So "crossfriends" means more SWF?

Is crossplay coming eventually and the "crossfriends" feature is just for testing purposes, or is it here to stay and there won't be any further crossplay?
I mean it's supposed to be a multiplayer game anyways, There still going to be solo survivors too.
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They've confirmed crossplay is coming. This is the test just between Steam/Windows Store of this feature. When it's working solidly between those two platforms I'd imagine full crossplay isn't far behind.
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You might see an uptick in SWF, but SWF isn't the problem its 'SWF on comms' that breaks the game. Personally I don't like using comms when playing survivor even when playing with friends, because it really kills the tension factor of not knowing. That said though when on comms you get more BP's because the game is infinitely easier when passing up to the minute information that you aren't supposed to have, making using comms worth it to reduce the BP grind. Albeit at the killer's expense.
Hopefully crossplay will just mean shorter queues and better pools to draw from resulting in better matching without a major uptake info sharing SWF.
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Yes, it means more SWF. Do you have a problem with that?
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ok but as if PC killers are gonna struggle against a console survivor in a chase. Console killer? well...
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I'm definatelly turning it off
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I can finally show my PS4 friends my Nurse. =]
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Can I KYF with cross friends right now?
Or not yet?
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As a console player, I'm excited to finally go up against some actual nurse players (even though I know I'll die in 2 seconds)
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If you're both on PC (Steam or Windows Store, doesn't matter which), yes, you can.
If one of you is on console, not just yet. That'll come with crossplay later on, but it is coming. PC-PC crossplay has been around for a while, but you've never been able to add and invite each other before.
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Hell yes!
Thank you!
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Hello, me. =]
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Looks like I'll have to turn into a gigabrain meg main :)
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It makes no difference on what platform you play killer because survivor movement is not advantaged on any platform over another. A console killer who has trouble aiming will have trouble aiming no matter which platform they go against.
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It is not necessarily aiming differences that concern console players, it's things like frame rate drops and inconsistent ping & latency. Remember this game has never been optimized, at least not on Xbox, nor has the vow of a consistent fps (30 I think) been kept. Maybe on the next gen consoles at this point, but those of us like me who will be using the current gens long after the next ones are out are kinda feeling screwed.
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I know, but I meant that if you're playing killer on console right now, you won't notice a difference in crossplay
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Will the people who opt in and the people who opt out be on two entirely different queues?
Also, can you opt out of cross-console play or just PC/console? For instance if I'm on Switch and don't want to play with Xbox/PS4 players.
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Doesn't really matter when console survivors are significantly easier to play against. This has been statistically proven.
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Oh I have friends on PS4, I will definitely keep it on. My quote kinda sounds bad but imo the only group that might struggle with crossplay is console killers just cause of controller sensitivity/ FPS. But as a solo PC survivor, I will die for any console survivor I encounter.
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If that means, the queue times go down, i have no problem with it.
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I cannot find my friends id who is playing on XBOX, why is that?
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It was published May 2019.
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This is correct, unless the console killer is either DS or Huntress.
However, recently, many people say PC players have a huge FPS advantage than console players and to this, I have mixed feelings.
You don't need 120 FPS to do well in DBD, I do fine my XB1 X 60 FPS and it plays almost exactly like 120 FPS. The only time FPS would be a problem is when you're below 30 FPS where you're not receiving enough visual feedback.