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Question for the Youtube Q&A



  • Member Posts: 1,235

    Where is Youtube Q&A #3? I see it on YouTube, but I don't see it in the forum (and I really appreciate the table of contents on the other ones that are posted in the forum).

  • Member Posts: 197
    edited September 2018

    can we get some information on if you guys are working to fix broken add ons for maps, the chilli add ons for the cannibal, deliverance not working and diversion having noise notifications up in the air?

  • Member Posts: 672

    Hey, me again I asked about Leatherface in this thread but I have another question:

    I was just wondering if you were able to tell us which licensed killer you have been given the go ahead to make cosmetics for. I remember Mathieu Cote saying that there was one when you had the play with the devs a few weeks back.


  • Member Posts: 16

    Are there any new Offerings in the making? Or maybe even a second Offering slot solely for Bloodpoint Offerings. It's so sad to almost exclusively see those. if there were 2 unique slots for Offerings than more "match altering" offerings would be used.

    How about Offerings that change the number of crows or how they react to survivors/killers. Offerings that change skillchecks, add weather effects, turning some lockers into traps, weaken/strengthen some pallets, entity block windows faster/at random for some time.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    Can you give a set of rules for special event's so people dont go out there way to keep others from getting rewards
  • Member Posts: 614

    Can you confirm that letting all wraiths keep after the new patch their Coxcombed Clapper add-ons which converted from uncommon to ultra-rare and led to people having an insane amount /200+/ stacks of the new ultra rares was intended ?

  • Member Posts: 396
    We’ve got shirtless David, do the design team/ game designers have any plans to finish and or put in the Neko Feng hoodie?
  • Member Posts: 85
    What are the requirements for "FOG WHISPERER status" there are tons of content creators myself included that are on YT but are not Streamers can you elaborate on FOG WHISPERERS. 
     Great new Chapter BTW C YA IN THE FOG
                           Sh1fty 423
  • Member Posts: 1,437
    Devs can you add in a button if there's a internet spike that causes dcs so people that are affected by it can keep there points and not be depip and feel cheated
  • Member Posts: 1,437
    Another one sorry I keep asking so many but this one a think.others would agree with when are you going to implement coding to keep people for abusing same character teams perks and items I mean it cant be that hard to put in a code that means you cant be same characters same perks or items in a group makes swf team's have to work on who uses what perks carry's what item's what role and who to be instead as I've had a few times all p3 Claudette's with toolbox's or flashlights it really annoys good killers who play honest games to the point they lobby doge or are jerks to other players please just make it people can't spam the same things characters and perks make them work as a team and not like spoiled kids getting there way
  • Member Posts: 1,316
    Is there at all a chance that you might be able to give the spirit a minor speed boost out the spirit world
  • Member Posts: 346

    Will there be more than 4 perks in the shrine?
    How about adding them all but increasing the price?

  • Member Posts: 274
    Any chance to get the old flashlight beam back from 2016? It was much better 
  • Member Posts: 7

    matchmaking is broken. when i play killer, doesnt matter whichk rank i am i always wait +5 minutes and somehow 3-4 survs come instantly

  • Member Posts: 1,604
    edited September 2018

    Surrender option for Killers/ Survivors when?

    Hate wasting 10 minutes trying to find the last survivor refusing to leave/ hatch stand-off/ everyone on the floor bleeding out. Identity V has this just give us this already, shouldn't be hard at all

    Most of the time I just want to move on to another game instead of being held hostage here by game mechanics

  • Member Posts: 29

    Does anyone else love Mathieu Cote??

  • Member Posts: 5

    How comes the current bloodpoints are capped at 1 million? i feel like this almost forces me to spend my bloodpoints on characters I've already leveled up rather than saving up and potentially using them for a future DLC..

  • Member Posts: 580
    As there are so many perks now and it's hard to acquire the ones you need for a particular build, will there be a rework on how we would acquire these perks other than relying on rng?
  • Member Posts: 411

    Have you thought about making a way to save Preset Perks? i know you can save different Perk Builds on different Survivors but Im a Feng Main and i would like to switch out when i ever i want to a pre-saved perk build when everi feel like it.

  • Member Posts: 1
    I really think the generators need to be looked at. The Double BP weekend has been a nightmare for killers, so many rude and toxic survivors and the gens get done in less than five minutes even with Ruin. A balance check is really at need here.
  • Is that true that who owns kate denson's cosmetics will get the spirit for free? 
  • Member Posts: 27
    With all of the new cosmetics being steamrolled in (thank you by the way!), will you guys ever allow the option to put the prestige blood on top of preexisting outfits? As in, make the prestige blood an add on to an already equipped item. I myself have difficulties deciding which one to rock!

    Thank you for your time and all your hard work! 
    Ps. That American Kate top will be bomb
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Stats, let's see some stats!

  • Member Posts: 4

    Would it be possible to give each other survivor the same bloodpoints in the end, as their game is a team effort? emblem progress and xp could still be personal. maybe that helps with tunneling?

  • Member Posts: 13

    Because "killed" to The Huntress with so many nerfs?
    First the nerf of addons wind-up time, after the hitboxes more smaller in survivors (and not in debris of maps) and the reduced speed of bloodlust.
    This killer its not OP, was equilibrate but not now.
    Please read the complete repair list in the original post:


  • Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2018
    Hi, devs! Big ups to you!

    First, I have an idea about reworking "Rancor":

    • Rancor I: Revealing Killer's aura to Obsession and Survivors' locations to Killer for 4 seconds (this value at all perk levels) - after each generator completing;
    • Rancor II: Aura and locations revealing + Exposed status effect for the Obsession - after completing the last generator;
    • Rancor III: Aura and locations revealing + Exposed status effect for the Obsession + giving an opportunity for the Killer to kill the Obsession by his own hands - after completing the last generator

    Why i bring this idea? Because i feel no gradation at this perk progression. It might be something like "NOED" - feeling his power at III level of it. Or like "Devour Hope" - adding another effects during its progression.

    Second, i have an idea for "Plunderer's Instinct"

    Alongside revealing the chests' auras, it would reveal dropped items' auras (by survivours themselves/after sacrifice/by "Franklin's Demise") whithin 10/15/20 meters.

    And the third: what perks reworking will the midchapter patch bring?

    Many thanks! Keep it up!
    Post edited by dubsteppaman on
  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Currently there are very few around the maps and Spies From The Shadows procs very rarely. When can we see a "crow revamp" to make them a more menacing presence for survivors (they are still servants of the Entity)?

  • Member Posts: 19

    Any chance the icon images in the game files could be whitelisted? The amazing work by Happy Clown coloring the perks, add-ons, killer powers, etc. is too good to ignore, but I know a lot of people don't feel comfortable modding the game because of the risk of a ban. It would be a harmless change that gives players no gameplay advantage whatsoever, please consider this!

    If it's not possible to whitelist the icon files, are there any updates on the touched upon Steam Workshop support?

  • Member Posts: 495

    Can you tell us something about the mid chapter patch (?
    Also, huntress and pallets seem to have "some bugs" (huntress hatchets passing trought survivors and pallet not stunning unless you are literally under them) are you waiting for mid chapter patch to fix them or will you fix them early?

  • Member Posts: 65

    Do you plan to update the forum site in the future? Some of us like to spend some time of forums and at the moment we don't have too many features: we can't delete old posts, we can't unsubscribe from specific posts, etc.

  • Member Posts: 6
    Is it ever gonna be possible to put my prestige blood on clothes other than the default. There is a whole bunch of awesome skins Behavior have put alot of work into making and they look fantastic my only problem at the moment is choosing between my prestige outfits that I put alot of hours grinding for or purchasing a new outfit. I love this game and have no problem supporting the studio by paying for in game cosmetics I just wish I could put the blood I worked hard for on the awesome outfits I can buy. Will this ever be a possibility I'm sure a lot more people would buy cosmetics if they could also add their prestige to them, thanks for the amazing game I will continue to support it either way.
  • Member Posts: 4
    Are there any plans to rework the Spirit and how aura reading perks affect her? Currently she is not able to see any auras while using her power. This makes perks like BBQ & Chilli, Nurse's Calling, etc less effective for her. BBQ for example I literally have to wait until the aura is over with before I start my phase sequence just so I can track survivors better 
  • Member Posts: 994

    Can we get a volume control for the music in the game? The chase music when playing as killer is so loud now, that it is almost impossible to hear anything else, like players running or grunting.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Hello Everyone :)
    Has there been any recent chatter about Freddy? Its exciting to know what could possibly be down the line for our iconic killer. Even if the ideas are just wishful thinking at this point, they are still fun to hear :)

  • Member Posts: 16

    Can we get a detailed version about what Prestiging does for the bloodweb .In game, it states the vague "Slightly Increases the odds of getting better items on the bloodweb"

    Unfortunately this has caused the community to just fabricate misinformation to try and fill in the blanks. Everyone has their own interpretation of this. I've seen anything from 1/2/3% to 10/20/30% better chance for rarer items, and various rules about how much Very/Ultra rares are affected, if at all.

    With the cosmetic shop live and flourising, Prestiging is now pretty much more of a Bloodpoint sink than a way to make your character look different. I'm sure at one point the exact mechanics were kept vague for a reason, but given the situation we're at now, I feel as though players should have all the facts about prestige available so they can make an informed choice.

    TL,DR: Can we get exact numbers and figures for what each level of prestige does for a character's bloodweb?

  • Member Posts: 151
    Since the removal of the moon bouquet survivors have no ultra rare offering is there plans to give survivors new offerings (not counting new map offerings) such as an offering that increases pallet spawns. I think that would be cool. ps deliverance is bugged and doesn’t always give you the 100% 
  • Member Posts: 38
    Totems feel like an expression of dark magic. They imbue devistating power... So should they be more dangerous to deal with? (Thank you for Haunted Ground, btw.)

    Has the team considered creating a unique interaction for cleansing these malicious artifacts beyond holding M1? And/or.... Perhaps making them dangerous to touch barehanded, inviting new items, perks and offerings in the game?

    Thank you for everything you do! Your persistent patience with our shared "passion" is greatly appreciated! :-D
  • Member Posts: 294

    Is there any LGBTQ+ character in this game? Pure curiosity.

  • Member Posts: 529

    What are your plans for halloween? An event or maybe a paragraph?

  • Member Posts: 529
    edited September 2018

    Is Freddy Krueger still trapped in debt? :P And also can we get some information on the Freddy rework please?

  • Member Posts: 529


  • Member Posts: 5,176
    For killers could we get the option to interrupt our pallet break animation to make the survivor think we're breaking it when in reality we're actually tricking them into abandoning the loop? 
  • Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2018

    Hello devs,

    have you ever considered making prestieging more rewarding? For example 5% more bloodpoints after every trial with a P1 character, a P3 character would grant you 15% more bloodpoints after every trial. This also would ease out the huge grind in Dead by Daylight a little bit and make prestieging look a bit more attractive. Would love to hear your opinion about this.

    Love your work, take care.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Will we ever get to see an in-game chat feature on the consoles versions just like there is on PC.

  • Member Posts: 1,358
    edited September 2018

    are you guys going to buff some survivors perks like autodidact prove thyself and others perks alot ppl loved autodidact in the PTB but now its useless and so others perks that ppl dont use

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    The game can already tell if a survivor is in a chase or not. So why is it that, while in a chase, picking up an item is prioritized over vaulting?

  • Member Posts: 6

    Hi Devs, is there any chance we could get a bonus xp offering in the future?

  • Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2018
    Will you guys be making the game compatible with the keyboard and mouse update for Xbox One coming in October I think it would be great for console players to be able to have the same accuracy Pc players enjoy
  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Do you ever think you'll add an option to turn off chase music? or better yet add in more chase music/ or allow for custom chase music or even add community made chase music (so long as it fits the theme?)
    and also Would you ever consider adding an ability for survivors to "reset" unbroken pallets at the expense of putting them on an exhaustion timer?

  • Member Posts: 24

    what do you say to the unfairness of BBQ&Chilli to We're Gonna Live Forever?

    What is the reason killers get such a strong double point perk while survivors literally get nothing for it? Any plans for changes / Adjustments?

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