SWF Balance Suggestion

I've long been against nerfing perks based on SWF because balancing the game around the fabled 4man depip squads shafts the solo players. So it's my belief any balances to SWF should only affect SWF. The idea is simple, SWF will get a weakened version of their perk based on how many players are in the SWF group.
FOR EXAMPLE: Iron Will, tier 1 reduces grunts of pain by 50% and tier 3 is 100%, so now imagine that a 4man SWF will only get the level 1 tier variety of their perks, whereas 3 man SWF players will get the level 2 variety of their perks, and 2 man SWF players will keep the perk as tier 3.
Meaning games will look like this from now on:
2man SWF tier 3 perks
3man SWF tier 2 perks
4man SWF tier 1 perks
TL;DR This will mean the next time Devs design a perk, they can balance tier 1 perks based around 4 man SWF, leaving tier 3 for solo or 2mans. Best of all solo players won't lose a good perk because SWF are abusing it.
p.s The original thread is on general but I decided to remake it here so the idea could be reviewed.
I know that SWF can be strong, but not every SWF are sweat squad pro gamer toxic clicky clickers, I think that people shouldn't get punished just for playing with friends.
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If a killer was a bot i would say yes, but since he's a human devs should respect it and limit SWF in some way.
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I realize you’re more talking about balancing swf against killers but I have a suggestion for balancing swf with solo survivors - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/191306/leveling-the-playing-field-for-solo-survivors?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=1240bb7c5684d934a00fd2d45638c6222ead4ca6-1600018270-0-AR9wQjE7Oh62BmUQjjtJf_NXmjFuwuo-P5vh__8nauAp6ws8O_N9ahkepFTN_NTTjul34MsCViUoNsfYmV9VYqaGy2mlIQ0wyj7t85yWWzFzhVhi_Akaz6o2nS89Fr3-JLxW4mRPweEE8C4OkIoTjpSrDxGWNKNQ5H-VT1aq-ncM2wywCe01SexSq_vtf7PJrVcJ5umr0S_anCLihwmf7p8GOOWgirXcsaUqmRzoB-_8ZuYJLPwD2KZR5mEPVKODPt9Fi9rOtafOOL3QYVk22Na0u6rDXHc01NIrn9AeGHF0gxESUvw0Svn0NUDHTWrm7v7Dzww-5aNe9G0rqwO4vjfYluem1Aav_oEKBi1Wb81tLXUTbFqQizR6XQoMfRJGQD-j2EisJu2a6lhquTvfhRDszyFlc5SNbdsVUVBmSvDr#latest
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Bro no
I have 2 groups of friends one that if we tryhard we will be ablle to win the majority
and the second group that is everyone horrible and if i try my best the max that we will do is 2 gens
In the first group we will have to ALWAYS tryhard to win with these changes
And in the second group we cant even win without this nerf think if they nerf
and i have sure that 99% of the players dont have my first group, or if they have they dont like to tryhard like me
Post edited by Breque on0 -
This is kind of funny when a large portion of the community likes to claim: 'Perks don't decide outcomes of matches; leave perks alone' when you bring up rebalancing many Survivor Crutch perks; but yet here this comment implies that yes, the Perks would decide the outcome of the match.
On topic of the OP though - there isn't any viable way to balance SWF that the Survivor-players will find reasonable. They will always see it as a 'punishment' for playing with their friends. Even if the game was somehow able to deny any console-specific chat party/3rd-party speech programs from working with DBD; they'd view it as a punishment.
The only way to 'balance' SWF is ironically, to strengthen or buff killers in response - which in turn, harms solo/2-man parties.
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I don't really think buffing the killers is the answer to solving the SWF challenge killers face. If the killers are too boosted solo players are going to have a lot of bad games. Being in a chase is where the excitement is in DBD, and if killers get so boosted that solo players die in a chase within 5 seconds after the match starts, well that's when people dc. Which will further debilitate solo matches.
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If I'm going to get punished by wanting to socialise while playing my favourite game with my friends, I'd never pick DBD up again and I'm pretty sure the Devs don't want people dropping it for that.
I want balance too, but not in a way that casual, non-toxic, fun-loving groups of friends will be absolutely at a disadvantage for. Sometimes my group barely gets a gen done because we're too busy memeing or just enjoying ourselves and not sweating over the objective...and when we DO sweat over the objective, being rank 1, we still get insane killers that destroy us before 2 gens get complete.
God forbid people want to play and have fun with their friends.
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The only way to negate or lessen the impact of swf+ comms, or "cwf" on the game would be to give their advantages to default survivor, without adding anything that swfs dont already have.
The long wished totem display for example falls under stuff that we cant give survivors without buffing cwf too.
The two most viable things to lessen the solo-cwf gap are ingame voicechat and a premade message system (do gens, hunt totems, help me dimwit etc). (IDV has such a message system, would help here too)
Obviously a survivor buff of such a scale would need a compensation in basic killer or survivor mechanics, not just slight tweaks to some killer powers.
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The problem with friends talking about their days and/or cute boys, is that theyre using the very same advantage those sweatteams are using, albeit less "professional"
"*screeech omg myers hunting meeeeeee dont kill meee" is the same as "its myers, gonna loop him".
I doubt thatat most cwfs,even the casuals, are keeping the game out of their conversations.
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But the current situation isn't any better. Killers feel extremely lackluster and have zero sense of 'power role' or 'scary killer' feeling to them in almost every single case; because they are not properly tuned in power because of the solo vs SWF problem. If they were rebalanced to be truly terrifying to go up against (which means killers being considerably stronger than survivors in any 1 v 1 situation); and a disclaimer put into the game that the game is "better enjoyed with friends" or some PR-spun version of 'hey if you play solo it will be harder'; you' bring a ton of players back to playing killer.
As it stands right now - it is just generally unenjoyable to play killer; because matches are so heavily in favor of "fun and lighthearted relax time" for Survivors, while killers rarely get the same opportunity and almost always have to "work harder" in their games - and that really has almost everything to do with SWF and the 4 v 1 misunderstood sense of balancing.
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I don't think they should boost killers based on the fabled 4man depip squads, it would totally destroy the solo experience. Killers are already super strong 1v1, that's why there's 4 survivors, the survivors strength comes in numbers. I think the Devs need to work on closing the gap between SWF and Solo, they should give solo QOL buffs, maybe make kindred built into their basekit, because once the solo experience is closer to how SWF is then they can properly balance the game. If they balance the game around SWF as solo is right now, then solo players would be shafted.