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Thought's on LGBT characters

I for one think this is a great idea, let's welcome them with open knives:
We already have heterosexual characters, so I don't see why not. Fair's fair.
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The Entity is 100% for equal rights. It enjoys torturing people from all walks of life ❤️
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Personally I preferred the developers leaving it open for players to determine for themselves what the characters' orientations are to make it easier to identify with their favorite characters, but I understand getting into more detail about their personalities is necessary for the Tome lore.
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Well, that ship sailed long ago with the Nurse.
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I like the idea. It's just so silly how some people on here were so bothered by it that they felt like thay had to go out of their way to make an encyclopedia about how they aren't bothered by it. Ya..... sure, that's believable.
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as long as the characters are still written well, sure.
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Whichever, they all bleed the same. Part of my identity (Autistic Spectrum) is already included in the form of Claudette as far as I see it, so so long as they don't introduce someone who can blow up The Entity in one punch (yes, I'm looking at that guy!) then they're all welcome to the nightmare.
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At the same time though she could be bi or even lesbian or a lot of other things tbh which does happen quite a but where people don't know their sexuality or have a different sexuality than they thought later in their lives I
But yeah I still would've preferred not having sexuality or relationships become a factor at all in character's lore
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Sally had a Husband (Andrew). I'm pretty sure she's straight.
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This post is for humor btw.
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She could still be bisexual, but I think we all know nobody thinks about us.
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if you're going to make a LGBT character, don't just say they're LGBT for brownie points, run with the idea to see how you can make it a character and not just a token in the background
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Literally what i just said addressed that
There are plenty of people who were married and even had children in same sex relationships that ended up being gay. Likewise there are people who thought they were gay who ended up realising they were something else.
I'm not saying that Sally isn't straight I'm just saying that the possibility is still there to interpret. And also people who are in a relationship with people from the opposite sex...can still be bi :D
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She also lived in the early 20th century and was a house wife. Sounds like a traditional woman to me.
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And? Non-heterosexuality didn't pop up in the 21st century, you know.
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That's exactly what BHVR will do because they're just announcing this for Pride month. This isn't a story game, DBD is a multiplayer game where the characters don't speak and are a blank husk with some crappy fanfic tier lore you can read on the Archives.
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Tell me something I don't know...
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There’s nothing wrong with anyone being gay in the game, being bi I would be happy if gay characters were in the game but it can’t happen and shouldn’t happen. Certain people will target and go out of their way to be toxic to a gay character. It’s the reason we can’t have pride charms despite many people wanting them. It’s fine the way it is currently with fans choosing someone’s sexuality in their own mind.
I also don’t want Bhvr to pull a JK Rowling and out of nowhere say “trapper is gay, david kissed dwight, nurse actually loves hag” and so on. Forced sexuality would be cool but it isn’t really needed in a game where people get pulled and forced into dying forever.
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Then those griefers will get banned for targeting other people. Why should we cater to griefers?
If we were to remove every reason why someone might go out of their way to be toxic toward someone else, we'd have to remove multiplayer altogether, and if you ask me, lobby simulator just isn't quite as much fun.
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It will happen though and those arguments shouldn’t really be a reason it should not happen.
same could be said about people with different skin color or something else.
if someone is that hateful, chances are they will out themselves in Gamechat and can be rightfully reported for it.
“trapper is gay“ could be a totally legit statement though, why not (as long as it will be part of a broader backstory and not just that statement alone)? The other statements would actually feel very forced because as of now we don’t have any relationships between characters (or are there any?)
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Preface: I'm gay. It's just corporate pandering. I don't need representation in every. single. game. I. play. But there are people that demand it and it drive me nuts. I'm not these characters and they're not me.
I don't play DbD just for lore and I don't think there's a single person that does. Just like I wouldn't pick up Persona 5 just to play a straight dude.
Companies just do it to seem socially responsible at the end of the day. If they wanna make a gay character, fine. But they're only doing it post-BLM riots and because it's gay pride. And watch: The first gay character, if it isn't Jake or Jane, will be stereotypical.
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Well, excuse me if Poe's Law is a thing. Maybe don't make jokes based on what homophobes actually believe without some indication that you're joking if you don't want people to take it the wrong way?
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I think you assume too much. I play other Asymmetrical games which have 0 representation. So I am not sure which games you are referring to.
No one demanded anything. There are a lot of LGBTQI people who already play this game, so it's not like BHVR is trying to keep us here. We support the game before and after the announcement. It is still a great thing that they are making their stance known, since when is that bad?
Your "They are only doing it because __insert opinion__ " Doesn't make it any less important or exciting for others. Especially when it virtually doesn't affect your gameplay.
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No, it does something very significant. It enforces the standard that if you whine enough, you get what you want. If BHVR makes people of LGBT backgrounds with actual personalities other than "Hey, I'm different for this one reason that they defines my entire existence" then it will be all right. But if they make LGBT character purely for the sake of being LGBT in personality or as a mere afterthought, it's just catering to whiners.
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You're very naïve. Lol. But ok.
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i really don't get why this is even a discussion, like who the ######### cares
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Please show me where you have ANY evidence that someone whined and that's why BHVR took a stand? That is such a reaching statement.
I'll be waiting.
PS. The only whinny people I see are the ones who are literally saying "I don't care for this .... but Im gonna say something anyway."
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Naive because unlike you I actually explain my thoughts and opinions?
Ok buddy. Stay pressed.
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I hope that was a joke post btw...
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And bhvr said LET THERE BE GAYS
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Honestly, I quite liked BHVR's old system of leaving it up to the player to decide who was what if they cared enough - but in hindsight they did rather heavily allude to more than a couple of straight relationships without any indication at all of any others.
So them deciding they'll correct that is fine with me. Pride cosmetics/charms when?
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I think it had something with Julie and Frank, since they were in relationship
Anyway, I love how open the devs are open for all people no matter of their sexuality or skin <3
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As long as it is not a survivor/killer's defining "personality", I would be fine with it.
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... AND THERE WERE GAYS! (and also homophobes sadly...)
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It's just going to be slapped onto characters like a stamp and just make people bitter to eachother...this will likely turn out poorly due to poor timing and execution
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The entity would like MEGA hurt them 😌
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The entity is Nea😏.
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What concerns me more is
How would you tell if you're being targeted cause you you're playing a LGBT character, or because you are in a dead zone, or just not good at looping, making you a perfect target for all killers?
Imagine in post chat someone being accused of being homophobic cause they targeted the weak link in the team, that happens to be playing a LGBT character.
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Because bigots are too full of hate, they wouldn't be able to help themselves and they'd say they were targeting this or that played due to their homophobia. Also, when in doubt, report. The mods will look into it and figure out what's going on. Worst case-scenario, you're wrong and nothing happens.
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I have already seen accusations of racism because the killer got to kill one char that happened to be black.
if the killer really targeted someone because of racism/homophobia, they will want to let you know that, so chances are they will also write hateful messages in chat and thus can be reported.
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Report for what? Being targeted? Are you serious?
I target weak Cliudettes every single time..
I also target Bills, Davids, Quentins, Neas, and whoever else is away from a strong loop.
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Yeah that’s a totally fine way to look at it.
but there have been mentions of hetero relationships in DbD, and now the just will not restrict themselves to also mention same-sex or other relationships.
it literally changes nothing and shouldn’t be such a big topic.
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I said "when in doubt". I say that to everyone, all the time, when they say they're "not sure if ___". So do the mods, BTW. I'm not sure what your problem is.
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It will only be a big topic if you let it. You can choose to focus on perks and powers if you want and ignore everything else.
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He chooses not to care, and then during a game he focus on a weak player that so happens to be playing an LGBT character.
They targeted player, in doubt, accuses and reports him for being homophobic
This is my only concern, how will they deal with these accusations, which are quite severe.
I myself don't really care for character sexual orientation in a video game, I see it as just another character, like I do with people, it's just another person who happens to have a different sexual orientation, like some of my co-workers.
I just hope people don't go about throwing false accusations.
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It's not my problem you're sheltered from what's going on in the world. Nor is it my job to educate you. I said my piece. Im not debating it.
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You don't have to read those threads. To be clear, when I said it will only be a big topic if you let it, I mean for you, specifically. For example, I never watched anything with Leatherface in it, so despite everyone making a big deal out of his addition to DbD way back when, I just ignored that and focused on his perks and power. Same thing goes for Ash, whom I'd never even heard of until he was added to DbD. If you want to ignore the hype, you can. Nobody can stop you. Just don't read or comment in threads like this, problem solved.
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False accusations and reports won't get you banned, so I fail to see the problem. That's why the mods review reports. If they left it up to an automated system, you might have a real cause for concern, but they don't.
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Pls elaborate? For all i can say all characters can be gays or not. Don't know why someones sexuality needs to be shown by physical appearance?