The new killer's power completely sucks fun from the game.

OK so I've played DBD for around 2800 hours. I play both roles. I'm not even close to to best but I know this game and it mechanics pretty well. Unless the killer screws up big there is almost nothing you can do to avoid Pyramid Head. Your only option is to hit "W" and hope for the best. If you get to a loop and you throw the pallet he hits you with his power and if you don't throw it, when he fakes it, he hits you with the weapon. Then, if he gets you in the cage its all over for you and your fun because he breaks out his "third power", which is camping you to death because there's literally nothing you can do about it. You can't get Borrowed Time or DS to go off because its not allowed, like #########! BT and DS are the only way to keep the campy, tunneling killers from ruining your game. So you create a killer that by-passes these perks with no alternative for the survivor. The balance is way off here. I've seen rank 20 to rank 1 PH's and they put you in the cage and walk straight to said cage to hit you as soon as you're free. Then its game over. I have watched so any players get to do nothing but die in a box for the whole game that I had to say something about it. I don't know if he's op but he sucks! Fix this PLEASE!!!!!!!! There is no balance here.


  • darthbabymaker
    darthbabymaker Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2020

    that is a good idea about him not seeing the cage.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It doesn't work like a huntress. He still gains distance holding trail, unlike a huntress when she's winded up (at least in a loop situation, not when dodging in the open). Then as PH you can just cancel and m1 if they run through, or pop the ranged attack when they're locked in the animation. There are very few loops where this doesn't work well due to the turning limitation. It's not a matter of being extremely good, it isn't really that complicated of a power. What the survivor could potentially do is to bait they're going to drop the pallet to make him fire, but it's easy to not fall for it.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    PH is pretty easily counterable in a chase. His cages are also typically only smart to use against people who you would otherwise slug. Usually hooking is the better play. Can he camp you to death if he makes it to a cage before any of a survivor's teammates? 100%, but so can every killer in the game, and so can PH with hooked survivors. BT and DS aren't going to save you from a facecamping killer. Pretty much the only thing you can do is charge the hook with two survivors, give him a free grab on one, and let the other one get the save during the grab animation. But then he can just facecamp the person he grabbed... Whether he's next to a cage or a hook he's still going to be a less effective camper than a Bubba revving his chainsaw.

    Also, let's be real about DS. It's not an anti-tunnelling perk anymore; survivors have fully weaponized it. It's usually used as a get out of jail free card that lets you play unreasonably aggressive for a minute, not as a defense against tunnelling. Before I start getting "killer main" comments, I main survivor. I play both sides, though, and this is how I see DS used at high rank.

    I'm surprised to see this level of hate for PH but no comment on Legion and Deathslinger. The both get borderline free first hits and deep wounds, so the game turns into an M1 simulator if the killer has any idea what they're doing. The only counterplay against Legion is splitting up, and that helps the team if you're able to keep it up, but it still doesn't prevent a free first hit in a chase even when you start from a good position, which is just not fun to play against. Meanwhile, Deathslinger can have a 16m TR with M&A with an 18m chain. He has basically zero ADS time, so he doesn't need to slow down or even give any indication before he fires. If you try to dodge, you'll lose distance and he'll walk up an M1 you. If you don't it's a free deep wounds even if you break free and were healthy when you were speared. For my money Legion and Deathslinger are far and away the least fun killers to play against for this reason. I'd much rather play against a good Huntress, Spirit, or Nurse, because you can at least counter them with perks and smart play. Nothing is going to prevent Legion from deep wounding you once they find you unless they're brain dead. Nothing is going to prevent Deathslinger from getting a free first hit unless they're braindead or you happen to be working on a gen like 2m from a pallet and you can drop it early.

  • darthbabymaker
    darthbabymaker Member Posts: 11

    I completely disagree with you notstarboard. those perks will save you if your competent with them. I mean if its a bubba theres not much you can do. But a camping trapper is counterable. Especially 2 competent survivors, with those perks can counter a face-camper. I've done it a lot. At least they give you a chance. And I'm not a fan of Deathslingers terror radius but comparing legion and PH is nuts. Legion's power is laughable. I'm not gonna argue ds is strong but you need it with these noob killers that tunnel you right off the hook. Its happens to me every day.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    They arer building too strong killers because they know the problem about gen rush. Killers can't afford a long chase, thats the reason they have tools (powers) that well played are almost unavoidable, like Deathslinger and Piramid head, no matter if you have 4000 hours (like me)...

    I've said so many times, but I'll say again. This game needs 2 things (to begin), rework the survs objectives to create long games without the boring repair-gen mechanic, and nerf/rework most of killers to make them fun and fair to play against.

  • Nineball
    Nineball Member Posts: 28

    PH's ability to zone survivors is pretty strong, but I think this will only necessitate developing better looping strategies against him. PH is certainly shaking things up as far as how you're supposed to run your loops.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    I was really underwhelmed by PH at first but after learning his power better and playing him more all I have to say is thank God for pyramid head!


    I'm so sick and tired of seeing survivors do the same things over and over knowing there's no counter to them I just have to sit there and go through the motions until they've had their fill. The killer shack loop? Omg chasing someone around that thing is about as fun as watching 24 straight hours of roadrunner and coyote.

    PH changes all that and it's about time.

    I'm one of those PH players who doesn't bother to camp or rush to the cage because I'm having too much fun moving in to the next chase.

    Besides the cage spawns at the other side of the map and in the time it takes me to get there another gen will probably be completed.

    Tbh I didn't know that BT and DS don't work on cages but as it stands it's difficult to put someone in torment to begin with. What I've seen is cocky and aggressive players who seem to care almost next to nothing about avoiding the rite of judgement trails. They are extremely difficult to not notice, so if anything you probably just need to get better at not running over them.