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The 2nd game in BOTB tourney shows how unbalanced DBD is at top-level play



  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,983

    Nah I read the whole thing but that's irrelevant. Honestly does not matter.

    If good players are playing against good survivors, 2k / 2 escape should be the outcome. Top tier killer vs top tier survivors: 2k / 2 escape should be the outcome.

    Sounds to me like you're saying if an amazing player plays the nurse, they should crush the survivors every time and I wholeheartedly disagree with that.

  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    Honestly think they need to balance this game severely. People ofc say that this game isn’t competitive or that we shouldn’t focus on top level play which we should mind you because those people are the ones who keep playing the game and bring in others. Also DBD is a competitive game and that’s how it’s designed. Any game can be competitive mind you. It’s just a matter of how many people are willing to play it on a competitive level and people like the competitiveness of DBD but for love of god stop saying this game is balanced or that so and so is fine because it’s not. A lot of stuff in Dbd is just poorly designed and sadly the incompetence from the devs means we won’t get good changes. Sorry people who actually care but the devs won’t fix the game but I am hoping some of you stand up to the devs because you can like DBD but let’s be honest this game is a mess sometimes.

  • Pogiforce
    Pogiforce Member Posts: 8

    I feel like there is a lot of focus in this example on the killer. That they were playing Nurse, that they had a 3-gen, they were camping/tunneling, but only got 2 kills. The killer doesn't play in a vacuum my friend, what were the survivors doing? Did they have great team play? were they coordinated? Did they avoid unnecessarily risky plays? Did they bring the best perks? I did not watch the match but it would seem that if this top tier nurse secured 2 kills while the other two survivors escaped, then this survivor team was probably very much top tier as well and brought their A game. 2kill/2escape is effectively playing to a draw, which when you consider the best of the best killer side and the best of the best survivor side, looks like the definition of balance to me.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    There's tournaments for DBD?

    I'm very out of the loop.

    Well no I'm not out of the loop, more less surprised because I never really knew how dbd would work in a tournament setting