Decisive strike need a weakness

Survivors use decisive strike to repair when they are rescued from the hook it seems to me an abuse for this reason my proposal to add a small inconvenience if the survivor decides repair a gen.
After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will become active and usable for 40/50/60 seconds.
While Decisive Strike is active, when grabbed by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check Skill Check}} to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 5 seconds.
Succeeding or failing the Skill Check will disable Decisive Strike.Successfully stunning the Killer will result in you becoming the Obsession.
Repair a generator disables Decisive strike automatically for the next 60 seconds.
Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
I'd be totally fine with this change and this is the only change DS needs.
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Weakness is failing the check.
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It already has multiple weaknesses.
1) Only active for 60s
2) Slugging
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So lets say that 10 seconds go by and survivor hops on gen. Does it pause so after they leave the gen, 60 seconds goes by and now theyve got 50 more seconds of decisive? Or is ds deactivated forever?
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The problem is people are going to use it to abuse anyway I think my idea is better because if u decide repair a gen lose the perk for 60 seconds.
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Unnerving presence doc.
You're welcome.
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I came in expecting the usual "let me tunnel devs!" thread but I am pleasantly surprised. I agree that this condition would make Decisive Strike more fun to use as both survivor and killer. Survivors would have to decide critically whether to get back to objectives or to be protected from tunneling. Killers don't have to worry about patrolling and getting hit by a random DS from 45 seconds ago. I would also like it if DS deactivates when the user unhooks a survivor, because unhooks are also a core objective.
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Unnerving hasn't affected DS skillcheck for a while now.
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maybe dont tunnel?
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what? Unnerving hasn't affected lol
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You've got a proof for that?
It's not like I've got the chance to see it myself in game, didn't even get to see if they changed it at all anywhere.
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Killers don't like completely changing their playstyle to avoid getting hit by one perk. Apparently a lot of them liked tunneling and instantly rehooking sadly :/
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It used to unless they changed and I didn't realized, haven't played for some time :P.
EDIT: Just checked on some other places, it does not affect DS anymore, yeah, that sucks even though it doesn't make any sense.
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I don't have any video evidence to share, but this is from the wiki:
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It deactivates for the next 60 seconds but survivor can use this perk the next time if caught for the killer.
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Weakness is time and skill check. Next.
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Thanks, still sucks they decided to change it.
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its not about tunneling. If we only want to punish tunnelers there are ways to make this perk do that that wont punish a normal kilker just playing tge game. Most people complaining about this perk arent tunnelers
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Or you could like hit them and slug them, even if they get picked up they wasted 16 seconds, if they use Unbreakable you got it out of the way. The only change I would introduce to DS is if you get pulled out of a locker you go straight to dying stage bypassing the Killer picking you up, its up to the Killer to slug or eat DS after pulling you out of a locker.
Your suggestion also has one problem, whats the Survivor supposed to do after being unhooked and healed? lingering around doing nothing?.
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If a survivor is capable of working on a gen without the killer immediately interrupting them, then they aren't being tunneled and don't need DS up.
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still unfair perk because u forget to mention survivors use it to abuse.
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My problem with that is now instead of getting hit with a decisive 55 secinds after the unhook and i just didnt realize it had been that short of a time is now i can be hit with a decisive 5 minutes later. It would also effectively encourage gen rushing so they can save their ds for egc.
If the point of the perk is to be antitunnel then do that. Remove the time limit entirely and when they interact with anything or become fully healed the perk deactivates.
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Wow. Tbh, your idea sucks. DS is supposed to protect survivors from tunneling killers. Lowkey this is just a post making it so you can tunnel. If survivor repairs after getting unhooked, who cares. That's what they need to do to get their objective complete. It's not fair that you wanna take away the only protection we have from tunneling killers. And for the record, if you run back to the hook because they got unhooked, you are a tunneling because you are going back after the person you hooked. DS does not need to deactivate when jumping on a gen. If repairing does stop the progress of DS, then that's the only thing that needs to change. Deactivating is just an excuse to get your tunnel kill.
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Then the 60 second timer will go away, I dont see a problem. If the guy jumps to a gen and the Killer smacks again in less than 60 seconds then he really is getting tunneled, isnt he?.
And as I said, you can still smack them and throw them in the ground.
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There's nothing wrong with tunneling, and if you want to defend the practice openly I will respectfully disagree but not try to attack you for it or anything. It's amazing how there's such a stigma around types of gameplay in this community, be it using "op perks" as survivor, genrushing, camping, or tunneling. I wish there was a way this toxic bias in particular could be diffused.
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That's right. If they want their 60 second protection, they need to be able to keep themselves busy doing things other than the main objective. What's wrong with that?
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indeed but the perk its saying "dont tunnel me or youll get the ds" theres alot of things to counter now ppl will respond saying oooh survivor main or something like that anyway heres the list:
- find other survivor and leave the ds guy on the ground
- survivor may potencial fail the skill check
- wait for the cooldown but staying near him(bad choice)
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Well, then nerf DS, but let survs use it twice and without the skillcheck
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It simply should deactivate when starting healing action, repairing or jumping in a locker.
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Deactivating if they touch a gen has been suggested before and I agree with this change. I won't tunnel you right after a hook unless I see you touch a gen.
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People not want changes because they want to continue abusing repairing gens with Ds...shame.
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It's hardly an abuse, and this comes from a longtime main killer rank 1. There is the time limit and slugging as a very strong option to counter it. If someone chooses to glue themselves to a gen, forcing you to eat the DS, you can always do a lunge attack to avoid grabbing them and downing them for slug until the ds goes down.
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What a cheaper excuse. The DS skill test is a joke, 90% of the time you can do it well when you get used to using it.
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Better 3 or infinites times than 2.
Yes, I am being sarcastic with u.
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minute is way too much considering the fact that games last 5 minutes due to gen speed
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As far as tunneling is concerned itself it wholly depends on the situation whether i will do it or not. When i do i take ds into account and its not a problem.
The problem is you go and chase/hook 2 other people then come back around to you and get hit with a ds. Or survivors doing really stupid things because they know theyre immune for 60 secs.
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60 seconds is enough time it is the time it takes to get away from the hook and heal yourself and go to another gen.
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DS is not an antitunnel perk, just a 5 second stun (4 if we count the dropping animation) for dmb killers who literally picked up the same survivor they hooked less than a minute ago.
Can just slug, and only tryhard survivors use unbreakable, cause I haven't seen it in more than 2 weeks.
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Isn't the weakness of DS that you might never get to use it (and therefore are now playing with 3 perks all game)? It's the reason I don't run DS as a survivor.
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Yes, 5 seconds when decisive strike hits u and leaves a note that says "I'm at the bar Bro"
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What do you mean stupid things? If you manage to down them they're off gens for a bit and they pretty much gave it to you for free. Having DS active doesn't reward you for mistakes, it merely compensates for the mistake in some cases where the killer is being careless. Slugged survivors can't do gens, and good survivors can always last at least 60 seconds outside of tunneling scenarios. Hence why the community adopted DS as an anti-tunnel perk.
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60 seconds of invincibility is totally unfair and most people run unbreakable anyway.
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The games usually do not last more than 6 or 7 minutes, the killer needs hang survivors 12 times, 4 decisive strikes are 4 minutes ur math doesn't work or maybe this game really is unbalanced.
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DS is a one time thing, killers can abuse, for example, pop goes the weasel, a lot of times if they want.
Crying for getting stunned?
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4 decisives can actually be 8 mins. The reason this is balanced(albeit annoying to some) is because the killer is never forced to chase or pick up a survivor with DS.
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only active for 60s meaning can do a gen in killers face can unhook in killer face can heal in killers face
and slugging jump into locker
these are not weaknesses no matter what you think or say.....
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DS doesn't make you superman. The killer can still hit you lmao. Your bias is showing hard if you really think DS is one minute immunity and a free pass to play dumb.
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many survivors allow themselves to be catch and I was not tunneling but they were simply cured and they were so bad that they lasted less than 60 seconds in pursuit, simply shame.
ds need a nerf.
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If theyre running ds + unbreakable they can do all kinds of dumb things. Ive seen survivors keep workjng gens still i slap them. Body blicking. Jumping over a vault 50 times in a row till i go over there. List is endless
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They can always do dumb things. And they will always be punished for them if you play right.