTAL)

  • Member Posts: 293

    Will there be any changes to SWF ? Options I see and have heard from earlier post include : a opt out for killers to keep swf groups from joining their game . Removing exp and bloodpoint gains from swf groups . Remove swf option all together . balance the game around swf groups and this organization with voips instead of the solo gamer . combine swf and kwf into one game . Or "its working as intended" while less and less killers play daily ?

    Those seem like the most viable options and it seem a very large part of the community wish to see something done but hear nothing about the subject .

  • Are the devs aware of nurse's animation/sound bugs that often occur when she is charging her blink? It is extremely annoying to hear her moans going extremely fast while trying to focus.

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    I really really Really REALLY want to know, what were the hints to the Spirit, alluded to, before the first trailer was released?
    There was a post to suggest that there was info out there...

    Many thanks!

  • Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2018
    Can we please get a update on framerate issues for console?  I play PC mostly, but have friends that play on PS4 from time to time that I'll hop on with.  On PS4, the  framerate is poor as survivor.  And the framerate playing as killer can be near unplayable at times.  For example, I'll hit survivors and they'll be impossible to track up close when they get their speed boost because the framerate is so bad and choppy.  And tracking their movements leading up to a hit can be difficult with the low framerate as well.

    Also, any possibility of controller settings getting smoothed out at all, especially for killer.  Using a controller in DBD, especially as killer, is kind of rough.

    Thanks, and keep up the great work!!!
  • Member Posts: 8

    Hello there, Huge fan :)
    Have you ever considered adding a time limit to the end of a match when an exit is available? This could make for some exciting / pressured plays when survivors have to choose whether to go for a rescue or run out. It could also limit the number of games that are held hostage at the end.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Will we see any nerfs to killers movement speed? And if so..Will it be through add-ons or just in general.

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    With identity V getting a 8 v 2 mode, is there any chance that we could get one here in dbd?
  • Member Posts: 845
    Will you plan on adding more perks per bloodweb or make it so that perks are among the first to be acquired in the bloodweb? So much bloodpoints are used just to get the basics
  • Member Posts: 1,437
    I got one when are the devs going to patch ps4 survivor's from lagging everytime I play as survivor my game lags so bad I'm running away 15-30 meter distance yet I go down when killer is not even near me or I glitch backwards and forwards as I rn meaning I jump back about 5 steps for every 2 I take so please when will that be patched so the lagging stops or at least tell us why its happing
  • Member Posts: 9
    Will you optimise dbd on consoles maybe 60 fps? 
  • Member Posts: 274
    Is editing in Gameusersettings.ini and Engine.ini allowed? If not, any plans to give us players more options to adjust the quality of the game for low end PCs?
  • Member Posts: 2,559

    Is any work currently being done on the skybox to add dynamic stars or clouds? Whenever I stop to appreciate the environment, the sky suddenly feels decidedly un-atmospheric, and I was curious if any of the developers felt the same way.

  • Member Posts: 248

    Why was the shattered bloodline DLC released at full price unlike Clown which only cost 5€ after release? I prefered the way of releasing it with the Clown because it actually felt like a reward to bu the DLC early

  • Unknown
    edited September 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2018

    Once all teachables are unlocked, survivors have no gameplay differences, whereas killers have unique abilities and mechanics. What is the reason for this design choice rather than, for example, giving perks greater efficiency when played on their originating character, or having each survivor posses a unique item? E.g. Claudette has the med-kit, Jake has the sabo toolbox

    Do you have any plans to make the survivors feel more individual in terms of gameplay?

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