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Are there more and more hackers in the game ?

Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

Hello :)

So just today in the steams forums i saw a thread about a killer that would freeze when trying to hook a survivor.

I told them to get evidence (video is better) and create a support ticker to report them aswell as reporting them in-game.

And the game after that, i faced the exact same hack. Tried to hook that No Mither survivor, and couldn't hook or attack or drop him when i hit the "hook" option. As a test i went after an other survivor and it went normal.

Long story short he was hacking and so one of his friend in the game, which was made obvious by the fact out of 4 survivors two of them had a 56ms ping and the two others had over 700ms.


It wasn't like that a few months back, there was some bugs abusers but not that much hackers.

I mean there is also the really frequent hack that allows survivors to go throught walls and ground, which i also encountered not so long ago.


So is it me or there are more and more hackers in the game ? (no name shaming)
