Undying needs to be nerfed.



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No, it doesn't. The Hex does exactly what it needs to do. It exists so people take Totems seriously. There are only five Totems and four Survivors. That means "dull" Totems will always be equal (and usually fewer) in number than the Survivors themselves. With that in mind, Survivors should simply take the time to cleanse any dull Totem they come across. That is what will Nerf the Hex.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's an extremely good perk. The fact it doesn't notify you that you've cleansed Hex: Undying is pretty good for the killer.

    I got caught by Devour Hope last night because of this. I cleansed a totem to begin the game, thought it was Hex: Undying but I was wrong. Later in the game when he had 3 stacks of Devour and I cleansed the Hex: Undying. Unfortunately we couldn't find the totem after that.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    they ignoring dull totems if they are lit totems survivors cleanse them because totem become easier to see and give more points so undying could hurt most hex perks then help anyways.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
    edited September 2020

    One of the funniest aspects is that undying is an indirect nerf to noed since there is less of a chance for an unlit totem to be left standing after 5 gens.

    Edit: Of course I know that running those 2 together with maybe a third hex doesn't make much sense.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah no that's not on the same level at all. Killers are giving up a perk slot for a perk that has almost no own effect by itself, it just makes running Hex perks less risky. But again, that comes at a cost of using up a perk slot. So you're kind of just buffing the hex perk you are using by using up two perk slots for it instead of only one.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Definitely. I always run Small Game. Maybe now this new hex will incentivize others to cleanse so I’ll no longer be the only one looking for the damned things every round. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve cleansed 3, even 4 totems during a round only to have NOED still activate. It’s really difficult to do that job all by yourself even with Small Game.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Thats what I'm saying, my teammates pretty much never do totems, but they sure do always complain if a hex activates (NoED)

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    It sounds simple doesn't it? But that would mean they would have to replace dead hard or DS or one unbreakable to it's jut so much easier to just wahhhhhhhh

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    lmao no.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    idk about you but i used ruin + undying combo in red ranks and even vs bad survivors all my perks were gone in like a minute

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Interestingly I have a poll up currently asking people if they would use BBQ and Chili without the bloodpoint bonus and as of right now it’s an even split 22 would use it, 22 would not use it and a few people don’t use it currently. I don’t use it myself either because I don’t care about the bonus BP enough to use a perk slot for that.

    Also seeing auras is nice but the range is only 2 meters so it only is really only triggers when someone is cleansing the totem. It’s comparable in that sense to Hangman’s Trick which shows auras within 6 meters of a hook. There are way more hooks than totems on the map and 6 meters is three times the range but even then Hangman’s Trick doesn’t show auras often enough to be all that useful. (I mean it’s not literally the worst perk in the game but it’s pretty bad.) Hex:Undying’s aura ability alone wouldn’t be worth a perk slot, especially as a hex that can be destroyed.

    Obviously the strength of Hex:Undying is pairing it up with a different perk, similar to how Thrill of the Hunt is mainly useful pairing it up with another perk. Undying works great with Ruin and Haunted Ground, but not so great with Devour Hope since that one loses its token if destroyed and needs at least 3 tokens built up to be useful. Basically if you want to use a Hex that requires tokens to work, pair it with Thrill of the Hunt instead of Undying. If you use a Hex that doesn’t use tokens then Undying might be better.

  • Biohazard
    Biohazard Member Posts: 101
  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    This is actually a buff to the DS + Soul Guard combo also but of course they aren't going to mention that.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Imagine trying hard to sound clever when you just come off like an #########

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191

    I feel like the aura reading part is quite unnecessary honestly. The perk is already strong enough protecting hexes, I don't think it needs anything to give the killer an even easier time to keep them up.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Ruin + Undying + Indoor Map = ez win

  • antifreedomring
    antifreedomring Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2020

    Why they have to put so many wall hacks in this game. Its stupid at this point. Might as well remove all pretense that stealth is viable in this game. Gen rush is only way to get out yet every killer main cries about gen rush but sees nothing wrong with aura reveal perks.(unless its OoO) then its disgusting that survivors have that

    Edit. For the person who will day use distortion. It has three charges which will now be used within the first 30 seconds of the game just by walking across the map and no way to recharge. They need to make distortion like stake out and be rechargeable

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    No. Undying shouldn't be nerfed just because you don't want to cleanse totems. Undying is a bandaid fix to the much larger problem that is totem spawns, but I'm not going to get into that. I'll tell you the same thing I tell people who complain about NOED: Do Bones. Stop focusing on getting out as quickly as possible.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Yesterday I coupled "Eater of Hope" with this perk, all my totems were already blown up at the beginning of the game...


    Take out the killers and we'll talk about it no more! You've nudged the killers so much that no one will want to play them anymore (except those who cheat or gamble their lives)! Look at Rsident Evil resistance, Mastermind only play with lagswitch for win...!

    For the moment it's camp, tunnel... what will it be tomorrow dear survivors, you are warned !🤗

    ACTIV3_GNASHER Member Posts: 75

    killers primary objective is killing survivors and their secondary objective is preventing gens being done. The killer gets no BP for protecting a totem, it is a not an objective for them. Killers get medals for using their power, chasing, protecting gens and killing survivors. Survivors on the other hand get both BP and medals from destroying totems, that is their secondary objective guy.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You need to chill the perk has only been out for like 2 days now let's give it s minute.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    I don't know if the perk needs to be nerfed, but I find it odd how Hex: Undying is the only hex that doesn't curse the survivors.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The only crutch perks are dead hard and vault build because they quite literally fix mistakes.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I had pretty much stopped running Ruin on any build because of the ridiculously short amount of time it would be gone in every match (I used my phone as a stopwatch to satisfy my curiosity one day -- I lost Ruin in under a minute in a dozen games in a row before I gave up keeping track, including under 30 seconds in multiple matches).

    I used Undying yesterday, and it's the first time in forever Ruin actually impacted a game (and even then, a couple of games saw both Undying and Ruin gone early, due to terrible totem spawns). The aura readings I got were only when someone was literally cleansing a totem in my face (other than a Blendette hiding next to a totem they didn't know was there, lol). I played against it as a survivor a few times (including matches where the killer ran Ruin), and while it was an inconvenience, it wasn't game-breaking at all.

    It's a much needed perk that has the potential to slow the early game down. Playing with it helped but didn't make games unwinnable (gens still popped), and playing against it was manageable (gens still popped when more than one of us were one on and the killer was occupied in a chase across the map). A nerf isn't necessary -- as was stated, it's using a perk slot to keep another slot from being completely useless.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The Perk is FINE. Seriously. There should be a rule, nobody should be calling for a Nerf or a Buff when new Perks, Killers, Survivors (what have you) come out for at least a MONTH of play. So please, how about we wait till Oct. 8th before we loose our damn minds.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Funny part he want a killer perk to be nerf which is easy to counter but not a survivor metal perk which is DS which it really need a Nerf. Me I always do totems that simple.

  • TecmagDiams
    TecmagDiams Member Posts: 15

    I had a match in which I cleansed all 5 totems, ruin 3 times, undying once, and a full somewhere in the middle. It was fun, I got blood points in the boldness without looping which Im not great at, and it didn't take me too long.

    The number of times I've seen hex totems cleansed right away, gross. Heck I did a killer match where I downed someone in the first 30-45 seconds but they found my totem (was running Thrill & Devour). I got the choice to take my good catch or protect my totem that might be Devour.

    Hint: It was Devour. Undying instead of Thrill would have made this an ACTUAL choice for me, one where I wasn't punished unfairly for something out of my control, even though I did great.

  • Kingpaulmathers
    Kingpaulmathers Member Posts: 82

    I was waiting for a post like this. Why will survivors keep on crying until perks get nerfed? you do realise your not meant to escape every single game. I completely stopped playing killer and only started back yesterday because of undying, and now you wanna ######### and moan for the perk to get nerfed, all I can say to you, is get good and stop complaining.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    Bring small game and cleanse all 5, it's not that many

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    It resets all of devour hopes stacks lmao. DS pfp nothing to see here.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    DS doesn't fix a mistake? DS doesn't reward you for literally being downed, and hooked?

    Okay. Sure there, Mr. Yellow Ranks.

    This is why nobody takes you seriously.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    An #########, or someone who offered you a solution other than "WHAAA WHAAA NERF KILL THING WHAAAAAAAA I DONT WANNA CHANGE MY PERK SETUP TO COUNTER IT WHAAAAAAAA"?

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    That too, lol


    Survivors don't want to have to put in effort. It's why they don't play killer.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    DS stops the killer from deleting you in 2 seconds. It has no affect on your skill as a looper which is the thing that takes the most skill.

    Back to calling me a yellow rank lol. If anything no one takes you seriously blatantly killer biased posts. I mean come on atleast try to hide it.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    DS didn't only activate after being caught, downed and hooked? The survivor didn't screw up at all?

    Are you going to tell me the survivor earned DS somehow?

    *jeopardy music*

    Whack a mole is fun. Please keep going.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I've ran killers for gens and got caught. Did the killer not make a huge mistake and lose multiple gens? I was gonna go down at some point I never really screwed up I bought time and a lot of it.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    You got caught. So you screwed up. The killer hasn't really messed up the game and lost until the doors are opened and everyone is gone (This is why Blood Warden exists). Just like survivors haven't escaped until they are out the door.

    But again - you got caught, and therefore you screwed up; and you were rewarded for it with a free skillcheck outplay (KEK).

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    What if I got caught due to dedicated hits and oh boy I get those alot I even have clips from the past 2 days if you need evidence. The killer did mess up because they allowed the survivors to get closer to winning the game. Putting more pressure on themselves because there are less gens left even though it's not technically over.

    You are only awarded the skill check if you are caught again.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Dedicated hits aren't the killers fault. Blame that on BHVR.

    But okay - now you're at the "excuses" phase to try and strengthen the "argument" you never really had. Chill. It's not going well for you.

    And no. I don't want to see your clips. Not interested in your stream. And no - allowing gens to get done isn't the killer "messing up". End game builds also exist.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Thrill Of The Hunt also has the side effect of faster hunting bloodpoint acquisition, and makes the actual cleansing a totem action take longer. Thrill also gives a (honestly should be more unique) noise notification which alerts the killer even if he's not looking at the totem. Undying requires the killer be looking in the aura's direction to see it.

    I think a good combo would be Devour Hope, Haunted Grounds, Undying, and Thrill for a "Protect devour hope at all costs" build since touching a single totem alerts the killer. I still don't think it would be OP since you have no chase perks or tracking perks (besides the detection from undying and the noise notification of Thrill) meaning the entire strategy is if Devour remains up and survivors don't unhook in your face to prevent devour hope stacks.

  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    The perk is fine as it is, cleasing totems isn't hard and you also counter NOED by doing it. Also, finding totems is easy as finding generators if you get a map or have a perk for it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Again, nothing needs to be nerfed or buffed a few days in. Play for a month, then proceed to levy your judgement. This is ridiculous.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Dont remember saying the reason dedi hits exist are the killers fault. What I did say was that it isnt always the survivors fault they went down.

    Im confused what excuses have I made to strengthen my argument?

    It's a clip from my xbox not my stream weirdo lol. Yes allowing gens to get done is the killers fault if they are supposed to be protecting them.

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    Man, give the perk a chance. It’s not like Undying can bring itself back. Sheesh. Everyone’s calling for nerfs these days.

    To go back onto topic, I don’t find Undying a big problem because I’ve memorized all the possible totem spawns for each map(including Midwich, which was painful to memorize but I got it done). Just bring maps or Detective’s Hunch(even small game). Cleanse the totems like you’re supposed to

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Undying is fine. It takes away stacks, so it has bad synergy with devour.

  • maxkidd
    maxkidd Member Posts: 21

    Remember last chapter how they added a direct counter to pop and soul guard making the bt-DS combo better me neither apperently. Remember how PHs skill are quite garbaje . Let me guess you never use ds unless your truly being tunneled?

    This is the most classic survivor whining-new perk come out to help bandaid the ######### spawning that is totems and as other have pointed out you have plenty of options to counter but instead yall throw a tantrum for having to not run DH BT UB DS . I see complaint about dragons kick with 120 second cooldown and it's amazing how unadaptable survivor can be. Also if you think bbq is somehow meta for anything but bp in the grind that is the blood web farm your laughable at best.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Perk is fine. Don't like it - ditch one of your precious meta crutches and run an anti-Totem/totem detection perk. Otherwise, I'm sorry that Survivors now have to be more concerned with clearing out totems than they ever had to be before and it's starting to ruin their "fun" of gen rushing, m1 simulations, and screwing with the killer the whole game.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    It's not as simple as all that now is it? If it would be cleansed at the start of the game with 1 or fewer tokens on it then by all rights the perk should be gone. High risk, high reward right? Now it's more like low/moderate risk to high reward. Ruin is the real problem though. If that perk lasts the whole game it is near impossible for survivors. Some of these maps hide totems really well too. Even with small game it can be difficult to track down totems.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    ruin i can see as being kinda annoying, but devour? really? it loses all of it's stacks meaning you have to start again and again, you're limited to 8 hooks, and if it gets cleansed with 2, then 2 again, you can't use it's final effect. another perk i can see being problematic is noed, but that needs Undying to last to endgame.

    oh also, i wanna introduce you to a few things, alright?

    Novel concept, but one of these things (map + red twine, rainbow map, or detective's hunch) can fit into a build if you're having difficulties. I personally like using Inner Strength, Head On, Quick and Quiet, then Detective's Hunch. Alternatively, if I'm finding that I'm being tunneled frequently I'll use Decisive Strike, Inner Strength, Iron Will, and Detective's Hunch.