So.. Pyramid head will soon be changed.



  • Stuballs89
    Stuballs89 Member Posts: 89

    That's just not true. The increase in cancel is to stop the constant fakes that leave survivors unable to do anything.

    If you can't hit people with PHs ability it's because you are bad at the game. His attack speed is fine. It's the fact that he could stick his sword in the ground, not be slowed at all, then if you wiggled to avoid his ability he would just cancel and M1 you. I think the cancel on his ability should be 3 seconds. If you have stuck your sword in the ground it's because you want to scrape the ground or use your ability. No more PH chasing me with his sword in the ground.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    And not ever person playing killer is going to be tournament level.

    To be honest you dont need to be a tourney squad. Just 3-4 man swf is good because when they know one is in chase the rest sit on gens, and theres no “skill” to gens, what I mean by that is whether you have 10,000 hours or 10 hours on the game everyone does them at the same speed. So as long as you can sit on gens while a survivor is being chased you’re doing great for your team.

    I play on PC on EU servers though and for the people that display their game time on their profiles it’s mostly 2,600 hours - 6,400 hours I’ve seen on survivors recently, which is about the same playtime all the tourny players had.

  • Paradoxadon
    Paradoxadon Member Posts: 5

    No......just no. PH is nowhere near even top tier anymore. In public test server he was very much op but day one of release they needed him into the ground only to slightly buff his chances not him personally by removing the cage aura. As a rank 2 killer main I can assure you this game is one hundred percent entitled survivor sided, every patch even killer buffs comes with survivor "balances" that practically make that said killer buff useless and I've been playing since 2016. As with "outplaying" a killer that just doesn't happen at hi ranks of you're alone and not a swf I will always 100 percent get you survivors just think they are playing well when they use DS or SC or even just blendette into a bush they still consider that "outplaying" a killer it's not it's a crutch which survivors look more like a table at this point with so many legs to stand on. Back to my original point if you can't counter PH play killer for a while as he is literally the easiest killer aside from a bad Billy to dodge hell I'm the worst survivor in the world and I don't think since pH was released that he has killed me yet as he's just not what he was supposed to be originally because survivors were complaining back in ptr about him and they stealth nerfed him day one because of it. FEEL SPECIAL ENTITLED SURVIVORS THE DEVS ONLY CARE FOR YOU. I mean what's the next patch notes gonna say "removed killers from the game entirely as they were just not working out in our campfire teabag simulator." Garbage survivors lol it's funny they can swf talk to friends get the ONLY broken perks in the game and then complain if you chase them too long or camp them. My name is killer not your friend there is only one thing a killer needs to do is kill. I make sure to kill swfs first and hang one I'll face camp the hell out of them for even trying to be cheap and then good luck getting them off as I routinely get four kill games that same way because instead of playing the objective you guys always come for your friend in mass it's good bait.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Ok if they change him how about this the time it takes to cancel power increases to 1.25 from .5s. Changed addons. Such as the eggs rusted egg surivors in a cage suffer from exausted for 90s.

    Scarlet egg surivors in a cage suffer from mangled untill healed

    Obsidain goblet surivors in a cage suffer from broken for 60s and slightly reduce repair speed for 60s

    And the last change punishment of the damed attacks quicker

  • Where does this information come from? Have you tried it? Do you have any sources? Simply saying that it is false information adds no value to this discussion.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I think that won't be a problem if PGTW and BBQ will work with cages.

    Seriously, just accept that there's a killer that counters braindead second chances now.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    im gonna go back the point pyramid head needs a lesser cooldown for missing m2 but needs a longer CD for cancelling, and hook perks should activate for cages on both sides and needs to make the speed of the attack a little faster and he would be so much more fun to verse

  • LqF
    LqF Member Posts: 56

    i think they will only change his M2, probably cancel time. His power of negating DS and BT is completely fine to me, and one needs to be very entitled to a nerf because of cancelling those 2 perks. that´s basically what half his power does, and if they nerf his M2 cancel i think he would not need to get changed, ever.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    If they are nerfing him ,they need to buff him in other areas, his cages are often disadvantageous to him as it will often guarantee a save thus losing him pressure, trails aren't much of a threat since once your tormented all you have to worry about is him using his mini mori when your on death hook,the torment doesn't do anything other than that besides allow you to track players abit easier with the barbed wire trail off them.

    If they weaken his looping ability they need to buff his mobility to help compensate

  • The_Protogen
    The_Protogen Member Posts: 3

    To be honest PH is pretty strong I agree. But survivors are always given get out of jail free perks. Killers deserve some helpful things too ungrateful entitled survivors.

  • Alextheflykat
    Alextheflykat Member Posts: 21

    If everyone on here agrees that there's like 3-5 killers that are better than him, why is he even being touched? He's got a couple hard-counter tools and that's it. Changing his cage mechanics is dumb, it's not like he gets it for free, you have to be afflicted first. And there's plenty of perks and add-ons that let you see where he leaves the trail. And I feel like people are downplaying the fact that his ability goes in a STRAIGHT LINE in front of him, not to mention the cooldown on the attack. Idk I main him but I'm fairly new to the game, I feel like there's far more janky ######### than him right now

  • Xyex
    Xyex Member Posts: 140

    I don't know where the ######### the 0.5 came from. The 1 second comes from actually playing the game and actually testing and timing it myself.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Definitely map dependent. Since Leatherface can insta down anyone that he catches out of position. And since he can break pallets relatively fast as well, just dropping pallets like a mad man can also hurt you and your team.

  • CamscamPlaysTV
    CamscamPlaysTV Member Posts: 18

    The problem is that you can't ever use his power out in the open because it's so EASILY jukeable so that means they had make PH able to use it in very specific situation instead (i.e. vaulting, pallet drops, etc). He's still hard to use well (coming from a rank 1 PH main) he's just more easy to abuse. If you don't like how he's too oppressive then there are ways to fix it but you're gonna make him another unplayable M1 killer. Nerf his addons instead or something.

  • They could remove his addons completely and that would not bother me. He is one of the few killers who do not need addons because his basekit is so strong. I am more afraid about the changes his basekit most likely will get.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Imagine thinking a unique hook that negates perks on both sides should allow the perks to work. The cages are SUPPOSED to be unique, not just easy unhooks for survivors. This is the whole reason they removed cage auras for him.

    As a 4v1, a survivor should always be a disadvantage when in a chase. There are 4 people for a reason.

    He already has a 1 second delay before m1-ing out of his power, but for some reason pressing it quick enough negates the delay. They need to fix that and he'll be fine. The true change he needs is a unique wall break :)

  • Karkadann
    Karkadann Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2020

    Then why are you telling people that is hard? Why has there to be a lie somewhere to make a point? Still, where is the problem? Do you need any more indication that the killer is right around you? Or why should there be even a greater cooldown between Pyramid heads attacks?

    There is even a video proving you wrong and I can create also one.

  • Xyex
    Xyex Member Posts: 140

    I think the only way to "fix" the Rites/Punishment issue is to divest them from each other. Leave Rites on its current button, put Punishment on the secondary button.

    By doing this you could add an independent cool down to cancelling Punishment without adversely affecting Rites. Make the Punishment activation look very similar to Rites, but have some small cue that good/aware Survivors can use to discern the two. This would allow Pyramid Head to keep his mind games, while giving Survivors the capacity to counter it if paying attention.

    Example: The Survivor head for a pallet. PH activates Rites. The Survivor miss reads and avoids the pallet or doesn't drop it. PH cancels Rites for an easy M1. Alternatively the Survivor reads it correctly and drops the pallet, stunning PH, who misses his chance at a hit.

    The same would apply if he primed Rites, just inverted. Survivor reads it wrong, drops the pallet, gets hit. Or Survivor reads it right and doesn't drop it, PH is left with an extended cool down for cancelling Punishment, or is forced to try it anyway and potentially misses, still getting the cool down.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Pyramid is fine. He’s only getting the hit if you run in a straight line towards a window/pallet. If you’re playing a Pyramid head learn not to do this. Its like survivors don’t think.

    In the exact same scenario vs most other killers, if the survivor dead hards for distance they get a free vault/pallet with NO COUNTERPLAY and nobody complains. Seems the other side having no input or counter on vaults is only ok when it benefits survivors.

    Heres another tip, a lot of pallet loops have an almost rectangle shape [====], with the pallet on the right end of that. I cant draw a diagram as im on mobile but PyramidHead needs to push you around where he has you running in a straight line towards the pallet. If he doesnt know what hes doing then try to loop him the other way, so that you pass the pallet as you come around the corner. This stops him getting the angle and he will not get you with POTD. If he pushes you the way that benefits him, then you drop the pallet early than normal just like you would against LF, Freddy, Clown etc

    Playing games last night and seeing survivors use exhaustion perks to extend chases with no counter. Knowing someone is waiting in a locker with Head On but no counter other than waiting for them to make a mistake. Some guy I wasnt tunnelling but hes at full health and on a gen, I go near and hear him walk into a locker, surely his DS has expired? Nope pull him out and take the stun. Guess what? NO COUNTER.

    These people say PH takes no skill yet watch them in game and notice how their entire gimmick revolves around finding the strongest loop on the map and just running around it in circles over and over again, knowing full well most killers don’t have anything in their kit to deal with that. Playing M1 killers and having survivors abuse the mothers dwelling windows, so much skill, so much fun.

    I hate to say it but the killer mains here were right. Some people really want any killer that has even a bit of a chance nerfed. Its like any killer that has a chance to get a hit HAD to be nerfed but anything with no counter on the survivor side is perfectly fine.

    Survivors want killers like the older ones where the survivor is always perfectly safe at a pallet and they control the chase. Yeah nobody is denying thats more fun but the 4 controlling chases vs the 1 is why you never saw any of those killers in the tournament because they are not viable.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited September 2020

    I never said you were dishonest in your views, I lurked here for the better part of a year, I would know that. I'm saying you tend to act in bad faith a lot, you insult people and rile them up instead of actually contributing to a discussion. That's something I am pointing out, I am disinterested in your opinions on Spirit or Deathslinger. How you feel about them is your business.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Yea it would be nice if he could be like huntress where you go for the m2 regardless of whether they vault or not rather than cancel and go for the m1

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    While a lot of it is bs, you can bring distortion and iron will to counter stridor and I’m all ears

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited September 2020

    Here's the changes I want and I'll provide reasons for most of them. I play him a bit but I hate playing against him because there are situations where I feel like my options to outplay the killer are removed but yes it's the get hit or get hit situation.

    • Cancelling rites of judgement gives you a 1.5 second restriction on attacking. There is NO other penalty for cancelling it you still move full movement speed as usual doing this. Just extend the window on how long until you can attack. Give Pyramid Head proper animations visually to reflect this.

    The following criticism over the cage is necessary because right now with how the cages work now it's predictable and encourages tunneling. Not allowing perks to prompt with cages is 100% fine it's just everything else after that's an issue.

    • Remove all notifications when a player is uncaged. - They removed auras of cages for a reason. This one can be debatable because at least in this scenario the survivor was saved because we know BHVR just wanted to prevent face camping cages. However I feel cages are strong enough to not warrant this enabled. This issue is getting survivors tormented in the first place.
    • Allow unhooking at 90 degrees from the front (45 each side) at minimum all angles and update the cages visually to represent this. In general the cages visually look like trash anyway I'm sorry but this is probably the worst part about it. The cages are supposed to look organic but the top of the cages look like something quickly thrown together for example with the spinning pointy things.
    • Remove the teleporting cages - This actually helps the killer and I'll explain this - If Pyramid Head finds the cage he can actually kill the survivor by making the cage move especially on big maps. The thing is if a survivor waste their time running towards the cage and Pyramid Head gets there first who is going to be able to save the caged survivor? The timer is still going as it moves around and the survivor loses time because of this. Not only that you can't even trade properly because the survivor who was looking for the cage is now likely engaged in a chase with the killer. Overall BHVR intended this to hurt Pyramid Head but overall it actually helped him.
    • Give more unpredictable locations for cages - Most of the time when you cage someone you can just look at the exact opposite spot on the map and know where the survivor was sent. This is why tunneling with him is so easy and why it's a stereotype for Pyramid Head.

    Some other tidbits I'd like changed for Pyramid Head

    • Rework the Undetectable Ultra Rare into something else because that effect just in general is so stupid it's just used for camping and useless in most other scenarios. Fair enough they tried it because they thought it was cool but outside of practical use it's garbage and only used for camping.
    • Make Black Strap (Common) basekit - Slightly Increases Punishment of the Damned Attack range. - If he gets a penalty for cancelling his power in my opinion it should be a bit more threatening when he commits to it.
    • Slightly increase the speed of the charge meter for sending someone to a Cage of Atonement - This command is a bit slow compared to let's say The Pig's RBT being placed on a survivor. In the instance with The Pig you press a button and boom it's done. With Pyramid Head you awkwardly stand over the survivor a few seconds and then randomly stab. I feel like this wasn't always like this but it feels awkward and this is my reasoning for stating the meter should be filled quicker.
    • Make Pyramid Head swing his knife from top to bottom like the original games. It doesn't feel like it has enough OOMF right now.
    • Make steering a bit smoother when using Rites of Judgement because honestly it feels awful steering while using his power. Personally that's why most of the time I just use the skill shot quickly and avoid dragging the sword. If the use of his power felt more smooth I guarantee you less Pyramid Head players would feel compelled to fake out his power.

    Now personally I don't believe he gets changed anytime soon but I'm doubtful he gets crippled like people are thinking. As someone who actually plays him what I mentioned above would be my compromise on him. Quality of life stuff that benefits both sides.

    To TL;DR my post

    • Nerf the faking out of the power heavily but making committing to power have more OOMF
    • Give quality of life changes to Pyramid Head's movement while using Rites of Judgement / Punishment Of The Damned
    • Overhaul spawning system for cages
    • Make it easier to apply Torment on a survivor

    Post edited by Dustin on
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Slow movement speed which hurts her on larger maps. Even if you use her power for mobility it only takes her x meters. If you use her full power for mobility then she has a full 15 seconds before she can use her power again. Everytime she makes the wrong read with her power shes on cooldown and chasing as a 110% speed killer.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Yeah but making a wrong read is the player’s fault, a good spirit won’t make a wrong read