Dream Patch Notes

lucid4444 Member Posts: 682
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm bored. Here's my list of changes I wish would happen:


  • Optimized graphics as much as possible (kind of a duh thing, but I realize it's very hard)
  • Updated the animations for locker grabbing (bug eyes are such a
  • Every killer has a few animations for wiping blood off, randomly chosen after a hit

New Gameplay Features:

  • Indoor maps now have generators that have cables running to the 3 nearest generators instead of the light-pole on top. Completed generators will have their cables light up, dimming slowly as they get closer to an uncompleted generator
  • Indoor maps' crows now fly out into a nearby hallway and up into an air duct. This makes logical sense and gives the killer an idea of where survivors are, similar to outdoor maps
  • Added a new practice mode where you can play against bots or by yourself
  • Disconnected players are replaced by bots similar to mobile DBD
  • While hooked, you will gain "bait" bloodpoints in the survival category for each 10 seconds (totaled up once you're unhooked or sacrificed) while the killer is within 32m of you. Consolation prize for being camped
  • Players that are playing SWF are shown connected at the end game screen, and player's console are shown instead of a Globe
  • Bringing someone up from the dying state doesn't use a healing animation but a 'pick up' one. This also gives bonus bloodpoints the same as an unhook.


  • Perks besides the 3 'natural' ones the character starts with are always Tier 3 on the bloodweb

Survivor perk balance

  • Decisive Strike - is disabled upon repairing a generator or rescuing a player, but pauses the duration during chase
  • We're Going to Live Forever - *keeps the token system* but no longer gives bonus bloodpoints. Rather gives you an ability to remove exhaustion for 1 token. Activate the power button while exhausted to shave 10/13/15 seconds off of your exhaustion, removing a token. No maximum tokens.
  • Object of Obsession - (shamelessly stolen from Otz) When being chased, every other survivor can see your aura. If you are Obsession, all other survivors get a speed boost of 2 / 3 / 4% action speed to healing, repairing and sabotaging.
  • This is Not Happening - also moves the Great Skill zone in the middle between the Good Skill Check zone
  • Slippery Meat - removed. A hangover from a game that is very different.
  • Sole Survivor - also prevents the Heartbeat notification
  • Lucky Break - also prevents you from leaving scratch marks for 4/5/6 seconds after being injured
  • No Mither - stops grunts of pain by 50/75/100% instead, and also prevents screaming
  • Baby Sitter - lasts 6/8/10 seconds instead, and also prevents the killer from seeing the rescued survivor's aura for the duration
  • Up The Ante - can't think of anything, but this needs a change

Killer Perk Balance

  • BBQ and Chili - no longer gives extra BP, but reveals auras for 4/5/6 seconds
  • Discordance - reversed the duration from 8/10/12 seconds to 12/10/8 seconds. Subsequent notification sounds are a little quieter than the first one
  • No One Escapes Death - works on a token system equal to the remaining totems. Putting a survivor into dying state removes 1 token. At 0 tokens they are no longer exposed, but you retain your speed boost until the hex totem is gone.
  • Cruel Limits - increased the area to 40 meters
  • Overwhelming Presence - also increases item rate consumption outside your terror radius by 0/25/50%
  • Mindbreaker - works on all gens, not just ones with less than 50% completion
  • Hangman's Trick - also increases the time it requires to sabotage a hook by 10/20/30%
  • Beast of Prey - also reduces the time required for Bloodlust by 1/2/3 seconds
  • Zanshin Tactics - is no longer disabled upon injuring a survivor
  • Territorial Imperative - also increases the time it takes to unhook survivors by 50/100/150% while outside 32m of the basement
  • Furtive Chase - the reduction of terror radius is permanent, not only during chase. It is no longer turned off once the obsession is dead - still capped at 4 tokens (16m terror radius reduction)
  • Gearhead - requires only 1 hit
  • Monstrous Shrine - removed
  • Shadowborn - also increases the game's brightness

Survivor Balance:

  • Survivors no longer spawn right next to generators, but closer to the edges of the map
  • Purple Keys take 10 seconds to open the hatch, close upon going in
  • Red Keys take 5 seconds, also close upon going in
  • Added a "bleed out" option once a dying survivor is nearly fully recovered, which increases their bleeding rate

Killer Balance:

  • Moris have been removed. Yellow Moris are always on, i.e. The option to kill a survivor is available if they are the last one remaining

  • Spirit - removed from the game (jk). Idk, maybe just make it harder to hear and scratch marks are further apart?
  • Trapper - he starts with 2 traps, and can hold up to 2.
  • Legion - reduces the stun from 4 seconds to 3 seconds

Map Balance:

  • Midwich: lights properly flicker near generators that aren't fixed. Added stairs connecting the courtyard to the upper floors
  • Haddonfield: reduced the amount of long fences

Addon balance:

  • jesus too much to list, let's stop here

If you read all that, bless you

Post edited by lucid4444 on


  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    One thing that annoys me. Why take away the bp bonus from wglf? It required somewhat skillfull play to get and why not just add the effect onto it but not get a token for activating it?

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    This patch sounds both good and awful at the same time

    No BP on WGLF and BBQ? I love grinding haha /s

    Object sounds next to useless, they are supposed to balance and rework perks not kill them. (sorry otz but this aint it chief)

    why remove perks instead of reworking them? (monstrous shrine)

    What would be the point of iron will if no mither does the same thing?

    "Players that are playing SWF are shown connected at the end game screen, and player's console are shown instead of a Globe" ah yes lets encourage lobby dodge even more

    Keys can open hatch and give survivors free escape but you still want to remove moris?

    I can almost agree on pretty much everything else

  • McSim
    McSim Member Posts: 9

    it's because killers now always going bbq. perk for killer giving way too much, people too often playing for points not for performance 

    whats wy we have hook farming here if you delete bp for both sides game will be much fairer 

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Sorry I didn't put in that the token system is still there. You can use up a token to remove some exhaustion. So you can either use it right away in a pinch, or save up a few tokens to make a flashy play of using Dead Hard twice in a row or something

    The grind will be significantly less due to the fact that every perk besides the 3 you start with are always Tier 3 in the bloodweb. Once you find a perk you like, you've got it tier 3. Currently there's no reason to NOT use BBQ unless you've got all the perks you want, which takes FOREVER.

    The idea of Monstrous Shrine is problematic to start with- what playstyle are you promoting exactly? It's similar to Insidious- if makes a basement camping build good then people will do it. I can find people (including myself) who can justify camping, but it's not interesting to play against a basement camper. It's also an inherently RNG perk due to how the map spawns and you're not always close enough to the basement when you get a down. That said if someone has a good idea I'd like to hear it - but for now It's not worth the space in the game.

    Iron will doesn't make you injured and broken.

    You can't dodge a lobby at the end of the game.. the game is over

    Keys - yes. They only get to escape, so if you want your team to all escape they all need to bring purple keys, and it takes time for all of them to open the hatch with the key.

    Do you think it should be more %?

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Honestly I have no clue what you're talking about, as far as I can see no one in this thread is trolling

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Object sounds even stronger especially in solo queue because it tells all your teamates the killer is occupied get some gen time in

    Iron will is no mither with less power but less downsides

    Also how would endgame screen showing swf make people lobby dodge, if your in the lobby you cant see it

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Removing bonus bp from the game is wrong, maybe change bbq to be something to incentivise not tunneling camping or killing someone early even more

    BBQ, Whenever you hook a survivor for the first or second time gain a stack, every stack gives 25% bonus bp, whenever a survivor is killed bbq cant gain any more stacks, keep the aura reveal

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I don't like the BBQ and Chili - no longer gives extra BP why get rid of that?

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Because literally every killer uses it. The only reason they don't is because: they're P3 on every character or essentially maxed out on BP.. OR they just don't have the perk available.

    To compensate for this - every perk outside the 3 you start with starts at Tier 3. This cuts down the grind tremendously as it's easy to get a character to 30-35-40 but you're going to be going through MANY level 50 bloodwebs to get the perks you actually want.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Aside from removing extra BP from certain perks, I like these ideas.

    I'm not sure about the keys and hatch idea though, but I guess if this was a thing, it would actually have a cool little animation with the survivor trying to unlock the hatch.

    The Spirit idea made me laugh. #RemoveSpirit

    And, well, some people might hate me for this but... #RemoveLegion

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    yeah I figured people would balk at the idea of removing the extra BP perks, but my reasoning is in the comments above. Thanks for taking the time.

    also, Legion? Gasp! (he can be annoying to play against tho lol)

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    just because everyone uses it doesn't mean we should loss the extra BP we get from it the perk is good because this game so grindy with out it we have to hope for double PB event happening more offend which they don't now.

    your compensate for this wont help the way to many perk in the game and the no characters has 3 good perks some have 1 or 2 some don't work together them start 3 perks starting at Tier 3 wont help.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I think a perks ubiquity is a reason for it to be changed. The tier change is massive and I think you're underrating it. By the time you're 30 you'll have all universal perks, and it'll take only a few bloodwebs to find the perk that you want on the killer you want. This is like giving players an extra 50-100k BP every round.

    But you've got a point - maybe we should also shift the teachables to 25-30-35 or even lower

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    A few things I would want the devs to do differently but this post does sum up a good chunk of problems with balance in DBD currently.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I don't think be good idea but maybe that me I one who wan to be able to sell back useless offering and add on for for half th price to lessen the grind.