Post your unpopular opinions

Old ruin had to stay. It was a filter for noobs that can't do a skillcheck, it was a good way to regress a game, and at higher ranks no one really cared for ruin, because we always hit great skillchecks. New ruin is just as boring as legion as a survivor.
Freddy is op and it needs a nerf. Right now he has
-TP to gen
-Two alternate abilities (with addons)
-You can't see him on the distance if you are awake
-Passive game delay (dream world)
-Making others sleep on hit is absolutely the worst, as it ends up being literally plague again, where actually waking up (cleansing with plague) is worse because you just lose time. Killer can get you infected/sleepy almost on sight
-Killer red aura,height, clothes being too dark, quiet breathing and footsteps, lullaby that doesn't gives any feedback on how close he is
-Dream world can't let you see #########, and it drops your fps by a lot so it's another handicap
idk, you can literally use Otz's build and win every single game with 2 pips and no addons. I took advantage of that on the last 45 matches of grind in the latest rift and it was just sad to witness. You don't feel any frustration or anything at all, is just a cakewalk. I think they did a great job with him just because I fell asleep everytime I play with him.
Legion is one of the most unfun killers to play and go against. Not because I believe he is op, but because he is just boring.
Freddy and Spirit are the most balanced killers against SWF survivors.
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Dead Hard, Decisive Strike and Noed are all fine perks.
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Claudette is the only survivor that can be shipped with everyone it not be cringe.
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unpopular opinions? uh.... I like the ormond map both as killer and survivor
mostly just design and style of it because I do believe it could do with a bit of balancing
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Deathslinger has less counterplay than Spirit in a chase if the Deathslinger is actually good.
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I don't think any of your opinions are unpopular.
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I like Ormond and love the Blights power.
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Here is another one
actually going against sweaty SWF is really fun because you can punish them for playing sweaty and in a very predictive way.
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The game needs to reward people when their opponent is bringing in stronger items/perks/killers/offerings than their level of preparation. The only thing worse than SWF/Prove Thyself/DS/UB in Haddonfield is both the game and survivors pretending they earned their victory and didn't have every advantage under the sun.
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I didn't actually post one myself - a spirit chase is more interesting on both sides when the survivor has iron will.
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The game is balanced far better than people realise, its inconsistency mixed in with confirmation bias that leads most people to whining.
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The hitboxes aren't as bad as people say.
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Territorial Imperative ain't that bad.
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Every call to nerf NOED and Mori should be threatened with a revert to how they were when the game launched. (NOED just existed and wasn't tied to a totem and Mori didn't require you to be hooked first.)
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Autohaven maps aren't that bad for killers, except maybe Blood Lodge
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If you have to use DS past the first week of playing you're only doing it because you secretly want the killer to DC.
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Another unpopular opinion:
If DS exists, then tunneling does not exist and if DS is not considered an anti-tunnel perk, so what is this perk for?
If BT exists then the camping doesn't exist, although with Leatherface it is the exception, you literally can't do anything if you see him face camping.
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Majority of players (both sides) aren't as good as they think they are. Many refuse to learn to adapt and be able to change their playstyle depending on how the match is going. Also rely too heavily on certain perks which is why when a perk gets adjusted people flip out.
Many of the non-meta perks are good for new players. Discouraging players from using certain perks by insulting them is why many players don't experiment with random new builds and break up the meta.
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midwich best map in the game.
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Spirit is balanced and fun to play against.
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Is that an unpopular opinion? thought nearly everyone agreed that they were pretty balanced barring Blood Lodge?
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Clown isn’t the worst killer in the game
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Obligatory secondary objectives are required to balance this game
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Milk goes before the cereal. Wet cereal is yucky.
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He said unpopular not heretical.
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Screwdriver Mike > Pipe Mike
Legacy skins, and most of the Hallowed Blight skins, look awful. The whole "glowing orange slime" aesthetic does nothing for me.
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If you play claudette you deserve to be tunneled and mori'd.
Spirit if fun to play.
Oni's power is an original concept.
Fu*k springtrap in dbd.
Use D strike and become my butt wipe.
Steve Harrington's perks are viable.
I like the aesthetic of the doctor.
Hillbilly is not fun to play.
So yea... I have no friends.
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Sandra Bullock's movie Premonition was good. I really liked it.
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Slugging and tunneling makes you a try hard. Accept it
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I love everything about The Blight. I hope his gameplay doesn't get changed too much in his final release, because I love having to think outside of a tile or loop to effectively use his power.
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That is controversial. But it shouldn't be. I love lore characters.
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Every call to DS and MoM should be threatened with a revert to how they were when the game launched. (DS could activate without being hooked and MoM only required 3 basic attacks).
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- Nurse is buggy trash and doesn't deserve her reputation. Rumors of mythical 5k hour Nurse's that can eat red rank 1 tournament teams alive seem to have about as much validity as bigfoot sightings.
- Dead Dawg Saloon is the best map, design and fun potential, on both sides.
- Game balance is bad because it's not balanced around SWFs which are far more common than people realize (especially loud entitled survivor only players). This is why there are only 3 or 4 out of 20 killers viable at high ranks.
- The higher your rank the less fun the games are. Every game is a sweaty SWF with the same 5 or 6 meta perks in different order. Variety is dead.
- The only win condition for a Killer is a 4K, anything less is a loss.
- Hatch is a bullshit unearned and undeserved 3rd win condition that should be entirely removed. Whispers should be killer base kit, Deer Hunter should be Killer base kit.
- DBD's fully F2P business model and Korean level grind are designed to suck in addictive personalities. I fully expect loot boxes and monthly subscription fees to double blood point gains soon.
- The best thing for the game would be a complete rewrite and no new content for as many years as that took to achieve. The optimization, bugginess, and most hacks are because of bad design decisions (like using UE4 Blueprints and client side validation for many things which is like MMO building 101 something that should never EVER be done).
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Adrenaline is overrated.
Gen speed is fine. Early game is the issue.
NoED is detrimental to new killers because they don't learn to deal with end game without the exposed status.
3 or 4 gens popping doesn't mean the game is over, even if you've only hooked one person.
Meg is the best looking female survivor
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DS was way better when the game came out. Only one person could use it. It got buffed out the bum later on.
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1. This game shouldn't be considered competitive with the amount of bugs and awful the MMR that plague it. Also, rank is, and always will be, absolutely meaningless in this game and does not reflect actual player skill. That is why I see so many potatoes in high ranks like purple/red ranks. The system has always been easy to level up in even since before the emblem system. You can have games where you do next to nothing and still pip. I can only think one time I would say the devs had a challenging scoring system, but they scaled it back down within a few patches after critiques that it was too challenging to pip and ever since its always been easy to get those purple/red ranks as killer or solo survivor.
2. T-bagging really isn't that bad and people let it tilt them more than it should, which is actually why it is effective as a taunt. With the lack of VGS and very little emotes to use in-game its pretty much its own form of communication for survivors to interact with each other and the killer.
3. Endgame needs to be reworked before any nerfs are even considered for items like pink keys. For one, survivors will wait out the endgame timer and t-bag at the exit gates, which didn't really change much other than they are t-bagging on a timer. Additionally, there should be an alternative way to open hatch after it's closed besides the key because you get these situations in endgame where killers can easily hold the game hostage vs. the last survivor and literally no matter what a survivor does they die because hatch is closed and the exit gates can easily be patrolled, especially when they spawn close. That means if the survivor didn't bring in a key or get lucky enough to find one in a chest to get hatch they will die no matter how they played. Also, killers can slug the last survivor and just wait the whole duration of the timer, which is both a waste of time for each side to watch and super scummy imo.
4. Too many hooks with not enough spacing between them. This really shows on smaller maps that will have multiple hooks spawn the bare minimum distance away from each other so you get 2 to 3 hooks all together within a small area
5. Its okay for survivors and killers to have pink items and add-ons that are useful in helping them achieve their objective. Not every useful item/add-on needs nerfed into the ground just because it hurt you.
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Any perk, item, add on, killer, survivor, or offering, excluding free wins(keys and moris) are ok to use. They are in the game, and you have the right to use them.
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All builds are allowed in the game. No one is toxic for running a specific perk, add on, item, killer, or offering.
No action is toxic unless it’s needless. You’re clicky clicking me at a pallet and teabagging? Alright, you want me to chase you. There’s very likely a survivor that’s worse at chasing than you, I’ll ignore you until later. I get it
You’re teabagging in the exit gate and no leaving? Okay, you’re being an #########.
Killer is legit camping when there’s no gain? (All gens are done, they only have one person on hook and don’t know if anyone is around but gens aren’t done, etc) you’re either new or toxic.
You’re camping me because all gens are done or you have someone slugged right next to me and you want to get me to second hook stage or just want to keep half the team disabled? Boring for me, but I respect the overall strategy so I’m good with it
They’re toxic if they do things to be hurtful that they aren’t supposed to be doing. Otherwise, it’s likely not toxic to me.
Second unpopular opinion: most dedicated server latency hits are not dedicated server latency hits. A lot of the times I see a video, it’s not latency. The person literally got grazed at the edge of a hit box.
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the key word in unpopular opinions is "unpopular".
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Levels 20 - 8 matches are more fun for both killers and survivors. Tbh there shouldn't even be a ranking system, everyone should be matched up randomly. They should stop bothering to try to make a ranking system.
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Completely agree with you, except with the last point, Kate is the best looking female survivor..
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effective use of DH is not the same as ez second chance perks like DS and is often actually impressive
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not being seen by the killer the entire game and letting everyone else die is fun (until EGC ***** you).
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Candyman and Pennywise wouldn't really fit in the game that much.
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One more:
There should be a 5th BP category: Participation. Everyone gets 8000 BP from it as long as they don't disconnect from the game. This encourages continuing to play until the end, and makes the grind a bit more bearable. This also makes those games where you get mori-tunneled a little more bearable.
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NOED is balanced. I know, I'm a sinner.
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Springtrap is the only character from FNaF that has a chance to be in the game. Others don't make sense.
And many just discredit the idea because it came from the series. If it wasn't tied to FNaF, a cyborg zombie would be on many people's lists of possible killers.
Other notes:
The Blight is a fascinating character.
Spirit is fine.
NOED is fine.
That pallet blocking perk of the Blights needs to not be a hex perk. Bamboozle, BW, and Spirit Fury don't have a hex tied to them, and that pallet perk already has a cooldown on top of being a hex. One of the other, not both.
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Most swfs are average or bad at the game not seal team six.
Chronic DCers should have a reputation floating over their head like the in jail pictures on the forums.
Gideon's is a fun map.
Breakable walls was a terrible idea. Just create a door or shut one down.
Billy 's new yell sounds ridiculous.
Not all killers need a buff to improve their viability or a nerf to make them ' more balanced '. Variety is the spice of life.
Some add ons should be removed from the game not new ones added to take up more bp we barely earn.
Bullying is more of a problem in this game than swf.
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Unpopular opinion #1: You can use any perk anytime and any way you wish to use it. The idea that certain perks are only ok to use in specific situations is ridiculous.
Unpopular opinion #2: Playing stealth (I don't mean hiding in lockers) is fun.
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I liked the 1st silent hill movie but hated the 2nd one with all my life.
And before someone asks why I liked the 1st movie is because they at least copied stuff from the games unlike the crap that the 2nd movie did.