How’s the MM system going for you guys?

Just had my first match, seems pretty decent.
Match 1: Trapper - Rage Quit with 3 gens left; All Red Ranks.
Match 2: Clown - Rage Quit with 4 gens left;
So trash, just look at this Unplayable, he is still a red rank killer, they made it worse
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Terrible. I played like 5 matches and all of the teammates I got were clearly new to the game and the killer was actually good in 2 matches only.
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Holy sh**.
Are you Red rank?
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4 matches on survivor where I had a total of 3 teammates that weren’t allergic to gens. Holy $#!7 Batman this is hot garbage. I’m rank 5 btw
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Yes, rank 1.
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I'm a rank 1 Doctor main and I faced a rank 17, rank 19, rank 6 and a rank 8. They all had below 300 hours, with the rank 19 having 30. I haven't seen Survivor yet but I doubt it'd be much better.
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Yes, i am red rank
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My first match was all Red ranks. I’m loading into my second now. I shall see if it gets colorful for me.
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I'm questioning if it even exists at this point. From my understanding, it was 'tracking' us long before it got activated live, so killers were at some kind of skill already for matching. So, my thinking was, I've never touched Nurse once in my playtime, so why not use this to practice her at last and finally learn her since I've always wanted to, but being placed against Red ranks over and over wasn't a option. So taking that into account, my Nurse should be 0 skill matching newbies. Now, before that's taken from context, I've not used her, so I'm essentially a newb myself with her. But no. 4 matches, all mega coordinated gen slammers, healing within 10 seconds of being hit. So yeah, seems 'Skill based MM' works great so far!
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dedicated servers, sounds, hit detection, auras, anti-cheat, nurse bugs, cosmetics bugs, vaulting, pallet stuns, hits through pallets, the list goes on and on. These devs can’t fix the simplistic of things and to think they can develop an MMR system for a non-static rng based game..... please. This will fail like everything else. They have to hire some competent coders first
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From my understanding of what I was told by a friend, the system is supposed to start reading and coordinating your skill after the MM update was released. I don’t think it takes your previous numbers and adds it. Therefore, I don’t understand why you’re getting matched with Red ranks you/super high skilled Survivors if you’ve never played with nurse or don’t have the highest skill with her.
Its confusing.
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Everyone saying it's trash after 5 matches when dev said it takes at least 10 to balance your rating... Good job!
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Where did they say that exactly? Please send a link.
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Q: For Killer specific MMR: How will ratings work for newly released Killers? (e.g. Do you start from 0, or is it based on your other ratings?)
Every time you start playing a Killer that you haven’t played before (either because they have just been released, or because you have decided to try something new to you), your rating with that killer is weighted based off your ratings with other killers. If your Rating is relatively high with your other killers, then your default rating with a new killer will be weighted upwards somewhat. Regardless of where this weighted rating ends up, the system zeros in on a 90%+ accuracy within ~10 matches. The intention is to give you a head start towards playing balanced (and fun!) matches as quickly as possible.
You don't start at 0 if your other killers are a higher MMR, so that's a thing. I don't think it should be to a point where you, a brand new Nurse, are paired with higher ranks, though. That kind of defeats the purpose of the varying killer rankings in the first place.
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This is only for new accounts! You need to read the dev's comment again. They said if you have been playing before then it does not start at default and the new MMR system should already be working for you right away (for a lot of players it's not).
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Last topic
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It's going to take a few matches before things start to even out. Please don't go by the player ranks in the tally screen because they are not indicative of a players MMR. I can confirm that it should take around 10 matches before it starts to even out and the system will then be able to assess the correct MMR score.
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How high can the MMR get if I may ask? I'm not understanding it
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He didn't specify for how long they have been collecting data... Also you can't assume every killer plays a lot of matches everyday.. Because a person can be good and be tired of the game and play 2 or 3 matches a day or even less..
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Thanks, I somehow missed that Q&A entirely and someone told me that the system was calculating our skill before it was activated.
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I'm rank 4 and just went against a rank 20 trapper with no perks...
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You must be very bad as survivor then KEKW
just kidding ;)
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It's amazing, I get a rank 17 with 1 perk to go up against a rank 1 nurse with pop. I only survived because of my key.
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My 1st match was all purple rank survivors vs. rank 19 killer.
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Sorry but you guys have not been clear with us regarding the new MMR system and how it will work. If you see my comment above you will see Almo's response and he said that it will take around 10 matches for NEW accounts only. For old accounts and players who have been playing before it should start working for them as soon as the new MMR system goes live. We don't know what to believe. So far players with over 2000 hours have been playing against new players with less than 50 hours. How does that make sense? Can you please explain?
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I was just telling my friend this... either I'm hot garbage, or the rank 20 is a god. Shame he dced and I couldn't see his real potential... can't blame him.
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That’s not true though. I’ve played at least 75-100 games since the 4.1.0 patch on Xbox and the ranks are atrocious.
You say “ranks in the tally screen are not indicative of players MMR.” However, EVERY single yellow and green rank in my lobbies have had less than 10 days (some even just a few minutes) played and they couldn’t be any better than the rank that they’re currently at.
So in conclusion I can confidently confirm that MMR is NOT working as intended.
These are what the average games look like on Xbox to a 5000 hour gamer with over 12,000 kills. I have piles upon piles of screenshots like this over the past weeks by the way.
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It's cool, but I can't play the game, because I have a problems with my net 😔
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Constantly losing pip's today due to MM. Wait 20 mins for a lobby, play against rank 2 when I am rank 15.....real I remember why I quit playing.
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I don't understand it myself. I get Nurse is a tough one to learn, so I was of course making so many obvious mistakes, but it was the fact survivors knew exactly where Gens were, the best loops to use, etc. Seemed a little too high skilled if I was supposed to be matched against a lower skilled team if I've never played Nurse. It's just putting me off learning Nurse all over again honestly.
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this meant to be better?
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It was a streamer who does viewer requested builds. The guy had like 5,000+ hours or something.
Pretty much everyone went down in under 15 seconds, my gen gets popped like 3x times in a row and someone suicides on 2nd hook. Then the last guy, who went into the basement, sat there struggling on hook for the full minute while the nurse looked for me even though we had 3 gens left.
Not the worst match i've ever played, but close. I think ill just stick to killer for a while.
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This is just embarrassing for BHVR.....
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Do Disconnections affect your MMR for a match?
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No change. Still hillariously borked as hell. my last 3 matches on 3 different killers:
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Thanks for the clarification Mandy!
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Just played Clown for a daily and a rank 2 killer currently.
I got a rank 16, 8, 7, and 6. The rank 16 D/C after I downed him. The survivors were really bad, not what I am used to that's for sure.
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Edit: A picture says more than a thousand words.
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I can not believe it.
Now the new system is worse.
The only explanation that I find is that nobody has mmr and you can get together with any player.
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That’s what it looks like. Maybe that’s why matchmaking is faster also :\
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I missed the joke.
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The planet icon is a Microsoft store player.
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First 3 games were really great /s (just cut out ranks and matche's kills when I played my main killer rank 1, not like they had perks anyway)
Killing rank 20s who are supposedly on my level has never been so much fun /s.
I never thought I'll miss old ranking system so much.
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It’s just that we don’t know who is right or what to believe. Everything about this new MMR system is vague.
Mandy says: “It's going to take a few matches before things start to even out. Please don't go by the player ranks in the tally screen because they are not indicative of a players MMR. I can confirm that it should take around 10 matches before it starts to even out and the system will then be able to assess the correct MMR score.”
Almo said: “I can confirm, your MMR will not start at a default if you've already been playing, since MMR has already been running in the background though it's not been used to create matches. If you have a new account, it will start at a default, and it settles after about 10 games.”
So as you can see, even the devs aren’t giving accurate info.
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it's pretty much guaranteed that at least 1 survivor will be at white rank even against the red killer
it does spice up the game a little for me, but I doubt those new players will have any fun experience
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are we entering a timeline where ranks were actually preferable?
btw MMR in a game like dbd omegalul
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LVL 20 Killer (never play killer and when I do it's for 'fun' / memeing - but new players forget or don't know what 'fun' is so I don't play nice anymore.."
First lobby was two LVL 9s and two LVL 5s.
I DCed after being looped flashlighted lopped looped ran ran lopped flash lighted palleted palleted palleted Eff it. It's worse than ever.