Dead Hard is overpowered...
if you are playing Nurse you should have no problem with Dead Hard if you know that person has DH. If you are struggling against DH as Nurse then you just need to get better lmao
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Why are survivors not allowed "sec chance" perks but it's okay for killers to take down two health states with insta down add ons, powers and perks?
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99 days hello
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"sprint burst takes so much more skill to use properly." HAHAHAHAHAH NO IT DOESNT AT ALL. Literally walk around and save it til you see a killer start walking towards you or sit on a gen til last second and just run away like you weren't there. Super pathetic perk to use as survivor. If you need a 200 yard lead then I don't know what to tell you.
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Why if i may ask? You also ignored the dead hard for distance argument btw.
Nurse gameplay and counterplay to nurse is one of the most layered mindgames in dbd. "Dead Hard", used by a good survivor of course, deletes one of your good reads. Against good players only one successful DH can shift the tides of a match.
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Because the Nurse has the ability to gain distance easily. If a survivor Dead Hards for distance to a pallet or window, you can use your blink to get ahead or catch up, you can literally teleport. Dead Harding for distance on a Nurse is irrelevant most of the time.
If a good survivor uses their Dead Hard successfully and you make a mistake. Simple you just got outplayed. Try again because now you know that person has Dead Hard.
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You're mixing my arguments and didn't answered my question regarding your nurse experience.
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Usually I don’t like saying how much hours I play on killer/survivor because you can have many hours in the game and still be bad or you can have a few hours and be really good.
I play both sides and when I play killer Or more specifically The Nurse I always expect the Dead Hard even if they don’t have Dead Hard. I play enough Nurse to know what to do and what to prioritize and how to mindgame survivors to get me a down. Nurse is very complex, I know that, I played a lot of Nurse before the rework and after the Rework a little bit less because I wanted to play Demo, but I know how to play Nurse to get me 4ks and 3ks and piping. If that’s what your asking.
Usually Most killer mains don’t have a problem with Dead Hard.
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Git gud
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Bait it, wait for it and down them. This is one of the easiest perks to counter.
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Someones depressed that they getting their Face handed to by Dead Hard so they cry it needs a Nerf
dead hard is Just fine where it is and how it is doesnt need any touch ups
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I agree with this 10000000%. Usually if you use Dead Hard you just get 3 second chances per game for no skill at all. You just have to press E and it can get quite annoying if you have to play against it every game. Many swfs and even solo queues just all have dh. That means you have to kill them 24 times instead of 12.
First argument of survivor mains:
You can just counter it by waiting for them to DH.
Yes you can do that but thats only rarely the case. If you play huntress and throw a hatchet at them. If you play nurse and blink to them. If you play gorgon and jump to them. If you DH through a trap. If you DH to a pallet or window where you would not have made it to without it. Like the very most times you cant just respect it because of situations like I just named them.
Second argument of survivor mains:
It doesn't work anyways you are always exhausted on the floor. Thats also right it doesnt work many times because of dedicated servers making you die while having exhaustion. But at the same time you are just kind of arguing FOR a DH nerf instead of against it. It is already really strong even tho it doesn't work, and even if it works wouldn't it not be even worse than?
Dead Hard is the only EXHAUSTION perk in my opinion that needs changes.
Sprint Burst allows you to gain distance but its not a second chance perks. Maybe it is as soon as you 99 it but most of the time you just don't have it 99ed. Its not often the case and this perk is usually used for gaining distance
Balanced Landing is a second chance perk yes, but the survivor first have to get to a high object to fall down from it. And not like Dead Hard you can also just respect it, don't swing just keep running after them.
Lithe is also just a perk that gives you more distance. Its not a second chance perk. It gives you a sprintburst after fast vaulting / medium vaulting a window. But you get it as soon as you are through the window the killer cant hit you anymore and you are save. It just makes you gain a lot of distance. And if the killer hits you while you are vaulting you are not gonna get the Lithe sprintburst.
Now to the NOT exhaustion perks:
DS needs a few changes. Its suppost to be a anti tunnel perk but its just a stupid second chance perk. These changes should be made:
It has no timer, it just stays until the next survivor get downed.
Your DS deactivates as soon as you start healing, cleansing a totem, working on generators, etc... it should just deactive as soon as you start working on your objectives.
Soulguard shouldnt give you the BT effect after SOMEONE ELSE heals you up from the floor. It should only active when you pick yourself up from the floor with soulguard. If the killer has no Hex perk but you got unbreakable and recover with it you shouldnt get the BT. Only if the killer has a hex perk and you get yourself up with soulguard.
Unbreakable needs changes, but I don't have any good ideas in my mind at the moment. Slugging is a completely fair strategy and is sometimes needed to build up presure. If all 4 survivors have unbreakable and stuff its just not fair.
They nerfed ruin because it was used in 80% of the matches and gave you really much for nothing. But these perks like DH, DS and Unbreakable just do the exact same. And I really want to know in how many % of all games these perks are used. I can already bet its even MORE than ruin got used before. And that on 4 players instead of 1 and with multiple perks. They have to stop sucking survivors dicks and just remove these OP perks. If you play against a strong swf its hard to win of course and thats how its suppost to be like. If you got 4 really good experienced players communicating with each other. But there is legit 0% chance to win against them if they all have full meta second chance perk builds. even if the swf is not even good its just enough to have them using these perks. And its just impossible to win against them.
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The problem though is if you walk everywhere you can't get to the gens as quickly which benefits the killer I guess :)
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nope its not fine as it is. And you would know that if you would play killer actively. Stop denying that your 3 second chances per game for pressing only one button should get taken away.
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Dead Hard is only effective if you use it effectively. You said Dead Hard uses no skill. False, If dumb people are using Dead Hard it is a a easy down. On the other hand if smart people are using Dead Hard why utilize it really well and it takes some kind of skill to bait out a hit to make it to the next tile with Dead Hard. If you just haphazardly press E for Dead Hard without some sort of after plan you just costed yourself a down. Smart players use Dead Hard to avoid getting down. If they use it once and you miss, remember that so you can bait it out. If they use a perk effectively and you fall for it, that is entirely for fault. Just because someone used a perk to the best of its ability doesn’t mean it should be changed.
Why do you have to kill a survivor 24 times than 12? That number is not accurate at all
1)If they mess up, Boom a down that’s already -1
2)If a survivor Dead Hards to a new tile and they know how to loop, you are wasting your time chasing them when you could be patrolling gens or applying pressure to other survivors.
3) They are injured and are more vulnerable, they bleed out blood, they have grunts of pain( if they don’t have iron will). Although that’s the point of Dead Hard is being injured, but that’s why people run it. So they can survive longer in chars while injured
4) You can’t use Dead Hard while being healthy, compared to all the other exhaustion perks, so in theory it should have a useful effect, Right?
When you run Dead Hard you run the risk of knowing you can’t use while healthy, you know that Dead Hard is inconsistent. So their is a risk in running Dead Hard, so you have to be smart abt it.
All of the Exhaustion perks are fine, ever since Balanced Landing got nerfed which was a good change. Every exhaustion perks had it uses. Also I don’t understand why Balanced Landing is a second chance perk?
DS should be changed, it should turn off when you do anything else other than running away.But I don’t use because some games I don’t even get to use it.
Soul Guard is ok it is only good when combined with other perks like UB. Like every perk, by itself it could be ok at best, but when paired up with other powers or other perks it could be powerful. If the killer isn’t even running any Hex perks than the second part of Soul Guard is not usable.
Unbreakable is only a one time use perk , If they use it they have a inactive perk slot, other than recovering faster. If you have all for survivors slugged and they have unbreakable and they get up, then that is your fault for trying to slug for the 4K. Don’t be greedy just hook them.
i don’t really understand why the Devs nerfed Ruin, it was really good and in a good spot because it waste time looking for the totem and it encourages to hit great skills checks to get better at the game. Ruin was a good and healthy perk of the game, because it encourages a good play style.
The Devs need to balance out really bad perks to make them good to shake up the meta. So you won’t only see the same 8 perks every game. I would rather honestly see perks reworked or buffed/nerfed before I see any new content.
Also if it a 0% chance on winning against survivors using certain perks than this game would be dead and killers would stop playing this game. But that’s not the case because people are winning against the survivors with those perks.
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It’s more than just pressing button lol
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Most of survivor perks are either straight up bad or too situational. Stop crying about perks that are a useful. We never see you guys trying to buff the useless survivor perks. It's all nerf nerf nerf.
I think most of you need to get good it's not hard to bait dead hard.
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Exhausted survivors on the ground clearly OP.
That's why i switched to sprint burst and i loved it. Basically i switched to SP because i was playing with an friend across the world and my ping was high.
DH didn't worked ONCE.
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If you mean broken as in, it doesn't work, then sure
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This person would not have been able to play when Exhaustion recovered while running and the perk was actually usable every 40 seconds XD
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Are you seriously complaining about a 40 second cooldown that someone has to walk or stand still again to count toward? Dead hard is BROKEN since half of the time it doesn't work in the first place, you obviously just don't know how to play killer - DH is one of the easiest things to counter (in a good number of situations - not always).
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Man I love coming to these forums for these nutty killer main posts
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No mither is one of the worst perks in the game rn so that would make Dead Hard hard to use as well
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It's pretty easy to count on. Play accordingly. From a killer main. Yes is it troublesome when they use it to extend a chase, of course. But once you know its there its OK to play around.
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Haha that is the funniest thing i read on this thread. The killer comes ooooo i sprint burst away, very much skill. Dead hard all the way, if it works it is very strong not op tho. Killers can counter dead hard well. However dead hard does make a strong loop way stronger. But then the strong loop might be the issue. In that case the pallet should be the goal of the killer and the killer should lose the chase after that pallet is kicked, Dead hard is useless without some pallets near, so kicking them counters dead hard indirectly. Over perks that are OP lets talk about DS....................
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Bad players will complain about literally anything, geez
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I'm probably the only one who feels this way, but I've long thought it's overrated and not powerful. With the exception of great planning, it usually just buys a survivor a few extra seconds. I've seen great play with it for sure, but it's not my favorite exhaustion perk at all.
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i think head on better perk i hate it as a killers,i hate chases someone not think run pass a locker with head on user inside.
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Stop it... it's like you're after my heart. :)
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why you one of those annoying survivor?
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#########, it is the least reliable of all the exhaustion perks, half of the times the killer down you despite the exhaustion cooldown showed in the right.
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I think some survivors love Dead Hard for the dopamine hit it provides when the killer swings and misses.
IMO, it would be a great perk if the killer is stunned if they swing during it.
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it is the least overpowered exhaustion perks in the game.
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But then if they buffed Dead Hard all of the salty killer mains would get mad and demand for a nerf 😕
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how about removing all your second chance perks on survivor? oh, forgot you re bad at the game without them lol
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I mean I play killer a decent amount and I've never been frustrated by Dead Hard.
Head On, Decisive Strike, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, and so on, yeah, I've lived those moments. But Dead Hard is one of those, "oh, okay" moments that ends 5 seconds later.
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Since you asked how often DS, Unbreakable, and DH is used.
Here's stats from a bunch of games from red ranks.
DS is used in 87% of matches (and 2 a match on average). Dead Hard in 76% of matches, Unbreakable in 54% of matches. That is IF I am comprehending this correctly.
Frankly I think Dead Hard is mostly fine but there's no actual counterplay for it if it's used for distance and not for dodging hits. (EDIT: Well, besides Exhaustion Addons but it seems like the devs have been taking them away from killers) Like if someone is looping me around Ironworks Of Misery and they dead hard from outside of lunge range. You can't physically "Bait" it since there's nothing to bait, they weren't using it to dodge a hit since you never swung, they used it to get that extra distance for another loop around Ironworks or to make it to a pallet.
I also think being able to dead hard through Trapper's bear traps without setting them off is pretty cheesy.
No idea if it still works this way but you used to be able to dead hard through the exit gate's "Headsplosion Trigger" with an active RBT on your head to leave the trial.
I think they should maybe see if it can be changed so Dead-Hard gives you a temporary endurance status for a few seconds but remove the distance gain. This way it can't be used for distance/dashing over Trapper Traps anymore and ought to be easier to use for no-selling hits.
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Lmao I died when you said, "literally triggers every forty seconds." I mean literally you don't have a brain. First off, it is impossible to trigger every forty seconds unless you're walking or sitting still. It also can only be used when you're injured. And people whining about it extending loops are people who fall for dead hard over and over and just need to get good. People need to understand this is a game of the mind. You need to ######### use your brain to out think the other person. If you're losing because of perks like dead hard, then you need to use your tiny brain to think of how you could become a better killer and be able to counter said perk. And if you can't think of how to become better yourself. You should consider watching players like Otz and find out what they do different from you.
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I applaud you, Otz is pretty cool too.
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All Exhaustion perks are overpowered. Every Exhaustion perk removes the ability to punish a survivor out of position. It removes the ability to punish playing greedy. That isn't really balanced. But it is what it is :)
If you're thinking Dead Hard sucks because you just bait it or it doesn't work half the time, I'm not surprised you don't think it's strong - clearly you've never seen or used it properly yourself. After all, what's another loop or two, which can then pull you to another loop, that DH buys you in the long run, right?
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You sound like you're still new to the game if Dead Hard is a problem for you.
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Damn Head On really be overpowered
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DH is not a problem, people focus on it because it's the cherry on top of getting several strong loops next to each other as a killer.
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Imo DH needs to be changed! Ever since I stopped playing Spirit religiously and improved my gameplay with other killers and got better at mindgaming, DH is a perk that tells killers "######### you for playing your cards right" and killers "HAVE TO CAPITALIZE ON SURVIVORS MISTAKES"
As a survivor I stopped using DH because it felt like a crutch that wasn't improving my looping gameplay!
I feel that DH needs to be changed to maybe a 1 time use perk or something
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No its not, as soon as the killer swings to you you are just pressing E and gain a second chance. And that 3x per game. If the killer respects it you can try to wait your DH out and use it exactly when he swings. But in many situations the killer just cant respect it, or he plays a killer like nurse and cant really counter it. It doesn't really take much skill at all you just face the direction of a pallet or window and press one button. Or just DH away from his hit.
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If you wait for killer to swing you'll get dedicated and get exhausted on the ground 100% of the time. It's not as easy as pressing E especially when the killer can just wait for you to use your deadhard by getting close to you without swinging.
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At the first point you are actually right. But that's also with other exhaustion perks, like of course if someone plays dumb he would still get downed fast. Its just not really hard to use DH smart or just the way you can delay the chase out even more. You can respect it yes but in many situations you just cant. For example if they DH to a Pallet or a window which is really often the case. You cant tell me that it took them skill they just presses E and got a second chance for nothing.
For the second thing you usually gain 3 second chances of DH and if all 4 survivors run it which is often the case its 12 second chances. So you just have to kill them double the amount of times than usually. Of course survivors can mess it up but I didn't count it there, its just if you would say the survivors dont mess a single one up. And also its not really hard to mess up DH.
1) Yes of course if someone messes up his exhaustion perk he goes down how is that a point? Its just that it is really easy to use and takes no skill. And for that you just get so much value out of this perk by simply having the double amount of lives.
2) If you would leave that survivors he would just go work on a generator or get healed by his teammates. Or he also just has a medkit to get healed quickly. As soon as you chase them later again they just have DH back again. All 4 survivors running DH... You wont be really getting any kills. Since the survivor is already exhausted you should just try to get him. But just the fact he can waste so much of your time in a chase by simply pressing one button. And that 3x for each survivor. With the current gen speeds its nearly impossible to beat a strong swf if they all run these builds. The swf can also be weak as long as they are working on gens and they are not completely braindead you wouldnt have much of a chance. the only way to beat that would be a Omega Blink Nurse on The Game, Silent Hill, etc...
3) Its not hard to get healed. A swf usually keeps everyone healthy and heals themselves up really quick. And even if you don't heal if you leave the survivor because he is wasting to much time by pressing only one single button which takes no skill he is just gonna work on a gen. As soon as you chase him later again his exhaustion will be gone. They will have 2 heal states practically. And if they healed 3 heal states.
4) If you use these other exhaustion perks while being healthy you can use them anymore while being injured since you are exhausted. You cant use DH while being healthy but while being injured. You can just use the perk at a different time. I mean yes the other exhaustion perks might save you more from even getting injured so DH should be good for it being worth to use. But this is just too strong by simply having double the amount of lives. If it would take skill okay sure, but this is just bullshit.
By saying you have a high risk to just be exhausted on the ground you are just saying if they fix it than it is even stronger. I still don't understand why people use this argument. Yes okay than you are often exhausted on the floor. But doesn't that mean as soon as they fix their dedicated servers you would just have an even stronger DH?
Yes the other exhaustion perks are fine the way they are. They might even buff balanced a little bit since it is really weak compared to other perks. On some maps you can only get it by the basement stairs. But for the reasons that I just named I think DH should get changes. I also stopped using it, one reason it of course that it doesn't work everytime. But also because I think its just a unfair perk for the killer.
Yes you are right with the DS thing. It should just actually be a anti tunnel perk. And not a 1 minute god mode for survivors to work on gens. And than if you want to slug them for presure they just jump in a locker. I just started waiting infront of the locker until their ds is gone and than facecamp them. They are just abusing that perk so much since its meant to be a "Anti-Tunnel Perk".
Soulguard is not really strong if the killer doesn't run a hex perk. But for that it is even stronger when he has that. I just think it shouldnt give you the BT effect when you recover with Unbreakable (Or No Mither). If they would change it like that Soul Guard would be perfectly fine. A really strong anti slug perk if he has a hex perk. And even if he doesnt you get BT for every time you get off the floor.
If survivors are all close to each other and cant split up. And you just can injure all 4 of them its their fault. And they basically get a second game by simply using unbreakable even tho the game would already be over. Or if a survivor is in a pallet and all others are nearby trying to get the pallet save there is no other choice than slugging them. You are right if they use Unbreakable they only have 3 perks. But you also have to think about the killer only having 4. So its 4 Perks vs 16 Perks, and even if they all run unbreakable and get to use it they get a lot of value of it and its still a 4 vs 12. As I also said I don't know what you could do but a few small changes would be fine. Some perks should also be stronger than others and its not that strong. Sometimes you dont even get to use it.
Yes you are right the devs should also buff weak survivor / killer perks. Because its also their fault that these meta perks are used every game. You cant blame the players they are just using the best perks and thats what everyone else would does.
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One thing I would see as acceptable: remove the ability to Dead Hard over a Trapper trap. That's just ridiculous.
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How is that a killer main post? He is kind of right with that. Hex Perks give you some value for basically doing nothing you just have it. For example you are running ruin and you get some good value off it by running it. But at the same time for the rest of the game you are playing with a empty perk slots once its gone. And there is a chance that it breaks in 10 seconds. But it can also last the entire game. It would be a great idea to do the same with exhaustion perks. That would just be the fairest option. You can use your Lithe once to get a lot of distance in a chase and make it way longer. But you can only do that once perk game and still got a lot of value of it since time is really important for the killer. By just saying things like that you are just straight up toxic and also just proofed that you are only playing one side of this game (Survivor) and have no understanding of killer.