Nurse tier



  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2020
    1. Nurse is still the best killer in the game hands down with practice. Anyone who thinks that just hasn't seen a god Nurse recently, and rightfully so because of the lack of attention she gets. Gens aren't an issue as Nurse because you can apply a great deal of pressure on everyone at once; when chases last less than a minute or two, there's a lot of room to pressure at least 2 survivors at all times.
    2. There is no 'best' Nurse, btw. I know that wasn't your point, but at this point you have to be a certain type of person to play Nurse correctly. I still don't know what type of person that is, but I know it's different. God Nurses can still, and will always, dominate regardless of the rework or the bugs (although the bugs are a gigantic pain). Besides, a lot of the bugs have been toned down since the last patch.
    3. Spirit is both worse AND easier to play. I despise her for those reasons, as she's incredibly boring.
    4. I saw a comment here that her lunge is bugged, but it was intentional; I believe she has a 33% shorter lunge? It looks wack because it seems the hitbox doesn't match the lunge, but it doesn't really matter that much if you can blink.
  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    IMO she is B tier now I’m not a pc player where she is actually better I play console where tbh she isn’t that great mostly due to bugs so maybe she is still higher there but overall looking at videos of the average player the stats are bad on all consoles and she doesn’t seem to have that great map and gen pressure she once had I play at rank 1 and I’m not the best nurse but I’m average and a lot of times she just feels slow and buggy so yeah from a consistency point of view I don’t see her being good finding just a really great nurse is at this point a needle in a haystack so that is why she is B tier to me

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Another thing it’s been months since I’ve seen a nurse that’s not on customs so that kinda goes to my point of not being strong enough to warrant playing

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    Just because a lot of people don't play Nurse anymore doesn't mean she's not strong enough; it's the fact Nurse is only for a certain type of person at this point in time that's hard to come across in this game. You have to have an extreme amount of patience and accuracy to learn Nurse today, and before the rework those factors were much more dull because you could make mistakes. At this point in time, most of the people who still play Nurse played her before the rework because it was much easier to learn her.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Well yeah that was my exact point of why she is lower tier for me cuz she isn’t playable for everyone it’s all about consistency that’s like saying I 4K with clown easily a game and now he is S tier it’s just not true cuz every other game will definitely not be like that

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    The point of a Tier list is to rank killers based off of the very best of that killer, not about how playable it is. You could make a 'playable' tier list, but it would have nothing to do with how strong a killer can actually be.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    All in all she is B tier to me that’s my opinion she isn’t as strong as she use to be and everyone wants her to still be and is very inconsistent and buggy everyone has a right to their opinion but I have to ask what console are you on?

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    Nurse = High skillcap - High reward

    Spirit = Low skillcap - High reward

    Nurse is the best killer if you're good with her.

    Spirit is good if you know how to play the game.

    what would you prefer to play with?

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2020

    I wasn't trying to invalidate your opinion, simply saying that she can still be as strong as she was before if someone knows how to use her. I play on PC, and I stream my Nurse games on PC (Although not recently because of the sound bugs).

    Depends on if someone wants to actually have to work to succeed or literally stand still and get free mindgames. Spirit is one of, if not the most braindead killers out there imo, and she is both unfun to play as and against.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    My point is nurse on consoles not pc I said that already lol on pc yes she is significantly better id dub her A rank on their I don’t really think any killer is S rank anymore cuz nothing breaks the game or is over used like she was before but on console she is ridden with bugs that Make her pretty unplayable and almost no one plays her there anymore

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    The same bugs she has on console are the ones she has on PC, she's just easier to control on PC. You could argue EVERY killer is a tier less on consoles simply because it's harder to control, meaning that Nurse is still above every other killer on console because of her ability.

    ...With regen add-ons

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    Yes, Agree. Spirit is as you said a braindead killer. especially people playing her with stridor making mindgames = 0

    i used to main her for a few months till i discovered how BS designer she is. i still prefer Nurse.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You're completely spot on with your post. I agree with you Nurse is probably still the best and probably will remain the best until her power gets completely reworked. I think there simply just isn't going to be something stronger than teleporting through walls unless they make just an utterly ridiculous and overloaded killer.

    Most people don't think she's good either because of the bugs, or because they think she's too hard. The bugs I can understand, but still, she's deadly.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Nah big winner for console killer and I think all in general rn is spirit with nightmare behind that (would put billy behind her but he recently got some weird bugs and devs haven’t really addressed them yet so we will see) you can’t just have these one few amazing players or games and call someone the best it’s all about how everyone consistently plays them and even on stats she was dubbed the worst of all consoles And that was with hex ruin of all things

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    Then the tier lists you're calling out are biased based off of how many people are able to play the killer correctly rather than the actual strength of the killer, regardless of whether or not it's based off of console.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited June 2020

    I still think she is the best killer by far.

    Her addons add basically nothing, but she didn't need them before.

    After playing her and getting used to her rework. I can say with confidence, that she isn't as overwhelming as she used to be. However, being able to teleport through objects is just so strong. There are a few addons that can make her a little bit closer to how her old self was, but not quite.

    Having to gain charges for your blink is what really did it to her. Very good survivors can get away a bit easier now with the extended wait time for double blinks. Granted these players are few and far between.

    She is still an extremely strong killer, and personally I think she is still the best, even after her nerf.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Nurse on tier lists is a bubble wrapped theory craft no one will actually touch. Being able to ignore certain chase mechanics isn't even special. A hag can deal with pallets and windows just as easily while chasing multiple people in different places on the map simultaneously yet people don't put her S tier. Spirits just as good as nurse is chase with far far FAR better map mobility and mind games.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    The killer has no immense strength anymore yes she can ignore loops but so do a lot of killers nowadays problem is with her rework she actually has to still do loops and it’s very easy for a survivor to completely run past your range now and you lose all distance cuz of fatigue and cd even with add ons gens fly faster then she can blink blink fatigue recharge now and overall the “non existent” auto aim screws her over can’t tell you how many times my character randomly 360 into a random pallet behind me or a bush a wall heck even the air look at consistency and win rate before just saying “well I got a 4K so must be S tier and op”

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I don't agree with that. Hag is a terrible chaser in that a smart survivor can basically just hold W and at 110 with no traps you are not going to get them in a reasonable amount of time unless they corner themselves. She is only really chasing multiple people at the same time if they come into your prepared minefield and even then it will quickly be depleted unless you have fast trap setting.

    She also gets dumpstered by object of obsession SWF groups (who will usually have multiple flashlights).

    I'd still put nurse above spirit because spirit there is ~some~ counterplay once she sees you. Nurse it really comes down to how good she is, and if you have dead hard. If nurse is really good with the blinks there is basically nothing you can do unless you happen to be near a huge building.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Well if the magical fairy nurse of legend ever actually appears I'll be sure to let you know. Theory craft and pre nerf ptsd is all it seems to me. Spirit only getting more rediculious if you start including addons. She can actually zoom like billy with perfect self control and invisibility. She can also actually walk places unlike nurse who has to put herself on cooldown to get to a position where she can even be a threat post cooldown.

    I dunno how often you actually play hag but hag isn't actually slow enough to just hold w. She's no nurse speed killer. Having never picked hag against flashlight spam I wouldn't know, it's one of those things you can actually avoid unlike 4x deadhard groups and nurse. Anyway hold w is super strong against nurse, you can force her into cooldown over and over as she has to blink to catch up. Honestly as someone who loves lithe I just press w to the other end of the map. Nurse wastes sooooo much time trying to catch up at all and that's before the los breaking mind games and actual threat in a chase can even start.That's no theory craft, no amount of skill is going to beat nurses weakness to W because her mobility is actually pretty limited in practice. Can't do that vs hag, people try it all the time though, usually gives me a free hit because making distance means nothing vs hag anyway, I'm already positioned to zone them into a trap just by existing and giving survivors no way out decisions is hags bread and butter. Your in multiple places simultaneously the zoning is rediculious.

    Seriously her blinks not special. Your not going to pallet loop a pyramid head either, or a Freddy, or a hag, or a spirit. Just being able to bypass looping isn't worth her perfection requirements or constant safe times when on cooldown reducing her ability to zone.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    She was literally the best killer in the game for years. Just because she got nerfed out of SSS tier and alot of people moved on, and the new people don't want to invest hundreds of hours into learning her, doesn't mean she is bad. There's a handful of streamers who still play her and they completely slay.

    And a 110 killer with no power is definitely someone you can hold W against. The last time I met a chasing hag we would run to a loop, i'd run it once or twice, she traps it, and during her trapping I just ran off to the next loop and we repeated the process while my team pounded out gens. Then she finally left me, hooked someone, and put like 10 traps in the area around the hook and camped it and surprise; my team started to get murdered.

    I see no reason to play hag as a chasing killer. It's not where her strength lies. She CAN chase, but as a last resort. Why not just play Freddy, who also shuts down loops with a single M2, doesn't take any time to cast it, is 115, and can teleport across the map with no setup?

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Sounds like a Garbo hag. You chase someone INTO traps as hag so you are both infront and behind them simultaneously. Usually to the sides as well to be honest but you can absolutely zone people into even singular traps. But I mean, actually reading my last post wouldn't be a thing you'd do so I won't repeat myself.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    You can't "chase people into traps" if it doesn't exist. I was the first person she chased at the start of the game. If she sets it down in front of me during the loop I am just going to run to the next loop or disarm it with a flashlight. So you can run loop to loop shutting them down with a trap, and get absolutely nothing for it. Or you can spam down traps at your 3 gen or at the hook and collect free hits. This was a rank 2 hag, and I used to play a ton of hag at rank 1. She is for camping, her kit is made for it.

    Even beloved streamers like Otzdarva call her best playstyle "setting up a web" which is a nice term for "camp this area".

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Wow even worse hag than you made it out to be. So are we measuring character lethality by only the absolute worst? I mean a hag that bad may not have even known the hags basic key bindings at this point. By this point we may as well go by a nurse that doesn't know survivors can outrun her. Though you clearly have no idea how playing hag actually works so perhaps you don't know better. Yes a web, a web you chase people into. Mind-blowing concept I know. Completely shocking, it took so many posts for the big reveal. Plot twist of the century. Clearly haven't been saying this from the beginning.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    In theory she should be better on indoor maps than other killers, in practice the game is so ######### buggy with her you sometimes can't blink up or down floors properly, then you're hit with fatigue. Other times you'll aim straight forward and blink up or down floors when you shouldn't and then you get fatigued. Other times you'll blink once and not be allowed to use your follow up blink and then you get fatigued. Other times you blink on top of someone, swing, and the hit doesn't register on them and then you get fatigued.

    Nurse is buggy as hell. I love nurse personally, she's easily the most fun killer to learn and master imo. But her tier ranges from S to D depending on which bugs you get in the particular game you play. I haven't played a single nurse game without some bug happening in over 50 games with her.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    You are entitled to your opinion but just remember its not about the rarity of a good nurse

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Ummm thats wrong😂😂 she is so hard and gets bullied until youre good thats why she is better with custom games

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I laugh and spit in the face of anyone claiming she;s still god tier.

    What the ######### is god tier about a killer that literally loses their power half the time to bugs? Where some maps are literally entire deadzones?

    Tell me when an S tier killer can work only half of the time and then I'll agree she's still godly. But it aint gonna ######### happen.