BHVR, can we acknowledge fps on console is AWFUL since 4.1.0?
Lets hope they add in some other changes for the rest of the game, and not only optimise the reworked maps.
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Question for you guys, my son and I both play on consoles. Not the pro ps4, the reg one, I put a ssd in mine and his still has the hdd. My framerate is consistently higher than his. I wonder if this might help any of you?
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My game literally freezes for 2 seconds when getting hit with sloppy butcher
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I can also confirm that there is a slight improvement with a SSD.
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Hello thank you for sharing this but it doesn't say console I'm guessing they are talking about the pallet frame drops I can only guess I really hope for the best but I find this to vague and feel it will be for pc not consoles.
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et us pray....
We humble consolers pray for our frames, the frames of our friends and family, the frames of our neighbors, and most especially the frames of our brother and sister Switchers.
We humble consolers ferverantly wish the mighty devs hear our prayers, and love our platforms as they love their child, DBD.
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Pop Goes the Thread
Effect: 60s on General Discussion 1st page.
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Oh damn maybe I need glasses or something my bad thank you this is wonderful news then! Just always used to expecting the worst my bad thank you once again 🐷
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Don't lose hope!!
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Okay, but see, the problem here is that, while it SAID that they would "make sure to put some special attention on the console optimization" that doesn't say anything. And if you read what the rest said which is "Version for the graphical update" put the two together and what they are actually saying is that they would make sure that when the graphical update comes, that they would make sure that ps4 and xbox one will be able to handle the higher quality graphics, nothing about FPS drops or FPS on console in general. So what does this mean?
It means most highly likely once the update comes, all the old problems will still be kept BUT the problems that would come with the graphical update would be eliminated (For a different explanation: you have dirty brown water(Base DBD) and you add a chemical to it(Graphical update) now that water looks clean and clear, but it only made it LOOK clean and clear, there is still bacteria in it(So Base DBD FPS, but it looks nicer))))
the other main problem with theses "so not bright devs" is whenever they say that they are gonna do something, they don't word it right or give enough information, like more then half of the time, it just sounds like they are saying "We are doing something/this/that" and a lot of people, when they read that, they get the wrong information and BHVR just ends up doing something else that was completely different from what the message was giving, because of how it was worded and how little information was told.
So when they say "special attention" you have to question "Ok what part of the optimization are you paying special attention to?" because it could mean a number of things. And also, do play close attention of how none of the words when they talked about console optimization had a (s) at the end
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Well I'm sorry for trying to be positive. Please forgive me for breathing.
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since the thread is now so long, I decided to update the first post with only official communication from BHVR, no speculations or anything.
If anybody gets any more public update on the matter and I haven't posted it on the front page, give me an @ or contact me on discord!
Post edited by Nobsyde on7 -
You can be positive all you want, but putting that much hope and faith into a company like BHVR? Is like putting that much faith and hope that its gonna rain in the middle of a desert because you saw one single cloud.
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Well considering my current circumstances I'm entirely willing to put all my faith in incredibly incredibly borderline impossible odds.
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I am cautiously optimistic, as this could easily go very wrong. But for right now...
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Lets hope BHVR keeps its promises now
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I'm keeping low expectations on their claim that they're paying attention to console. So far they've yet to follow through on promises they've made. Hopefully I'm proven wrong, but atleast I won't get my hopes up and be disappointed.
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Yeah, dont get too excited.
I am preparing for the worst with their update today from Twitter..
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"especial attention" yo the "graphical update"...
I'm not sure how I fell about this.
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Schrodinger's cat in nutshell
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So by making framerate better all que times will be shortened since more people will be playing more sides?
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Well this slipped off the front page don't mind me as I put it back
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Where do you think you're going?
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Don't mind me, just keeping this at the top.
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Realy bhvr? Why nobody from team give a answer? So f... hard?
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I always do survivor challenges first whenever there's a new level available for the current tome. I started killer today and man is it rough. So much FPS drops. :(
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Exactly, why play killer when the survivor fps drops I get are not as frequent.
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Someone gave an answer on the thread then again on Twitter tho
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I stopped playing killer since June except for the tome challenges. I even made a thread here asking about console optimization. No answer then, no answer now.
And no, saying that the thread will be looked at is not an answer and neither is saying that console optimization gets special attention regarding the NEW graphics.
"Yay we might get slightly better fps in 7 maps, even though the game rng wants me to suffer in fractured cowshed every other game."
The optimization is required for the whole game!
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Those are not “answers”, not to the question:
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Yup, their responds are always something along the line of "We are looking into it" "We shared this among the team" "We are putting our attention to it" never an actual answer like "We have heard about X and planned to fix X and X by X(date) and give updates as the update gets made and this is how we are going to do it (insert long paragraphs)" they always give such very broad statement that means nothing.
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Whoopsies almost slipped off the front page again there
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we're not letting this thread slip off from the front page until we get an actual answer from BHVR!
Come one everyone! keep chatting in here! we can't let BHVR ignore this for another 2 years!
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To those that main killer on console even though fps makes it terrible - THANK YOU!!! Survivors experience FPS drops but aside from it screwing survivors during struggle phase it's not as game changing as it is for killer.
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To any PCrs who happen to read this thread, please please please ask a friend who has DBD on PlayStation 4 or whatever and give it a go. Especially killer. Especially on an indoor map.
Get a taste of the current console experience, maybe state here what it is. Thank you in advance.
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I've been playing trapper lately because apparently he's the only one not getting frame drops.. Also using the original outfit and no hook adornments...
Shouldn't have bought all the dlcs.
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@not_Queen just praise "good customer service" on her stream.....
Meanwhile we're here waiting for an update on this problem lol
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Maybe was talking about for PC players?
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She wasn't talking about BHVR
She was saying she appreciates a company that offers good customer service.
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Why are we keeping this thread up when we might be getting some help? I'm all for it though enjoy spending time with you beautiful people 🐷❤️
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because until we get official confirmation we're getting actual help we gotta keep it relevant.
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Because it isn't guaranteed. Also the Twitter reply was only about the maps with the graphic update, not fps as a whole or on other maps.
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Oh, that's way more amusing then. 😂
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30 pages. Hell yea.
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OK no worries I'm here for it about to play some killer sure I'll experience some crazyness with frames will report back later. Wish me good frame rates!
*salutes *
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Best of luck, soldier
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Up! Up all the time!