Tunnel after Tunnel after Tunnel after Tunnel

Peepo Member Posts: 108
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

In about 5 games I played today I got tunneled in 4 of them. Why is this still possible?

Killer tunnel through even ds, they just find satisfaction in it I guess. Why does game mechanics allow that? The game existed for years and it's still a huge issue in most of the games I play.

I don't act toxic, I don't t-bag or run object. Yes, P3 Cheryl is ugly af, but is it a reason enough to tunnel?\


I see a simple fix: put hooked survivors on a random hook on a map where killer can't see them, same as with cages.

Any chance it can be looked at and tested? What do you guys think?

Post edited by Peepo on


  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    Why does game mechanics allow this 'bad playstyle' and game designers doing nothing about it for years?

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Tunnel it's legal, the killer is the one who ends up losing too. The other survivors can make gens in silence.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    It will be always possible. You have 2 choices- learn how to waste killers time or take it slow. Youtube should have a lot of videos with good loopers, so I will skip the looping part. Spine Chill can help you to safer do generators. Learn to play with Spine Chill.

    Also, learn about BBQ and all aura reading perks. Study killers. You can dodge a bullet, if you learn the game.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    dont worry, use decisive strike, punish those tunnelers killers!

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    A good amount of them want either the perk gone or completely kill it.

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    I'm a rank 1 survivor with 1.3k hours, I don't need game advice. I'm perfectly able to loop the killer, just not for 5 gens.

    The fundamental problem I'm talking about here is tunneling is UNFUN for 4 (!!!) people when it happens.

    I don't find it satisfying in holding m1 for the whole game when someone else being tunneled and not switching their attention to me after trying to take agro. I also don't find it satisfying to be the one who gets tunneled cuz you usually die fast and unable to do anything else in the game. It becomes extremely unfun and kinda a waste of time for 4 survivors. It happens way too often and needs to be dealt with by buiding in new game mechanics or changing some of the existing.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    it isn't supposed to be anti tunnel perk, Peanits already said this.

    The locker tech should be gone I agree.

    But if the survivor is going for a hook rush and he's healed, you only have to do a swing so you dont pick him up, it is basically a hook trade.

    The same goes for gens.

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    E.g. I found idea with random cages spawn on Pyramid really helpful against tunneling. Maybe implement something like that for the hooks?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I haven't seen any GOOD killers complain about the perk. Most killers, if not all already know how to counter it and it becomes a wasted perk slot for the survivor.

    Again, killers want DS nerfed for their mistakes. No one forces them to go for the unhooked survivor, no one forces them to open that locker and no one forces them to pick up the slugged survivor.

    DS only works if the killer allows it to work.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Lets call tunneling what it is hook rushing. Now my goal is to apply pressure and get blood points. Hooking multiple survivors (ie not tunneling) gets me more blood points and applies pressure so its ideal.

    Therefore its not ideal to tunnel... however, often I end up tunneling because survivors do some very silly things around hooks. Unhook in my face, hang around the hook meaning I search there first due to no-one being on BBQ, heal under a hook even though I'm not in a chase.

    If I'm not in a chase or checking a gen I'll go back and check a hook. Ok I find you both there, now I'll try and smack the healthy unhooker as applying more wounds is more pressure, but if fate drops the poor guy who was unhooked in my lap then its slug, quick search for the other guy and back on the hook they go. (an example would be the unhooker sprint bursts away to a strong position leaving the wounded one in the open just off to my right, what is the best play here now?)

    Lastly if the game has gone for several gens and few hooks due to being outplayed by good survivors, its now a very viable tactic to take this game down to 3 on 1 asap by rushing a 3rd hook. One person out = more pressure in the absence of quick downs.

    If you can draw a DS out early making it a non-factor in the late game then all the better. So its actually in your interest to tunnel out a DS more-so than not.

    These are all reasons to tunnel without any malicious intent involved. Obviously I try not to but my objective is to kill you, so if you give me that option early I may take it.

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    The tunneling issue should be dealt with by building in game mechanics like cages, not by using a perk, which killers can tunnel through anyway and make the game a nightmare for new players who don't own the perk.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    I have try searching for this quote, you wouldn't by chance have it on hand, a screenshot or link to it?

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    This has been brought up time and time again but Locker "Tech" has no counterplay:

    If the killer opens the locker the survivor DSes the killer and gets away.

    If the killer leaves the locker the survivor gets away.

    There is no counterplay nor anything balanced about locker "Tech"

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    I tried inviting 2 of my new-to-dbd friends to play with me and they all uninstalled because they got tunneled because killers thought of them as of easy targets and tunneled them to death.

    The entire player base experiencing this issue in almost every game and I really think game designers should put some thought in it if they care about attracting new players and keeping the existing ones.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Right, let's generalize the entire killer population.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Awesome, you keep mentioning "Locker Tech" I keep mentioning....

    WHY are you chasing THIS survivor knowing very well he/she might have DS.

    Why aren't you playing more aware knowing there's an obsession and someone might have DS.

    Again, no one is forcing you to open that locker or chase this particular survivor.

    As mindblowing as it is, there are 4 survivor in the trial. Not just 1.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    For why am i chasing them: They where unhooked in my face i downed and hooked the bad unhooker and I am chasing them to slug them to apply pressure.

    And the rest of your post completely ignores mine so I won't respond.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    This sucks tbh. unfortunately there is no real mechanic that the community wouldn't utterly abuse. They tried it a few years ago with camping. Survivors rode it into the dirt.

    There are also a lot of aspects that survivors don't get punished for, that they should. The community as a whole is extremely toxic and abusive. There is no real way to fix it.

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    Again, I see a simple fix: put hooked survivors on a random hook on a map where killer can't see them, same as with cages.

    Any chance it can be looked at and tested? What do you guys think?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Now they were unhooked in your face.

    Now you're giving more and more unlikely scenarios. You're just throwing every possible scenario in my face and changing the story each time I defend the perk.

    Go for someone else, leave 2 slugged.

    lol Jesus.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 962

    The definition of Tunneli g is too broad. You are a Killer, your job is to take out Survivors. How is chasing down a wounded victim down after being unhooked not the best option for a Killer to do and it's wrong? Especially when their friends unhook them in front of a Killer. Instincts of a wolf is to take out the weaker prey. Why is it bad etiquette? Is a killer suppose to go "oh I'm sorry. I already tried to kill you once before and JUST hooked you because my Boss (the Entity) told me to. Well, let me let you go and go grab someone else if I can. I opologize." No. Everybody sees their own gameplay as if there's only their gameplay and want to claim they being singled out. If a killer hooks you. Your friends unhook you. Right after. Blame your friend not the killer. Because the killer NEEDS to kill everybody... and you were made the weaker prey to need to go after.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Let's see, what prevents Gen Rushing.

    1. Corrupt Intervention.
    2. Pop Goes The Weasel.
    3. Surge.
    4. Ruin.
    5. Thrilling Tremors.
    6. Overcharge.
    7. Discordance (Somewhat)
    8. Dying Light.

    What prevents a killer from tunneling?

    Let's see...

    1. Decisive Strike.
    2. Maybe Borrowed Time.


    If you use your anti-gen rushing perks and still managed to get gen rushed, then the issue isn't the survivor. The issue lies in your skill as a effective killer. Survivors have barely, laughably 2 perks to counter a tunnel while killers get a plethora of perks to use to counter gen rushing.

    I'm not saying Gen Rushing doesn't exist, I'm saying killers are given a lot more perks to counter a survivor's objective.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The perk isnt an anti tunnel perk its anti momentum if you get hit by ds you deserve it you know how the perk works.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Let me quote you again

    "They where unhooked in my face i downed and hooked the bad unhooker and I am chasing them to slug them to apply pressure."

    Let me understand this.

    Survivor Unhooked. Then Survivor Chased. Survivor Jumps Into A Locker. Killer Gets Stunned. Survivor Bad?

    Again, the fact that you were chasing this survivor to begin with is already bad. Don't you have BBQ? You let this survivor stun you, you knew every well, you know very well tunneling with an obsession in the game can lead to a DS stun yet you did it anyways.

    Stop playing the victim.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2020


    Here is the thing though.

    Why should those ways of using DS not exist? Especially when it was very clear that DS is not strictly an anti-tunneling perk. That it is something part of the community came up with, not the devs.

    That's like saying "killers use tunneling as a 'tactic'" when in fact they are only doing it because they want an easy down. You are not restricted in the ways that you can tunnel someone. So you can't remove the uses DS has because you want to believe DS is suppose to be only an anti-tunnel perk and because undeserving killers get stunned, because all you'll be doing is buffing tunneling itself. Right now you don't get penalties for tunneling period.

    You want those 'techs' gone because you think an undeserving killer will get DS stunned when the majority that I have played against know fully well I've just been unhooked moments ago and will wait out the few seconds I have left inside a locker and grab me or down me at the locker.

    At this point the locker tech is fair game when you can just slug to deny someone their DS. It's a matter of who gets there first. The killer downing the person or the survivor finding a locker to hop in and hope they are grabbed at the right time.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Ok you clearly don't read my posts at all so I won't be responding to you anymore on this thread.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Ds won't save you like sprint burst will. Getting that distance after the 1st hook state is so crucial tack on a inner strength or adrenaline and life will be better for you, trust me.

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    Guys cmon, don't get personal pls, it's not gonna help with the issue, only pollute the topic.

    No one expressed their opinion on 'hooks as cages' idea yet. :'(

    (And my friends still don't want to play this game cuz of tunneling)

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited July 2020

    I don't recommend this game at all to friends because of the camping and tunneling.

    It's not fun, it's not engaging, it's a waste of time. (being camped and tunneled)

  • Peepo
    Peepo Member Posts: 108

    That's why we're here and discussing this, right? Well at least I am in hope someone mighty will read it.

    What do you think about the idea with hooks?

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Use DS to avoid getting tunneled so often. Most of the time they'll leave and find another target or patrol gens.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    1. You're not allowed to say "gen rushing isn't real" and then complain about kill rushing. Pipe down, bud.
    2. It's only a bad playstyle if you tunnel someone who was hard to catch initially.
    3. Killers don't want the anti-tunnel aspect of it nerfed. They want it to be conditional so they can't hook you, go hook 2 other people, and find you again just to get hit with DS again. In this case, you weren't being tunneled. If tunneling was DS' true purpose, you'd have no issue with this.
  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    it's awesome how killers slug left and right, but when you ask them to slug the DS user it's like they're unable to lol

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited July 2020

    "If you use your anti-gen rushing perks and still managed to get gen rushed, then the issue isn't the survivor. The issue lies in your skill as a effective killer. Survivors have barely, laughably 2 perks to counter a tunnel while killers get a plethora of perks to use to counter gen rushing.

    I'm not saying Gen Rushing doesn't exist, I'm saying killers are given a lot more perks to counter a survivor's objective."

    This is my quote.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    They slug when it's the last gen to gain momentum.

    They slug when it will ensure their 4k.

    But when it comes to slugging to prevent DS, they ignore it, get stunned, then proceed to make a thread on the forums on how DS is an overpowered perk and they couldn't get their 4k.

    Then they proceed to give us these made up scenarios that they, themselves cannot prove that happens to them and expect the forum users to sympathize.

    It's a joke.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    this whole entire forum is a joke, but yeah I totally agree with you.

    They should the clown and victim card already..

  • icareaboutstories
    icareaboutstories Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2020

    If it's not an anti tunnel perk, what is it meant for then? I think that a question we should ask ourselves, what is the point of ds? Since as it currently stands, if a survivor gets unhooked and is picked up for any reason with in 60 seconds, they stun the killer and get a chance to lengthen a chase. Since it seems unlikely the perk has no reason to exist or there is no logic or reasoning behind it's design. Since there has to be some reason it exist.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Let's see.

    1. Corrupt Intervention.
    2. Pop Goes The Weasel.
    3. Surge.
    4. Ruin.
    5. Thrilling Tremors.
    6. Overcharge.
    7. Discordance (Somewhat)
    8. Dying Light.

    vs the 1 Decisive Strike.

    8 perks vs 1 perk.

    Imagine your outrage if survivors had 8 perks to counter tunneling. I can sympathize with you then, but you have 8 perks (from my knowledge) to counter your gen rush, and 1 perk for survivors to counter a tunnel.

    Get real. Stop playing the victim.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    You know you bring up a good point. Like i know what i think when i hear the word tunneling. Going after one person when it makes no sense at all, to the point it backfires on you. Yet to someone else, they might have rather different meaning of the word tunneling. So people might end up talking over one another, due to having no idea if we share the same meaning of the word tunneling or not.

    For i play on the pc and go without ds for most of my games, the amount of camping and tunneling i seen, has been very low, next to the people who say it's everywhere. Maybe i just have a different meaning of the word camping and tunneling from others. For i don't see it as often as some claim they do in purple and red ranks.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    People look ridiculous calling each other "genrushers" and "tunnelers". Both are things that everyone has the right to do and it is a style of play to make the objective of each one.


  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    Please try to keep this discussion on topic and civil and lay off the insults towards each other - if you are unable to do that, then move along to another discussion!