Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Mori Rework tentative.

Member Posts: 341
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions
Post edited by Miraak on

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  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Not bad, for two hook moris there would need to be an incentive to want to run them at all, because there's not really any benefit otherwise. I.e. you save time that would be spent carrying the survivor to their death hook but some of the animations are also pretty long. I think they'd only be used for dailies and otherwise just bloodweb clutter

    One way could be moriing survivors gives a load more bloodpoints that can go over the cap. Or challenges like mori X amount of survivors in a period of time to get a charm or something.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Then there is the issue that we get a lot more of the RED Mori than we do of the Green, when it should be the other way around. The Red Mori already waste/camp slots that our other, more desirable add-on would appear. Now you are saying they would sit there and be something we would NEVER use? :) Sorry, no dice.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2020

    Best way to go about it IMO would be like this:

    Devout Shrike Wreath

    Uncommon Offering

    -Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Sacrifice Category.

    -Grants the Killer the ability to kill one Survivor who has been hooked by your hand twice during the next Trial.

    Ardent Shrike Wreath

    Rare Offering

    -Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Sacrifice Category.

    -Grants the Killer the ability to kill all Survivors who have been hooked by your hand twice during the next Trial.

    Make all the yellow and green Wreath offerings like this. And then just make moris count as hooks and worth more Bloodpoints than a regular sacrifice.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    They would have to be worth a LOT more. They waste your time in game that the other Survivors can use to do things. Again, the point of a Mori is the THREAT, not the execution. If you require the Mori to need more than one Hook you have simply given another sledgehammer to SWF. They are hard enough to get off Generators with the Mori.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2020

    Mori offerings that can kill after a one-hook are OP (except Cypress, which sucks). The offerings should not be a threat IMO, not even against SWF. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  • Member Posts: 613

    I think it is a bad idea, memento mori need changes but this only gets worse this offferings and does not give any benefit for killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,014
    edited August 2020

    Mori Fix:

    Grants the ability to kill all/1 survivor(s) by your own hand after you have hooked 5 survivors or the exit gates have been powered.

  • Member Posts: 149

    The equivalent offering would be something stupid on the survivor side, like "spawns the hatch with 1/2/3 less generators required (for yellow/green/iri)". As it is no survivor offering functions as a threat, nor should they. I really like your above idea to build them into wreaths but make them all 2 hook.

  • Member Posts: 413

    I know, I'm a sneaky survivor snek, I'll make Freddy my avatar and post terrible killer nerf idea threads *twirls mustache* ...

  • Member Posts: 156

    I try for a 2 hook game anyway when I bring an Ebony mori. Now I will say the only issue I see with forcing it on others is the BP cost would need to come down and it misses out the power of the Ebony. If while Im in the first chase and 2-3 gens get popped by a rush group I'm going to 1 hook mori someone to try and reduce the pressure without that option it really needs to be much cheaper.

  • Member Posts: 839

    Mori's shouldn't give a huge edge anyway in my opinion, they should be used simply for a cool animation.

    A BP bonus would be nice.

  • Member Posts: 618

    useless, moris are used to get rid of someone quicker, not to waste time when you can hook them in few seconds

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    The Mori, as it stands now, has been around for a LONG time and hasn't broken the game. The Mori is fine.

  • Member Posts: 2,317

    Really good. Actually the second one still op, because it would become better than the ebony one.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    I don't get your meaning? I'm an American. I'm not connected to any team? And I'm a Rank 10-11 Killer. I can't seem to get below ten. I keep falling back and forth between 10-11. :)

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Frankly very lazy and uninspired...wasn't impressed the first 50 times I heard this idea

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The Mori as it stands now is OP and should be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 682

    Mori fix: remove them

    Yellow mori is basekit

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    We will have to agree to disagree because the Mori has been around a LONG time and hasn't broken the game yet. If it were a problem, it would have shown up in the stats. It isn't.

  • Member Posts: 4,180

    This would make the DC for hatch discussions explode even more since now even the Mori animation would be more than often denied.

  • Member Posts: 256

    A good change I think, ebony mori is too strong. I don't even use them, between GF and Myers I have over 100. Considering they've nerfed medkits, toolboxes,flashlights, removed infinites, and reworked a bunch of strong survivor perks along the way, getting rid of ebony is the least they could do

  • Member Posts: 5,881

    This change would make moris pointless. If you Mori instead of hook you get less bloodpoints and don't trigger hook perks like BBQ and Pop. It also encourages tunneling to counter DS and such. Here is how you fix moris:

    • Make yellow Mori base kit. It's fun and changes nothing. If you are the last survivor and downed you are gonna die anyway.
    • Make green and ebony Mori work off a token system. Every time a survivor is hooked you gain 1 token. Everytime a generator is completed you lose 1 token. Once you have 3 tokens you can spend them to Mori 1 survivor.
    • Green Mori still allows 1 kill
    • Ebony Mori allows 2 kills, but at the start of the trial, the generator furthest from the killer is automatically completed.
    • Moris are no longer secret.

    You fix keys in a similar way:

    • Keys can no longer be found in chests.
    • Keys only allow 1 survivor through then the hatch closes.
    • The key now has an animation and timer for opening. 5-10 seconds.
    • Once the hatch has been opened by a key it can't be opened again for 60 seconds.
    • If a survivor dies on hook while carrying a key it is removed from the trial.
  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I prefer:

    Yellow Mori: You can kill any survivor that you've hooked twice. (More powerful than the current useless version but less powerful than Green)

    Green Mori: You can kill one survivor that you've hooked once (same as it currently works)

    Red Mori: Both of the above. You can kill one survivor that you've hooked once and any survivor that you've hooked twice. (Less powerful than the current overpowered version but still better than Green and it still allows multiple kills per match.)

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I could live with this, but I still think the Mori is fine as it stands.

  • Member Posts: 135

    I Actually really like this, i would even use the mori if this change was made

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    What do you mean offerings don't have a big impact? There are offerings to pick maps, offerings which double your endgame score in a given category, offerings that make the hooks significantly farther apart, I don't think one kill one hook early is out of line with any of those.

    The Red Mori is clearly overpowered though, multiple early kills is a bit too much.

  • Member Posts: 785


    Ebony rework doesn't even make sense.

    If the survivor has been hooked twice, the third hook would kill them. So what would be the advantage of throwing an ebony mori? None.

    To kill a survivor on the 3rd attempt, we already have hooks, so that rework is pointless. The current ebony mori just skips 1 attempt, which is a real advantage for the killer, so that's why it's an offering. Offerings give advantages, your "rework" is not an advantage, it's just making ebony moris useless (I kinda feel that you are making this post out of a ragequit).



    For this mori it seems that you have suggested 2 possible changes:

    1- Kill one survivor who has been hooked, except the Obsession

    Again, a nonsense. Mainly, because usually you don't want your obsession to die.

    Most obsession-related perks are meant to give advantages to the killer while he is using his obsession for whatever reason.

    The only case you would want to kill your obsession is if you are using an endgame build with "Remember me". In that case, you want to hit your Obsession as many times as possible and kill them.

    So why would we change Ivory mori just to counter a perk that is not even OP?


    2- Kill a survivor who has been hooked twice

    This change is useless for the same reason your suggested change for ebony moris is.

    A survivor who has been hooked twice, would die the next time he/she's is hooked. So what's the point on running an offering for that.



    They don't need to be changed at all. They give advantages, of course, but that's the point of burning an offering.

    It's true that ebony moris can be strong, but let's be real, we just use them from time to time when we want to have some fun.

    Using moris will actually damage your performance as killer. So there's already a trade off for using them.

    Finally, if you burn ebony moris survivors will unlock their true strength called "True sneaky&crazy gen rushing".

    You will get 5 gens done and they will escape before you can even blink. So running ebony moris is actually more detrimental for killers that it is for survivors.

    Usually killers who run ebony moris want to have fun, not to try hard. If I want to try hard, I'll pick a meta killer with meta perks, I don't need an ebony mori for that.

    Ebony moris are cool and fun because of the animations. That's my only reason for using moris, because they damage my performance a lot.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    Op post real? because if it is it pointless to mori after 2 hooks you should just hook them.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    No, I mean that BHVR gets stats on every game and tracks exactly what add-on is used and when. They know how many deaths are due to Mori and how many are due to Sacrifice, or even bleeding out. I suspect the main thing they track (and balance by) is the tightrope between Survivors and Killers, i.e. is one side or the other running away with the game. And we aren't talking about individual matches. The Mori, in current form, has been around for a long time and clearly hasn't allowed Killers to dominate. In fact, most Killers don't use them for a variety of reasons.

    1. You get fewer points.
    2. The animation can cost you other Kills while you stand there doing it.
    3. You get tired of the whiners and wingers who have no pride who complain about it.

    I expect, although I have not seen the stats, that Mori use has gone up in direct proportion to the increasing numbers and efficacy of SWF and their 5th Perk (Comms). In short, how does one deal with five generators popping in 3-5 minutes? Gut a Survivor and cut their number down. I've found it works really well. More to the point when they know the Mori is in play they are pushed off the Generators easier because they know even one Hook could mean death the second time they go down. I take the Mori ALL THE TIME but that doesn't mean I use them. Mostly I just want them to see I have a hidden offering so they assume it is the Mori.

    Without the Mori a team will group up on a Generator, and ignore your first hits just to finish it because they aren't scared of you. :)

  • Member Posts: 545

    There are quite a few possibilities. Those seem interesting, but I wonder if a Mori should be based on progress, not hooks. An example:

    Cypress Mori: As it stands.

    Ivory Mori: Once 5 gens are done, you can kill all survivors by your own hand, providing they have been hooked at least once.

    Ebony Mori: Once 4 gens are done, you can kill all survivors by your own hand, providing they have been hooked at least once.

    And then another addition.

    Iridescent Mori: Killer can Mori all survivors anytime, so long as they have been hooked twice.

    Just a thought.

  • Member Posts: 682

    Well once the DC hack has been fixed, there will be penalties again. Who is to say that you'll get mori'd? I'd rather have the hook points most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    "Bloodpoints" don't indirectly help you win, they're literally the victory points on the endgame scoring screen. If you have the most points on that endgame score you won on points. A 100% bonus BP offering can be up to 4000 higher score at the end of the match which is 4/5 of the amount a survivor gets for escaping for comparison.

  • Member Posts: 621

    makes them useless.

    I'd make red so you can ,ori after hooking everyone at least once, and green I personally think is fine

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The fact that a dev has said that a change to the mori is in the pipeline should be a sign that the mori is problematic.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    <laughs> You are assuming the change will weaken it. I make no such assumption. When we see it, we will see it. But right now the DEV are working hard to balance SWF, so be careful what you wish for.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Why would I not assume the change will weaken it? What is the alternative?

  • Member Posts: 331

    Just make the current Ivory Mori the new Ebony Mori. As for the current Ivory Mori nerf it so you can only do it on the obsession. As for the Cypress Mori just leave as is...

  • Member Posts: 526

    My change for them is pretty simple really.

    Ebony Mori - You can kill the survivor who has been hooked twice. For each kill using the Ebony Mori you get a 25% token stack to blood points, similar to BBQ. Up to 100%. Also for those saying there isn't an advantage to being able to kill a survivor when they are on their last hook is kind of foolish really. Sure you don't get BBQ, or Pop if you are running it. But you will by pass a certain perk that has tons of hate. Decisive Strike. Which is kind of big in red ranks if you ask me, when everyone has it and they act overly cocky.

    Ivory Mori - Same effect as Ebony Mori, except it only goes up to 50% extra blood points in all categories.

    Yellow Mori - Base kit.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Huh, I never noticed the common and yellow BP offerings were post-game out of cap but now that you mention it they are the same wording as the event offerings so makes sense there. Add-ons that give bonus BP for score events and most perks that affect BP alter the endgame score though (BBQ and Chili being an exception that is specifically post trial.) Which makes sense, you're taking a handicap to increase your final score when you use something like Padded Jaws for instance.

    Ebony Moris are very powerful in terms of relative score because they prevent multiple survivors from scoring 5000 points for escaping and also from any other points they might have earned while alive. You lose some points using an Ebony Mori but the survivors lose more than you so it's a net gain to determine the winner.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Moris already got a rework, we need a key rework before we get another Mori rework

  • Member Posts: 420

    The ebony Mori becomes useless. If it has to change it has to be only one hook each. Twice each makes it utterly useless as a pink offering.

  • Member Posts: 241

    I'll throw my hat in the ring.

    Ivory Momento Mori - After 2 hook actions you may kill a survivor by your own hand. Survivors cannot be killed if they have not been hooked at least once in the trial.

    Ebony Momento Mori - After 4 hook actions you may kill a survivor by your own hand. Survivors cannot be killed if they have not been hooked at least once in the trial.

    This would keep the overall power of each respective Mori while also drastically reducing the ability to take one person out of the game immediately.

  • Member Posts: 241

    In the ebony it's meant to say all survivors, not a survivor

  • Member Posts: 180

    Considering keys are about to get a major buff, moris shouldn't be touched till devs deal with keys. Morris and Franklins are the only semi real counters to keys atm, so nerfing one of these counters is just going to cause a major imbalance.

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