Spirit is an unskillful killer, change my mind.

least interactive killer during chase, forces immersed playstyles and hard counters are perk and map dependable. when a god billy/Nurse and good huntress steamrolls a team its because the player is good, not the killer, prove me wrong.
Survivor is casual easy mode with literally no skill and is good for people who like to hold M1 button, change my mind.
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Never said Survivor was hard or skillfull, good teams or people paying attention will win most matches with good settups.
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Then even if you argument is true (which is not, just play red rank killer as Spirit and let's see how it goes), what's the problem? Why can't killers also be no skill with crutch second chance perks?
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Typically anytime someone says "change my mind", theyre completely set in their ways and nothing said can change it. Think whatever you want, play whatever character you want, just dont blame people for doing the same and picking the character THEY want.
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Well, she does require more skill than Freddy that's for sure. And I would say that without stridor, she requires quite a bit of skill in prediction (and otherwise too), especially against iron will users.
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havent seen any points being made. Spirit at rank 1 with no addons and perks is a rough time yes, but thats not how most people play her
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thats a fair point and I would agree on that. Spirit and Freddy are my least favorite killers to go against, Ghostface gets a dishonorable mention for being poorly coded, and Deathslinger with MAA is kinda cancerous too when the killer is good at quckscoping and or uses a built in crosshair in their monitor.
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I could make points all day, but in the end anyone who posts these threads has no intention of being open to have their mind changed and only follows up with "but THIS could happen". This isnt even just a spirit thing.
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Nah you right, for survivors it's just a guessing game and tbh for killers to a certain degree but spirits actually have some info to go off of where survivors only have the whooshing that means shes in a somewhat close proximity to you, good luck.
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you can faintly hear footsteps as a survivor, and some maps are easier to hear her footsteps than others making her kinda frustrating at times, so some counter play is possible at pallets, but its really tight and you mostly get dedicated trying to drop and stun her at pallets.
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I mean sure you can very, very faintly over her whooshing sound but even then it's still a guessing game as to which way shes coming from, and if you guess wrong welp too bad you get hit.
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No obviously spirit is a fun and interactive killer. Billy was the problem and that is solved by now.
Have been playing spirit a couple of times and even without addons you are deadly.
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I absolutely agree that she is unskillful, but she exist in the game, so people just take her and make ez downs :/
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every survivor says shes op because they dont even wanna tryhard and try to adjust to her, spirit is full mindgame killer, nothing else
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Agreed, she is absolutely braindead. All you need to master her is a good headset and stridor.
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Its not very mindgamy for the survivors if the spirit uses stridor, there is nothing substantial to react to either, In my post I did say what you had to do to counter or adapt to her, doesnt really make her fun or good to go against, Nurses are fun to go against, and when a god legacy nurse blinks in the distance than you know youre gonna die anyway, unless her blinks bug out.
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With Ghost Face reveal, you have to have him in the middle of your camera NOT ONLY horizontally, but ALSO vertically and make sure your character model isn't covering him. You also have to see a part of his body to be able to reveal him, you can't reveal him if you only see his mask.
The problem with Deathslinger isn't M&A, the problem is that the first chords of his terror radius are so low in volume and so, you hear it too late. General advise is that if you don't know who the killer is always be alert and look to different directions at regular intervals.
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There are many counters to her just like a lot of killers.
If you're having a hard time telling what direction she's coming from look at the crows, listen to her footsteps.
Iron will, spine chill, fixated + any exhaustion perk are good against her.
If you don't have iron will try running forward for a bit then backtrack if she's close phasing if she's far away phasing keep going forward she won't reach you.
There are some other ones I can't think of rn.
But killer in general takes a lot more skill then survivor since it's 4v1. As killer you need to end chases quickly preferably less then 10 second chases. Know when to drop a chase. Pressure gens. Juggle survivors etc.
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- Get the Top Tier Killers nerfed
- Look for the next strongest Killer
- Repeat
Spirit cant see survivors, survivors cant see her... "omg she's so advantageous over survivors"
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I enjoy going against lots of strong and good killers, I dont want billy nerfed as hes one of my favorite killers to go against, although im a huntress main, if they get me I dont get mad as we all make mistakes during a game, however, spirit is the least interactive killer to go against and all her counters are perk and map dependable, forcing survivors to use Iron Will and play Immersed isn't really fun for killer either, probably my least favorite type of survivor to go against as a huntress.
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I know how to play against her, as long as im not injured or run Iron Will I can run a bad Spirit for quite some time at rank "1", usually ends in getting facecamped and called toxic by the killer in the endgame chat.
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I know it may suck to get facecamped and tunneled but even if you can run the killer for a little while it still helps your team a lot. I'm not defending this bad killer behavior btw just saying if you ran the killer for just 2-3 gens and your getting facecamped the survivors can either save you with bt or just rush gens they have a high chance of escaping and maybe you'll have better luck on the next match.
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the only difference in interaction between spirit and other killer is that she's invisible and cant see survivors. thats it. So why is that such a problem when she herself cant pinpoint you? I'm not trying to be rude ( nor targeting you personally ) but I seriously cant understand why survivors are upset about a killer who has to guess where their prey is. Its arguably the same pettiness that gets survivors mad when a nurse blinks through a wall and hits them.
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I personally want my team to do all gens and escape without trying to save me when that happens, whenever they try 2 usually ends up dying and getting tilted or everyone dies. I dont care about dying to killers, but it i like having fun and good chases whenever i play survivor when Killer queue are bad, which they usually are except for later in the day her in EU.
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Spirit require as much skill as skillful are survivors.
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Spirit cant see survivors, you have to focus on your surroundings, listen and be good at predicting movements
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I use all of these tips and I watch tru3 a lot during the day whenever Subatlel, Otzdarva and Scott aren't streaming, they work some of the time, but its still just a guessing game, and it isn't very fun, most players you team up with in solo queue don't even know how to loop basic tiles in the game. spirit is just on a whole another level of hard for most players and make every game against her horrible. except whenever she doesnt use stridor or any movementspeed addons.
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Spirit is a pay2win killer.
Buy a good headset = win
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thats nurse, not spirit. she has scratchmarks and grass move, also with a really good headsett and stridor, whenever sounds aren't bugged, shes pretty oppressive-
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But her sounds are bugged. Spirit also requires prediction cause if a survivor stops running you have 0 information. She already flickers in and out sometimes during phasing. At this point why not take away the inbisibility. Killers dont need to be good or fun afterall
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You literally have to watch for blades of grass moving and wear a headset when playing her. Youre talking about a killer that cant see survivors while using their power.
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you have to wear a headsett playing all killers, even survivor, sound is increadibly important for all killers. not just exclusvely to spirit. and even if you cant see survivors during phasing shes too easy to use in her power, basic pallets and jugle gyms aren't even good against her and her "mind game" forces you to leave tiles which are unsafe, if you gussed right you might make it to another pallet, if you guess wrong you go down. not interactive or fun to play against and totally too easy to play which is why I never play her unless i got a mori daily.
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she never flickers when phaisning, thats actually a suggestion to ballance her and make her more interactive, letting her see survivors is would be completely broken,
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stridor hurts spirit more then it helps, i used it and the sounds were so off i couldnt know at all where anyone is
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not true, it makes people using iron will sound normal and everyone else sound double as loud, its hard to get used to at first, maybe first or second game, after that it comes quite easyu
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Please record at least 50 games in a row where you play without perks and addons on Spirit in rank 1. If she is so unskillful and OP, you won't have troubles winning any kinds of survivors there.
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disagree, played tons of games with it and it hurts you everytime if they dont have iron will
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I rarely play with a headset on, with spirit its required. Did you watch that video posted above by tru3? Its not easy using spirit unless tge survivors dont know what theyre doing. Being a good spirit is not easy because survivors, good survivors, can do all manner of ######### to confyse you since you literally cant see them.
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I can't say she isn't skillful at all, because I don't think it's true. Trying to pinpoint where survivors are while using her ability takes a ton of skill, imo... But I can say that either I've been incredibly lucky with her, or she might be a bit overtuned.
I'm pretty new to the game, and not very skilled (admittedly), and I was easily able to get 4K's with her at level one, with no addons, one perk, etc. against people in my rank range the few times I've played her for my dailies.
Again, not making any concrete claims. Just sharing my experience. She's def good. But is she "too good"? Who knows.
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shes quite hard to use without perks or addons, ive allready stated this earlier, but thats not how most people play her. play survivor with no perks and you get tunneled out of the game instantly when youre the weakest link.
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Which means the problem is not the Spirit or her power. Besides, she already received a dozen of nerfs and is pretty balanced.
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and her addons are not a problem either, shes actually one of very few killers that have most of their addons at least decent
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removing collision, prayerbeads, and addons that increase her lunge to stupid levels form her phase walk wasn't a "dozen of nerfs" that made her "balanced". her design as she was and is right now is objectivaly unfun to play against.
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You only need to predict with Spirit when survivors run iron will or aren’t injured.
Otherwise it’s a case of Spirit knowing where you are exactly while as a survivor you get no info at all. (She doesn’t move grass & her footsteps are nearly non-existent)
And if she doesn’t get your exact position it doesn’t matter anyway because of her post-phase lunge & the fact that she can resume the chase instantly and catch up.
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her recharge rate and movementspeed addons are pretty much as stupid as billys, there is no high skill killer that thinks instasaw or crack billy is balanced, but that atleast is coutnerable and fun to play against still, to bad that gets nerfed to oblivion while Iri head huntress and spirit is still in the game.
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without movement speed addons she would be totaly useless, if you use her power and you dont have ms addons survivors can just run straight and she wont be able to catch up, just as it is right now with the nurse and her ######### cooldowns
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I managed to get adept Nurse at rank 1 killer at level 15 prestige 1, shes not that bad but it wasn't the easiest killer adept ive gotten. harder than plague.
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I would argue she requires way more skill than that.
What skill is it for survivors? Holding M1 and "looping"? Especially since they been doing it for years and have literal thousand of hours.
With killers, you have to learn each and every new killer power that is already a steep learning curve, and to master them is well.... Good luck! Only for them to be nerfed because survivors are casuals and don't want to put as much effort as you do, and want to get rewarded too.
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i mean, sometimes on rank 1 i have really bad survivors against me, try to do that vs good ones, you wont be able to because there is no time even when you get the perfect blinks...and you cant even catch up most of the times
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I play both sides quite regularly, killer is my preffered roll but ive been playing a lot of survivor since PH came out because sounds are broken, queue times in the middle of the day and early morning is horrible in EU for killer, having cakes on Survivors are a lot more efficent long term too. Ive got to say basic looping isn't that hard, but looping and wasting killer time is 100% map RNG dependable, if you get a bad map with bad tiles and map spawns that dont connect you get steamrolled by intermidiate to good killers because of luck most of the time, but if you get a survivor sided map where 2 survivors can loop basic tiles its pretty much 50/50 as long as survivors dont group up and get slugged, but having communication, a great map and okay tile spawns than killers lose most of the time. I win way more matches as killer than i escape as survivor, but Killer is way more tilting and frustrating whenever survivor gets a great settup they can abuse than getting facecamped or tunneled out of the game.