BHVR, can we acknowledge fps on console is AWFUL since 4.1.0?
I would even accept 6 months getting no BP on matches and a fix at the moment
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I prefer to don't have any dlc/cosmetic for 1y but have a decent frame rate tbh
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I think we can all agree on this.
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This. So much this.
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Especially when it is some cosmetics that reduce the fps:
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Someone said this has to do with fog offerings. Which side does that affect when it happens? Both?
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If you stop using all cosmetics you paid for and worked hard to unlock through all the challenges, and just play the default skins, the game will play smoother............... :/
DBD Console Life Hack
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If Blight cosmetics screw up frames would Legacy if they were on console? Also, if they actually have the mask change faces for the Legion cosmetic that won would that screw up frames on console? 🤔
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We are not allowed nice things lol I'm getting bad frame rate on pig that has no flashy skins so there's that just got screwed out of two perfect dashes because it was a slide show on pre school.
🐷😭 I even took off the drill no more mad grit memes for this piggy 💔
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I always feel bad when I know a killer missed me because frames definitely dropped for them. There are definitely some bs hits I take as survivor that make up for it (especially now with hit validation) but it definitely feels bad to whiff and know it was the frames.
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Haa Haa yeah I know how that becoming a pro at missing my hits might have to equip unrelenting 🙈 it's not good thank you for feeling bad for us truly means alot you care about our experience and I equally care about your bad frame issues.
See we are doing through our bad frame rates killers and suriviors are making peace lol
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I play both sides but definitely more survivor. I can't take killer serious enough to give people a challenge, I just end out doing dumb crap like choosing a random place to mark people as Ghostface and watch them run around scared of the insta down. The worse frames definitely don't help me not want to mess around, if anything they encourage it. 😂
There's more than enough players that only care about one side that I don't have to be like that. 😂 It's not fun to win because the other side was glitching out and I know they couldn't do anything about it. If I notice the frames are destroying their game I'll give myself up to them, they don't deserve a 0k because they had a slideshow. It's like if a killer farms with me after others quit or they killed 2 survivors fast and want to get BP with the other living survivors. Unless I have a specific escape challenge I'm having them sacrifice me because they deserve the points, I'll even crawl back in if they try to drop me at the gate to have the entity take me. I've had few killers that know how to position the drop to force me out the gate. 😂
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I will never opt-in to cross-play as killer for as long as the framerate issues persist on PlayStation 4.
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I saw a small bit of the stream today and asked about console optimization but didnt hear anything? I assume it wasnt brought up?
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Be strong sister Amanda be strong
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Thank you it's hard.. drill mad grit piggy was a source of much enjoyment for myself it brightened up my days but to be honest in still getting frame slide shows regardless not ps4 Pro just standard. Thank you for your support! 🐷❤️🐷
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I'm jel I don't have the drill but I guess it would cause even more issues rn.
Not that I play pig that much at the moment but she's still my best killer :)
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As it does not seem to change my current slide show situation I will re equip it and drill in your honour! I have tried everything suggested here still getting major frame rate hick ups.
Was just on the hook as survivor and I got frame rated out of struggle because someone else was hooked so that's fun lol
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Does this help?
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I personally saw no difference in my frame rate issues it seemed worse on opt in because pc users don't have the same issue currently. This puts you at a major disavange not matter what role you play.
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When I was opted in frames felt worse, seemed more glitchy/laggy for me as survivor or killer. Opted out and it's the regular bad frames/glitches.
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Only response at like page 5 was community manager saying she'll "pass the post on to the team."
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Go back to the top >:(
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I don’t blame you. Last game (vs 4 PC survivors) I had was just...all I could do was sigh and try to laugh. See survivor, swing, frames froze for about a second, survivor doesn’t get hit and makes it to a strong loop. Happened about 6 times while playing PH on Temple of Purgation. Great times
then I played survivor today and I swear you’d think I was rank 20. Looping, frames drop, can’t vault/throw pallet because I’m not where I think I am. Responsible for 3 hits on me (thankfully it was back to back to back) since I got tunneled off hook, oh and couldn’t hit DS because the skillcheck decided to skip a beat. 👍👍
By the way, unrelatedly to frames, when tf is dead hard going to work consistently again? How about making dead hard determined by on the survivor side, I’m tired of being exhausted on the ground
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I saw on another thread that someone recommended changing the console video output resolution setting to 720 and that it would help performance. Good idea, even if disappointing that we'd need to resort to that. So I tried it and unfortunately, for me there was little to no improvement in frame rates. Still pretty dreadful. Been even worse ever since cross play, which is a bummer
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Didn't change anything here...
Also PC killers put minimum graphics and the game get super bright... We can't hide
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It does not eliminate the framerate issues but it puts you on a level playing field as you are playing against console survivors so it's more fair.
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To any PCrs who happen to read this thread, please please please ask a friend who has DBD on PlayStation 4 or whatever and give it a go. Especially killer. Especially on an indoor map.
Get a taste of the current console experience, maybe state here what it is. Thank you in advance.
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What if they gave consoles - quality and resolution settings for dbd like how pc has?
Id set my quality to low like everyone else on pc seems to do lol
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If they only gave us a patch that allows for BASIC OPTIONS in the menu, that would improve the horrible experience to barely manageable.
Then disable the fog, fog offerings, indoor maps/rainy red forest and halloween cosmetics until they have found the reason for the fps problem. This would maybe improve the game to satisfactory.
Waiting for the devs to start caring about their console playerbase...
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I wouldn't mind the game looking like Minecraft but at 60 FPS lol.
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Get back up there you stupid thread.
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Don't let this thread die
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After my last thread was deleted, and I was getting warned here is the nice Version:
1) DBD is unplayable as a Killer right now on the PS4
- Every Map with Particles, Fog or any kind of Effect is lagging
- Killers that are heavily affected by lagging in my experiences are: Pyramid Head, Doctor, Hag, Deathslinger, Clown.
- Every Cosmetic with Glowing Effects or Blood Effects on it causing lags
- Charms that are Glowing causing lags
- Even if you play the game on 450p (I have tried it) its still laggy
Bonus Points:
- The Maps on PS4 are extremely Dark. In Combination with the Fact that the Game plays like a Slideshow, Frame by Frame created in Microsoft PowerPoint running on a PC from 1987 or a Stop Motion Movie is not really blessing.
2) DBD is full of beautiful Bugs (Yeah that can happen)
- The Hill Bug
- Hit Registration is doing what ever it wants (Even with a clear hit it is still a miss)
- and many more...
3) Hello is it me you're looking for?
- The Devs are not responding
- We got one response in 2 Weeks with a generic message
- The Community Mods are not responding
- This feels kinda "We don't care about you because <fill in which reason you like to hear>
From a Consumer point of view this is more than just a tiny issue.
We paid for the game. But we can't play it properly
We paid for cosmetics that we can't even use.
And we don't even deserve an answer? Not even a little apology and a message that they are working on the issues?
For my Part (this is what I think and feel):
I am a huge Fan of DBD with 4000 hours + in this Game. I really like the game and yes I know it is not perfect (It's the nature of asymmetrical games), that's nothing I expect but I have the feeling that Behavior has forgotten how important it is to communicate with their audience.
This tread has already over 18.000 Views and a huge amount of comments but not 1 single Comment from the Dev's. This tells a lot about how important your Fans and Customers are for you.....You raise prices for Cosmetics, you publish new DLCs but you ignore the voices of your fans.
I don't have the right to tell you how to run your business but If you treat your fans like that they are gone one day and with it a great game.
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amen :(
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I wonder if pc players start getting slight frame rate issues I mean we saw it happening on the PTB. I wonder how quickly it will be fixed or devs will respond to their threads when they start up.
In no way am I being rude I'm very happy that we got mandy and pat actually saying something but still it's not saying anything at the same time.
I will be waiting watching and ready to go hard in the paint when needed. Oh you think I'm active on this now oh boy lol
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I remember when they updated the engine, the one update which completely broke sounds and introduced bad illumination on a lot of maps (like haddonfield). I was so happy, since it really appeared that the main reason why there were frame rates issues was that they were on an old engine and they couldn't really work on it.
And for a couple of patches framerate did improve!
Now it's worse than ever :|, and they don't know / don't care. I'm sorry to say that since it's now impossible they don't know, the latter is obviously true: they don't care.
But again, surely the new patch will improve our experience! Can't wait!
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I'm going to have an issue when breaking a pallet. From the looks of streamers there's a huge frame drop when breaking one. It's going to be even worse on consoles.
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lets keep this thread up on top! we need to shove this in the faces of the devs that is BHVR, we cannon let them ignore this like they have for the past two years!
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Trying our best to really appreciate everyone that pops in to bump or comment especially those giving examples of how bad it is on console.
This thread will not be forgot or off the front till we actually get an answer!
Together we are strong my console brothers and sisters 🐷
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yeah, we need actual answers, not just "we are looking into it" "We will share this among the team" "Soon" all that crap, we want real answers, which BHVR likes to hide.
the problems I have on console, which some of them are still old problems which is sad are
- frame drops when using DH or SB
- frame drops sometimes when hitting a survivor
- frame rate drops hard or freezes for a second when bloodlust kicks in
- frame drops when using myers or ghostfaces powers
- frame drops when anything big happens VFX or something else
and the frame rate is still just descent or bad in general, but events like that, drop it further
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Any Feedback @Almo and @not_Queen?
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Haha i love that meme, very relevant!
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We should be accurate in our posts. I have a PS4 and PS4 Pro. I’ve never felt the game playing like a “slideshow.” If you want to come close to that experience, try the Switch
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updates @Almo @not_Queen @Peanits
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I have a ps4 and it plays a lot like that when I play as pyramid head
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Omg, maybe the dream come true 👀
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Fingers crossed!!