Remove perk slot locks on characters below level 15

Title. It's a redundant feature, on survivors it's not as bad since you can just play another survivor and get the same experience but still annoying, and on killers it's worse because only having one perk in higher ranks will most likely lead to stomping, since every character starts with their base three perks now we should at least be able to use them all.


  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    I agree. It's such an archaic feature.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    How long do you need to get to level 15? I mean, you don't have to store dailies or challenges for that, even the BP cap doesn't block you from getting both characters to level 15 on a new chapter. I really don't see a problem with that

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I see this as a change that would primarily benefit newer players. I think the tutorials awarded something like a total of 40k BP between the two of them. With all the content currently in the game, this means that new players have to choose how to distribute this meager amount of BP between 42 different characters (survivors may all play the same, but they do bring separate perks before teachables are earned).

    Playing with one perk isn't very fun, nor does it feel like an intended way to play the game. It's especially bad right now with the accident-prone matchmaker mis-matching ranks. Killers and Survivors all get 3 personal perks each which could be better used as a basis for players to decide who they want to invest in.

    I think continuing to lock the 4th perk slot behind level 15 (or maybe dropping that down to level 10) is fine as a reward for actually leveling up a particular character, but I don't really see a reason why everyone shouldn't just start with 3 perk slots. This could improve the new player experience without penalizing DbD veterans (like power and perk reworks sometimes do), and that's not a bad thing.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    As a new player I totally agree with OP.

    The initial grind is terrible.

    I have 1 good survivor (lvl 40) and 1 good killer (lvl 40).

    But I am stuck playing them because even if their perks are somewhat bad still... if I go to another one I'll get stomped for having only 1 skill.

    Then the problem arise of me being constantly put against red/purple/green survivors as a brown killer.

    The result of all that is that I only play survivor when my friends are around to grind BP and the game becomes much less enjoyable.

    Having the 3 base skills up would alleviate that by allowing newer players to experiment more... without as much fear of getting stomped.

  • Bluegatti
    Bluegatti Member Posts: 80

    You know what... DBD Mobile they actually did a good job on this one, lvl2 unlock the second slot, lvl5 3rd, and lvl10 for 4th...

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    Completely agree

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Or about 10 to 15 good games in general (for people without BBQ).

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Completely agree.It's not needed anymore.There is more than enough things to grind for and those perk slot locks do nothing but make the beginner experience even worse than it already is.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    They should give you those 4 slots immediatly.It only hinders the beginner experience.

    Veterans don't care at all about those locks anyway because they already have BBQ/WGLF and plenty BP offerings to unlock the slots.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Still possible to do that within one day as preparation without serious problems. And beneath that I would say that people that are completely new have bigger problems managing 4 perks they don't know rather than not running a full build.

    I mean, how long is this a problem? One day? Once every full chapter? Come on!

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Sure,but i don't see any reasons to why we should keep this kind of mechanic in the game.It's unnecessary.

  • Harmonic
    Harmonic Member Posts: 7

    For new players this can be a problem for a while because if they want to play a multitude of characters, they are forced to a single slot until they unlock every slot. Obviously this isn't a problem for veterans and even I don't consider it too much of an issue, but it's still annoying and it would be a quality of life change, even a small change that is good can add up to a lot in the long run. It doesn't break game progression to allow people to at least use the three perks the character starts with as a base, so why not just remove the feature? It's old anyhow.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    As I said, REALLY new players would rather forget about half their perks or how they work rather than complain about not having enough space. And I would recommend for new players to level a single character because the grind is too hard. And even then it is one more day to stick to the leveled character and get the next one to level 15 if they heavily want to play another character. Each day another character on level 15, does that sound so much of a problem? Is that not fast enough? I hardly can believe that new players got all the playstyle with the new character ready and already find them boring, so that they need to play 3 different characters a day. How about learning the game core mechanics first?

    We have seriously bigger issues in this game than a tiny mini timeframe where these perkslots are not unlocked

  • Harmonic
    Harmonic Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2020

    Sorry for the late response, but,

    It's a quality of life change. It's not meant to be taken to serious scrutinizing like the major issues of balance people vehemently argue about here. Small quality of life changes, when added up as a whole over a period of time, refine the game into a better experience. Not everyone plays the exact same way. Not everyone wants to use a single character out of the many that there are, especially if you play killer because every killer offers a unique way of playing. And having access to any characters base three perks to begin with (killer or survivor) will give you a good idea of what perks you might like and the character playstyle overall, and thus allow new players to tailor towards their own playstyle instead of trying to be forced into a meta.

    Edit: Also, just because big issues exist doesn't mean you can't fix the small ones. Especially considering the fact that most people here agree that this is a essentially dumb and unneeded feature.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Would be a good start to think about what its original purpose was