New Moris For Trapper/Wraith/Clown

For the longest time, Trapper and Wraith have been known to have Moris that are near identical to eachother and lack any innovative ways to kill a survivor. They're nothing but mindless flaying with a weapon. Then there's the Clown who's Mori may reflect the lore of him, but being kicked a couple of times and losing a finger wouldn't kill you in real life. A good Mori should also have something to do with the killer's power to add diversity between a killer's brutality. So without further ado, let me make suggestions for better Moris of each killer.
Trapper: He places a bear trap in front of the survivor and grabs him/her face close to the trap. The survivor resists as the trapper pushes the survivors head into the trap until the trap activates. Survivor becomes lifeless followed by blood effects.
Wraith: He puts his foot on the survivors back and both hands underneath the survivor's chin. The survivor is screaming until the killer rips his/her head off with spine attached to it. Wraith looks at disembodied head, then tosses it aside.
Clown: He pulls the survivor up from the wrist and he/she struggles to break free. The clown cuts a finger off with his knife as the survivor screams. Afterwards, he slits the survivor's throat with the survivor dropping dead.
Anyway, I think at the very least Trapper, Wraith should get a new Mori at some point even if not anytime soon. Hillbilly's Mori is okay, but it lacks blood and special effects. Clown's Mori bothers me since it's not that lethal which the entire point of a Mori is it's supposed to be lethal.
Trapper: I think that is a good idea.
Wraith: Love the lore connection.
Clown: Yikes, Id hate that! but in the fact I wouldn't want it done to me kind of feeling... I assume they haven't done that for the same reason Demo doesn't bite off their head completely... because it would be too gory (at least for certain countries).
Here is an alternative to Pig's:
She stops a survivor from moving, Pulls out an RBT (if they do not have one on), places it on them, and slowly moves the timer on the side to zero, and then we see the RBT go off in all its glory.
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No one likes a hater buddy. Especially if you contribute nothing to a discussion.
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That would be cool. Amanda has been known to not follow Jigsaw's rules in movies.
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Nah i think clowns is perfect plus his stomps I can see being able to kill, plus the survivor is in the dying state so they are barely hanging onto life as it.
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No button for it, so shrug
I really quite enjoy The Wraith's mori. More brutality and more gore do not appeal to me; it contributes to the desensitization nature of our culture, and if the only way you can find the moris at all interesting is if they have excessive violence, then you're missing out on whatever tension still exists in this game. After all, it's human nature ingrained into our psychology that we become more accustomed to violence and fear the more we are exposed to it; that's why changing each killer's memento mori is only a temporary measure and a fair amount of work for an uptick in aversion to brutality that's transient.
It's not a "hater" moment. It's an "I think your idea is bad, and I don't really want to write a long post explaining why, so I'm hoping your idea will eventually fade away into darkness. That way, I don't have to do something unnecessary."
Good day.
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You mean desensitization like Borderlands, Doom, and Mortal Kombat? Lol. As I said, their Moris don't have any originality. Also this is a rated M horror game we're talking about, so of course their should be lots of gore and brutality. Ironically, the Wraith's Mori is the only Mori that kills survivors off screen which is a rather bore. I may not be scared of the game, but so is 90% of the community. By the way, I'm not the first or last person to suggest these changes. This has been a request for years.
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Yet survivors can be pierced in the chest 2 times, heal from dying state/injured an infinite amount of times, be shocked,harpooned, and chainsawed while still alive. Every other Mori you see a survivor can't ever recover from because of the excessive injuries on them. Maybe his Mori would be more believable if we heard bones crack or see blood spewing from the survivor's mouth, but the only special effects we have is a bloody finger.
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I always saw clowns mori moreso as him leaving them to die via bloodloss. As for wraith, DBD doesn't have a gore system, it took so much effort just to have clown take off a finger, I don't think the devs want to go through that again. Trappers would be sick though.
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see there already is a lack of realism in the game so really his mori is fine
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I always thought it would be neat to see a clown mori in which the clown forces a survivor to drink a tonic lmao
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The game would never have a mori in which a head was removed. Yeah we see organs torn out and fingers lopped off, but the actual gore effect is minimal. So Wraith may just have one where he smashes the bell over their head. But I saw a very cool idea where the Wraith beats them with the bell, after each hit the survivor fades in and out of Cloak and Uncloak.
Clowns one could be flipped to make it so he yanks their arm up sharply making them scream, he then cuts their finger off, stomps their head, and finally sucks the finger.
They could change it to this: Clown grabs them by the back of the neck/shoulder and hauls them up off the floor so their head hangs slumped over, their hand tries clawing at Clowns grip. Clown then stabs them in the kidney and shoves them to the ground, before yanking their arm up and cutting off their finger to suck.
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So long as the mentioned killers get a decent mori that's actually satisfying to use as killer, then I'm happy.
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Oh hail no, I don't wanna chug his dusty fart bottles. Lol