Desicive strike need a buff

Please read in full translate in your language. Notice: I am 100% sure that all of us who are old players in this dead by Daylight game will agree with me because they know how things were before, new players if they are going to criticize, inform yourself first. Dead by Daylight in times of 2017 was a great game, it was perfect both in killer and in survivor compared to how it is now.
They are going to take away the essence of the game. Look at the doctor, the nurse, the ruin and a lot of perks that have ######### over time (DESICIVE STRIKE) as well as mechanics. What I want with this is that all the players of this game reconsider and support me as the developers continue the game is going to end up dying what they have done lately has been a disaster
I was dissatisfied with this game since the nerf of Desicive strike in 2019 was not something necessary before criticizing me in this part I have my argument please read before criticizing we all deserve to be heard Desicive strike perk teachable by Laurie strode at level 40 since it came out it has been a very criticized and requested perk by nerf
.ok I understand At this point, this will frustrate several killers, because if the team had all 4 players wearing this perk, it would take a long time to understand that point, but was it necessary to render it unusable? Let's think please they are telling me that to occupy it, the killer has to hang up first after I get off the hook, I have 60 seconds of use, which is literally unusable
I heal and almost all the timing has expired, it is true that sometimes it saves you but how rare it is what happens almost never besides now it is so easy to counteract after picking up the killer will go for you and leave you on the ground wait 60 seconds and hang again before having done this destruction that they made this perk so much that they complained about the stun would have reduced it at least but from the beginning it is active or if they wanted it not to start active they could do that ######### mechanic of hanging you first and then they would unload you this active without time so it would be balanced and it would always be used not as they did now this would be all my opinion about the game currently that if they continue as they are now they will die slowly and believe me they will regret later .. Thanks for reading and I hope I come to you and take into account my request
Didnt read your rant but DS is fine, just slug them on the ground if your trying to tunnel its only a minute.
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First read it and then we talk there are my reasons and very good the truth argued and everything huh
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Could you format it into paragraphs? It's difficult to read a wall of text.
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I get where you're coming from, this is because it doesn't fit your playstyle. Current DS is for aggresive playstyles. You don't heal. You instantly go to the nearest gen or go for a hook rescue with 0 consequences. Most of the time. Personally I don't use it, because that's not my playstyle and I'd rather have perks that would help me multiple times throughout the game over a perk that would help me once, if any.
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Didn't read all of it (use paragraphs aka the enter key if you make this lobg of a text) but skimmed it a bit
Sorry but for me and many others the game has only been improving over the years. 2017 was definitivly not the perfect form for me. If we reverted i know i would stop playing.
Also you say DS is unusable yet you see it almost every game at high ranks. It's one of the most picked survivor perks. How is it unusable? It doesn't even need to be in the game to have an effect. As long as there is an obsession killers will have to play around it.
It's fine. The sole reason it exist is to stop you from getting hooked the second you were unhooked. You don't need that insurance anymore after you got healed
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I don’t think that perks should be buffed based off of how they were in the past. Dbd has had some really strong perks in the past. Some of the current best survivor perks were even stronger in the past.
Think about if people wanted mori’s buffed just because they were stronger in the past.
Even looking at current DS, you would much rather have DS and not need it, than have not DS and need it. If you aren’t getting to use DS, that means you aren’t being tunnelled out of the game (unless mori or pyramid head).
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Dead by Daylight in times of 2017 was a great game, it was perfect both in killer and in survivor compared to how it is now.
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might as well buff unbreakable while we're at it. Decisive is a perk that if anything needs a bit of a toning down. heres some examples as to how decisive is NOT underpowered
jump in a locker. if ur at 5-3 gens eat it. if you are at 2 gens eating the decisive will literally lose you the game.
lets say you ignore the decisive. that survivor will now work on a gen and you cant do anything about it. if you try to stop him he'll hop in the locker and you still cant do anything about it. you leave him for 60 seconds to do the gen. the gen then gets to 80%. by then another gen wouldve popped so technically all gates are powered.
59 second ds. heres a little example that actually happened. someone gets hit. runs over to a hook. saves a guy. you down the guy who unhooked. he then hits u w/ decisive. Congratulations! you just lost the game. for a perk thats meant to be "anti-tunnel" it seems to be doing everything else.
lets say you have a obsession perk like stbfl or theres 1 survivor who has ds. you now have to slug every single survivor cause you dont know if they have ds. slugging will add pressure but if its only 1 theres still 2 on gens. lets say the survivor has unbreakable too. pick up, and get decisived. slug and he picks himself up. only counter is to stand next to him and wait for ds to expire. that will literally throw the game. so you have to slug every survivor while they might have unbreakable. ds can hurt when its not even there.
anyways lets touch on "2017 was great for dbd". 5 blink nurse. nurse was only viable killer. infinites. toolboxes. no bloodlust. no entity blocker. instant moris. need i say more?
Post edited by ToxicAsf on13 -
please refrain from typing any more words
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By almost every account I've seen from people that played both sides, DBD in 2017 was awful.
Also, from what you have said, you literally uses DS for free escapes and want to continue to do so. How is that fair? And just so we're clear, "because I equipped it" or "the killer was tunelling me after I fully healed" aren't even excuses. They're just dumb sentences.
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I didn't waste my time reading it. DS is fine. Stop trying to change every f'ng thing people. Take the hit and move on.
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No one wants to read that wall of text, but decisive is fine.
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Weak bait.
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Was most certainly not balanced for killer in 2017 lmao, survivor is still the power role at the highest level but it’s getting better.
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First learn some grammar. Reading a wall of text is annoying. Learn to separate into paragraphs.
Second DS of old was incredibly OP. Even now a good DS can be game breaking with the right surv.
DS in its current state is fine and reasonable. It's a bit of a pain. Also you can tell who has it based on how they act.
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I'm sure there's some good points in here, but this was of text is a goddang sleeping pill.
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So, just because it doesn't work you want to force the killers to slug every time ? If you don't use it, that means the perk has done its job and you are not being tunneled.
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You know, I don't use these forums often to reply to posts, and today I decided to scroll through the discussions to see if there's anything worth putting my input into. Thank you for reminding me why I should never do that.
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DS needs a buff?
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First of all, why are you complaining about doctor. He got buffed, he's a lot better now.
Secondly, DS needed a nerf. It was a free ticket before, and if you don't remember the killer could juggle you if you were closer to the hook. I agree it should be changed but not the way it was before. Look at Scott Jund's video.
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I stopped at “Dead by Daylight in times of 2017 was a great game, it was perfect both in killer and in survivor compared to how it is now.”
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i don't need to read your essay, just you saying DS needs a buff is enough for me to say that you have NEVER experienced 4 DS and some unbreakables as a killer on a shity map
a minute is SO LONG for an anti-tunnel perk and on top of that, it's very easy to activate if you wish so.
Just get in a locker or make the killer slug you. Both choices wastes so much time for you doing nothing while the killer either has to eat the DS, or slug you when even that may not be as effective.
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Are you asking for it to be reverted? I'm not really sure what your asking tbh
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Absolutely not. DS now is still pretty useful. You basically have 60 seconds of immunity that's almost an entire gen and if they slug you bring Unbreakable and they can't do a thing about it.
I guarantee you 2017 DbD was not perfect for either side. Double pallets, bad map design, exhaustion not existing (Sprint Burst every 60 seconds of chase was not good), short gen times, old brand new part, pallet vacuum, crazy perk combos and that's only on the survivor side. 2017 was only good because people didn't know how to play the game but it's not 2017 anymore. It's 2020 and optimal survivors who already know how to loop with single pallets and exhaustion would wipe the floor with the killer if things were like in 2017.
TLDR : It's not 2017. Players aren't clueless on how the game works anymore and if things from 2017 were to come back this game would die because of how abusable everything was back then.
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I sometimes wish DS was scrapped in favor of an item (shard of glass) that is very rare.
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So y
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You know what I would be down to changed decisive strike so slugging doesn't completely counter it however
In return you have to stop people's ability from being able to cheese out decisive strike and I'm not talking about Locker techs.
If you touch a generator totem or if I hook another Survivor after your decisive strike is activated it should deactivate you aren't currently being tunneled you don't need an anti tunneling perk
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If anything DS needs a nerf. Make it so it doesn't work on grabs/lockers. Also if I hook you, you get saved and I hook someone else. Your DS should deactivate because I wasn't tunneling you. Too many people get in the killer's face because they have 60 seconds of diplomatic immunity. They DS to piss off the killer and when they get caught again they rage quit because the killer "tunneled" them.
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You forgot rage quitting because of being slugged, knowing that the killer is going to wait the 60 secs and then hook you.
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Hi i was looking through the comments and i was wondering. Could you please tell me some playstyles and good perks for that playstyle. I am a little struggling with finding the good perks for my style.
(now about the discussion)
Ds is fine by me. I am a new player and heard that ds was when it came out always active. If ds is getting buffed. Stuff from killer side needs also a buff. but secretly something inside me hopes that is will be OP against OP except nerfed against nerfed.
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Sure, what's your current playstyle like?
As for other ones, well, its hard to force a player into one. You could be someone who has a build around a chase, you could be looking to get gens done as quick as possible, you could be looking for a knowledge build. You might want to be a saviour. You might just want to have different perks from different playstyles.
Additionally, can I have your hours put into the game and current teachables? Itll help alot with knowing what perks you should use.
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true this it bully perk imo.
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That just means no matter what the killer does, the survivor will rage quit.
Eat the ds and hook them=rage quit
Slug and wait 60 secs=rage quit
Ignore them and look for someone else=not an option. If the only person the killer see's is the person with DS then it makes zero sense to give up on chasing them.
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I have an idea of a possible ds currently activating after they get off the hook with a duration of 60 sec (a bit of time for me) since it is very easy to counter.
The idea would perhaps be to increase the time a little more by 100sec or 120sec, or after you get off the hook, to remain active without time so that the murderer would have his first hang up and survivors after having secured his ds, this is what the murderers would have done from the beginning.
frustrated because they did not hang anyone for the ds but with this idea it would be much better I think that that 60 sec time should not exist remove it and that this asset after the 1st hang is a good idea please
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This is either bait or you actually need to clean your monitor and realize that there is a completely other side that is made of actual human beings and not bots that are there to give you points and free escapes.
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I would remove DS from the game or make it viable if you completed a generator only by your hand, does not apply if more people completed it.
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you forgot that the reason the DS stun of 3 seconds was changed to 5 was because enduring was reducing the stun to less than 1 second, and not only did they move it to 5 seconds, they ALSO removed enduring from affecting the stun BEFORE they moved it to 5 seconds and forgot to reapply enduring and haven't fixed it. sorry you feel this way but DS rank 3 is too long of a time frame and allows for someone to get out just because of the 5 seconds and before you say slug away, i just did, they crawled on top of hatch and their SWF team mate left when they were on there forcing me to pick them up and let ds happen when the hatch opened and they got out instantly.
here you go: first hook, killer runs off and comes back to hook and player is already on a gen, not healed or anything, but stays on the gen, or jumps into a locker forcing the ds. my changes to this are: change time frame to 30/38/45 seconds, ds deactivates (saving timer position) when on a totem, gen or in a locker. Deactivates completely once 100% healed. this will cause them not to be able to force a ds. this actually can "prolonge" how long you have ds but it won't let you get on a gen and be pickup proof because of that for 1 minute.
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Dbd was perfect in 2017
Stopped reading right there.
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Don't forget some tiles were even stronger, L wall T wall pallets, Jungle gyms with both 2 windows and 2 pallets, shack with 2 windows
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my current playstyle is getting chased (distraction kinda thing) because i want to get better with looping. (only thing i am able to loop for a bit time is shack)
my hours probably 100-200.
my teachables: every perk from: kate, feng, dwight, bill, meg, tapp, laurie, claudette, jane, david (except no mither) and jake (except saboteur)
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why would anyone think ds need a buff.🤷
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Well you have two options with that. Either keep that playstyle or change it.
If you keep it I'd say Dead Hard is a must. Helps you extend loops and dodge attacks a lot. Second perk would be Windows of Opportunity just to learn loops, you can change this with experience or just not use it if you don't want to. Third I'd say Iron Will, as good killers will listen for grunts of pain during a chase. Finally I'd say use Spinechill. Allows you to get the early run on the killer which can be extremely beneficial.
As for changing it if you want to, which I wouldn't reccomend as you want to get better at looping, is a mix between a chase and gen build. Prove Thyself, Bond, Spinechill and any exhaustion perk of your choice.
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What the hell are you talking about?
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You know alone at the title I was going to move on but I though hey, maybe he does have a good point.
And after reading it, no, not convinced, just because it isnt guaranteed 100% of the time that you get to use it doesn't mean it needs a buff, like, every other perk is like this, you risk having a perkslot less for a perk which can either turn the tables or screw you up completly with the fact that you could have been using something else. If you hook a survivor right infront of the gate and they get unhooked you can't pick them up because of the 1 min Ds timer and they'll just crawl out.
Ds is fine as it is, doesn't need a nerf (or not a big one) and doesn't need a buff
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DBD has a very unhealthy community. Since it is killer vs survivors you're going to constantly find threads of "nerf this killer/perk it's too op" when that person has only had experience playing against it and never with it. Like the deathslinger is op argument, it's ridiculous. Everyone's in this "it needs to be nerfed" mindset. So instead of power creep we're seeing and endless line of nerfs on beloved killers and perks that just end up making the game more boring and frustrating. An example would be nurse. Her kit before was super fun to use, albeit really strong. She did need a nerf, yes. But they nerfed her in a such a way that unless you're a genius with her ability, she is the most insufferable killer to play as. The entire learning process is "well I'll never catch a survivor until I learn this ability because survivors literally outrun me" and the ability is clunky and weird to use. Yes, nurse is still very good in the right hands. But for people who don't have 1000 hours on nurse why would you pick nurse over literally anything else? Even against experienced nurses it's very easy to dodge now.
First I'd like to say I'm a killer main. Second I'd like to say, DS is a very balanced perk right now. The only unfair thing about it is hopping in a locker for complete safety. There are a lot of killers out there that will just take this as a free down and hook for the survivor that just got rescued with now the only counter to this sort of tunneling being borrowed time. I will admit the borrowed time/DS combo is annoying, but there's nothing worse than going down at the hook you were just rescued at with no defense against the killer.
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Slugging doesn't counter it. Saying "just slug" is like telling survivors "just don't get caught by the killer 4Head".