We need a new objective as a survivor

We only have to make gens and clean tottems if we want ...
My idea is a "key into the locker to start the gen ", we have to search the keys to start gens , ant then repair ... Make the game more funny
I'm all ears , show me your ideas ...
No we need to remove SWF. That alone would solve 99.9% of problems in this game.
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Yeah, I feel survivor side really needs something. I can't stand playing survivor in DbD. I've tried so many times. I get bored after a few matches. Whereas over in F13, I preferred counselor over Jason. It just feels more interactive and fun being that role over there.
As for ideas, I got nothing. The devs seem adverse to adding any sort of new objectives anyway, so I stopped trying to brainstorm ideas. Their answer, apparently with The Blight, was to create more Hex totems that might entice killers to run more Hex Totems to force survivors onto totems. Sigh.
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Yep, you are right, there are no problems in a game when that game is dead.
Always open for new Objectives. however, new Objectives need to be balanced so that it is not impossible to do Gens. 80 seconds per Gen and lets say average 40 seconds to get a Key would be too long, for example. So if you include something, the Gen-Time (aka pressing M1) would need to go down as well.
But I am afraid, that it is not really possible to introduce a second mandatory Objective at this point.
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That wouldn't change what survivors do. They would still fix gens, cleanse totems and search chests. I believe a new objective or a new twist on what we have would make this more interesting and maybe make it so there wouldn't be as much genrush, which would also benefit the killer.
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Gen parts
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The only real "hope" we have is whatever form the Early Game Slowdown takes when they finally release it.
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That might be good actually i’d find survivor gamplay more interesting if i had to actually search for and install parts for the gen rather than sit there and hold a single button
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Behaviour will Introduce that "early event game "
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I love to hear that ideas ... But it will be cool have another objective , repair is too boring
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I have no clue how it's possible but here a few objectives. It's not detailed, just a bit brainstorming.
The Subway: Finding and repair (yes repair again😁) and put them into a rail to start it. Every part has different skillchecks.
The Haunted Mansion: Open secret ways by solving different quests to escape the house. Some puzzle skillchecks, dunno?
The lost Church: Stop the killer before he can finish the dark ritual.
But I guess most of this is impossible. :-/
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I am a survival main and no we dont have enougn to do as
I started to sto doing gens and chase the killer because it come boring always do gens
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Someone's been watching too much Cheeto. Username please, so I can lobby dodge you as a survivor?
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You can't automatically use all of the chase resources on the map for free as soon as you load in. 85% of pallets on the map have a 5 second priming animation where they must be untethered from the obstacle to which they are bound.
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Im gonna hard disagree. What we need to do, is change the strength difference between SWF and solo survivors. If they were basically the same any problems that would persist would be easier to figure out and fix. As it stands now you have 4man sweaty SWF that can make 10k hours nurse sweat her life away in an attempt to maybe get 2 kills, 3 if she is lucky.
While 4 random solos can have a hard time vs a casual player on Pig or Clown.
The devs need to find a way to buff solos in a way that doesnt benefit 4man SWF in anyway. And thats not exactly easy. But if they manage to reduce the vast gulf in strength difference between these 2 types of extremes in survivor groups, then buffing killers wont be a pipe dream anymore.
Why not just Nerf 4man SWF? Because 4man chill squads exist. People that just wanna play with their friends, or aren't that good at the game and are just trying to have fun without being overly.........annoying or sweaty about it. Ya cant just nerf SWF that will hurt those people. The people you want to play the game.
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m1 and hold w?