nearly 4 gens in 3mins

ffs this is the third post about this video, so fine.
0-10s: Spends the first seconds of the match checking gens right next to him where it is impossible for survivors to spawn. Could have saved several seconds cutting away from this useless area.
23s: Swings at Sprint Burst. Common mistake, we all do it sometimes.
1:20: Doubles back too early giving the survivor a free fake.
1:38: Wastes a lot of time taking the survivor to the basement when there was a hook extremely close to the downed survivor. Does nothing with the basement pressure so its pure wasted time.
1:58: Extremely bad move. Goes to the edge of the map to kick a generator, leaving the entire rest of the map unpressured. The temptation to Pop generators ruins a lot of killer's momentum.
During this entire time, he has not left the vicinity of the shack for the entire match.
2:10-2:30: Just walks around the shack doing nothing.
2:34: Instead of the free down on Billy, he wastes his power on hitting a survivor with Borrowed Time.
2:52: Has more than half his power and chooses to pick up the survivor instead of doing the thing Oni does best - snowballing.
2:59: Again wastes more time putting a survivor in the basement to do nothing with it.
As of 3:30 he has still not left the vicinity of the shack for the entire match.
4th gen pops at 3:37 and he doesn't understand how only two hooks and staying in this same spot let this happen.
63 -
Thank you. I was going to say pretty much this. He complains the game is going too fast and SWF, etc etc, but he just sat around Killer shack afraid he'd lose that hook. Even when he finally decided to go to another Gen area, it was far too late at this point. People need to stop using Streamers as 'examples' of the balance of the game because, no offence to Tru3 here, but he makes so many blatant mistakes and won't admit to them.
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Killer: play perfect game for 2k.
Surv: M1 and win.
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If you really believe that's all there is to it I really have to think you are purposely choosing to not understand to support your point.
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Damn Scott do be spitting facts doe
11 -
this game is broken.
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First it was constant threads about otz & the 17s gen and now it’s endless threads about 4 gens in 3 mins when quite clearly he played poorly.
Give it a rest guys....
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Aren't you the one that came up with OGC we both know that when people talk about "gen rushing" they are really talking about how BHVR has not adding anything to the god awful game play loop that is survivor is speeding the game way up.
If I had to generally guess. everyone hates it when you are on the losing side of a 5 minute game (I also find it incredibly unfun when I win in those games, either side)
I also love how for killers everyone says adapt (Which I agree with) but when it is a killer that breaks the traditional game play loop ie. Spirit, Nurse, Deathsilinger Pyrimd Head. Where traditional looping doesn't work and instead of saying adapt we say it isn't fun because we made looping the gameplay loop when literally the only objective gameplay loop for survivors is m1 on gens and escape.
In this discourse it that seems to keep coming up, but we allow ourselves to fall into this trap where killers are the only role that is expected to adapt and it doesn't feel right coming from someone who plays 50/50.
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Dime ppl think there is a competitive game .. no words , ashame , survivors need another objective
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True .
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You should be the best player in the world , I don't gonna spend my time in ppl like you , it's easy , play Vs premade , and I will rush you , while one of my friends dropping palets without sense ...
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You're not allowed to criticise tru3talent here. Even when he makes blatantly bad plays. You wouldn't see Otz, Zubat or ScottJund make plays this awful and still be defended by part of the community. I've seen them get actually PROPERLY genrushed before when they were actually trying due to the sweat squads. This ain't it.
There's a weird bias towards Tru3talent. Probably because he's the only one of the bunch who validates a lot of bad killers complaints.
Don't get me wrong, that game was short. But that's 60/40 on Tru3 not even attempting to make an impact on the survivors. He literally didn't even travel to the other side of the map for the vast majority of the game.
Why the hell should they have even bothered doing anything else if he's made it clear that he wants to waste his time chasing a friggin' BT unhook, AS ONI?
Tru3talent blows me away sometimes, because he's VERY good at the game and obviously VERY knowledgable. But than he does stuff like this every so often, giving away a free win and is all like "wait, that's illegal". As if he's just entitled to it or something.
Then he'll bring up a valid point about gens speeds, and make excuses for why he made such bad plays and his followers eat it up and spam twitter replys/forums. Then there's every loss must be a SWF because obviously he can't be outplayed.
Genuine sweat squad/genrush SWFs that complete 4 gens in 1 chase are a genuine problem that needs to be addressed, this is not helping the case when you use it as a major example.
4 -
I don’t think that true talent played poorly in this match I think that it was a combination of gen speed and map size that made it difficult for him to pressure gens because they were being done all over so he may not’ve been able to go to pressure gens and get downs before a gen on the other side of the map got popped
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No curruption to help the bad oni start. 3 gen strat, which was effectively shack gen and basement camping. There are 7 generators and you only take care of 2. No snowballing. No skill, no brain, camping main.
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Yeah you’ll lose gens quickly if you vaguely proxy camp the basement without really committing to it. He sort of hovers around, not denying the unhook but not pressuring anywhere else. Indecisiveness cost him the game IMO (and the bug, but that’s not really a balance issue). Either camp or leave the area to find someone else, hovering around does absolutely nothing for you. Especially since one of them had Kindred - people can see you wandering around so they commit to their gens harder. No SWF required.
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I'd like to add another Tru3 clip that I remembered seeing a while back.
I feel this is a much better example. That would help your case more than harm it. Tru3 doesn't play perfectly here, either. But a damn sight better than the OP clip. And shows just how broken optimal survivors just doing gens can truly be.
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11 -
He played almost perfectly.... Meme post
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I love how only sometimes the when I edit something it goes to BHVR so expect two responses:
As the person that came up with the OGC you pretty much concede the point that gens are the problem (if I am wrong I am wrong, but then why are you playing devil's advocate for a highly request feature you created). We also both know that when people who play this game refer to "gen rush" they really mean BHVR has made the game too fast because the only gameplay loop in the game is holding m1 on a generator.
I also have to ask as someone who plays 50/50 why are the killers the only ones that are forced to adapt. Why aren't survivors forced to adapt their strategy. For example when a killer breaks the the tactic of looping (looping is not a gameplay loop) ie. Spirit, Old Nurse, Deathsliger, Pyrimd Head. If looping doesn't work why shouldn't you change up your tactics if you want to win (and fun isn't an answer). Why are we expecting more from 1 when their are 5 people in a game.
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He stayed near the basement for almost the entire game. What did he think was gonna happen? He played very poorly. Then he decides to blame his loss on everything but himself. lol
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I'm not sure where I said there isn't a potential problem with the early game. I repeatedly and vehemently say that survivors should always spawn together and not near a gen so they cannot just instantly start working on three separate gens. The fact is, the better you play, the more you negate the potential B.S spawns survivors can get on big maps. He made too many mistakes to negate it.
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The second part of the post is the important bit not the first one. Also by me stating you came up with the OGC I also state you probably agree that early game is a potential problem.
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This is a very bad excample IMO.
This is:
Old Rotten Fields
Old Doctor (considered one of the weakest Killers in the game)
No Perks or Add Ons
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He clearly didnt play poorly tho, plus he got cucked by a bug THAT WAS FIXED or so they say
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Until this happens, Corruption intervention. If you let RNG. Of 10 games 5 easily lost, 3 lose, 2 wins.
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No amount of perks will help if you don't even try.
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in high rank, you need perk to help with your weak points. Oni has a slow start. If you leave the game to the fate of the RNG, you expose yourself to bad games. Being consistent requires commitment. As long as you leave it to chance, the game is better for you. That includes perks, add-ons, good strategies, and skills. This game of Tru3 had no skill or strategy.
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Thank you for your continued efforts to showcase how and why things happen on a rational basis - yet I´m afraid this guy´s followers
don´t appreciate when poor plays on his side get pointed out. My favorite streamer can´t possibly be a bad player now can he?
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Thing is this is a constant problem its bad base game design where you can have 4 gens pop in 3 minutes that is just absurd now granted it could be a rare occurance but still to know that a game can be potentially over in 3-5 minutes is not good at all it just bad design.
Now does that mean we have to increase gen times i personally dont like the idea as yes its a boring thing survivors have to do, but we cant leave it as is as it is a problem that is becoming bigger and bigger. I personally want to see the Start game collaspe that devs mentioned in the 4 year anniversary stream implemented sooner rather than later and see how it goes from there if gens are still going at a very quick rate then look at maps and gen placement see if that can help. Increasing gen repair time should be only a last resort if all other avenues are spent
Also for the people going ohh heres another Tru3 video theres a reason why people use his video as evidence it cause he is the only content creator as far as iam aware that constanly shows/talks about the issues with the game especially gen speeds and he has video after video in different sceanios of gens being done at a very quick rate with different types of killers, different types of builds, different maps and different good gameplay or bad gameplay from him. Does he get 4ks despite the quick gens sometimes yes sometimes no but the issue of the gen speed is showcase constanly in those videos.
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You do realise that Marths Depip squad experiment was a long time ago right? In the meantime we had a truckload of changes to even the playing field. I admit we´re not quite there yet but the balance has changed so drastically the versions of now and back then are barely comparable anymore.
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1:38: Its not really wasting much time taking survivors into the basement as killer even if you aren't 100% sure you will return, because it wastes the rescuers time as well having to go down and up it. And its always a good idea to do it because you dont know who is hanging around it. You cant really blame him for doing this.
Just no, you waste 1(!) survior's time, there's 2 others still so if it takes you 20 seconds to go to the basement and hook somebody it gave 2 other survivors 20 seconds each on a gen which amounts to 40 seconds, it's a HUGE waste of time unless you plan to capitalize on it which he didn't, at all.
You have the same mentality that tru3 has, you amount your time to 1 v 1 when it's 4v1, as a killer you need WAY better time management especially against SWFs coordinating their rescuers.
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They could do the same thing again even more easily without the old ruin, yeah godloops were changed but they didn't excessively use them in the first place, the games were mostly over so quick that the amount of resources on the map are still way to many and irrelevant in the first place because the only killers that managed to "beat" them (one being scott here btw) didn't bother with getting looped in the first place and capitalized on their mistakes over trying to outplay them on loops.
Btw the experiment was PERKLESS and barebones. Survivors with perks have up to 4 more hookstates each if played perfectly but a minimum of 1.
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Exactly my point, you guys won't engage in any conversation, its just "my favorite streamer had a bad game and said its the genrush, checkmate survivor mains"
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Thanks for summing it up. I used to defend Tru3 on most of his claims, but this was just a bad game played by him - and bad games should be lost to good players.
Another thing to mention is that he basically played perkless this game. BBQ was used effectively 0 times- after a hook he went across the map to smack a gen, not chase survivors.. Monitor/Abuse + Infectious, the main combo for Oni, was used like, one time and only to get an M1. I was so confused when I saw him pick up survivors when he has his power ready and someone screamed... He's got a slug build, but doesn't slug. And lastly - pop goes the weasel just made him tunnel on getting a generator damage in ASAP, not realizing that it's actually costing him time. 25% of a gen vs ~20-25 seconds with 3 players on gens. You should only do that if you're already enraged with Oni so it doesn't take any time at all to cross the map and scare off survivors in the process
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Just because you say it's not a mistake doesn't mean it's not a mistake. He made tons of dumb decisions (as usual btw since that guy isn't the brightest) and as you mentioned, against dumb survivors this would work. But against dumb survivors winning is not hard in the first place so why bank your gameplan around survivors that do stupid #########? It's why I take NOED personally, I will wreck ANY non optimal team and for the occasional good group that triggers endgame by rushing the crap out of gens I get NOED because I aknowledge that I'm no Umbra, No ScottJund and no Fungoose or Zubatlel. Tru3 should maybe start doing the same and change his gameplan accordingly.
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gEn rUsH Is nOt a tHinG
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What makes you think the team he was facing was a SWF? I saw one crossplay icon and one Kindred, and absolutely nothing to suggest SWF at all except Tru3 complaining about them being SWF for no reason.
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I never said the game was balanced but what ppl like you want is a dead game.
I'd simply be happy if I could play together with other killers in an 8v2 mode so the game doesn't feel so lonely, I don't need it to be balanced.
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Lmao, the killer echo chamber is strong with this one. Thank you Scott for pointing out the many misplays he made.
Like, True played like a yellow rank killer this game. That's why he lost. What else were the survivors supposed to be doing while he's chasing one person and camping the basement literally the entire match. He left that area maybe TWICE after a full 3 and a half minutes.
If the killer isn't going to bother coming after me, I'm doing gens.
6 -
Stop acting like you're playing every match perfectly. In the end we're all humans, no robots. You def lost respect with this post for me. People are'nt stupid, it's obvious what you and you're stream clickue do from time to time on him, just for clicks. Thing is, all big streamers have so many hours in the game, how can an average red rank killer even stop this then? I don't even think SWFs were the prob here, solos can do gens really quick aswell if they spawn right together.
7 -
You can look through my post history, its rsre I agree with Scott, but hes not wrong here. He lost 3 gens at tge beginning and felt defeated so didnt really try from there. He put 2 survivors in the basement with no intentions of camping them, that wasted a lot of his time. He never checked the other gens when he did have time and was suprised when they popped. He dropped his power several times to get a hook instead of leaving the slug and using his power to get across the map quickly (this is bread and butter Oni).
These were his 2 biggest mistakes: putting people in tge basement and not camping, he could have hooked either of them on a closer hook and immediately went to another gen. Either basement camp or dont, this half in half out ######### aint it.
Dropping his power multiple times to get a hook instead of using demon dash to get across the map.
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I kind stopped taking Scott serious after watching a few of his streams.
Like, the survivors he faced didn't even come close to the level I see on Tru3 and OTZ streams.
Perhaps is just Europe that is a strong region?
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"perfect game"
did you even read it
he sat at shack and got two hooks wasting time there and so gens popped
survs didnt play well but he gave them an easy win
5 -
so right it hurts
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LUL, use ruine, the anti-gen-late-game-hex-perk.
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######### does "stream clickue do" mean? Also what Is your point about playing perfectly? Of course I don't play perfectly. What does that have to do with anything?
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And there are plenty of 4k in under 2 minute games.
So yes, balanced is a good word.
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- checking that generator near his spawn maybe took 5 seconds from his path to the shed.
- He had about a single second's worth of time to react from the survivor getting up from generator to Sprint Burst. It was practically unavoidable.
- When he went to his Oni form, Tapp was blocking the door. I mean he could have hoped the Tapp would run out but there was no way to know for sure, especially if it is an organized team and he knows he has borrowed time or has DS. Even then he got the down shortly after.
- The first hook in the basement took maybe an extra 5-8 seconds.
I mean you are really nitpicking on seconds worth of time or unavoidable events just to justify 5 gens almost being done in less than 4 minutes. This even turned out to be not an SWF and they managed to do this. I mean most killers couldn't stop this including yourself. I mean the survivor would spin you and the game would be out of your hands ;)
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Yeah man that's literally DBD. Nitpicking tiny little decisions because they cascade into a ton of new scenarios where the game lasts a little bit longer. I have no idea if I could have stopped this and potentially could have made different mistakes, but it really seems like killers are allergic to learning from their mistakes and so they will never improve.