'Poised' Perk needs to change.

ItzNobody Member Posts: 185
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

'Poised' is a perk belonging to Jane Romero. After a generator is completed, you leave no Scratch marks for 6/8/10 seconds.

Poised is in my opinion, a tad bit underrated. It has some uses in specific situations, however its low usage is completely understandable. Poised is a situational perk, situational perks require specific conditions that can be outside of your control. The effect of Poised is neat, but the condition is unreliable.

A quick overview of Jane Romero's perks suggest that she prioritizes helping others through Solidarity, and helping herself out of dangerous situations through Head on.

So a change for Poised would need to be in the spirit of Jane's focus.

My idea would be this.

Poised: When you blind or stun the Killer by a Pallet or Locker, you leave no Scratch Marks for 4/5/6 seconds.

Stunning the Killer can both be a means of defending yourself or defending another Survivor, and the lack of Scratch Marks would allow the user to evade dangerous situations. This idea would leave the perk to be much more reliable while still requesting an effort on behalf of the Survivor, rewarding you for your skill in theory while staying true to Jane's focus of helping yourself and others escape dangerous situations. I would expect to see plenty of more use out of Poised through a simple change like this, but that is my opinion.

Do you agree or disagree with my proposed change for Poised? Support your thoughts and if you have other changes in mind, feel free to share your thoughts and share this idea in case the developers were to notice.

Post edited by ItzNobody on


  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    How would poise help you defend another survivor if you leave no scratchmarks, most of the time the killer would go after the freshly saved and most likely injured survivor in that case unless you blatantly stand in his face in which case why bother not leaving scratchmarks, and for the other uses it would make it a must-have when using the locker-stun perk, those must-have perk combos esp in a game with only 4 perkslots are really really bad gam design because you want to incentivize ppl using different perks.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    An excellent question.

    I would argue and say this version of Poised would function well on its own, and would find greater benefits when combined with the likes of Quick and Quiet, Iron Will, and Decisive Strike. It is of course merely a suggestion and not myself stating that my idea is the law and no other suggested Poised buffs or reworks would function. The idea of my posts are to both share my thoughts and ideas while adding an incentive for more people to look at these topics and propose their own ideas and or input.

    Jane's goal is to help assist other Survivors while helping herself get out of dangerous situations, this is the description given to her in the game. Poised would help others in the case of you stunning a Killer while they are carrying a Survivor, allowing you to escape and reposition yourself for a free getaway if done well. Head on can in a way also assist a teammate escape a Killer if directed correctly, mostly for Survivors who can communicate instantly in an online party.

    Thank you for your input, and I hope my response helps.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    You have no control as to when the Generator will pop, you have no control as to when to activate Poised in order to evade the Killer in a chase. As of yet, perks like Quick and Quiet and Iron Will remain the best ones to evade a Killer and escape a chase.

    I would disagree and say Poised is fully situational. 50 seconds with no Scratch Marks sounds nice, but a lack of control as to when I can use them? It is no different then Distortion, a perk which receives little use due to its limited 3 tokens that cannot be regained.

    Might I add that I do agree in which Poised is rather underestimated. However I also agree why very little players use it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Think about what your goal is in a chase:

    You are trying to stall for the gens to pop. So once the gens do actually pop poised acts to secure your position after the fact, since you can use that time to end the chase for good and hop on the next gen.

    And if your not getting chased then you should be on a gen. Which means the most likely reason for the perk being activated is you poping the gen you are working on. In which case you now have 10 seconds to freely run away from the notification and head towards the next gen.

    This means it's consistently useful for someone looping and for someone trying to stealth a gen. Even if you aren't getting use out of every single proc of the perk, you should be getting use out of at least 1 or 2 of the procs each trial.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    An excellent point.

    However, I fear that the community itself may agree yet disagree, as I have do not recall nor have ever convinced my friends of using Poised in this manner. You are correct, it has its uses when you are functioning in a group. My proposed change would be to expand its use so that it may still come in handy while in a chase.

    Poised really is situational, and were you to be in control of the situation by Survivor coordination there are still better alternatives in mind. You could use Sprint Burst to assist in both the chase and rushing from one Generator on to the next. You could use Quick and Quiet to evade the Killer while they are stunned momentarily, and so on.

    There are two different motives for Survivors while in a chase:

    -Those who aim to distract the Killer

    -Those who aim to escape the Killer

    My version of Poised would in theory function in both ways, but it is entirely subjective of course. My idea could be wrong, and I am certain there are better ways to better improve this perk. But I do remain confident in stating that Poised requires a change of some kind.

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2020

    I... like it, however, I think it would be better if the effect was applied by any stun from the part of the survivor.

    I personally would leave its basic idea and just buff it, I once also made a post about this perk and here is what I wrote there:

    After a Generator is completed, you leave no Scratch Marks, Bloodtrail, Grunts of Pain, Movement Sounds and your aura becomes impossible to read to the Killer for 16/18/20 seconds.

    In fact, the original concept is preserved, but the perk itself simply improves, but your idea is cool and I like it, however, I will repeat, it would be better if effect is applied by any stun. Anyway, good job mate!

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Look. Sooner or later if you are in a chase a gen will pop. Because it's a 10 second window it isn't particularly precise WHEN a gen needs to pop in order to make use of it in a chase. And even in solo que a gen will eventually pop if you stall out a chase, whenever that happens to be 10 seconds is plenty of time to make a play.

    And if you are the one on the gen, then you have absolute control over the perk activating because you are activating it personally.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    It's not that your perk proposal is BAD. It's just that the current perk covers a valid niche and thus doesn't need replacing. What you are suggesting would be better served as its own perk.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Ah, my apologies.

    The effect is indeed applied by any stun. I copied some of my description through the Nemesis Perk description, so any stun whether it be through a Pallet, Locker, Flashlight or Decisive Strike stun would apply. Wiggling out however is not considered a stun.

    Also, your idea is interesting but the high value it would receive may pull people away from supporting that change. I like it, and I appreciate your feedback 👍️

  • MongByeolBuddies
    MongByeolBuddies Member Posts: 146

    I also like your idea.

    Poised is too unreliable. I like it in theory, but most of the time it's wasted. Also, many times even when it activates during a chase, the killer has line of sight so the no scratch marks do not help. You're change definitely would make the perk more reliable. However, like others have said the auto activation of the current perk is nice.

    One thing I would like is for the perk to tell you when it will activate. The perk on the HUD would start transparent and fill up as survivors work on gens, with the amount always being equivalent to whichever gen were the closest to being completed. That way you would know when Poised were about to activate and could plan how to effectively use it.

     Plus, SWFs get this information anyway so it wouldn't be game-breaking. 

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    I agree, it would be better served as its own perk. Which is something I fear.

    The developers often implement a temporary or imaginary fix in place. To persuade Killers from camping, they bring in Make Your Choice. To "buff" The Plague, they gave her one Corrupt Fountain.

    I do not want to see good useful perks in this game without analyzing the bad or lesser used perks we currently have and fixing them. The more perks we add, the more we limit our capability of changing our current perks.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    What's Plague doing on that list. Her buff was great.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Her buff is a workaround, adding a Corrupt Fountain does not fix her weakness. Just like classic Hex: Ruin would not fix how quickly Generators would be completed. Give The Pig a fifth Reverse Bear-trap, but it would not fix the unreliable RNG focus her traps function in, or how easy it is to remove the trap before a Generator is completed.

    A proper buff for The Plague in my opinion would be to tinker with her Vile Purge power. In her biography, Vile Purge brought an ancient civilization to extinction. However, in-game it merely gives you a stomach flu and leaves you in the Broken Status Effect. In theory, this would be dangerous enough to motivate the Survivors in cleansing themselves to grant the Plague her Corrupt Purge.

    Currently, there is no true motivation of cleansing when put against her aside from being completely voluntary. I would suggest adding a buff to Corrupt Purge, granting it a secondary stage that would threaten to put Infected Survivors into the Dying State.

    To compensate, tinker with The Plague's Corrupt Purge power meter. Rather than being a 60 second timer, make it so that using her Corrupt Purge itself would reduce the power meter depending on the intensity of her power which would increase the range of her puke. This way her power would become much more reliable in both forcing Survivors to cleanse and granting her the Corrupt Purge ability. While in theory reducing the time she has to use her Corrupt Purge so as to give the Survivors a proper challenge but not too much that it becomes stressful.

    Just my idea, but that would fit much better then the simplicity of a given Corrupt Fountain with no apple add-ons necessary.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Having a Corrupt Fountain to start by itself gives incentive to cleanse since Corrupt is especially dangerous if the Survivors are all broken, meaning it does properly solve the issue Plague had. There is nothing baindaid about the fix. The problem she had of not having access to her power is always solved regardless of meta, the problem of Survivors having no reason to Cleanse is solved as a consiquence of the Synergy between Vile and Corrupt puge and since this is all in her base kit you can evaluate her accordingly and the solution isn't inherently reducing variety.

    Contrast Ruin, which was a perk. So no matter how effective it was at solving the problem, it would be useless at helping players that don't have Ruin.

    So with that in mind, what problem exactly is Corrupt really failing to solve here?

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    I replied to this but can't see my response so, that's odd.

    To summarize, the problem is not with Corrupt Purge, its with Plague relying heavily on the Survivors to give her the Corrupt Purge. Its a popular strategy not to cleanse versus a Plague, my friends and I often do cleanse because when she is powerless, she is too easy to beat. So we cleanse to make the game more fun for us.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    That's part of the power's premise. The problem that needed solving was never that Survivors could chose not to cleanse, but that not cleansing was a dominant strategy that made her boring and weak. Now it's not, thus problem solved.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I love the current poised. I use poised, dance with me, Lithe, and whatever other perk I feel like using for the 4th slot. This combo of perks is actually very effective for me. I find myself always getting chased and if a gen pops, poised helps me escape my chases. If I'm being chased and no gens pop, dance with me + lithe will buy me some time/grant me an escape. Although your idea would make more people check it out, it won't change the meta. I'd rather keep current poised.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Honestly this would have to be put to the test via a public vote to see if others agree or not. I remain unconvinced, but respect your opinion.

    As long as the Plague requires Survivors to cleanse for her Corrupt Purge to come into effect, then she will suffer from that. Not cleansing is still the dominant strategy, that has not changed. Granting her one corrupt fountain is a half measure of a fix, something I criticize the developers for doing often.

    The Oni and The Shape can hold there own as they can force the Survivors to supply them through injury. The Plague unfortunately does not have that privilege.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    This perk already exists. Have you tried Headon + Dance with me? Works great on indoor maps. Only thing is DWM is only 3 seconds but long enough to be effective.

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  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    This just seems like a worse Dance With Me

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  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Very true, though you would still hear the sound of their footsteps run off to a certain direction. A flashlight blind does not stop you from hearing them, provided you have a good headset or audio set up. I do see what you mean, this perk would be annoying if the audio on the game were to be bugged, which it usually is.

    Would you have an idea to fix that issue, in an imaginary scenario that my idea of Poised would become a real change in the game?

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I think the current ability of Poised is fine. I don't feel its function needs to be changed, though I wouldn't be against them adding some kind of weaker but more consistent secondary effect to it. Maybe like a reduced version of Balanced Landing's former passive fall-stagger-reduction could be added (like 25% instead of BL's 75%). Poised does tend to mean graceful, elegant, and composed after all. Though this particular passive effect would need to be tested carefully to make sure it doesn't utterly break the looping on Haddonfield or Hawkins again.

    Your "hide scratches on stun" idea is interesting and could probably work as its own perk, though I think it might better serve as a buff to Dance With Me (maintaining the 3 second duration). That perk has good synergy with other perks, but is otherwise pretty mediocre when on its own. I would say this buff should be exclusive to pallet stuns though, NOT blinds. Then Enduring could function as a soft counter to this ability.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I think it should be more in line with Dance With Me. If a killer is stunned they already can't look around and see what you're doing. I'm not saying that Dance With Me RN has a good duration, but I feel like if this perk were to be changed like this, DWM should be extended to match this one (like maybe 6 seconds of no scratches) or this effect knocked a little lower. I just feel like it would be weird having a "no scratch marks" perk that lasts for 10 whole seconds and can be activated only with a stun. The reason I think it's weird is because DWM requires you to fast vault through a window, which already notifies the killer where you are. On top of that, if you don't want an audio notification you'll need Quick and Quiet, and if you want extra speed you'll have to end up bringing Lithe to make up more distance with the no scratches. If you could just get 10 seconds of no scratches just from a blind while a killer is vaulting/breaking something, that seems like it would not only be strong but it would make DWM feel kind of obsolete.

    I just don't want a perk to become useless just because another one gets released, kind of like what happened with Slippery Meat and Deliverance. (Not that Slippery Meat was ever a good perk necessarily.)

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    You make an absolutely good point and drew focus to an oversight I've made. Of all the comments I've received on this post, this one is the best.

    Perhaps if I reduced the duration on Poised from 10 seconds to 5 seconds maximum, would that be fairer for Dance With Me? I too believe Dance With Me should be buffed to last 5 seconds rather than 3.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. Glad you like the feedback. :)

    TBH I think Dance With Me being only 3 seconds is too low, but if it was too much more it might be really hard to keep track of survivors. Like you said, reducing the max duration of your suggested Poised version just a little bit (I would be totally fine with something like 5 or 6 seconds) and making Dance With Me a little bit better, around the same 4-6 second range, would be my ideal vision of this happening. That way I feel like it would let you gain more than just a little distance (you can cover a good amount of distance running at 5 seconds) and it would make both perks decently viable, I would think at least.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    I appreciate the response as well, your comments are the ones I hope to receive on my posts. I welcome all comments and feedback, but sometimes there are those that don't have supportive details or perhaps don't properly explain themselves well enough for me to understand their perspective. The same can be applied to me as well, which I am fully aware of, so it is me doing my best so as to not let my ego take place in front of a good debate or discussion.

    Speaking of Slippery Meat, that perk too needs to change. I welcome that we get a new chapter every three months, but my issue is that rather than add new perks into the game, perhaps we should try to resolve the perks we have that are not receiving enough use for reasons. Slippery Meat, Up the Ante, Vigil, Wake Up, Pharmacy, we have a lot of perks for both Survivors and Killers that I believe need to change in one way or another. I do not have all the answers, but I would appreciate if more and more people were to share in this opinion so that we may influence the developers in looking into it and perhaps tracking it as a priority in the future.

    Thanks again for the feedback 😁

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    That idea makes it sound like Kate’s Dance With Me. I think it should only be used once a survivor completes a generator they have worked on.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm throwing this in here because it's a Poised thread:

    Poised: Scratch marks you leave within 10/12/12 meters of completed generators disappear 3/3/4 seconds sooner.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185


    Interested in knowing if others are intrigued by my idea now that several months have passed 😁

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    I think it's a good idea, I think it should keep the original condiiton of activating when a generator is completed, but allowing it to activate when you stun the killer is a great idea. It'd allow survivors to make jukes that otherwise would not be possible. Of course enduring/spirit fury would be a hard counter to this change, which is why I think it should keep the intial generator condition as well.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    @Avarice10 Not a bad argument there, but maybe test the waters first with a ptb. I like your idea but perhaps the community might think it is too much, so it's probably better to test it first. That is, if it does receive a change in the future.

    Fingers crossed 🤞

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    I think for the most part it'll be fine, given it's an RNG condition with generators, technically they could even allow being unhooked, or unhooking activate it as well, as a replacement to the random generator condition, but the activation on stun is definitely a great idea, the survivor will generally determine how they'll get use out of it instead of it being RNG or circumstance.

  • HolyLadyGaga
    HolyLadyGaga Member Posts: 51

    I actually really love this idea. It’ll make it a good perk! It probably won’t replace any of the current meta perks but that is okay, strong perks that are situational I find are the most fun. I hope they look into your suggestion!

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    I think poised should receive a buff that gives you a speed boost and longer duration AND no exhaustion, but it's an activatable perk that recharges only when a generator is completed.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    That's sounds like a completely new perk that doesn't exist.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    To be fair i've seen a NOED rework where the only thing that was unchanged was the name of the perk.