Deathslinger not fun to play against?

As a survivor main, i can say that i really dont like playing against a deathslinger, and heres why:
I personally think a really big part of this game is getting chased by the killer, getting things done like a 360, 180, windowtech, etc.
But if youre playing against a deathslinger, you just cant do that stuff becouse he just grabs his gun and shoots you, and there isnt much to do about that.
I think deathslinger just doesnt really fit in dbd, dont get me wrong, i really like the idea of ranged weapons in dbd, but just not like this.
Honestly, i have no idea what they could do about this to make him more fun to go against.
Okay, first off, none of the "techs" you mentioned are of any use against even a Wraith or Trapper. They exist to bully noobs, something you can easily achieve against a Slinger.
That being said, he is a ridiculously low-counterplay killer and there's nothing really to be done about that. The game needs the variety that 110 killers bring, but nerfing his power would force him to be a 115 killer.
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I think they could just make him go "hurgh" and take like an extra .25 seconds to be able to fire his weapon when using ADS. Like a faster version of the Huntress. He still should be able to aim more quickly since he has a smaller range and doesn't have guaranteed damage on landed hits, but right now his aiming is functionally instant and there's no real telegraph of intent.
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I try to use those techs on not noobs, and if it works (wich most of the time fails), its just funny, and thats what i like about the game!
I totally agree with the rest tho
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That would be a great idea, but when im playing against a huntress half of the time i dont even hear the "hurgh" sound, idk if thats a bug or just a game mechanic
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I feel like they could nerf his oppressiveness in-chase at the cost of letting him shoot onto walls and grapple himself closer to them at a fast speed (and could then tap m1 to break the chain, and need to reload) and make him 115% too. Increase his general map pressure but make the 1v1 more fair and fun, a bit closer to Huntress. I'd enjoy facing him a whole lot more if I didn't just get quickscoped every bloody time; I remember in a KYF once against one of my friends and he'd spend time aiming and lining up his shots perfectly, there was even a sound queue to show he was aiming at you! It was amazing fun and I wish that was the optimal way to play as Slinger because taking time to make the perfect shot is great fun to do and to face.
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a great rework idea is to make his gun more accurate the longer you aim, for example when he starts aiming he begins with 25% accuracy and it takes like 3/4 seconds untill he gets 75-100% accuracy
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"Boring, oppressive, unfun" is the new "oplznerf".
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im not begging for a nerf, im just saying what i think about deathslinger and how i think they could change it to make it more fun to play against/as.
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Lmao. You just want another killer to bully. You cant loop a Deathslinger the same way you can any other killer.
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I personally just don't like how quick ADS is and how he can instantly M1 after cancelling it. I think thats everyone's issue with him.
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A survivor doing a 360 causing them to disappear or aim dressing to yank the killer's camera in the wrong direction... that's not fun. Not for the person playing killer, anyway. It's extremely frustrating that playing on certain maps makes 360s more powerful due to killing the fps.
So, you talk about something not being fun for you and wanting to change it while also listing stuff that's not fun for the opposite side that you want to make more viable...
The role of killer needs to be fun to play as, not just against.
That doesn't sound fun. You're requiring the killer to be crippled both ways, either with forced poor aim (which sucks in every game I've played that punishes players with RNG misses despite actually making a skilled shot) or by giving the survivor an extra 3 to 4 seconds in a chase. That while aiming the gun the controls feel crappy and he's slower only make it worse. Aiming the gun for an extended amount of time is not something players want to do.
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they think killer just there may sure survivor have fun.
I hate that too.
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I don't like him because he's anti-stealth and anti-escape-chase playstyle. It's a whole lot of denying other people's playstyles rather than anything like challenging people's playstyles (and the latter of the aforementioned playstyles is already heavily punished by almost every killer).
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I love deathslinger, he possibly has the best chase theme in the game and the chain mechanic is really fun, at least in my opinion. His chases could be a bit more interactive, but overall he is pretty solid.
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Well that sucks for you, I like facing deathslingers. I'd take him every match rather then facing trappers or hags, I hate vsing those two.
Fun is pretty subjective, isn't it. Just because one group of players doesn't like it doesn't mean that there aren't other people who enjoy to vs such killer.
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So your idea is to:
- Give the survivor a 4-second heads up that the killer is using their one-shot-reload power, giving them ample opportunity to time a dodge
- After that 4 seconds make it so the killer has to 'maybe' score a hit, with a ~3-second reload, but if he doesnt time his 4-seconds properly he'll more than likely waste his shot even if the survivor is not dodging.
Deathslinger doesn't need a rework. Just as with Pyramid Head, survivors just need to rethink how they approach loops to bait the killer's power, and more accurately predict dodge in the open.
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Deathslinger is not op, but he is indeed boring to play against. Short, unintense and very unfun chase (which should be the complete opposite).
Nobody wants him to be nerfed, he actually might be in a good state about winrate, but people want some changes of his power, which gives counterplay. Give him mobility, nerf his chase potential, that would actually make him way more fun.
Boring is indeed the right word for deathslinger. You can also call him uninspired or just annoying but he is not op.
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Hes so easy to counter lmao
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if you play against a good deathslinger, it isnt (or im just bad af)
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If pyramid head uses his punishment of the dammed, just before the attack lands, you see a red outlined stripe on the ground.
If youre quick enough ( i just press a or d when holding w), you an jump away before it lands.
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I dont think its a perfect idea or anything, just a little tweak to make him more counterable, what he needs is less 1v1 focussed chases and more grouped power (at least in my opinion)
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But isnt fun subjective? Many people (including myself) probably find deathslinger very fun to play against
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I agree, im definitly having way more fun against a huntress, and the reason is that against a huntress i feel like i can maybe at least have a chance to counter her, instead of getting shot the first 3 seconds after i start a chase.
Btw i dont know why people who like/main deathslinger are so toxic about this.
I dont hate those people, i dont hate deathslinger, i just think he needs some tweaks to make him better against multiple people and maybe a little less impossible to counter :)
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At least legion is counterable, i actually really like the idea by slowing down survivors by forcing them to mend, but i think mending just goes too quick and is too easy.
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It very is subjective, and thats why this forum exists :)
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I'll drink to that
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I run spine chill on all my builds, becouse i find it very fun to play with and its just really nice against killers like pig, ghostface, myers, and many more killers.
Even with spine chill i barely ever counter deathslinger.
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Isnt that the whole reason why this forum even exists?
I made this discussion becouse my experience with playing against deathslinger isnt always good.
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he is boring for the same way Pyramid head is. just the act of redding there power is more effective than actually using it, the moment deathslinger brings up his gun or the moment PyHead sticks his sword in the ground the survivor has two options start preemptively dodging or keep running both of which work in the killers favor. you try dodging they won't use their power and will just close in on you for a free m1 or you keep running and they will just use their power. in the open this doesn't always work but the moment a window or pallet is involved it's a free hit.
but when you compare these two with huntress you can see why it works. with huntress she makes a warning sound way before she can even throw a hatchet and slows down giving time to the survivor to react and if she cancels her hatchet she stays slow and cant instantly attack
whilst deathslinger can immediately use his ability and cansel is without repercussions.
pyramid head does have a delay before he can attack but he is only moving 5% slower so its negligible
a simple fix for deathslinger would be to add harsher punishment for canceling his power promoting him to commit to actually using it or only being able to fake it once or twice before losing to much distance and making the sound that plays when he is aiming at you actually audible (yes there is a sound cue that plays when is gun is aiming at you not that you can hear it over the chase music)
as for PyHead just make him move slower when he pulls the G. knife out of the ground for a couple seconds so survivors can actually have a chance to make a play.
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My #1 strategy against PH if they're trying to bait them to use their laser going into the loop. It's not 100% because of servers and a patient pyramid head might be able to get past it but I've gotten out of a lot of nasty surprises with that technique. Also, I'm considering testing and incorporating abusing lockers into the mix. Throwing pallets early pretty much gaurentees you're taking a laser to the face unless it's really early, in which case you shouldnt do it anyways.
Dont be fooled, the only way to counter PH is to force him to make mistakes, but in fairness that's how you counter any killer.
I dont agree with your position he needs less 1v1 focus. The ability to pressure multiple survivors at once is very strong, and if there's a ranged component with that I would think he'd be very, very uncounterable. Consider as well that Deathslinger can easily get the first hit through loops, but the second hit 'usually' takes a bit more effort and has a higher margin of error.
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You are right about that, there isnt really anything you can do about legion stabbing you in his frenzy.
But i still like the idea of wasting time of survivors with the mending mechanic.
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Oh yeah ok fair enough.
I thought you meant spinechill for in a loop lol
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if he shoots me, then hits me, he doesnt get a longer hit animation, he can just catch up within 5 seconds and shoot again
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Yeah, slinger got high chase potential and ######### map pressure. He's a good killer, but definitly not top tier. Now look at legion. Amazing 4v1, horrific 1v1. Don't transform slinger into a worse legion please.
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I dont get this slinger no counterplay bs. Walls, walls and prediction crouchs. A smart survivour knows real excellent play is keeping distance from the killer at all times. This aittude of i need the killer to send me notifications for every action taken is ridiclous.
Every time i face a slinger i force him to make tough shots always maintaining as much distance as possible. Why the hell do you think he has a range limit. If your mind is stuck in the world of 115 ms killer on my ass and there lunge is the limit that's just entitled.
I want diversity in my high rank games not just spirit and nurse. Whats being proposed is the same formulaic killer strategy. 115 ms killer with a delay on his power.
Treat slinger like huntress with wind up add ons and youll be fine. Maintain distance and force optimum shots. Stop standing in the designated safest point in the loop and move further ahead depending where you think he'll come from.
You know who also has a giant notification with a extended range attack. Pig and how well did that work out. Pigs low tier garbage because people coped that if you just maintain distance or act on the notification the killers screwed. You want current deathslinger who has reeling in limitations reloads on every shot and two hits targets. Without any gen delay or additions to the kit.
Until you start suggesting actual compensation for nerfing at best top mid tier killer i cant take anything said here seriously.
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Why would you want to "nerf" a low tier killer like deathslinger with 0 map pressure?
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all the stuff you said is never gonna get done against a competent killer ( doesnt matter the killer it is), i mean a killer above potato level, so i dont get your point. but he is annoying to go agaisnt and has little to nothng counterplay in good hands, aside from gen rush the fastest you can and leave.
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If there's no cover, jungle gyms, or moderately safe pallets within that 5 seconds with the speed boost you get from being hit, and he doesn't fall for your attempt to dodge, your problem isn't necessarily Deathslinger.
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I never said anything about nerfing, just read better
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Well guess what, nobody cares.
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I'm not begging for nerf, I'm just heavily implying that certain killer needs to be nerfed into the ground
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I didnt say it was going to work, its just fun to try and maybe have a chance to pull it off.
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I like going against him. I like that he requires more skill to counter.
It gets boring to run killers the same way the majority of them are ran.
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He is above average, but that was it. You are so dependend on hitting your shots that every missed one hurts. He is just too slow to built up pressure like freddy / billy can. Spirit is a 110% MS killer as well, but because of her power she can make up ground much quicker.
He is fun to play and i don't care playing against him.
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thats the cleanest way ever to say somebody is bad at the game i gotta give you credits lmao
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Are you ######### dumb?
Just asking...
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About deathslinger? Exactly, nobody cares because he is just a bad killer lol. Here there are just useless complaints.
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Why do you insult me? You have nothing else to say?
I guess my opinion angered and frustrated you, since you started with insults. If such little things make you lose your cool, I guess you shouldn't be playing DbD at all in that case, because it will bring you negative emotions much more than positive ones.