New aura system



  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    LOL - I have stared at that picture for a loooong time and cannot make out a single aura!

    In my first killer game, I was ready to go to the bug forum and fill out a report for missing Hook Auras!

    I never use Aura perks as survivor, but this makes Killer unplayable... :(

  • Schinsly
    Schinsly Member Posts: 176

    went on dbd today, played some billy

    glad hes not neutered that bad

    but anyways


    literally had 2 people wiggle off because i couldnt find hooks lmao

    also most importantly my brother is colorblind and he says the game is like borderline unplayable

    i think we did a pretty good job so far

  • Catt_xo
    Catt_xo Member Posts: 36

    Right?. I tried one more match, it ended very quickly. Going to re play Shadow of the tomb raider, as Lara fan at heart. But I was so excited to get on and play. Auras, lag, things all over the place....big no no. Such a shame. We can only hope they fix it for us soon before a lot of us give up and walk away completely.

  • Raccaine
    Raccaine Member Posts: 18

    They updated the auras, which does look better imo but it's just not as practical as it used to be and messed with perk balance a lot. If they hotfix anything, I hope they turn up the brightness or contrast of the auras.

  • HeyAssButt
    HeyAssButt Member Posts: 35

    Am I the only one who finds the new survivor auras really creepy? They look like little aliens running around. Especially the females.

  • Firestar1230
    Firestar1230 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2020

    Just played a game with BBQ and I thought it was broken completely. The auras help a little for survivors with auras like bond where it’s bright and yellow, but anything even remotely dark and it’s impossible to see. BBQ was already difficult-ish if the survivor was on the other side of a gen, but now it’s not even visable

  • Byrd
    Byrd Member Posts: 47

    I made a petition to bring back the old Auras so the Devs know we want it,

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2020

    Do the devs even playtest their own game? The gens are hard enough to spot, specifically on some maps, but it's even worse to spot people with BBQ, even when they're not near a gen. I still don't quite understand why aura reading abilities make auras turn the same color as gens. Why not make them yellow like survivors?

    You have 4 seconds to immediately distinguish where people are and you barely make things out. If something does a specific thing it shouldn't be that hard to have said thing be easily distinguished, let alone when it's an entire maps distance away and things get smaller.

  • K0mp0t1k
    K0mp0t1k Member Posts: 2

    I'm not sure if anybody mentioned it. You can't see basement hooks like at all. Played 3 games today on 3 different maps, stared at the 2 possible basement locations for 5 seconds (while holding a survivor) and couldn't see anything!

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 462

    Yeah, please bring back the old ones, the new ones are barely visible for me

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I think they look more like insects and bugs but aliens fits too.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    They look so awful they need to go back the way they were.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    They literally butchered Hillbilly and these new auras are horrible.

    Why attempt to fix something that isn't even broken, lol. Old auras were almost perfect.

    Revert old auras back, please.

  • Psykoala
    Psykoala Member Posts: 36

    New auras are terrible. The Killers Aura Perks are almost useless currently. Please revert the change immediately

  • Hazerino
    Hazerino Member Posts: 71

    im already hard of seeing like devs? can i play the game on low settings and actually see?

  • Jambeard
    Jambeard Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2020

    I am really struggling to believe that this was intentional. It seems like such a massive change to the game with basically no warning or explanation. Killer buff and nerfs aside, this affects literally every aspect of Dead by Daylight for all players.

    Can anyone confirm if the change was even intended and not just some horrible bug? I don't want to believe it's real.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    It's literally in the patch notes, dude.

    It's intended. Please, read the patch notes.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited July 2020

    The change is intended, it being this dark probably wasn't. Lets lets call it an intentional bug that will most likely be fixed/changed soon.

  • Jambeard
    Jambeard Member Posts: 15

    Nowhere in the patch notes does it say "auras have been made harder to see". In fact it says, "Functionally the system has not been significantly changed", so I'm guessing that somewhere along the way, they made them impossible to see by mistake.

    I refuse to believe that it was someone's actual job to make that decision and they get paid for it.

  • Rhe2veja
    Rhe2veja Member Posts: 63

    It´s a lot more difficult to see auras, i can barely see the basement in the picture

  • Jambeard
    Jambeard Member Posts: 15

    Holy #########. There is no way someone could know that's there unless you told them before looking at it. In game it's just.... a nightmare.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    You must be new to BHVR and DBD. Bad decisions are kind of their trademark. Ask...well, literally everyone in the community.

  • shummed
    shummed Member Posts: 2

    "I refuse to believe that it was someone's actual job to make that decision and they get paid for it."

    I hadn't even thought of that. and while I know nothing of the devs' intentions, hypothetically speaking I don't see a big leap in logic to think that a developer could intentionally work hard on a patch to challenge game performance and by extension provide more work for themselves. So they can get paid to break it and paid to fix it as well. Of course, that feels a little mean to think, or assume. like you said, I don't want to believe it either.

    I'd prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt and, in the future, I pray that they consider doing some Quality Assurance before shoving out a patch that deflates their fan base.

  • ctbarton97
    ctbarton97 Member Posts: 1

    Pleaaaaassssseeeee to the love God change the aura back it really looks on both sides and u can't see anything please bh just bring the brightness back up

  • mapledoodle
    mapledoodle Member Posts: 2

    I’m a survivor main. Me and two friends have been playing all day and have trouble seeing auras, especially when someone is on hook (in fact, the auras of hooked or downed survivors are virtually invisible in most cases, unless you’re super close) so this change is just bad on both ends and makes the game very frustrating to play. I really hope they just revert this change

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I've said a bit on this in other threads, but since this seems to be the longest, most dedicated thread in the feedback section: It sucks. Stylistically I like the retro-x-ray-Terminator-Predator-80's-movie look. I don't like not being able to see the information the game is suppose to convey, which is way more important than aesthetics. Bad execution.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I genuinely can't see it at all. It's not there as far as my colorblind ass can tell. I'm still just so appalled that this made it to live...

  • xlRadioactive
    xlRadioactive Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2020

    I played a game as Killer on Ormond and didn't notice until the end that one guy had Object of Obsession all the time. I literally didn't see him.

    Also when I played on Coldwind and hooked a survivor with BBQ I couldn't tell if a survivor was working on a far gen or not and just prayed that I was guessing right

  • cwtfern
    cwtfern Member Posts: 136

    It kinda seems that way. A surprising number of colorblind people play this game and have been pleading with BHVR to make scratches and auras a little bit clearer. This seems like the exact opposite.

    I trust that they will revert it or try to improve it somehow. They listened to us with Billy, at least.

  • Awwlexis
    Awwlexis Member Posts: 7

    I'm colorblind and I literally can't see downed people at all 99% of the time. This is awful.

  • MisterEpicRag3
    MisterEpicRag3 Member Posts: 5

    I got wind of them making aura's better to see, however, personally, the new aura's cause me to struggle, I play Huntress, so I need information to actually have an attempt of doing anything significant in the game, and the fact you cannot see BBQ aura's doesn't give me any ability to cause pressure allowing them to do gens.

    Anybody else having an issue with aura's or just me?

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    The aura change is really colorblind unfriendly. I noticed the change immediately when I saw a reddish blob moving on the map and a similar blob near a gen. Don't know how making them a few shades off generator red would help people not to mention remove the body's definition.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    BHVR noticed that no-one complained about the Auras so they decided to improve them.

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    I heavily dislike the new auras. It's almost impossible to see. I played on Mount Ormond and with the constant fall of snow, it became very difficult to see gens. Same with the doors. The yellowish white blended right in with the snow covered rocks. I've seen some of DBD's colorblind players say it makes it harder for them too. Please change it back to old auras.

    Now on to the second part. I've finally started having fun. After P3ing Nea and unlocking every perk on her, J moved on to Killer. Don't bash me, but Legion has always been my Killer main (second is Oni). I've finally discovered a few good builds for them. If you want to, you can leave feedback about builds.

    B1: Dying Light, Infectious Fright, PWYF, Ruin

    B2) Dying Light, Ruin, Surveillance, Blood Echo

    B3) STBFL, Sloppy Butcher, Nurses, M&A

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Dying Light is not that useful. By the time it actually has effect, you are already winning or gens are already done.

    Switch it to discordance for better slowdown by using your power or down survivors.

  • waywayway
    waywayway Member Posts: 7

    I just had a match as Freddy on Lery's, and I struggled to even see generator auras

    I had Ruin, and I couldn't see the totem until I was a few metres away. I was using BBQ, and it was worthless because I literally couldn't see survivor auras

  • Fantagreen
    Fantagreen Member Posts: 26

    The worst thing of all is that some perks have become less viable (see BBQ & Chili or Deer Hunter) or even overpowered (Object of Obsession: survivors can see killers since their aura is clearly bigger and pink-coloured), and some killers like the Trapper are now unplayable.

  • Catt_xo
    Catt_xo Member Posts: 36

    It's a joke. As a surv main who enjoys helping out my team. Well, now I h have to try find their hanging or injured little selves first. Safe to say they usually die before I find the hook. Kindred, dark sense...pfft. not needed. As a killer, bbq ...what's that. It needs sorting as it's just too much and my main gaming partner has bad vision he can barely play at all now. =/

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    Drop Dying Light. Dying Light is one of the worst perks in the game, and is definitely the worst Obsession perk.

    Reasons: Obsession buffed and unaffected by debuff stacks (-1 person affected by default).

    Spreading hooks is detrimental to winning, making building stacks counterproductive. Ideally you want to prioritize two survivors to hook and get them out early.

    Stops working when Obsession is dead.

    Even if all 4 survivors are still alive, you generally want to be in a position where someone is being chased (-1 more person being affected because they're not doing anything anyway) or someone is on the hook (anywhere between -2 and -4 people being affected total, generally -3, Obsession, Hooked, Rescuer). If you're playing well, this is just "win more". If you're not playing well, then Dying Light won't swing a game in your favor. Ditch it.

    Ruin+Surveillance is fairly strong, that's fine, just need to protect Ruin long as you can. The regression is just a bonus on top of the info you get there. Ruin by itself though is very weak and inconsistent. Replace with PGTW.

    Sloppy+Nurse's is a classic pairing. Can work. I assume this is on Legion, but the downside is that Mending is, for whatever reason, not Healing. Nurse's won't show you someone who's just Mending.

    Infectious Fright is best paired with BBQ so you always know where to go to find your next target and is very, very good on Oni. If someone screams, give them the stick. If they don't, hook and then go do general killer things, probably in the direction you see on BBQ. This should be also combined with M&A on Oni for a couple reasons, one being the bigger scream radius, the other being able to more easily get in range to get those precious early M1 hits to start snowballing.

    I'm uncertain as to the purpose of STBFL on either of those killers unless you're doing a gimmicky Renjiro's Bloody Glove M1 Oni. Legion doesn't really benefit from it since FF attacks aren't basics (therefore not building stacks), and Oni plain doesn't need it with the stick.

    Likewise uncertain of the purpose of PWYF on either of those killers. It gets the most use on killers that can easily down without spending excessive amounts of tokens (i.e. Bubba, Myers in T3, uncorrupted Plague). This is basically worthless on Oni and Legion, they don't need the speed and they'll blast through tokens like crazy.

    Try Infectious, M&A, BBQ, PGTW (dealer's choice on 4th, but PGTW is a very safe pick) on Oni. Strong build, only real weakness is not having early info and have to guess where they spawned.

    I don't play Legion enough to say what's really strong on him, but PGTW, Thanatophobia (leaning into his ability to spread injuries well), BBQ/Thrilling Tremors, and dealer's choice for 4th perk slot is probably safe on Legion.

    I suggest checking out Otzdarva's killer build guide video, it's not yet updated for 4.1.0 Billy/Bubba but was current up through Pyramid Head and should still be very relevant.

  • Catt_xo
    Catt_xo Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2020

    Not at all. It's to make the game less prone to bugs etc. But it's not right. They need to think about those most in need of the last system. It's an awful change that was not needed as it didn't change lag or any bugs tbh.

  • RalfBehalf
    RalfBehalf Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    need to make them look brighter and the contrast needs to be adjusted to where it's cormfortable to see, i can barely see anything on this new aura system, i understand the point because they wanted to make aura more managebale and have less bugs in the long run but my sugestion is just that they need to make them more visible...

    to make things worse i have poor eyesight and it made me to move closer to my screen to see auras that's further from me, it makes my eyes hurt, need to stay off from this game for awhile untill aura is cormfortable again..

  • Catt_xo
    Catt_xo Member Posts: 36

    Sorry but no. It was NOTHING to do with over using auras. It was to make the game run better. If you go read the patch notes it states it loud and clear. BUT it's a 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it scenario'. They messed the auras up to fix stuff that didn't need it. Now we have an ever harder and useless aura reading system.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Can confirm this. I could barely see the hooked survivor across the map and the one going for the save (Kindred), as well as seeing Survivors with BBQ through the corn when I played Freddy. I was like: "Is that a Gen or 2 Survivors healing?" Freddy also makes the auras even worse since they seem to be dependent on the lighting.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,438

    It's nearly impossible to see them now on certain maps, especially ormond. People who are colorblind literally can't see them at all, my wife is colorblind and had no problems seeing the old auras but she literally can't see them at all. This is a terrible change for both sides, survivors can't see downed teammates, killers can't see gens. Fix it.

    Everyone please @Peanits @Almo and any other devs you can to get them to fix this.