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Spirit is an unskillful killer, change my mind.



  • Member Posts: 3,904

    its a different kind of game with her. It becomes a guessing game of prediction. If every killer just played the same loop game that would be even more boring.

    Killers are different that’s the point. I like the spirit guessing game it’s a change from the usual loopy loop that dbd often devolves into.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    It is certainly an opinion. Any killer takes some skill, some are just more powerful than others.

    Don't think we disagree that much, you just seem intent on offending those that play spirit.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Exactly that's why I dont wanna start an argument right now it would be a waste of energy.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yes and that is hard but it’s different from the typical game. I think the reason you get so many spirits at high rank is it’s hard to abuse loop mechanics against her because its a prediction game from both the killer and survivor perspective.

    change the game play and all the established tactics are changed and people who can’t adapt cry about it. Because the one thing they can do doesn’t work well anymore.

    spirit is just nurse where both survivor and killer have to predict what’s happening, while with nurse only the killer really has to.

    try juking her rather than looping and change your game up.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    So your argument literally is "This killers too good gut her." got it

  • Member Posts: 229
    edited July 2020

    not gut, tone down or atleast not make her be the NOED of killers, a clear indication that isn't a bug to show survivors shes using her power would be good, I dont want to see her get the billy treatment.

  • Member Posts: 229

    umm. no, I would like a clear indication to survivors in her TR to know shes using her power, and to tweak some of her addons. I don't want her to get the billy treatment. Its funny how people refuse to even talk objectively without being salty or condecending.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    No you literally said shes too good for the casual players which translates too shes just too good for your liking. We've tried to objectively talk but when your argument has been refuted 100x and you just refuse to listen how do you argue or talk objectively from that point?

  • Member Posts: 209

    I'd says it's more just throw out the way the game is normally played which can be fun if done correctly but with spirit it just feels #########, and bro people who play survivor more then both of us combined still say spirit is just a guessing game.

  • Member Posts: 915

    Please show me all the crazy 4k spirits, 90% spirits i see are average. Yes, if she hits you and then uses her phase, she is deadly, but even then you can still waste her time a bit, while your mates hold M1. Stridor makes pinpoint your exact location difficult, that's why a lot of high rank spirits don't use it. And even if you use it to counter iron will, your grunts are only 50% which is an insane difference from like 10m away. Of course, it helps if you phase right through them, but the difference to the super loud normal survivors can still throw you off.

    I've once logged 60 matches in red ranks that i've made with her and Wraith and my kill-per-game ratio with her was even slightly lower than with low-tier Wraith (1,9 & 2,1 kills per game). That "coinflip" thing, it's not only the case for survivors, also for her if you're not injured. Scratchmarks are unreliable and especially if you try to hit directly coming out of phase, she's high risk-high reward. Spirit is a lot about prediction and a wrong gamble can cost you much needed time in high rank matches. I don't want to argue that she's currently the best killer in the game, but she's not an automatic win in higher ranks, who are trained to play against her. Imho she has insane potential but most Spirits make mistakes, i like to play against her.

    If she would be "easy and unskillful" to play, you would see a lot more Spirits in red ranks. I see a lot of NOED, a lot of Moris, a lot of pink add ons, a lot of other good killers. It's not like most killer players want a great challenge. They just want wins, that's why scummy playstyles and said add ons/items and meta perk setups are so common. it's their reaction to the current state of the game, where winning as killer feels highly random and based on survivor mistakes and where losing makes you feel helpless for a whole game.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Any killer at rank 1 with no perks or addons is rough maybe nurse and freddy can do it if they try insanely hard but then wheres the fun

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    "The typical game" That's my point it changes up the game in a way a lot of people struggle to play against because one of the most effective plays for survivors is to loop and that's all a lot of people can do. Enter killers who shut down and put a lot of gamble into loop plays and boom people cry because they can't rely on their one tactic as 100% as before.

    If people who play survivor more than you and I say its a guessing game then hey they understand how the mechanic counters loops by introducing a gamble to them. Good for those players for seeing how it works and good on any polayer who cooks up outplays which I have seen plenty of video of.

  • Member Posts: 229

    how was my point "refuted"? it never was, you just reply cendecendingly "oh you just want her gutted" "you just want SWF deathsquads to be unbeatable" "show me you can beat 2k+ hours plus deathsquads, then we'll talk" get real and stop arguing semantics to the most literal degree. All I said was shes unfun to go against, shes uninteractive and all her "counters" are just you guessing without any input or reaction which is unfun, and shes way to easy to use compared to Nurse. My Objective responses to adjusting her is just to give survivors a clear sign that she is using her power when she is in chase, and to tweak some addons a little and you respond with "oh you just want her gutted, okey" grow up.

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