Gen speeds are fine
also didn't know otz could tunnel down the whole team.
To be fair they did dedicated the entire game to just popping this 1 gen as fast as possible. But yeah.... When I see 4 tool boxes in the pre game lobby. I just bring a sweaty Nurse of Spirit build. Trying to play against these teams as Clown, Legion or Leatherface is headache levels of stress.
10 -
They are.
They had 3 BNPs what do you expect?
8 -
ok finishing a gen in 17 seconds is balanced noice
23 -
If they have 3 BNPs. Yes it is.
They obviously got on the same gen together and knew they were going to. Otz didn't make the right call and check the right gen... aka bad RNG. If he had they would have used their BNP and he would have pressured them off while his Ruin would have regressed it.
It happens from time to time.
7 -
Theres absolutely nothing balanced about a gen going off in 17 secs. You know what the balance to that is? Ohtz, ohtz is the balance. Most other killers would have got waxed that game and if those survivors hadnt been filled with a ton of false confidence, I doubt even he would have stopped them
23 -
yeah i wish i was as good as otz the dudes a god
13 -
3 survivor ultra rare add-ons should be slightly weaker than a killer ultra rare. However that is not the case, because it allows survivors to knock out the generator, before the killer even got a chance to get their bearings on the map.
9 -
Oh look, another video where a renowned streamer has a poor early game and still manages to obliterate all 4 survivors with barely any gens done, just for some pricks to come on the forums and cry about gen speeds.
24 -
lol who hurt you
28 -
I know what you mean.
It's not about being balanced, since gens popping that fast isn't normal or regular.
BUT they did bring a 1 time use Pink Addon, it's expected to have the gen done that fast.
I know where you're coming from.
Agreed, I don't understand how killers can complain about this ONE gen popping and still get their 4k.
They can never be happy.
13 -
Okay? The early gens have the potential to go too fast.
Has absolutely nothing to do with the end result the problem is early speed before the killer can start pressure.
7 -
so if he didn't get the 4k does that make the point valid?
7 -
Those survivors to me looked like they sucked. They rushed gens, hid behind their 2nd chance perks and prayed the gens would be done before the killer caught them.
5 -
Wow, people still don't understand that 1 gen early done very fast is still better than all 4 survivors splitting up doing seperate gens so after the 1st gen you hear 3 gens popping?
Wow, no wounder some killers here keep crying about every single thing in this game.
11 -
Yes. It means the killer and the player have the needed tools to still apply proper pressure to gens and still get his kills.
IF the players rushed gens and he couldn't apply proper pressure, then I would see his complain.
It was ONE gen. Big wow.......
8 -
I think it's fine. The Survivors chose to put all their eggs in one basket and wasted their toolboxes to pop an early gen. And as usual in these type of posts, it costed them the game.
Here's an anaolgy: It's the equivalent of a racer burning his nitrous early in the race. Sure, he's got an early advantage, but now he has nothing left in the tank for the rest of the race, allowing the opponent to capitalize.
6 -
The problem is they lost a gen at all early in the match...
Of course splitting is optimal and good killers can turn this around by building pressure after but the fact remains a gen popped in under a minute.
There should be a set up phase where its reasonable to not lose a gen after the first chase.
2 -
I take 1st gen popped in 17 seconds over splitted survivors any day any time. I don't get your complaint, I love when survivors hop on gens together. Makes my life as killer so much easier. I don't need the chance to interrupt the first gen, they already played in my favour.
8 -
You know where is a real power of play like this? Demoralizing a killer.
Also notice how boosted those survivors were. They were playing like ranks 15... Now imagine if this was actually at least decent team.
5 -
One gen means only 2 left to ensure 2 get out with a key. It bring possible to lose any gens in under 80 seconds at the start is very bad.
3 -
My complaint is both situations are bad snd both should be impossible. 3 fast gens by splitting and 1 17 second gen.
In both situations gens are lost in the first couple of minutes.
6 -
if you balance the game towards trash killers, you're going to have killers like otz 4king every match.
What balances do you suggest? If you nerf gens because of 4 players with toolboxes and BNP in the same generator, whar would happen with solo queue or casual swfs?
4 -
So i post a video about gen rushing and you say its fine because he 4k but if i post a video when they gen rush and the killer doesnt 4k its because the killer is bad. Also you cant apply pressure for like the first 30 seconds till you find the survivors my problem is there should be in no way a option to finish a gen in 17 seconds.
my boy otz 4ks anyways
4 -
I never said balance the game around trash killers. Are you saying all killers other than ohtz are trash?
My balance would be secondary objectives a long with a hard limit of how quickly a gen can be done of 45 seconds. For counter balance moris are death hook only and keys only work for the person bringing it. Thats it. All these things play into eachother so they all need to be touched.
With all that said we need to see what theyre doing to beginning of matches. Cause that might do it whatever it is.
4 -
I don't get how it's unreasonable to think that even the worst killer in the world should have a gen pop in under 80 seconds.
5 -
killers that come to the forums and complain about gen rushing are usually trash
I don't agree with your solution, because... this otz match is an example, 3 gens left and 4 sacrificed survivors. Imagine if there was a second objective... and limiting gens to 45 seconds makes no sense. All four of them had tool boxes with speed addons, prove thyself, and 3 had bnp... 45 seconds with all that is madness... They dedicated 4 items with addons for the sake of one gen
6 -
at least the devs said they are looking at slowing down the start of the game, i wish they would let us know the details of that already.
4 -
Honestly before I even watched this video I figured he would 4k. Because why would he be posting videos where he loses on youtube? Lol.
1 -
Ohzt wrecked those kids because they got over confident and cocky. If youre not a trash killer yourself you know that. If they had split up and worked 4 seperate gens after that first one the game would have been over about 3 minutes later. Wanna bet ohtz knows that too? Lets also not ignore the fact that ohtz is a devotion rank 14. Youre telling me every killer out there needs to devote 1400 ranks to become good enough to compete with teams that can just bring 4 items and add ons? How in the holy christ do you manage to justify that in your head?
Idc that they dedicated 4 items to it. Thats stupid fast, theres nothing balanced about 17 seconds for 1 generator, just like theres nothing balanced about an ebony mori off first hooks. Both are really stupid dumb and it truly amazes me anyone would defend something thats so obviously broken.
And if we want to get real, they played this really dumb. If they had split up from the beginning and worked 4 different gens with those tool boxes and BNPs the game would have been over before he got his second down. What we wotnessed is the equuvalent of a nuke in a toddlers hands, they had no idea what they were doing.
4 -
Nothing new. Gen have been known to go insanely fast even with all the patches later. At least these guys have the excuse of stacking BNP. Killer very rarely stop the first 2 gen popping even with mobility though. It's nut and that's definately broken and there isn't a way to justify it.
This probably speaks more about SWF though since they're the only people who can coordinate this. Good luck convincing everyone to waste their bnps all together in the first minute of the lobby asa solo.
It's bad but it dosen't determine a killers game. Otz is a good killer and he makes it clear that gen momentum may be a thing once you start downing people it is possible to drag the game back to your favor even if it unlikely. These survivors probably would of got them all if they didn't get cocky and mess around. Especially if they split up.
It's irrelevant if the gens can be done that fast because the devs plan to change the start game. Since it's changing any critciism kind of a moot point. They heard us...don't know if they heard us about gens but they heard us about start game.
2 -
So 3 BnP and your complaining? They burned 3 ultra rare addons to bang out one gen super fast. Your saying 3 ultras shouldn't be super powerful? Toolboxes already have been nerfed to oblivion. What more do you want?
3 -
So let me ask you something.... What would be balanced about BNPs that warrants them being Ultra Rare?
The dude had Corrupt AND Ruin. He chose to go in a direction in which no gens were being worked on. (That's not the game's fault, it's his). Part of applying pressure is knowing how to use your perks too. When I bring Ruin, I make SURE to check generators (that is part of pressuring), especially if they have toolboxes. Why? Because it's a guaranteed auto-regression if you catch them at the moment they have a gen going.
You are giving him too much credit for what very little he had to do to apply pressure because of how badly and altruistic those survivors were playing.
2 -
My thing is when I say "balanced", I mean it is "expected" for that specific situation.
If I know I am playing against an Iri Head Huntress, I'm going to play SUPER safe. Which is outside of my norm... but it is expected in that specific situation.
This post is acting as if this video proves anything regarding actual gen speed balance. It's like saying Huntress is broken and then I post a video of them bringing Iri Head.... when in actuality it's not Huntress that is broken, it's the add on... see what I mean?
4 -
Alright, cool, then bringing an ultra rare mori and killing people off first hook is perfectly balanced then yeah? (Thats rhetorical, obviously it isnt).
It was the start of the match. Theres 7 generators out there he has to walk to in 17 seconds...are you REALLY saying he should have known exactly which generator they were on? Thats why he ran corrupt, to reduce that 7 down to 4. Hes playimg as the trapper, trappers put traps down at the start of the match, if he hadnt put those 2 measly traps down and been good enough to force them into them he would have lost. Luckily, as we all seem to agree, those kids played very stupidly.
And yes, im well aware of how to pressure generators, were talking about 1 generator being finished 17 seconds into the match. Thats broken AF and it truly amazes me anyone would try and justify that.
4 -
2 -
I play Trapper and I never put traps at the start of the match where no gens are in site. That's his choice.
No I don't expect him to KNOW exactly where to go. What I do expect him to know is that after he...
a) Knew at least 3 of them had toolboxes.
b) Has corrupt, therefore allowing him a better tracking path to know which gens to check first.
c) Has Ruin, therefore allowing him to counter their usage of any type of gen speed add on by pressuring that gen, and easily getting his STBFL stacks. Because the survivors would have had to play pretty ballsy (which by the looks of the match they would have) in order to complete that gen.
... he would have made a different choice than to set two traps where survivors wouldn't have spawned anyway, because that is where HE spawned. If that is his style of playing trapper, great! kudos to him. He still got a 4k out of it.
I just don't agree that suggesting 3 BNPs as evidence that there is a clear "gen speed" problem serves as a receipt.
2 -
And those survivors lost since after pushing that first gen, none of them were doing anything, meaning the first gen practically meant nothing towards the outcome of the match and the killer is able to pressure multiple survivors before the match properly begins.
0 -
I thought we were done with the "gen speeds are fine :))))) /s" posts.
The first gen popped fast, who cares. The first 2 gens barely mean anything anyway.
2 -
I play trapper too, the spots he put them in are good spots gens or no. And just to reiterate, those traps came into play so clearly that was the right call.
What were talking about is the fact that its even possible to do a gen in 17 seconds. That is ######### broken idc what they burned to do it or what decision he made that could have stopped it. Broken AF. We can agree to disagree cause theres nothing youre going to say to convince me thats ok.
This is a symptom of the problem. There are things those kids could have done that are much worse as i explained to the other guy.
3 -
He got the 4K either way, this doesn’t prove very much.
3 -
But you completely ignore the fact that they had BNPs. That matters.
So I ask again. What should BNPs do that won't make them too OP? Because they have already been nerfed in the past.
If you don't care about what they did to complete that gen, there is your problem. Him setting traps where (again) THEY didn't spawn and he fully well knew this.... allowed them to start on a gen together and burn their BNPs. If he had made different choices he could have prevented that gen to pop, and probably even snowballed. It's not like they were that far from him.
0 -
Im not ignoring it. Im saying its broken. Idk what they should do, but clearly 4 of them stacked on a single gen is broken. My problem is that its even possible for a gen to be completed that quickly period. Whether they had done that 17 seconds into the match or saved it for the last gen. Doesnt matter. Its broken af.
1 -
This is video is 100% clickbait. all this video proves is that early game is not important for killer and most of your killer matches are won by having strong mid-game. Toolboxs and co-op generator never had any problems. Its more when you face the... more advanced teams that have good split gen pressure with non-potato looping, mix that with low tier killer and you've got yourself an uphill battle.
2 -
So survivors blowing their load in the early game is a problem? Gen speeds are fine. That's not something that they can do consistently throughout the trial.
2 -
3 BNPs and a Shroud. Something which does not happen on a regular basis, not even slightly. Thats like a 1 in 100k games.
AND he got a 4K out of it with 3 Gens to go, meaning they were only able to do an additional Gen.
If anything this shows how oppressive Killers can be. Quite a bad example to prove the yellow KIller "I get genrushed!!!11"-mentality on this forum.
6 -
One could say this proves killers are op as hell. Even if you finish a gen in 17 seconds AND play in an obvious SWF team with multiple brand new parts and a total of 4 toolboxes the killer will still 4k. Just saying.
That being said the developers are planning to change up the early game so I don't understand why some people are still talking about gen speed. They already said they're doing something what else do you want?
5 -
Exactly smh. They just need something to complain about
0 -
They are never satisfied. Even when they win and kill all survivors, the fact that survivors got any gens done is the problem! . They want a 4k with no gens done every game
5 -
Oh my god I agree. Gen speeds are ridiculous. Even with an ebony mori AND irihead hatchets they still got ONE WHOLE GEN done. How unbelievable is that?? And look at that stupid matchmaking!! How are you supposed to kill a red rank and almost red rank before even one gen gets done?? Killers should without addons and perks ALWAYS be able to kill all survs before they get the first gen done!!
4 -
By killers, do you mean killers in general or only the people that are taking issue with gen speeds?