Spirit is an unskillful killer, change my mind.
most survivors at rank 1 are quite bad, most of them cant even loop or connect loops togheter and go down in 5 seconds of every match.
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I can't play her with stridor, it just confuses me when I chase someone, especially when they don't use iron will.
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exactly, maybe its a bug but they scream so loud its sounds like its not directional and you cant tell where they are + it basically makes you unable to hear their footsteps
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agreed, im not a good looper either and i managed to get to rank 1 as survivor only using ds as one of the stronger perks
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Why does no one understand that Spirit isnt ,,braindead"
She have to mindgame alot and she also have to ,,guess" where the survivors are.
And dont come with the ,,she gets a free hit for standing still" #########
Thats a simple mindgame and if you fall for it, it worked. Since when is mindgaming ,,skillless"?
Adept and stop complaining because you cant handle it.
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Ive adepted to having to use Iron will every game and playing immersed and being boring whenever I play against a spirits, most other players haven't, they are unfun and I dont find her hard to play at all.
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I have played her, I dont really enjoy playing cheap killers. Im a huntress main, and I dont use Infantry belt Iri Head every game because I know that ######### is broken, i only equip it if i know Im going against a sweaty 4 man.
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I guess you only have fun when killer has no choice but to run in circles and m1, you'll definitely enjoy playing against new billy.
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Well, pretty much. Spirit needs zero skill to use effectively. You get the 4k handed to you by the game for free. Even if you're completely incompetent.
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No i like reactive to killers trying to mindgame, hiding their redstain, moonwalking, pathing between tiles and windows, runing arround rocks and filler junk tiles are only fun against 110 killers. I enjoy going against killers that actually take skill and aren't stand still to get a free hit
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shes weak against immeresed players, good teams, iron will, etc, 6k survivor mains dont struggle as bad as casual 600 hour survivors who play the game for fun, they DC, kill themselves on first hook. against her because shes so unfun and uninteractive to go against.
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Nope, I like reacting and predicting what a killer will do, killers who mindgame, hide their red light, make 50/50s and also react to what you do, and reads are way more fun to go against than a spirit who stands still to either get a free hit or force a survivor to leave a tile. not fun, not interactive, running arround in circles is fun against huntresses who cant get their M2 off and force them to use m1. nice adhominem.
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Well, yes, but no.
I agree that mastering a killer can take a lot of time.
I disagree that survivors dont need a skill. Solo survivor mode is unpredictable and a lot harder than killer mode. Other survivors can make it impossible to get out alive.
Both sides are pretty casual compared to other games. xD
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Spirit needs to not be able to hear survivor grunts of pain while in Phase. That would make it a fair mind game rather than totally one sided.
Might even make Father’s glasses add on useful when paired with Bloodhound.
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If you manage to win default mindgames, spirit mindgames wouldn't be much harder. The only difference is that in normal mindgames it's the killer who has to be unpredictable and in Spirit mindgames it's the survivor who has to be unpredictable. If Spirit doesn't read your moves, she'll miss her haunting over and over again.
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As rank 1 survivor I have to say you are right. It is far to easy. Most survivors thinks doing totems is too hard and you only have to hold down a button for 15-20 seconds or so.
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I really don't think anyone will debate you on this. I like Killer a lot more than survivor and can say with confidence Spirit and Freddy are easy and strong.
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A killer shouldn't be based around mindgames. No wonder why people complain.
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I don't think many people are going to try and prove you wrong, because it's objectively kind of true. The skill to play Spirit well is hearing survivors and seeing scratchmarks...a skill which you need and have been practising on literally every single killer as well as her, so her power is not hard to use in the slightest. Idk why people want to insist that there is more to her power than just listening but there isn't, and listening is a skill that you've been practising all your life.
She's not overpowered though. Sure she's absurdly boring to play against because she provides no interaction in a chase so your skill as a survivor is completely out the ######### window and it's down to if the Spirit had headphones, but she can still lose pretty hard. And ngl it feels really good when she does.
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lmao a biased spirit main that didnt want the vault animation added because it was so usefull at the shack. kek, like that person is gonna convince anyone.
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It's nurse but faster just get good
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Where in the world were you when the spirit was actually broken? The spirit is just fine where she is we dont need the billy treatment on her too
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Hey, since there are a bunch of Spirit savvy people gathered here; Can aura reading perks like, say I'm All Ears, be used to see Survies while phased? Asking for a friend. :3
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No and even when channeling auras disappear after around 25% charged
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Thank you for mentioning me, but I won't even bother to explain things to a person who plays only one side.
We are at the 3rd page and he still thinks that spirit takes no skill
Literally, you can't argue with this kind of people
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I mean, I would contest OP, but it's obvious at this point that even my 1k hours with plenty of experience in both sides isn't convincing them.
So I'm not wasting my breath.
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Much thanks!
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But there's way more to killer than just sight. There's prediction and sound. Both of which the spirit has over the survivor. The only thing you can hear is her footsteps, and even then she's right next to you. The survivor can try to predict the spirit, but there's no tell on what they're doing, so as far as the survivor knows she could just be standing still. There is no "mInDgAmEs" in one side just literally not being able to make a decision. It's just a one sided guessing game.
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So if you do run bbq make sure to take a second or two before phasing immediately to get bearings on everyone
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We're talking hours now? Spirit requires little skill and is extremely unfun.
-Me with 3k hours and over 5 people I know with 2,5-5k hours.
Like many others have said, as a survivor you simply have to guess her next move. There's nothing more to it. Don't even try to start linking tru3ta1ent's videos, as they don't show anything of value. For reasons why, see Scott's responses to said videos.
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Some of the best players in the world call Spirit and Nurse S rank killers. Huntress actually is very map dependent, Spirit isn't. Also I love how you say that she is useless in a chase. Not every killer specializes in chasing, some ambush survivors. If you're constantly in chase as The Pig as an example, you're going to have a bad time. Her special ability is Pouncing from stealth. There are good and bad survivors and killers. It depends on the person and every killer plays differently than the other. Also Huntress is the loudest killer and she has a maximum of 5 hatchets and those require practice to get good with. Spirit and Nurse are much harder to play compared to Huntress, yet they have fewer weaknesses.
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I despise Tru. Don't expect me to link his vid.
Knowing Spirit is easy. Mastering Spirit is one of the hardest things you can do in the game.
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Spirit does take skill to learn and do good as , but shes by far one of the easiest killers to use and I mean theres not really a learning curve like there is with nurse
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Why JUST NOW have people been saying "sPirIT dOeSnT tAKe aNY sKiLL"? Oh yeah.
Because people before now weren't delusional and actually knew Spirit was a difficult killer with a very high ceiling.
And yes, there is a skill curve. There isn't really a question about that. That's not a debate, that's fact.
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No need to change your mind.
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Yea but like I said it's not near as much as nurse or other killers , it does take skill but shes by far got the easiest learning curve , you can call your opinion fact all you want buddy but that doesn't make it so and I'm sure majority of the playerbase would agree with what I've stated , she takes skill but her power isn't hard to master
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Don't call people "buddy". It may not go over well at some point.
"I'm sure the majority of the playerbase would agree"
Yeah, no. As I said before, NO ONE HAS EVER CLAIMED SPIRIT IS EASY. I obviously have to say it in caps because you didn't interpret it earlier. Only just now have like, 10 people claim she's easy.
The majority of veterans agree that she's hard. And if you think she's easy to master, you haven't even come close to mastering her.
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I'm just gonna give my opinion as someone who mains her in red-ranks.
First off, all Killers require some form of skill to play, that is an actual fact. Knowing how to use the power to the best of it's ability is something that's required by all Killers. The difference is the ways that you have to be skillful. A killer like Huntress requires mainly mechanical skill to be able to consistently land hatchets, where as Trapper requires mainly predictions to have survivors step in traps. Both require skill, but in different ways.
With Spirit, she requires both to a degree. Mechanical skill to be able to use her power effectively since you can't see or come into contact with survivors, thus you are mainly relying on things like scratchmarks, footsteps, grass moving and/or breathing against immersive and/or decent survivors. But she requires predictions as well, such as when someone has dropped a pallet early and walked away, when someone has doubled back, or when they're running Iron-will and have no footsteps, breathing, or grunts of pain. She also requires the same skill every Killer needs, game knowledge. When to commit, what gen is likely being worked on. How to split aggro, who has what. Things of that nature.
Now, moving away from what I personally believe are facts to what I will concretely say are my personal opinions. Spirit is one of the easier killers to learn, but one of the harder Killers to master.
She's similar to Nurse, to the point I think a baby Spirit is as easy, if not easier, to bully than a baby Nurse. A good Spirit, can still be tricked fairly often, even when injured. Hell, I quite often phase past a survivor who I've hit, tried to chase in phase, but didn't realise had started to walk or run towards me, meaning I have to leave my power and catch up as a 110% killer. Whereas a Spirit with thousands of hours will likely only be tricked once, if at all, by the same thing.
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4k with the spirit has no merit.
change my mind.
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Whatever kid you can get your panties in a bunch if you want but im not getting upset over a video game I interpreted it fine , just because you say it doesn't make it fact , shes definitely not hard to master but she takes skill to use her properly as I've said before but that's my opinion after 4 years and 9k hours in this game
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Why should every killer require ESports top 1% gamer skill IQ 5000 to play? You could end up with everday killers leaving and be left with nothing but top killers unleashed on the general population.
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When you hear the woosh. Stop running and hide usually a spirit would fk off and not see you. If you run her like any other killer. Yea youre fkd. Its not that she is unskillful its the fact her basekit is very simple (nothing wrong with that) and she is easy to master. (Also nothing wrong with that)
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You don't have 9k hours. Don't lie to me.
And don't call me "kid". You don't know how old I am. I'm just gonna let you learn for yourself how hard she is.
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I'm not lying , I have nothing to prove to to you , I mastered her when she first came out which I'll admit was easier but it hasn't changed all that much and she's not hard to play like nurse, I call you kid because you're being hostile like one while I'm just stating an opinion. If you want to play a hard to master killer go play nurse for a month straight with no add ons, I was bullied for a month straight before I got the hang of it.
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This is silly. It does take some skill to survive as survivor if you're going against a killer with a brain. Lol
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If you aren't lying, show me. I'll shut up if you actually aren't lying.
And not all children come off as hostile. That is a false generalization.
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In one day of playing spirit i can already 4k everygame at rank 1.
How is she not easy to learn?
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I agree. Standing still is not skillful and hardly a mindgame, it's just a guessing game, the only counter she has (iron will) is useless if she's using stridor, and if she doesn't, she can still hear footsteps and grass moving.
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You must be getting bots for survivors, or your MMR is low.
Don't say "tHey wERe aLL rAnK 1" because that means nothing.