BHVR. Thanks for listening to us

But overheat was still a mistake. But now at least, Billy isnt damn near unplayable
I agree. They do listen, and when they do, people need to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is why I keep playing DBD. The player's can give their opinions, but it's not their game. BHVR can make the change and luckily, they choose to listen to the community. They aren't a company like EA or Epic Games. People need to give them a break lol. ON TOP of the quarantine thing going on which is very impressive
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And thanks for ignoring the rest of us BHVR ๐ love you guys too
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Also, judging from other MMOs we can start making bets on how long it'll take for people to call for a change to billy ramping the ptb changes up to 11...
I say 2 weeks after patch release
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Hush now. Your kind has been catered to for years.
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Funny now questions is where was BHVR when we complained about nurse "rework"
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BHVR's response to legacy is a bit strange. Hopefully they will bring it back but in a way to still honour the players that earned it in 2016.
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have you considered they learned from THAT and are trying to get better?
you know, the whole 'learning from mistakes and improving' thing humans do? they things society seems to hate so much, always expecting everyone to do flawlessly from the start?
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Yes, thanks for the changes devs ๐
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If they learned from nurse why is she still the most buggy and one of the weakest killers in dbd?
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Well they can still change nurse but they won't do this
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Thanks for keeping billy playable for top tier players BHVR. :)
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everyone who knows a smack about programming raise your hands
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Nurse is still the best killer, only the people who needed 5 blinks sucks, every good nurse is still good and steamrolls teams.
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Basically a meme account at this point.
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I just faced a red rank nurse yesterday on midwich who could perfect blink basically but midwich has so many areas she couldnt blink to so big surprise we escaped. Come again?
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most nurse players are bad, being a red rank killer doesn't mean youre good at every killer. if she could perfect blink every blink then you all would have died and lost.
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Removing insta heals, creating massive deadzones, and nerfing toolboxes is catering to survivors? You have a strange definition of catering.
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I thnk the thing IS that a lot of people play certain killers cause they saw BNFs play those, and then they get upset when they are not an iwin button.
It's a curse of developing any game: you'll ALWAYS have people that are upset at not being 100% catered to. Said it elsewhere, it's a sociopsychological problem.
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And the anti blink areas in midwich that have been mentioned since the maps release? Also all humans make mistakes but survivors have stuff to cover theirs. A good nurse needs to play perfectly and make close to no mistakes while i can get unhooked heal myself go for a unhook get downed and ds the nurse then im gone. Or i can deadhard a nurse swing and make her stun herself. Or i can jump into a locker and guess what make her stun herself. A amazing nurse can still lose to great survivors which is the nature of this game.
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that doesn't sound like a good player you were going against. as a huntress main i know what i cant throw hatchets over, a nurse main would learn quickly what they cant blink through and where they need to blink and readjust, if you forced a nurse to eat DSes and couldnt blink through structures then im sorry but that wasn't a good nurse player.
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Hmmmm. Well. Youve had the same meta for years. Youve been the power role. For. Years.
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So your saying the antiblink areas and nurses thousands of bugs don't need fixed? Bhvr you should hire this guy you'll get nowhere.
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i didnt say that. whats with this line of reasoning and arguing "so youre saying bugs shouldn't be fixed?! hire this guy" i didn't say that i said shes still the best killer in the game, and your abhorrent anecdotes doesn't suffice in trying to convince me shes the worst killer in the game.
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So you're saying they haven't released a strong survivor perk for years. And despite increasing nerfs year after year, killers still think they're the victims of systemic bias against them.
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Some really good changes I must admit. Devs are indeed listening. But please tell me the dev's name who is obsessed with cooldowns. Literally everything that came after stranger things DLC had some sort of cooldown mechanic.
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Alright in all seriousness whos better a killer who can teleport between gens put down snares that slow down people. Has a addon combo literally made to make gens forever when stacked with perks. Or a girl who if you mess up the blink she stuns herself for 4 seconds. Which the devs even admitted they didnt wanna make "that mistake again" when talking about old legions stun. Sure a good nurse could down you in seconds but you can juke her dead hard or other stuff to turn her power against her. Deadhard a fredddy? Alright you saved yourself like 4 seconds and now i down ya. (Not to mention passively ignoring bt is fun as well)
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Itโs like youโre actively fighting to be the most survivor biased poster on these forums lmao
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Him and letsplaytogether but letplaytogether has been around longer noones taking his crown lol.
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Freddy is by far the easier killer to use, his skill ceiling is way lower and his base kit and addons is really forgiving for bad players than nurse, I assume every bad killer main that cant throw hatchets or blink with nurse play freddy or spirits and believe they're a esports ready gamer.
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Eh i played freddys original version and i personally did just fine but others said he was garbage so he got a rework "for the better" which is debatable. But yeah freddy is labeled as "better" because of course a character with a low skill cieling with that easy of stuff is gonna be labeled as one of the best in the game. A good nurse can overlap freddy but in pure numbers of games that doesnt make nurse better.
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Nurse should be a harder killer to use, thats why shes better, if youre a good nurse you will destroy teams. if she was easier and more forgiving to use she would be too oppressive again.
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Is it really good to have a killer that only like 5% of the fanbase can play good enough? Even otz and tru3 cant play her that well and they pretty much can play any killer great i mean zubats a amazing huntress for example but ive seen his nurse gameplay and even for him its not that good. If some of the best cant play her whats that say about the killer? (Im only saying she needs a middleground)
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Theory: BHVR overdid the Billy nerfs on the PTB so they could tune the numbers back to please the community being upset about the Billy changes. Instead of you know.... just reverting the change all together since nearly all feedback is negative.
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They havent really. Name one significant killer perk since Clown that killers use frequently.
Spirit Fury is easily countered so dont go saying that its "meta"
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Tru3 is good enough, zubatlel is amazing at nurse, don't know where you got that from? Oroboro is a good nurse and arditha is also a great nurse player still. Otzdarva says it himself that he isn't even that good at hillbilly and he barely plays nurse to begin with, if were gonna talk "balance" then no, Nurse shoudn't even exist at all as she negates almost every defence survivors have except for stealth and immersion. if shes gonna negate looping she needs to be high skill to use. If you want the nurse experience but EZ then just play spirit.
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Spirit fury is meta though whether you like it or not. Discordance gets plenty of use, Corrupt intervention, thrilling tremors, even surge a bit.
What about survivors? Its still mostly 2016/2017 perks in the meta. Sprint burst, dead hard, unbreakable, DS, self-care, Borrowed time, adrenaline, urban evasion, spine chill etc
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I mean if were going about that root though should freddy be able to infinitely stall gens or spirit stand still at a pallet and you have literally no idea if shes phasing or not forcing you into a down either way? All killers should have a decent skill cieling but then you get killers like clown which is literally a meme at this point.
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Is freddy too strong? Yes. IS he stronger than nurse? Not by a mile. The difference is he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier to play since there is absolutely 0 reason to not just spam his pools. And he is a 115% killer, with a point and click tp across the map. He is the easiest of the strong killers to get into and its weird that he has add-ons that combined with perks can just stop a game in its tracks. Only the Doctor with his "special build" can do anything similar and thats only on very very few maps, the Game mostly.
And while I disagree with you on Freddies strength before and after. I personally agree that nurses skill floor should be a lot lot lower. While at the same time nerfing her max potential. She should at the very least be a bit easier to play and a bit weaker. What do I mean when I say weaker? Or nerfing max potential?. I think she just shouldnt be able to tp as far as she does. I cant think of anything else to maybe nerf her without totally changing her. She needs to be easier to play without being able to destroy a team, even a good team, in seconds.
Spirit is a lot easier than nurse, and a bit more difficult than freddy. She is a middle ground of the three strong. Unfortunately not being able to tell what she is doing is kind of insane. I heard someone argue that maybe she should phase in and out of her spirit ability every few seconds (maybe every other second) to give some counterplay without it just being easy to play against her. Which might be a good idea. I wouldnt know til I played with it and against it.
I just know that wins with these three, feels cheap. Less nurse since she is actually hard to play and takes time to learn, but once you learn her it still feels cheap
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Corrupt Intervention.
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Huge risk. Only have three perks at your disposal after its done.
Try again.
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You asked him to name a perk killers use frequently....he did.
You cant just say it doesnt count. Killers are using it frequently.
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who said that they love you?
No worry i do. :*
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You said they used alot. It's used alot. It's easily a meta perk. You may not like the perk. But it's still a very popular perk.
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I sincerely don't remember the last time I saw a killer using Spirit Fury, so I wouldn't call it meta anymore. Discordance and Corrupt Intervention are overrated and Discordance isn't even frequently used in my experience. Surge, seriously ? If you're gonna include Surge, then I can also add For The People or Soul Guard, which are more useful and more frenquently used than Surge from what I saw.
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What?!?!? Survivors are playing the game too, and Nurse has counterplay. If a Nurse is blinking perfectly, the survivors are awful and not utilizing the correct counterplays. You blink to the LOS break, and then do a corrective blink. But good survivors will break LOS a second time in the chain blink window. It's great if you get a hit, but don't mistake great prediction for perfect blinks.
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Well..hope it works out..still unsure about this whole changing hillbilly for the worse just because...
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Okay, but you asked them to name a killer perk that sees significant use. Despite the risk it possesses, it still is a perk used by a large number of players.
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I didnt say prediction were pefect blinks. what gave you that impression? I said earlier a good nurse blinks and then readjusts. never said anything about prediction blinks
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I dont like Spirit or Freddy in general, i feel their kit is just cheap, freddys stall addons with gen reggresion perks is just so boring, and spirit is just a busted killer in general and I cant stand the playstyle she forces survivors to use, and most survivors dont know what to do against her so solo queue is just horrible agaisnt these killers. but thats just my opinion