I installed the game 4 days ago, ######### MATCHMAKING???!!!!!!
Yes teach those naughty noobs a lesson from coming into your land, hook em up and watch the eneity eat those meddling kids.
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Everyone didn't start at the same MMR. Somebody lied to you if they told you otherwise or you assumed. BHVR claims they had a data collection system in place for the last several weeks to ensure the system wasn't going to be like this.
This type of thing is actually expected ever since they started dedicated servers.
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if one is good and the rest are potatoes.........
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I would say the same. Since they introduced new MMR , every game i play against survivors are between rank 1-5 & also red SWFs, and i was not even that experienced to play against them (I had around 1000 hours playing the game casually). this screen shot is one game i luckily won (because those survivors were mocking me at the gate so i took chance to slug and killed 2 of them), but most of the games i played since MMR are stressful and not fun at all. red rank survivors can easily tell that you are not pro and they just bully you around, t bagging, etc.
it felt like this new MMR forces people (especially killer mains) to play hardcore, but it's not like everyone can go hardcore right? devs, please also think about casual players, we are not willing to go against red rank professional players, we do not want to be good or get good as some people playing this game for a living, we just want to have a fun chase around with similar rank or skill set opponents after work.
Post edited by Powerz924 on1 -
Are we sure this system is even working? The wait times are longer than ever for me and when I get a match its usually over in under 5-6 minutes with a 4K. I'm getting put up against survivors that don't even know what a pallet is.
20 uninterrupted 4Ks as Clown. CLOWN. And it hasn't gotten any better. What's worse is I played LF for the first few days straight with the tome launch and the matchmaking there never improved either.
In the last week I've had one match where the survivors were able to make me sweat, but in the end when their DS was used up it was still a 4K I felt no excitement. At least with the old system I could enter a match uncertain of how it would end and know that I would potentially have actual challenging players.
Why didn't this system at least factor previous ranks into starting brackets beforehand?
It's the same story as a solo survivor rn except with teammates crouch walking around the map not doing gens!
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Still not working for me....
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For me as Killer the match making is extremely extremely poor. I've played less then 100hrs as Killer so far and ever since the new MMR system was implemented all I get is SWF Red Rank teams... every... single... match. I just keep playing the same Killer over and over in hopes the system will register I'm in the wrong MMR bracket. I've all but given up and have put on a meme build. My end game scores have tanked even harder and somehow the system just keeps sending me SWF Red Rank teams.
I have played a lot more Solo Survivor then Killer and my matches as Survivor are acceptable as of now. Sure I get flop teams & overpowered Killers regularly, but I also see more lowbie Killers then I ever did before the new MMR was implemented. I guess on the Survivor end the MMR system is trying to find me lowbie Killers I can noob loop and both me and the Killer can look like goofs together as we learn.
Overall the new MMR system is a pretty underwhelming experience. I would really love to know what metrics BHVR is using to determine skill level.
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The devs listened to the community saying "ranks don't matter" this is what the people asked for.
And you may not remember, but the emblem systems were supposed to rate the skills of players to place them in the proper ranks.
Honestly rather than investing time trying to mess up with this stupid MMR system, they should roll back and use ranks for matchmaking.
I don't understand how people expected these devs to implement a functioning system which is so complicated as skill rating.
You should have been expecting this crap if you have been playing this game for a fair amount watching their "pretty good job".
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The thing they tell about "less experience playing a certain killer — lesser surv ranks" is a straightforward bullshit as well, so it's no argument.
LVL 1 Rin, played like 3 games with it.
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And from my other topic.
What a great game to loose your MMR.
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It doesn't work.
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My first game today. MMR still paired me to red ranks just like yesterdays games (screen shot is SWF carrying a rank 10). This new MMR just encourage skilled (aka pro) red rank survivors become more toxic and aggressive. I believe it would be very easy win games for them (red ranks) play against killer with lower rank and much lesser in-game time. Now it's like If you win the game, survivors calls you a fag, camper, tunneler, but do they know the fact i lost most of the games as very hard to go against all red rank or SWF reds?
Once again, please fix this MMR, at least let us casual paid customers (players) have some fun play against someone match with our skill level or rank. I doubt how long i would keep playing this game as the stress level is skyhigh every single game as killer.
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another example, I'm just trying out spirit (new character, played less than 20 games), and also getting way higher rank opponents.
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We have plenty of examples as it is. If the elo is on a scale of 2000 (rank 1) to 0 (rank 20), they should had taken previous rank into consideration, not everybody being reset to 0. Even better, take 200 to 300 of their rank and having them climbing up again. A rank 10 (1000 elo) should start with 700 MMR.
At the end this was to protect new people into the game for not playing experience people and being totally obliterated. Also every individual killer should have that elo pre calculated.
At the end, 2 red ranks and 2 level 20 its not a 4 vs 1. Its a 2 vs 1 from the start. And it proves nothing. The only person learning new things is the rank 20, on how to uninstall and hate the game. Apparently making lobbys only with people below rank 15 its too hard.
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Please be aware that the Community can help if we knew more about how the system works.
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I’m wondering why the MMr system is working out for some but not for others?
I’ve watched some streamers who play for hours multiple days a week and they even state that the matchmaking is working fine for them with very few players being out of place.
[Side note: I’ve also watched streamers jump from killer to killer and complain that the survivors they are going against are all new, not realizing they have to build an MMR on each killer individually. They even go easy on them, which is nice but not helping the algorithm. Not the entire problem, but I’ve seen it more than once and felt the need to bring it up.]
Personally, the new matchmaking system is working fine for me. I rarely see unmatched games after I’ve played a few as each killer. My survivor side seems fine as well, based on the results of my previous matches.
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All im seeing is a killer dominating on one of the strongest killers in the game and getting apropiately matched. I noticed the spirit games and I would guess (only seen one) that you are having some good luck in a couple of matches and its trying to give you enough oposition that you start losing or gets "draws" to more accurately calculate your mmr. I have been getting decently matched after playing a fair amount of games so thats just my guess.
I could very well be wrong since it has been confirmed that the mmr has some issues. But at least your hag games seems like its matching you correct.
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Here, I'll start with a few matches I've played over the past couple days:
This game is one of my favorites because I think it just exemplifies how messed up the algorithm is. I'm a rank 10 killer, but it pulled from rank 4 all the way to 19 because that makes sense.
The first of many rank 1 games my friends and I had last night, none of which we did particularly well in obviously.
Another rank 1 game. Our ranks are nowhere close to his, why did we get matched against this guy?
The mess that is this video game.
Ah, this one's a real gem. I love going against not one, but two rank 1's and a couple other red ranks to really seal the deal. I know this thread is just going to be inciting fanboys to come and defend the system saying that it'll get worked out, but it sincerely makes the game unfun. Even when my friends and I would do decently well last night against people at or below our rank, we wouldn't pip up because of this new system.
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Four particularly fair games from the past couple of days.
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Jesus that's disgusting. I've seen people say that the MMR system is just hidden, but it obviously just doesn't work outright. There's no possible way for a rank 1 killer to have the same hidden MMR rating as four new rank 20 survivors. It's obscenely busted.
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I haven't been taking screenshots, but you could fill a phone book with ones of the unfair matches I've been having.
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I'm Fairly certain this is what it does to soloq's because that's what we've been seeing. 2 rank 20s and 2 red ranks versus a green or purple killer. Thats what I've been getting a lot of, too. So I think its on purpose and it kind of makes sense because its 4v1. 4 5000 mmr survivors will always beat a 5000 mmr killer unless the killer literally applied perfect pressure which is impossible against good loopers. It makes no sense, but it also makes a ton of sense.
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I have seen in the forums a thousand people say that the rank is fine, that the rank is by your level with each killer but, I bought Bubba yesterday, and I could not play in peace, they only match me with rank 1 - 2, no It's fair I downloaded the game about 3 - 4 months ago and they have been playing for years, I play with my killer main, ranks 1, I try a new killer, ranks 1.
What is the point of this new pairing? Make those of us who recently downloaded the game suffer to please those who have spent years?
And when they don't match me with ranks 1, they match me with ranks 20, I can't imagine for them how boring and how married it must be to play only 2 min per game because they match him with a killer rank 1
I'm not going to continue playing until they fix this problem, the game stopped being fun since rank 1 bothered me :(
Excuse my bad English but the situation is so unpleasant that I could not just stay to lose all my games against rank 1
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At the moment Ranks are not taken into consideration anymore. MMR replaced it. We are aware things are not working correctly and the team is looking at it.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
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I read about it, I hope they fix it soon, it's not fun to play with toxic players rank 1 T_T
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What difference does their rank make? Any kind of player can be toxic.
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I am so sorry for you and everyone of little experience facing this massive screw up by the devs this needs to be fixed immediately this game won't survive without new players BHVR get your ######### together!!!! I bet if it was a new legendary skin you would get it right! "Pretty good job so far "
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Ya'll ever casually get rank 4's and lower survivors? I do, it makes me wanna jump off a bridge. OH and as survivor i got a rank 2 slugging billy on the lesa map or whatever it was called. He got a 4k in a minute...A ######### MINUTE.
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They should be all over this forum, the subreddit, and twitter. Pinning threads that they're looking into it and fixing it. Instead it's silence or tweets about booping snoots. Do they not realize how big of an issue this is?
Can you honestly recommend this game to anyone? Here play this game where you'll constantly be matched with veterans and get your ######### kicked in. No there's no other game mode. Well you can play with friends but all 5 of you need to be on... that's about the only way to learn and have fun.
This isn't CS:GO. You can't just pick it up and instantly know about the map spawns, perks, killers, movement, etc. etc. It just blows my mind that they thought this was a good idea. Idk how many streamers are going to stop streaming DBD before they realize.
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we asked, basically they’re looking into it but don’t know what’s wrong and decided apparently that not answering anything or even address publicly they know is a bad idea... for some reason
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A couple of mods have already said that they are looking into it. They can't really say much more than that.
This is their usual MO when the community is worked up about a certain issue. At most they'll clarify a few misconceptions and then be silent for a few days before releasing an official statement. I remember one of the devs saying that they do this so that they don't influence anything about the issue at hand and they let the community discuss among themselves. If you want an example of this behavior you can look at their response to the Billy changes.
You may not agree with this method but it is how they do things.
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Because there is no MMR system. It’s just open matchmaking. If there was a real MMR system, there would be real tiers and you would see when you progressed or regressed. DBD is like playing Last Year now
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Well I've been playing a lot of matches since they dropped mmr on both sides.
Honestly it is real garbage.
Sure it is fine to get a non sweaty ass swf group, but steamroling over ranks between 15 and 20 almost every game isn't fun at all.
And neither is it for them I'm sure of it.
Today as survivor was also a total mess.
Getting low ranks vs high rank killer or high ranks vs low rank killers.
It's no fun on either side.
Sure I'll take the chase if he want for how long he wants, but when the gens done I'm out, unlike a lot of other survivors who just want to bully the killer.
Only to feed their ego, cause yeah you have to be so good to win as a high rank survivor vs a low rank killer.
Hope they sort this garbage out sooner rather than later
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It is sum of survivors ranks. :D
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Please fix matchmaking i am rank 4 and i playing with 14,15... rank please i can't play with trash teammates i going to be angry because my teammates can't playing PLESE FIX!!!
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It’s horrible. Either I’m stuck with noob teammates or I stomp on a noob killer. One is frustrating and the other just makes me feel sad.
Apparently the system should place you where you’re meant to be according to skill level, but I have yet to see that happen. I’ve done countless games since the new MMR and it’s broken as hell.
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I know everyone is probably tired of MMR posts but.. What they did to matchmaking very unfair for when I solo queue or playing with 1 friend. I don't even attempt killer anymore since all my matches are red ranks, when I'm rank 9. (seems fair, but when I don't play as top tier killers, it's annoying and unfun.)
But I figured why not to post my experiences, cause even though these posts are overly made, maybe the devs will listen and try and fix it.
But these are the matches that I had since Friday:
Not fair to the Spirit, the only reason why the one person died is because nobody did bones but me, though it was hard since she chased me until 1 Gen was left.
I don't even remember this match tbh.
I wrote on this picture for how I felt, and I honestly felt bad for him.
I wrote on this picture too of my complaint. I only killed myself to see my team and killers ranked.
Point is: I feel bad for new killers/suriviors. The game is not balanced and unfun. I won't be playing until MMR gets fixed. So thank goodness I didn't buy the rift pass.
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I feel the same when I solo queue. It's the worst feeling ever. The game used to be fun, but now since I get new players (not trash ones) on either side when I play.. It's just sad and unfair. Makes "surviving" less rewarding.
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I play swf at that moment, much more relaxing playstyle
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Played as a rank 13 killer last night and my opponents were 3 rank 1's and a rank 2 ffs. Ended my unbeaten spirit record 😅
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They should change it so that new players don’t instantly be put up against red rank players. That should improve the mmr system by a lot because I have seen a lot of yellow ranks doing better than red ranks as killer and survivor. The only time I experienced a questionable pair up in ranks is when the system puts new players in red ranks. After my 10 placements, my ranks consist of purple and red ranks. Sometimes yellow ranks but it usually ends up in a draw.
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There was no MMR system put in place. It's simply a free for all, first come first serve scenario. Devs got tired of the old system, couldn't figure out a new one, and removed restrictions of rank. It's why the 'individual skill rating' is hidden, because there isn't one.
Or is it?
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The matchmaking is horrible...i'm survivor rank 20...and all the killers rank 1, 2 or 3. It's not fun play like this...
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I see the rank 18 balanced it out. This mmr is stupid.
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I hate to say it, but this is my current conspiracy theory. Until the devs give us details on how MMR is calculated or un-hide the numbers, we have no way to prove if it's actually doing anything.
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Nah, queue times would be faster on both sides if that were true, as is I've seen BOTH sides have longer queues since the new system. It's not working at all, I'm not pretending otherwise, but I don't think it's first come first served either.
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Tbh ur probably right like wth. Most brown ranks would be destroyed by these players.
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Man everybody has one of two problems with this everybody knows its hella broken honestly these posts at this point are kinda useless because everybody knows
Post edited by hellocom7 on0 -
That's fake queue time.
You know "fresh car" perfume used to refurbish used cars to get the "new car" feeling? Or did you know that old style turn lights in cars made this typical sound mechanically because of the relais modules used, and that new cars don't make this sound anymore but have fake sounds implemented only because of not breaking the habits of having that sound?
I bet this is the same here. This is fake q time added so it feels normal