killer can't change killer but survivors can?!?!?!?!?!?!

so you made so killer can't change killer when searching for game or in lobbys just to made matchmaking better and fair..... the match is not killer host anymore or anything with the killer to do it is dedicated servers now and you left out so survivors can still change character, lets say survivors quick switch to a key survivor or a dooked out flashlight when match about to start and that is nothing you care about????? IF killer can't change neather should survivor!!! but I guess devs don't play normal games so they don't know how cooky and toxic survivors and killer can be cus I guess they only play custom game when testing stuff out YOU REALLY NEED TO ADJUST THIS IF KILLER CAN'T CHANGE NEATHER SHOULD SURVIVORS BE ABLE TO DO


  • Raykor
    Raykor Member Posts: 13

    maybe not all killers have good eye vision and can spot keys as good as others can and what do you mean survivors can’t if you mean that survivors can’t see their items they can but they are more zoomed in on the survivor then if you play killer is more zoomed out from the survivor

  • Raykor
    Raykor Member Posts: 13

    I know why they did it so don’t need to explain why they did it but devs haven’t take in mind survivors can last second switch do another character that have key, dooked out flashlight and killer can’t switch the only thing they can do is switch perk and there is not enouth time to do that if you notice Quick switch survivor

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    What a silly post, it completely fails to understand on SO MANY levels, why this change was enacted.

    I'm not going to reiterate it all. But if you can't even differentiate between the fact that survivors are just different skins relative to each killer having a different play style......

    I have a bridge to sell you.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    While the rare last-second survivor swap is annoying, the worst part about this is we have NOTHING to do while we queue for 10+ minutes for a match. Say I want to do some bloodwebs on a different killer. I have to do them, THEN queue as the killer I want to play. That's a horrible design choice.

    I sincerely hope the new MMR system leads to shorter queue times, or I'll just play something else. DBD isn't a game I can just pick up and play a quick match or two with any more. I spend more time waiting for matches than playing them - especially when survivors disconnect or suicide so often.

    I want to enjoy the game, but holy ######### the devs want to make it harder with every patch.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    The only thing I hate about this new system is that I used to be able to spend 1 million blood points while waiting for a match, spending these blood points on different killers as a way to kill time. Now when I play a killer that has all prestiges and perks and I dont want to spend bloodpoints on that killer, I must step out of the queue to spend the blood points which is, let me tell you, one of the most tedious things I have to do in this entire game. I want that insta button that empties all blood points to a certain character with a single click of a button, not having to go through the tedious process of buying each item on the blood web seperately.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    That actually makes sense. Only problem is I do my BP spending while queueing for lobbies.

  • Lukygo
    Lukygo Member Posts: 5

    It makes sense. But I played a lot of games and it is not like you said. My worst killer is hag. I played her 3 times and I was against very good survivors rank 1-5. And i am bad as hag but it is bullshit for me to be placed against rank 15 or 12 because i know how to loop and i would ever win. So for me it doesn't make sense.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    It is not in use yet. But they already implemented it.

  • Rygarr88
    Rygarr88 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2020

    How does any of that help counter SWF with comms? Bet nobody has a ######### answer to that lol? Crybabies

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55
    edited July 2020

    I don't think that's how the new matchmaking system works. I literally just got Oni and I'm rank 16 killer (cause I haven't played in awhile, p3 Pig main though lol), and got thrown into a lobby of fully decked all red rank swf group that had medkits with insta-heals, and toolboxes that had the iridescent cog add-ons, within 10seconds of queing

    I don't really mind the change where we can't switch our killer though. It just means you have to commit to a killer when you search for a match. I play the game pretty care-free so I don't mind people bringing keys or anything, since I don't care about any unwritten rules people make I will occasionally bring a Mori when I feel like it. It's just a game and I wish more people would play it casually, I actually like being nice with the survivors and just farming points with the last one or two I leave alive.

    Edit: I now saw your comment to someone else stating it hasn't been implemented yet. However if they are doing that they should make it the same for survivors since add-ons and perks still aren't shared between survivor characters, which essentially is their gear.

    Cause if they only applied it to killer then a survivor could just use a low rank to get into the match and then switch to the survivor they have decked out and that would defeat the purpose of the change. And wouldn't be fair to a killer since the killer can't switch to deal with the higher leveled/geared group. Just cause they can't see the killer at the start doesn't mean they should be able to abuse a new matchmaking system to give them easy killers and bloodpoints for some higher level character.

    However implementing that to both parties would be a good way for people to get their lower ranking survivors and killers up without having to worry about one person just being de-ranked and have a completely decked load-out

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    If they're going to lock us into one killer they could at least just let us choose the killer we want to be and then let us switch around before auto switching us to the killer we selected or something. Looking and messing with other killers is one of a few things you can do while waiting in a 5min+ queue off prime time.

    Not only that but most killer knowledge transfers over, outside of maybe Nurse/Huntress/Spirit, so you'd probably want to set the persons MMR to half of their highest killer MMR, or they'll stomp bad players.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Your skill as survivor doesn't depend on perks. Or at least it shouldn't.

    Let's see this example:

    I have 2.9k hrs combined on killer and survivor. And approx 65% of this is on survivor. I rarely play Quentin (Daily only), so I don't have all the perks I want. I play with what I got. My usual setup is this: Iron Will, Spine Chill, DS and Kindred, whereas Spine Chill is my must have. Let's say I only have Kindred (1), Off the Record (3), We'll Make It (1) and maybe Unbreakable (1). I will have a harder time since I'm not used to this setup mostly (i.e. that I am loud while injured), but this doesn't hinder my ability to loop a jungle gym. This depends on my skill as player, not on perks itself. Sure having DH or not can make a huge difference, but if you are good you can compensate this.

    Now think the poor rank 16 killer who would go against me because I chose Quentin. He would not have a great time against me.

    I hope you get what I'm saying.

    On the other hand: Each killer has an unique power. With some you will be great (Freddy for me), but with others you might struggle or havn't enough practise with (i.e. Billy, Nurse, Hag, Oni), so you get matched to appropiate opponents.

    I don't know what happens to matchmaking atm, but I also had some low rank killers in my lobby (rank 1 survivor vs rank 10 or even rank 16). i can truely understand your frustration. matchmaking has been broken for a long time now.

  • zillamonsterz
    zillamonsterz Member Posts: 13

    Why would survivor not be able to chang all it does is change looks sounds and maybe perks?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    Because Survivors are just skins, their skill level is the same regardless of what character they play. That's not true with Killers obviously.

    And the Killer still has the option to change perks, add ons and offerings in the lobby so it's only the character that's locked in, not your full loadout.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited July 2020

    survivors are skins they dont have any ability like killers...... this argument is stupid

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Can you please confirm if survivors can no longer know which killer they will be going against? Was this fixed?

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Actually... Survivors can have multiple builds saved using those different characters, which can be just as diverse as killer powers can be. And can hide items that the killer can't account for. What seems like a Lv. 1 Dwight can actually be a P3 Lv. 50 Blendette with a key. That doesn't seem quite balanced to me.

    Oh, and if they are just skins, then why do you have to level them individually to each other?

    60 seconds is barely enough time on Xbox to change perks to what survivors have. Never mind if they hide it from you.

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    yeah thanks captain obvious, you've made it clear that you can change loadouts as a killer

    now, would it really hurt if I can switch the killers depending on what they're holding since survivors are always on the upper hand? pretty sure that's the argument here.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Survivors last second swap actually has absolutely nothing to do with character swapping.

    Even if you did lock the Survivors from swapping characters, they'd just do the last second swap with just the item, with the perks being already set up.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    And as I explained - that's not possible, because of course the system would be abused to queue with a lower skilled killer to get lower skilled survivors and then swap to a stronger killer whilst in the lobby.

    And please refrain from the passive aggressive sarcastic comments towards me, it's not needed. I am explaining why they are locked and the reasoning as to why it will stay like that.

  • FambinoBambino_
    FambinoBambino_ Member Posts: 135

    What about switching between similar MMR killers? For example, my plague is 110MMR but then I decide I actually want to play Freddy who is at 115MMR.

  • VoiceofRain
    VoiceofRain Member Posts: 4

    Survivors could always quickly equip a key without changing their character lol

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i feel survivor should be lock in the 10 sec spot can't switch when there 10 sec left,

  • VoiceofRain
    VoiceofRain Member Posts: 4

    Okay, but why does it matter? The killer can't see builds. And if individual leveling didn't exist, neither would teachable perks.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55

    I understand what you're saying, but even so, just as looping, and chase knowledge passes onto each survivor you play, it does for pretty much all the killers too. Just instead of having a toolbox, flashlight, map, etc to help them with their objective, each killer gets a different skills that you do have to learn.

    And if the point of the new MMR is to let people play their killers and get them leveled up by going against a survivor of that killers skill, then not locking the survivors defeats that purpose. Cause unless they lock them or make survivors skill percentage the same as their highest skilled survivor, they could just use a survivor they never play to get a person with a killer they've never played, and then switch to a person with amazing perks. Yes you don't need perks to stay alive, however the difference with and without them is a lot. So someone trying to find low skill matches as a killer they haven't played should be given the chance to actually take use of what the mmr system is supposed to do. Which is give the killer a lower skill match so they can learn, a survivor character with low skill wouldn't always have those helpful perks and items right off the bat, so they would have to make do. Same handicap the killer would have trying to learn their new ability. And if they manage to just click with that killer and slaughter with them, then their MMR with them would go up really fast and they would get thrown into those matches where they have to deal with all the items and perks, and they at least understand their character enough to deal with those things. And it would also mean you'd just have to stock up on bloodpoints to level the low skill character and then play as them. Cause you only really need to play one character at all to get everything for everyone.

    It also doesn't let people spend their bloodpoints while they wait for a match, which is how a lot of people tend to spend their time.

    Like I said though, I don't mind it too much but I see where it causes issues. If both were locked then it would give killers a chance to get poor geared survivors, and survivors the chance to get poor geared killers, and they both will help each other progress and level those low characters. Which sounds pretty nice since I could get a lot of the killers up and learn them, and not just play my piggy all the time to earn everyones bloodpoints cause it's just a pain sometimes to deal with all those decked kits when you are learning or just new to the game.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I still don't understand why perks or items matter so much, that it should lock the survivor before readying up. It makes 30% most (of total skill), if the player is more dependent on certain perks (mostly common is Self Care, DH or SB). This does not deny the fact that I would be a quite unfair opponent with my experience to a brand new killer. Even if I would choose to go without anything into the match. I would need 2-3 matches to get used to the new circumstances (adjust playstyle etc) but I would have about the same skill as with my base kit.

    And even if I don't play a certain character a lot, I can invest tons of BP on her/him. I rarely play Meg, but I still have 80% of perks on her. So locking the survivor while searching wouldn't make any sense. I would not ready up on a character I wouldn't want to play.

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    Don't see anything wrong with 'abusing' the system as a red rank killer, cause it won't make any difference whatsoever and I know it.

    Why? Got a match with 3-4 sweaty SWFs against my leatherface when he has been my worst killer for the past 2 years, and it's only the second time I used him since the rework.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    They can also hide their skill as well. And whatever items. A killer can make a guess of how they will play based on the cosmetics they are wearing and the items they hold. That goes out the window if a survivor can hide that till the 5 second mark, when nobody can change anything anymore.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Actually, I think locking when searching for a match should apply for both sides. Survivors should not hide their strategy, and should be stuck with what they chose when searching for a killer. If killers can't be adaptable anymore, neither should survivors.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i'm with you on that but thinking what the dev would do or should do.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I think now it is a problem, since you can't react when you see swf in the lobby. But once the MMR goes live it won't, since you would be matched against low ranked Survivors with your leather face.

    Whenever I play a killer now I rare play I just ecpect that I will get nothing else than Entity Displeased. It is less disappointing then if I loose.

  • br3edage
    br3edage Member Posts: 4

    So someone explain to me how MMR will compensate for SWF groups with 2 highly skilled rank 1 players purposely queing with new rank 20 accounts to play with rank 17 killers ?

    Your system is broken and I've had enough of this 1 sided #########. Goodbye DbD.

  • Stormhaven13
    Stormhaven13 Member Posts: 48

    Most of you are talking about vastly different issues than the change that is actually being purposed. Cosmetics and survivor say nothing about player skill, you could be full prestige 3 and have never played the character, or be default skin of a survivor, and be the most skilled player in the game. The item is the only thing that really can change gameplay and that is as easy to switch as it is to switch a character. Most of the complaints, such as SWF balance, should be fixed in other ways, actual game balance. Being able to switch survivors, while annoying, and potentially a pain, does not affect game balance in a significant way. If a SWF group didn't want you to know, they could just play with default cosmetics. That would not fix most of the actual problems that are being said here.

    In addition, while killer skill undoubtedly carries over from killer to killer, I understand and appreciate the ideas behind the upcoming matchmaking system, specifically because at the moment it does not sound like it resets constantly. So while playing a new killer you will undoubtedly go up against people that you shouldn't, that will not happen as often (in theory) as with the current resets. I don't play that often, but because of the resets whenever I do, I always go against people who I have no right to be playing with, they have no chance.

    The one thing I do agree with is with killer queues being so long, it really would be nice to be able to spend bloodpoints on other killers while you're in a queue. I'm not a programmer, I have no idea how hard that is, but it would be a nice QoL feature. Not game breaking for me, but very nice.

    I believe the new matchmaking system has not been implemented yet, though I could be wrong. It will, of course, not be perfect on its test run. However I do think that the ideas behind it are sound, and I hope the execution lives up to it.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    because survivor are all the same and killer not???????????????

  • Raykor
    Raykor Member Posts: 13

    ye good luck to switch to franklin if you see an survivor quick switch to another one with a n key when lobby timer is 5 seconds untill the game start....