It should not be possible to 99 doors



  • Well, there ARE perks to slow down exit opening times like Remember me. I'm not really sure if the time doubles when you hook someone, but if it did, it makes sense, perks like Noed and Blood Warden would be op if the time didn't double or add.

    if the exits are powered and you have an survivor on the hook, there's no point in opening the exit gates, it's best to just stay around that area and see if you can catch survivors going back to save their friends.

    tbh the game seems fairly balanced to me. the endgame collapse can be pressure for the survivors AND the killer, it's just how you play it. but i do think that it would be nice if there was a perk that regressed the progress of the exit gates, although that seems pretty weak on its own.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    "play around those perks" like walking side by side with the borrowed survivor who will directly go on the door you suggest to open? No offense,i get your point, but it's not so green as you believe it is for everyone and this is a serious problem

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I don't think that the game is balanced as it is at all... and this is just one of the lots of abused mechanics people plays. EGC should start with the last gen and doors should regress at base, this would make things balanced for both. Rest is just survivor sided

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @BaroneMaximus I never suggested opening the door XD I said, that it exists for a killer to do if they choose to get the EGC going asap. And the way to play around BT at end-game is to hit the rescuer, not the unhooked survivor.

    It really isn't a serious problem at all. I had a PH game earlier, played like crap, got to endgame and ended up getting 5 extra hooks/cages and 2 kills. That was me not face-camping the hook, baiting them in and herding them further away from the door to pressure the teammates. My mistake and a reason why I didn't get a 4k, which I very well could have got, was because I forgot Cheryl was on death hook, and instead of slugging her as bait, I killed her and the other two left.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    And the perks that you mentioned are all too easy to handle:

    Remember me ONLY adds 16 seconds to the door and its avoidable by opening the gate as obs that is not affected by it

    Blood Warden is countered by non opening the exit gate, something abused by EVERYONE that make this perk pointless

    Noed is something that you use when you have no idea how this game works and you rely on it and still can be countered by cleansing all totems prio plus you are stil counterable since it is just 4% more speed now so...

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Do you even play both roles equally?

    Of course you need skill as a survivor and especially in solo queue its more like a gambling game. You can have the godlike loopers that play perfectly or can get a killer that tunnels you away while dumb teammates farm you of the hook. The problem you have hasnt anything to do with the egc at all. It isnt there to compensate bad killer plays, its just their to let the game end when its already over.

    I dont want to be too judging here, but it seems like you want an easy 1 or 2k just for getting gen rushed or to compensate your bad plays. I know how depressing it can be to be stomped by a full swf swat, but it just happens. On some maps, with certain killers against a good group of survivors, often enough 1 mistake on the killer side is enough to let you loose the game.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    **** EGC. No.

    And what about those survivors that are trying to doors stealthily little by little? Suggestions like these are what suck even potential stealth opportunities out of the game.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    You can still do it while the clock goes down, i don't see the problem

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Yes, i play both sides equally. And i ONLY play solo Q, that is the ONLY challenging way to play survivor in this game. No, i don't want Ks in general, i want to have ALWAYS a CHANCE to win or at least to have a comeback, something that i CAN'T have if the EGC doesn't start on its own, since i have to patrol the hooked person at the end or they end up unhookin freely and escaping after 5 minutes gen rush. Why is so difficult to understand??? jeez.

  • gfed
    gfed Member Posts: 22

    I honestly think that end game collapse should be active when the last generator is finished instead of when the gate is opened. That way it can be more effective. Any thoughts on this?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    99 the door shouldn't be a thing either if the survivor lets go of the door switch thing bar should start going down if they don't open all the way or EGC starts after last gen done.

    which sounds better?

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Lol, first surv isnt challenging at all, now you say that it is only challening the way YOU play it.

    And i understand, like i already said, you want an easy 1 or 2k for bad plays or a gen rush. After all gens are done there wont be any "comeback" the game is over, quit playing or git gud.

    I kinda see the problem here and it doesnt has anything to do with the game at all. EGC wont be changed anyway what is a good thing.

  • gfed
    gfed Member Posts: 22

    It wouldn’t make sense if it’s both. Let me reword this properly, end game collapse should activate when the gates are powered.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    SWF, 3 people at the end and opened the door so EGC started.

    One person was on hook and after 30 seconds they cam up to save him. I juked the borrowed with the undetectable and downed the hooked guy, chased the other 2 to the door and pushed them out. The guy crawled near the door and i grabbed him. Brought him as far as possible, but no hooks where near. I dropped him, and when he was near the door i grabbed him again. He escaped.

    Now tell me, the problem is the EGC or people like you who are non-observable of obvious things and try to offend the others instead of giving constructive ideas?

    EGC is fine and you can still play entirely with no problems WHILE it's up, but it MUST start when the last gen is done, or it makes no point at all

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Ok, so 2 went to gates, opened them, they saved the other guy and you tunneled and slugged him, what wasnt the best play because if he had DS, it would have been an easy escape for him.

    So, dbd can be very situational, i dont even want to blame you, you wanted the 2k, made that decision and he didnt have ds. You just didnt manage to hook him in time, just bad luck, it happens.

    I think all of that happened in under 4 minutes, from last gen to this point where all escaped. If you hooked the surv about ~30 seconds after the last gen, they would have already gotten or halfed a gate and after that still 3 minutes to get him off hook and go out.

    The EGC wouldnt had changed anything. The only thing this change would do is to prevent survs to even attempt rescues and well.. give killers easy 1 or 2ks when they misplayed.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Ok, so 2 went to gates, opened them, they saved the other guy and you tunneled and slugged him, what wasnt the best play because if he had DS, it would have been an easy escape for him.

    So, dbd can be very situational, i dont even want to blame you, you wanted the 2k, made that decision and he didnt have ds. You just didnt manage to hook him in time, just bad luck, it happens.

    I think all of that happened in under 4 minutes, from last gen to this point where all escaped. If you hooked the surv about ~30 seconds after the last gen, they would have already gotten or halfed a gate and after that still 3 minutes to get him off hook and go out.

    The EGC wouldnt had changed anything. The only thing this change would do is to prevent survs to even attempt rescues and well.. give killers easy 1 or 2ks when they misplayed.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2020

    Ye you are right, lets just hit the other ones with borrowed time so they wiill have a free escape :) i slugged him, and pushed the others out. Waited for ds and then picked him up YET EGC was enough to let him escape. If EGC started with the last gen, i may have had another kill cause the time left for him when he escaped was like 10 to 15 seconds. This is game changing EVERY game in some ways

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
    edited June 2020

    You slug to avoid the hatch, we 99 to avoid the egc. Seems fair to me.

    If you want the egc you go to the gate you open it.

    There's literally 0 hostage situation. You just don't want to do it because that would allow survivor to save their teammate. You are probably camping too.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2020

    Like, i don't slug by choice, the hatch mechanic is made this way :\ we slug cause we know that survs hatch camp, it's a consequence to survivors actions and hatch mechanics AND emblem system that punish you for not 4king... xD Also 99ing doors and slugging for hatch re completely different, since the killer is forced for the previo reasons to do that, you are not forced to do that at all, you are just choosing to stay inside because you want to save the other once. Killers has no such a choice, is slugging for the 4k or black pip.

    I'm pretty sure you are surv main from what you say, and as previously said tons of times, nobody feels hostage. It's just a flaw in this mechanic and it should be fixed as previo said

    Also the emblem system punish doors opened too for killer, so sorry if i care about my pips :) And not like theres much to do after you did all the gens and theres just one person hooked as killer you know :'D have no flowers to pick up unfortunately

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
    edited June 2020

    Slugging for hatch and 99 the door is exactly the same. You prolongue the game to make the outcome in your favour.

    In the case of survivor it's to have all the time you want to save a teammate. For the killer it's to guarantee a 4k.

    I'm actually r1 in both survivor and killer. But i've been r1 killer since pretty much forever and i've been playing survivor a bit more this year, still play killer tho. If your problem is pip ask for a better emblem system don't make 99 impossible.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2020

    Like the problem is actually the attitude of looking for flaws in the rules that could be just made balanced at base that makes me wonder if you are playing this game to have fun, a challenge or just to win. Because i'm here to have a challenge and if won or done well to be rewarded for it. There is no reward on being gen rushed, reaching the last phase of the game that should be EGC and instead being prolonged just because it doesn't start on its own. Also, just because one side has a flaw, it doesn't make the other side "fair" if that finds a flaw too :\ both flaws should be fixed instead of just watched as "we both have out flaws lets keep up this way"

  • Calchexxiss
    Calchexxiss Member Posts: 43

    I agree with this entirely. 99'ing doors is incredibly dumb. It should immediately start regressing back to 0 once the Survivor lets go of it.

  • Calchexxiss
    Calchexxiss Member Posts: 43

    OH NO! Running from a psychotic murder? Stressful?! PERISH THE THOUGHT.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164
    edited July 2020

    What, you slugged the guy that was unhooked, right? So how would BT have anything to do with the other survs? And yea its totally clear now, that you just sweat for the 4k every game, if you even wait out a whole minute slugging that poor guy to hook him. You camp, you tunnel and you slug and dont manage to get the kill? Sure, must be the EGCs fault. Ridiculous.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I'm not the one whos crying for kills here dude. I'm talking about balancement of things and i'm proving that EGC is perfectly balanced for all the kind of gameplay WHILE it's active, but since it's not automatically active the time between the last gen and the door open it's all abused by survs. If you wanna cry for kills you can do it anywhere else but here :) Since from what i got you use the time from last gen to the door open to camp the hooked person and get to slug all for the 4k every game when you are accusing me to want easy 1-2ks :'D nice meme dude

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I am confused, if you want to trigger end game collapse then open a door...

    Unless you are just wording this as a "hold the game hostage" thread but really mean I want more end game pressure... But that is a whole other type of thread. Yes end game collapse is supposed to make sure no one (survivor or killer) can hold the game hostage, its why both sides can trigger it.

    Now as for the doors, I actually like the idea of a regression, I have always suggested that it regress 1 second for every second it's not being worked on after 5 seconds of inactivity. You could even make wake up cooler, and someone who works on a door with this perk negates the regression effect. It would make wake up way more popular.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I only say that there should be something to fix the gap that goes from last gen to door opened. I understand that both can open doors, but the problem is, one side can decide to 99% the door and just abuse this fact at their advantage. If both sides had the same "weapons" then the killer should have had the chance to regress the door too. And dont talk about remember me plis... because you just need to be the obs and you can still open the door, and no i'm not gonna play rancor or tunnel the obs to avoid this....

  • gfed
    gfed Member Posts: 22

    Not exactly because if the killer closes the hatch, the gates are powered

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    ye but in normal situations: Exit gates powered = last gen done

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    "i may have had another kill cause the time left for him when he escaped was like 10 to 15 seconds."

    "I'm not the one whos crying for kills here dude."

    I made my point clear. EGC is there to let the game end, not giving the killer an advantage.

    I`m perfectly fine with it and my games are mostly wins. If i have a bad game, i go on and dont cry for changes in the forum.

    All you say is: "they should be killed by EGC when i got gen rushed."

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2020

    I was explaining that i could have had a kill in terms of EGC value :'D OMG xD And i never cry in forums, only write to make this game more fun for everyone and not just one side :) if you found your way to camp and 4k, just be my guest, but you can be 100% sure i'll make the game reward EVERYONE who deserve it and not just lame players ^^

    And all i literally said is: EGC should start when it's meant to start and not just held paused for no reasons xD