Thats it....I quit until they fix this bs



  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    In a strange way, the best way to counter this is to play more and simply get better. I got to rank 1 for the first time this month. I legit went from rank 13 to rank 1 and I've been stuck there since. Once you get your groove on with a Killer you're into you should be fine. Specially after a while.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Sure, but "Hey, if you're a rank 1 player, you'll be fine!" isn't an excuse to not have a functioning MM system at all.

    I honestly wouldn't be so annoyed by it if it were some fluke, but most nights it's every single match, every single lobby, all night. I'm not even exaggerating, I did a whole listing of all my games live in a thread over the course of one night one time, it's literally just constant red rank people with a single "friend who just got the game winkwink."

    "gitgud, lol" isn't an argument for red rank survivors to be able to choose what rank opponents they face.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363
  • WiselyWither
    WiselyWither Member Posts: 22

    I'm sorry your experience is going that way. I've been starting to mercy the survivors I face (not kill them when they're on deathhook) and I've been having more fun. But I'm on console so it seems like a different community entirely.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I get your point and it is kinda frustrating. But I went through the same and I actually think it helps to learn how to play against better survivors.

    I went through the exact same matches, some were frustrating, some surprisingly easy. And now I'm red rank killer myself, within 1 month of playing killer. Never made it this far before, I always were green rank the months before, but due to the fact I already played a lot against red ranks there I don't feel much difference now. That's the reason why I think it is not THAT bad.

    On the other side, Bubba isn't the strongest killer. Maybe you should try another one, that is a bit stronger?

    Rank doesn't mean anything anyway. As redrank survivor I'm matched with red ranks that play like yellow. Ifyou head for the rank 1 archivement I'd recomment using a stronger killer anyway.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522


    What's so frustrating about it is that what you have there isn't some fluke. It's not, "Oops, MM goofed up, haha. Silly MM!"

    No, it's a choice by those red ranks. They chose to face you - or someone else at your level. And BHVR chose to let them do it.

    That's what pisses me off about it. If it was just the result of a bug, or unintended behavior, or MM trying to lower queue times, I might not mind so much. But the fact that the developers CHOSE to let those red rank players do this is ridiculous.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    They just need to do a full overhaul of the rank system. It's a complete joke and doesn't need little changes they need to scrap the outdated system and do something completely different that awards skilled players who get to the higher ranks through skill and players who are still learning and are newer to the game play against or with people of their own level. That's literally what a skill based matchmaking should be.

  • Relbuh
    Relbuh Member Posts: 1

    Noed in bubba; you deserve to get bullied

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Or he went up against a squadded SWF, which by looking at the survivor's perks, it appears to be the case. Bubba, or any base movement speed killer is no fun vs a squadded SWF.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Meanwhile when I play like, I'm red ranks vs red ranks.

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2020

    I don't understand why the complaining? rank don't matter i alredy face a lot o face campers killers and tunneler on rank 1 and when i play killer i face a lot of red 1 survivors that don't loop and run without looking behind don't matter if you face only rank 10 most of the good survivors and killers try to keep away from high ranks because they aren't fun, people just do Meta build on both sides and the matchs ends in 2-3m it's just boring, on 10-15rank people try diferent and more insteresting builds in both sides so being a rank 1 ou 10 don't mean you're good at the game, i'm rank one on both sides and barely play killer now because of the 30m that dbd takes just to find one match you should be happy to be getting a game match.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited July 2020

    Ok. That is even more ridiculous than the OP. Rank 16 against reds? This needs to be addressed.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    you're sing m1 and instadown perks on an instadown killer that you mostly should use M2, you're nerfing yourself, maybe if u do better, ranks shouldnt be an issue

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Not like ranks really matter. Between green ranks and red ranks the difference is minimal. The difference between different red ranks is insane though.

  • Halun
    Halun Member Posts: 177

    It almost sounds like the ranking system is broken, doesn't it? Weird.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    The man is running NOED and Insta Saw + Increased Chainsaw Speed addons... I’d say matchmaking is working perfectly.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    It's scapegoating because you're blaming the matchmaking (where ranks have no bearing on skill) on the fact that you lost.

    You just need to get better. Improve, and so will your rank (which again, has nothing to do with actual skill.

    You ask "How am I supposed to get skilled when I get stomped out every match because the matchmaking is broken?" You don't get stomped every game because the matchmaking is broken. You get stomped because you're new and obviously don't know enough about the game to succeed. Plenty of people, myself included, are perfectly fine being taught by getting thrown into the fray.

    It's common in video games: that's how all my friends learn how to play Smash Bros. with each other. Anybody new who plays with us usually sucks, but they improve really fast because they play against people who know how to play a little. You don't have to play against braindead potatoes to learn. You won't get skilled by playing against those kinds of people.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Sounds more like an issue with balance than matchmaking.

    Also, I don't see what gives you the idea it's a SWF.

  • Halun
    Halun Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2020

    I'm not "blaming my losses on matchmaking". My losses are because I have drastically less time, experience, and skill in this game when compared to my opponents. But obviously matchmaking contributes to that, considering it's the reason I'm being paired up against people much more capable. It's not an excuse, it's just a reality.

    And if ranks have no bearing on skill, then what is the point of ranking in the first place? The entire point of ranked play in games is to rank players according to skill so that they can compete with others at the same level and climb the ladder. So if that isn't how it works in this game, I'd say their ranking system is broken too. But I don't think it really is... The few times I've been paired solely with people roughly around my ranking? Great, fun, enjoyable matches. And it's a bit odd that all the games that go really horribly are the ones against single digit ranked players...

    "Plenty of people, myself included, are perfectly fine being taught by getting thrown into the fray."

    I mean that's great. I'm happy for you. But legitimate matchmaking systems exist out there, where the player's competition is adjusted based on their skill level in order to provide a fair game. I don't think a working matchmaking system like that is too much to ask for. And it seems the devs agree since they're reworking the system. Just not fast enough.

    Honestly? It speaks volumes that you're pretending I'm entitled because I want fair matches that scale with skill, and I don't want to play hundreds of hours of miserable, joyless, one-sided matches for until I "git gud" and they finally start matching me with some new players. It's kind of absurd.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    "I'm not 'blaming my losses on matchmaking'."

    "My losses are because I have drastically less time, experience, and skill in this game when compared to my opponents. But obviously matchmaking contributes to that"

    Sounds like exactly what you're doing. Otherwise, there's 0 reason to bring it up in relation to your rough game.

    "And if ranks have no bearing on skill, then what is the point of ranking in the first place?" There is none. That's my point. Their rank system is "broken." It doesn't measure skill. you may not think it's broken, but it is. Anybody who knows anything about how the pip system works knows this.

    "I mean that's great. I'm happy for you. But legitimate matchmaking systems exist out there, where the player's competition is adjusted based on their skill level in order to provide a fair game." I mean, that's great. But that isn't how it works in DbD.

    You say yourself, the devs are reworking the system. You think there's a reason for that, perhaps?

    "Honestly? It speaks volumes that you're pretending I'm entitled because I want fair matches that scale with skill, and I don't want to play hundreds of hours of miserable, joyless, one-sided matches for until I "git gud" and they finally start matching me with some new players." Honestly? It speaks volumes that you're trying to put words in my mouth because I criticize what you're complaining about, and don't want to read hundreds of posts of miserable, joyless, one-sided people.

    I am saying that rank has nothing to do with skill. Take it how you will, but anything beyond that is just your imagination and feelings making things up.

    But yea, I'm toootally acting like you're entitled when I say "It's scapegoating because you're blaming the matchmaking (where ranks have no bearing on skill) on the fact that you lost." Don't really think you're aware of what that word means.

  • TitanByDaylight
    TitanByDaylight Member Posts: 169

    When u claim u don't care but try to throw a subtle shot at the same time,

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Actually, ranks does matter. Red ranks play way differently, even a green rank play differently than a red rank. Red ranks will run the meta perks at tier III. It's like those boxing coachs that say to newbies "punch before you get punched" and they spar like those newbies where professionals when obviously they lack of skill and experience and you say "well, it's the newbie fault" and it's not true, the newbie need to start somewhere and learn skills, spar with someone who is more or less the same experience or if it's a coach, lower your lever so the newbie can get some skills.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You're already just wrong when you make a statement like "Red Ranks play way differently, even a green rank play differently than a red rank."

    No, that's simply false. Somebody doesn't adapt a playstyle simply because they have a certain colored number near their name. I've seen literal brown ranks playing like red ranks, and red ranks playing like browns. I see red ranks do absolutely stupid things, like (after the PH cage change) one of the survivors in my group (not premade) starts running up to the cage I'm in with Pyramid Head right behind him, and instead of letting me teleport away (like the cage does after the change) he is instead bound and determined to uncage me, and does it right in front of Pyramid Head.

    I see every rank running all the "meta perks at tier III" as well. It's not just red ranks.

    The boxing analogy doesn't make sense. DbD isn't boxing. There aren't weight classes or other innate advantages/disadvantages you may get from physical build, such as height. Also, it's different when it's chance-based with an algorithm handling the matchmaking than having some coach put you up against some guy of his choosing. DbD also isn't 1v1, or even a sport to begin with for that matter. I've had some other person trying to bring up Basketball as a comparison, and it's also ridiculous for the same reason: there's no inherent advantage/disadvantage in this game from player to player. Just because your rank is a certain number, that has no bearing on how good the survivors or killer are.

    Do not try to say that people play a certain way or have a certain amount of skill just because they're ranked a certain way.

    I understand that people of lower rank will often be less experienced (because they obviously play less, as that's what the ranks represent) but that doesn't change anything about what I'm saying: people will post screenshots of games that are totally winnable, but they lost or DC'd or whatever and then they'll just say "Omg the matchmaking is so bad all i get is red rank players to go against" instead of thinking "Hey, maybe I could have played a little better that game and maybe I would have been more successful." People use this whole rank system as a scapegoat to blame things on.

    Once again, yes I'm aware that newer players are obviously going to have a hard time against more experienced players. Fact of the matter is, you still can change that by playing better. It's obviously not fair to put the very very best against the very very worst, but that often times isn't the case. Most games I see can reasonably be won. The one in the OP is a perfect example: sure it's green vs. red ranks, but it's far from being a full squad of meta perks. One of the players doesn't even have 4 perks. The killer even had NOED, and 2 green addons (which are both pretty good on Bubba.)

    People like to act like the number next to somebody's name determines how good they are at DbD. It doesn't.

    People like to compare this "ranking" system compared to the ones in other games. You can't.

    Rank isn't indicative of skill. - devs

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited July 2020

    I'm sorry, but this is all just deflection.

    No functioning matchmaking system should pair newbies with top tier players. (It definitely shouldn't let the top tier players CHOOSE to face the newbies)

    That's it. Full stop.

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    I just want them to fix the issue where you get paired with the highest rank

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    You dont get it do you??? Most red ranks play better than green ranks thats like saying a rank 20 killer with every crutch perk is able to beat a 4man red rank swf

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    As if fixing gens aren't the easiest thing to do compare to the old ruin, you're whining on noed? Life must be tough for a yellow rank survivor.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Everyone saying "you miss the point, matchmaking is #########".

    Yeah we know that. It has been for a while. Yet this player was able to get at least 2 kills against the higher opponents.

    Which means if they consistently played against red ranks, theybqould consistently learn, get better, and probably stay at or get above 2k a game. If they were against "their rank" survivors, it would likely be a 4k. A lot. And yeah, everyone likes to win, but wanting games spoonfed to you by "perfect rank" when rank doesnt even mean anything, is ridiculous..

    They went against better players than they should have AND DID WELL.

    They should take that as a point of pride, and learning; not a reason to quit because it was "tougher than it SHOULD be".

    TL;DR: The best teacher is a good ass whoopin. And this person fought back well enough.

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    Frl tho I depipped its like they want killers to feel bad for getting anything but a 4k

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    I dont like this tho because think of it like this...try to give a 2nd grader college math and tell them to get it all correct its not gonna work

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    Thats not why im really mad pissed because one of them was dead on hook teabagging at the exit gate...(if o hit him one more time he wouldve died but instead he thinks hes the next no0b3) and secondly I still depipped....from a tunnel no camp and I even got 4 stacks on bbq

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    I just dont like that I depipped for trying as hard as I can (without camping or tunneling) and got 2 kills and one person was on death hook

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    I just wanna play using bbq until I get to lvl 40 with him

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    Exactly thats why they nerfed ruin and not prove thyself

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    First game of the night.

    That rank 1 should not get to CHOOSE to face killers of my rank.

    The results don't matter, it's the fact that it's a choice given to them that's irritating. Sure, they didn't heavily exploit it this game, but it's just as easy to get three rank 1's and a deranked rank 16, which is what often happens.

    This is not functioning matchmaking. It's not even an attempt at it. It's blatant favoritism toward one side of the game, letting them scum the matchmaking as much as they want to keep them happy.

  • TheChosen0N3
    TheChosen0N3 Member Posts: 98

    Bubba isnt strong and the only reason i was llaying him is because I wanna use bbq for bloodpoints to lvl him up to 40. Also if it makes you feel any better it got cleansed 10 seconds after the last gen got popped