Frustrating... d/c when survivor "assumes" secret add-on is a mori



  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    Who are you and why exactly do you think I care what you think? I stand 100% by that statement from December 2019.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183
    edited September 2020

    No pls ease don't take my dc bait away from me.

    I have no killer on P3 and hence try to avoid 7k bp costs but sometimes have to take a shroud and I personally find it really funny when I load into a game with less than 4 people and just make it a semi obvious farm round. Only topped by the dc waiting in after game to be salty while everyone else got a hefty amount of bp.

    Edit:Not funny in general to load into a 3 men game but when people idiotically dc from an unturned offering. 3 out of 4 of these things are not even op.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    if they do that they should just take them out,this horror game not survivor loop the killer for 5 gen make the killer cry in a corner game.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    I happily dodge moris especially since you aren't penalized for it on PC even with the DC penalties up. Sorry, but they're not fun to go against at all. I'm sure killers feel the same way about a lobby full of keys and medkits, but for some reason killers get a free pass on dodging.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    it's not really necessary to show offerings being burned anyway as that knowledge has little to no impact on game play.

    Uhhh... then why would people dodge moris?

    They are by far the most overpowered, unfair item in the game. They have as extreme an impact on gameplay as you can get.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Uhhh... then why would people dodge moris?


  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,853

    I would argue showing offerings being burnt has a huge impact on the game if it’s something like a Mori.

    I don’t think that’s a fair response since you didn’t take into account what he put under the question. Mori’s clearly impact the game heavily towards one side and it’s the same as a killer dodging a lobby where they see a sweat squad with a key etc. I wouldn’t consider wanting to have a match longer than 3 minutes being entitled which is why people dodge mori’s.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I would be in favor of hiding not only offerings but ALSO showing the killer what items are being brought into the match by survivors. Let's remove all reasons for lobby dodging on both sides.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    5 games in a row. Each game the killer brought a Mori. I didn't disconnect because of the Mori. I disconnected because no one is playing the Blight. Us on console didn't get a ptb to try him out. This is our testing phase for him. But killers on console will play one game and think he's bad and go back to playing Deathslinger with meta perks. I'm not sorry for disconnecting. I'm tired of when we get something cool and new, people want to stick with the old. I want to play against blight. If they're not blight, I'll dc. Call me childish if you want, idc, I want to try something new.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    They DC because a killer with a brain wouldn't be bringing the only shroud they have, that really only helps survivors. No killer wants the survivors spread out. Survivor queues tend to be pretty long these days. You'll have to excuse them for waiting 10 minutes and not wanting to deal with that crap, lol

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Why on earth is it unhealthy for you to not know about a mori? How is that information inherently yours?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    A killer with a brain would be taking advantage of predictable behavior. For example, survivors killing themselves on the first hook because they suspect a Mori when it's really a Shroud that actually helps them.

    Just my two cents.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    I always forget that written sarcasm and irony may be misunderstood just like I can't get a correct read on your comment @SloppyKnockout . Is this also meant sarcastic like mine or serious? Since mine was more of a joke.

    But I really did use some shrouds to bait dc but maybe 1 or 2 years ago in mid ranks with sadly impressive success of several survivor leaving during loading screen.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    My game wouldn't crash to a mori if I didn't get tunneled off 1st hook every single time the killer brings one.

    Seriously. Mories are extremely unfun to go against, and being forcibly removed from the game by being tunneled directly off hook? Yeah, I'll pass.

    I can reopen my game faster than the other survivors/killer can even get an error message about match cancelled anyways.

    Nerf mories to death hook requirement, and my game will never crash on the load screen again :)

  • illuminaegi
    illuminaegi Member Posts: 32

    My game crashes at Mori's because I generally play in a SWF that runs majority off-meta perks with little coordination, and with two generally two players who are still within their first hundred hours of the game.

    I'd rather sit through ten minute queues again and have more time to do something else or talk to my friends then get frustrated over watching as me or my friends get hooked, tunneled, and then insta-killed by an Ebony Mori on a Forever Plague. Or a Deathslinger who can hit his shots (AKA: his only counterplay is walls or to just not get found 4head) with the most meta build you can run. Or, or, my favorite one from yesterday, after Blight came out- a Spirit with a complete meta build who would tunnel off hook. That I only didn't DC for because I was hoping it would be Blight.

    Yeah, no. If there's a secret offering from Killer, the game is gonna crash. I'll only run Mori's on my killers if I have to for an archive challenge, and even then I'll apologize in end game chat. I'm playing for fun, and getting only 5k BP when Survivor already gets starved for BP? No point in playing that match.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Offer a yellow mori just for the laughter

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Actually the lobby you do describe is the probably rare circumstance why you would bring an ebony mori in the first place. Do not tell me that this lobby did not beg for it. To dc is not to dodge a lobby, these are diffrent things whether you like it or not.

    Maybe just grow up and deal with it.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Do the same to them when they quick switch to key or use a map offering you don't like.

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