Dead By Daylights Pay to Win Nature



  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    Not usually, some dlc perks appear in the shrine shortly after that dlc's release... even then, do you propose perkless licensed characters?

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited August 2020

    Any premium Killer or Survivor is swiftly nerfed into the ground very soon after launch if even one person think's they're "OMG P2W OPQQ!!

    • Ash, Mettle of Man nerfed less than a month post launch (now nobody uses the perk it's so bad even though DS is essentially identical in that they both reward being caught with a second chance free extra hit yet DS still exists untouched)
    • Pyramid Head, nerfed also less than a month from launch (now nobody uses Cage of Atonement it's so bad)
    • Freddy (People complain about Freddy because they have never played him because they need to purchase him before they can understand how he works and how to counter him being a highly nuanced and complex yet simple killer, easy to learn hard to master)

    - Before the invisibility aura reading nerf / re-work people complained he was "OMG P2W OP QQ!!

    - After loop shutdown gen teleport re-work people still complain he is "OMG P2W OP QQ!!

    The only exception to the rule is Bubba as he has just received a massive buff to his actual playable character who is locked behind a pay wall

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    By definition, DBD is "Pay to Win", in so that you can buy perks sooner than are available on the Shrine, and be able to utilise those perks and gain advantages in certain areas of the game.

    My issue is with the idea this is not fair. Devs create new content which costs time and money. When a new Chapter is made, a lot of effort is made into designing the characters, map, coding around existing coding, getting new perk ideas, etc.

    Every Chapter every player gets a brand new map for free. I hear what you say about the Shrine, but it still exists, and doesn't take away the fact perks are given for free. All perks give an advantage in different areas. DS is protecting against quick follow-up hooks. Down them and leave them if you suspect it. I find perks like Bond, Empathy and Kindred far more useful.

    It is still possible to get to Rank 1 with no perks. It's about skill over all else. Perks just add some variety. Personally, I find nothing wrong with what they're doing and it feels perfectly reasonable that they get paid for the work they do.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Just delete the shrine and let everyone choose the perks he needs for a specific build

  • HypnoEmpire
    HypnoEmpire Member Posts: 29

    You're contradicting yourself here. The Stingray in bo4 was available for free if you got lucky enough to get it in a loot box. The perks in dbd are the same, you have to get lucky to see the perk you want in the shrine of secrets.

    You don't need to have the Stingray to win matches in the same way you don't need perks to win matches. The point is that you're at a massive disadvantage for not having them, so it's still ptw. There is no difference.

    Funnily enough, bo4's current loot box system is less ptw than dbd. If you play enough games then you can get any one dlc weapon of your choosing for free, and you can keep doing that to get every dlc weapon. In dbd, you have to play a lot of games and potentially wait a year or longer to get the perk you want from the shrine of secrets. Anyone that doesn't think this is p2w doesn't know what p2w means.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    The best killer in the game is free.

  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    Shrine needs a MASSIVE rework. When it launched there were like 30ish teachables in the game, now there are over 150, and it has remained unchanged.....

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    There are alternatives to all the "pay to win" perks you mentioned, and frankly if you're nothing without a certain perk then you don't deserve the perk, there are people that play the game just fine without those perks at all, if what you want is better balancing then by all means I agree, some licenced perks could use a bit of reworking but but pay to win seems like an exaggeration which is pretty common in this games community

  • OkKiLLer
    OkKiLLer Member Posts: 118

    Jeez just cry me a river dude. If you think this is even close to being a problem for dbd your crazy. You gotta work and wait for your perks, If u don’t want to spend money enjoy the grind they can’t be handed to you on a silver platter.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    You do realize DBD is a for-profit product, right?

    And this isn’t really a pay-to-win system the way so many other games are. There are other games FAR more egregious.

    So between the two, I think it’s just fine.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    that where it the biggest thing about DS being invulnerability in the EGC i don't tunnel all game till End Game so i don't get hit with DS much but in the EGC i get dsed everytime it unreal and unfair.

    so are you saying because how broken DS is in the EGC i need to tunnel to eat the ds so it wont be in the end game how this fair?

    btw this make it NOT ANTI TUNNELING PERK IF I HAVE TO DO THAT!!!!!!!! make it tunnel my butt perk.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 917

    TIL you're allowed to completely ignore FTP mechanics that undermine all P2W mechanics, but ok. I suppose if you dye the water and call it wine people might still drink it :O

  • Hahahhahah855
    Hahahhahah855 Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2020

    So you say its not about the characters but the perks, please read this, and that for the DLC perks to be in the shrine takes about a "year", please read that, however in reality the shrine refreshes every week (in total about 78 weeks in a year) meaning you can check it 78 times though. Oh definitely read this, you say in your edit that its not the character, as stated above, but to get the perks quicker is to.... Cant help but cough at your stupidity.. **Buy the character**.

    There is nothing wrong with the game but idiot's like you that cant patiently wait for a perk and get mad over its extremely, cheap pricing; $5 is like nothing for a paywall.

    Friendly reminder, you really got to read this closely since you did this in your edits, just because something comes out through a paywall doesnt mean it should be in the shrine off the bat so that is just illogical nonsense. **Another detail: All perks are in the shrine except some newly released DLC's and are always restocked over a simple short week, all purchaseable by iridescent shards that you say "arent"; this is why I called you an "idiot" along with others because its simple logic.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Well nurse the best character & you could buy it.She is the best with or even without perks.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    The worst part isn't even the pay to win aspect (which this game totally has to some extent) it's that we've entered an age where people defend monetization schemes. The only one that should ever be defending trying to take your money is the people trying to take your money. Don't do their ######### jobs for them. Let them justify their practices.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706
    edited August 2020

    He's still rambling about this besides the fact everyone gave him a simple solution ?

    People really need to understand that we can't make exceptions especially for them just because they don't want to put effort on the game, Especially if they're biaised to the point that they thinks certain perks would make them victorious at all times.

    People worked/waited to get perks they didnt wanted to pay, so should you.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    if you think you need BBQ or D-strike to win games, you really have no clue how to perform even adequately at this game.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Wait, isn’t save the best for last Michaels perk? Or am I just stupid?

  • KWPrice
    KWPrice Member Posts: 8

    You do recall the company need to stay in business so that everyone, free and paying player alike, can play, right?

    Companies have to sell things - it's not scummy - it's marketing.

    If there game doesn't make 💰 they turn off the servers and we all lose.

  • ShansImmortal
    ShansImmortal Member Posts: 23

    They have licensed characters. They have to pay for licensed characters. The fact that we can even get the DLC's for $6 is kinda amazing considering they are LICENSED characters. And the fact that they let you obtain perks from the shrine instead of having to get the DLC literally combats any P2W argument. SO you have to wait a few months, or pay $6.

    I love the game regardless of it's faults. I have zero issue giving them $6 a few times a year for DLC content that they themselves, have had to pay licensing fees for. I actually want to support the company of the game I love to play. Sorry others have a problem expecting a company to get paid to like, develop the game, bring in new characters, handle servers, pay their employees. Guess they should just do this all for free....?

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Pay to win seems like an overreaction. Does it suck that some perks you can't get unless you wait for the shrine to have them or pay for the characters they come with? Sure. That doesn't make the game P2W.

    I've seen loads of people (both killers and survivors) run no perks and do just fine. If somebody NEEDS a perk like say...DS, well, that's a conversation for a different post.

    Regardless, you're obviously entitled to your opinion as I am to mine, but again, it seems a bit harsh to call a game P2W just because you don't like how they've chosen to monetize it.

    If you could never get a perk unless you spent real world money, that would be scummy and P2W, but as far as I've seen, every single perk can be added to the SoS pool. So maybe you'll have to wait for the perk you want, but you'll get it eventually.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    It's INSANE how you guys have been brainwashed into thinking that a garbage system like the Shrine is acceptable and excludes DBD from being in the category of games in which you pay for an advantage.

    As someone who ACTUALLY BOUGHT EVERY DLC, I agree, DBD does have this issue. You should not have to wait MONTHS for a CHANCE at getting a perk in the Shrine. It's scummy, regardless if the DLC is cheap or not. It's a system that actively begs you to buy the DLC.

    I don't like this community sometimes lol.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Considering most of the top tier killers are straight up free or can be earned with shards... Not really.

  • trynil
    trynil Member Posts: 4

    I play and win with never using DS.

  • judge_fist
    judge_fist Member Posts: 114

    I don't understand it either. I think maybe if 5 dollars is too much for you you probably have more important immediate concerns. You should probably take a break from the games and focus on your real world problems 1st. Its longevity their going for and I support it. I don't want to see DBD go away for a longtime and the dev's have really shown a commitment to improving qol and bringing new content. So keep doing what you do BHVR and take my money!

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    I would completely agree with the heavy amount of microtransactions if the game was FTP

  • orcinator
    orcinator Member Posts: 4

    How is a game where you cannot gain some of the most widely used perks without waiting for a whole year anything but pay2win?

    Not to mention the recent billynerf/bubbabuff as well as the massive grind requirement to unlock the free characters.

    I guess some people think that if it's not a mobile game with stamina timers then it can't be pay2win.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Bubba still gets beat by decent survivors and at the same time pro survivors get destroyed by Spirit which is a character that can be obtained via playtime/shards.

    There's a reason everyone's playing Spirit during the DBD-tournament right now.

    Also just because some paid content may be strong doesn't make the whole game pay2win.

    As long as there are equally strong things for free/playtime you can't call any game pay2win.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Smh stop covering up for the pay to win nature of third seal.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Honestly I don't see a pay to win here.

    Yeah some perks are strong others not so, beside most of the perks are easy to counter imo.

    I also agree with you on that the survivors are basically just skins.

    However I don't agree with you on the killer part tho.

    All killers have their own unique powers, so they're basically not "just" skins.

    Every survivor only brings their own unique perks and that's it.

    They don't run faster or anything, it's just a different skin on a character model.

    Killers have their unique powers, unique perks, and you have a difference from a 110% to a 115% speed.

    It is good to have different perks and the reason that (especially the licenced chapters) are behind a "pay wall", it that costs time and resources to create them, not to talk about the payment for licensing certain chapters.

    I think there are 1 or 2 free chapters if I'm not mistaken.

    I don't think that you would love it when you were on your job and your boss said their not paying you for all your hard work because everything the company makes has been given away for free, right?

    Same goes for bhvr 😉✌️

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Dlc isn't really pay to win as it's really just you paying for more content.

    If they start selling bloodpoints that's when it would cross the line.

  • orcinator
    orcinator Member Posts: 4

    People already explained this in the thread multiple times and you still can't understand what pay2win means. Please stop.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I didn't read the thread that you necro'd using your alt. account.

  • orcinator
    orcinator Member Posts: 4

    Whoops, sorry, I mistook you for another bubba avatar who didn't understand what p2w means.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    If I can make red rank SWF sweat by using Clown by meme’ing with only Mindbreaker and Mindbreaker only and no add ons, then no, there are no pay to win perks.

  • orcinator
    orcinator Member Posts: 4

    I think the "I can sometimes win without an advantage so the advantage doesn't mean anything" joke is a bit old.