Deathslinger kill stat inflation.
I've seen it all now. Plays Claudette with OoO and purple flashlight, click clicks at the killer, defends stretched res.
How can you say these killers take no skill? sprint burst to nearest god loop, run around it again and again, use stretch res so the killer can't mindgame any pallets.
Yeah maybe if you have 5000 hours you can take the low tier killers and win against those kind of teams but it's still a huge disadvantage. Why do killers have to have all the skill and so much counterplay when survivors need comparatively none and have little to no counterplay in some situations?
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I mean the survivor side been getting nerfed for 2 years straight granted it was justified but that argument is weak when that's happening to survivors almost every patch.
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Theres zone arent oppressive though there is a mile of difference also theirs isnt necessary free.
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Once again you are mentioning my perks and preferred character I already explained everything why is this of relevancy.
I'm not saying that dont take skill they have a skill cap just not very high. Stretch res shows more terrain not more killer.
A killer shouldnt have to be extremely easy for a 4k. Same goes for survivors that's why I dont condone pre drop and gen rush.
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How does deathslinger not take much skill? He has a pea sized hitbox, and can shoot through some insane little cracks, giving him a high skill cap. I think deathslinger is the second hardest killer to play after nurse, but that's just me.
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I'm not talking about slinger his aim takes skill to hit your shots. Zoning however is able skill cap thing to do thats what I referring to. Also you changed your name thats nice.
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Ah, that's completely fair, I also dislike the ability to spam ads, and I think that's the only thing that needs to be changes about slinger. The deathslingers that rely on the ads spam tactic, are usually not very confident in their shots, and will never really improve if they rely on this tactic.
I changed my name, because my friend a great forum member here is dying, and I wanted to pay my respects by changing my name, thanks!
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Yeah the the ads spam to zone is my biggest problem even though you have to guess it's there are some choke points that you can dodge and usually be correct like doorways.
Yeah cheers ik about his situation all the best.
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It's been going on since his release.
I die the instant I'm granted permission from the game in a Deathslinger match. I never have fun, and that's in some part because of my mindset, but in large part because he's just not fun to play against. Yes, that's an opinion (and a popular one, too). Yes, there are several reasons I have that opinion.
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Trapper and Hag have traps. They are limited and have to be placed strategically for optimal zoning to take place. Clown literally has a limit to how many he can throw a bottle before he has to reload.
Slinger has zero strategy or skill involved.
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Then you're also gunna admit that Huntress also has 9 Strategy or Skill involve. both are the same thing cept her's arc. his is just straight,
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"Owie I aimed my gun and I need to stay still for a few seconds.
Oh it would be a bad idea to aim again after aiming and not having a clear shot.
Meh... I dunno shouldn't aim again"
-Caleb according to this guy.
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So wait it was since his release? You might have to check your facts. Just saying, when scott jund made that video two months ago the people started hating at least triple the amount before when no one talked about it. Sure slinger has his problems like his terror radius but then when people started to learn how easy it is to zone well... Let's just say Scott brought it to the light.
I personally don't know how annoying it is going up against good slingers mainly because they are all bad as far as I've seen. I'm not joking when I say I went against only one good deathslinger and all he did is zone me. Compare his gun to the huntress hatchet and there lies the zoning except huntress needs to charge it. Having that much downing potential because you can keep clicking the same button isn't very skillful.
Only reason some people are defending deathslinger is because he has that power to zone effortlessly. The only skillful thing he needs is aim but when you start spamming the aim button, you don't need to do anything but wait to come close enough or trap someone in a dead end.
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Jezzz been awhile I said anything and for good reason, like I've been saying for the longest time. The players are the issue here. Not the game.
I stopped playing some time ago because the game is so toxic its just unfun to play either side anymore. I think the game has grown to a point where balance isn't really possible, new killers and perks change up the game so much that balancing every other perk around these new changes is difficult.
Combined with the games highly competitive nature makes the game seem more like work than a proper game.
They need to add an unranked mode without swf but ingame proximity based voice chat. Then as long as you have a mic and are close enough you can still communicate but with a limit. Granted there would be issues with external voice comms but tbh, can't do much about that. But it's a start?
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Tell that to the dev's who are looking into a way to patch it out of the game.
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If they add a slowdown to his ads it will kill him. It will just be like huntress where survivors spaz out when she readies her hatchet, only the hitbox on the spear is tiny and easy to miss at the slightest twitch.
Why should survivors be safe from DS if he is 2 feet behind them and they are near a pallet? If he is far away then go the long way around and dodge or predict the spear.
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my swf group i typically play with we got three killers and two maps that if they show up the match instantly turns into a race to die match for us as that is more fun trying to be the first to die then it is to try and stay alive and escape. and we sandbag each other just to try to be the first dead. how ever if last alive gets the hatch they win ultimately. unfun killers to my group are the ones that don't allow us to have chases or just break mechanics that prevent interesting chases. as we all enjoy the chase aspect of the game not the generator repairs.
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Chases are all well and good if the rest of your team is sitting back and twiddling their thumbs.
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He does have it he have to reload what you want him to have? 60 secs cooldown?
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Yeah but remember that Deadslinger can hit you with harpoon but you dont go down. Make it instadown and add slight warning or whatever you wish and Im agree.
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He puts you in deep wounds - meaning that unlike being normally injured, you're literally useless and can't do anything until you mend. May as well be down at that point. He can also harpoon you from outside his terror radius.
Again - free, no-skill zoning is a big nope. If you need that, that's on you and your skill, or lack there of as a killer.
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Ermm indeed he cant being from 24m radius to 18m the harpoon but its with M&A that he got that ability.
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Where is the skill in doing this?
to avoid his shot if you force him to stay aimed and walk slowly or take a slowdown penalty? because that is literally all it takes to avoid the spear if you are not close to him
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Guessing isn't a counter. It's the same reason Spirit needs a tell.
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But killers guess at loops all the time so does that mean looping has no counter?
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So the jist of all these rants is... don't play DS becouse he can shoot you which apparently doesn't need any skill.... Erm OK what about sharpshooter shots? Don't play DS becouse we can't loop him like other killers.... Shouldn't you be able to play what you want?
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Ive always thought playing against a death slinger was fun, but I did notice a lot of people would dc. I don't really get it though, he's no worse than a good spirit, hag, or nurse. I think people just get mad that they can't loop death slinger around some loops, so they say there is no counterplay. I also see a lot of people say he is just a worse huntress. Well, if he has no counterplay, how is he worse, nerfing him would make him be chosen even less and that's not good balance.
Post edited by rileybazan115 on1 -
Doesnt matter to mr I'm console. Also it's being patched probably to stop arguments between players which is most obvious reason.
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I can't help it if some people can't see the balance reasons for no fov slider.
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Visually stretched looks better. I dont think it's the fov it just looks better.
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Well you can get the same effect by playing at 720p on a 4k monitor
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It's the way the game is stretched. Even watching stretched fortnite a few years back was better it looked nicer.
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survivors shouldn't have to guess killer do tho
how much skill is there in playing survivor? like none
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Some of you act like deathslinger can't just end a chase in 10 seconds. Pyramid head needs the same M2 Nerf like deathslinger might. DS can just pull you back and I don't main him or play him often but even I can tell you the amount of times I've pulled somebody back from behind something they turned is ridiculous. Pyramid head at least has to catch up and then do his M2 spam.
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If they really wanna punish Deathslinger for m2 spam though I'd say make the reload longer, or sure add a 1-2 sec cool down to aiming. Huntress is punished with slowdown for aiming hatchets and I think the clown use to have that same thing if he doesn't still have it. With that said deathslinger and pyramid head both need a cool down. If I could only choose one of them to get it I'd say Pyramid head. Both are annoying especially monitor deathslinger but he at least has to aim more. Pyramid doesn't have to aim as hard, but I speak as a person who has only dealt with his power as a survivor im terrible with it as killer.
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I would wager that pyramid heads power is actually one of the most useless abilities while the survivor has free movement. It is telegraphed and slow with a loud noise to make sure the survivor knows that he used it.
The only thing he has is catching a survivor stuck in an animation, and even then Press E to outplay (dead hard) will save you
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What is the extent you are referring to?
Not having 5 blinks?
Not being 4.6 m/s?
Having one second cooldown on blinks which can be completely negated by addons?
Seems perfectly justified to me. Since blinks are so strong they need some kind of penalty when missing.
(yes, I play actually play Nurse)
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I mean if there is no skill is survivor could you loop my oni in blood fury? Survivor skill caps which is looping. Dont overlook that.
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I've only gone against one bad deathslinger, and it was still a bad experience because all he did was miss and nothing I did mattered anyway.
And I'm not sure what you mean by check my facts. I'm only speaking from my experience.
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Well not everyone uses dead hard but you are right on that though it's just a one time thing. I also primarily mean scenarios where they put it down to make you not vault windows or pallets and force you to choose to take a basic hit or to take the risk of being hit by the power through a window or wallet vault/drop. That's the part that I find unfair. It's a damned if you and damned if you don't scenario and I don't think those scenarios should exist. Pyramid should be rewarded for outplaying a survivor but the survivor should be rewarded as well if they outplay but in his current state 90% of the time it'll be pyramid head being rewarded for either decision he makes.
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Oh you mean the killer who goes "Arghh!" and then you just tap a or d and miss her axe by miles? That's not counterable, that's something you'd have to be blind to miss. Clearly you want the same with the slinger, go play civ 5 then.
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This. Not sure how people can complain about so much on the killer side when press E to outplay exists.
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Bruh, how can a DS who miss all his shoots didn't matter? He's 110% movement with ton of slowddown on his power. By the time he reload you have the time to make it to an other loop ffs.
Hey it's not my problem if you guys try to run killers who have strong power against loop like you do any killer. Some loops have low wall some have high wall, try to aim for the high wall when injured and don't make it obvious that you're going for a pallet when he's in range cauz that's a guaranty down.
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Wait so your telling me Huntress is not counterable? Think you've misread my thing mate.
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that fair but I wish looping was part of the game ( in the dev eye is wasn't).
I still say killer have to guess all the time what survivors going to do but when survivors have to guess it not work double standard,
a survivor should never be able to loop a killer for 3 to 4 gen when killer got 12 hooks to survivor 5 gen and dev ideal game would be 2 get out 2 die.
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It wasnt originally but it is now part of the core mechanic.
Killers dont have to guess all time. They only guess when put in a situation they have to. Like 50/50 thats a coin flip guess but even on jungle gyms you can hear grass and have the survivors former whereabouts to go off of.
A survivor should be able to loop as long as they are good. It's the killer getting outplayed you cant be mad at that.
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this why survivorare the power role take only one good looper to ruin killers game I'm not sure but I bet your either get game where you get camped or the killer dc part way in game,one last thing (if the killers smart stops chasing you).
chases(loops) wouldn't be as bad for killers if gens didn't go so fast or survivor had something else to do before gens a lot of killer can't keep up.
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This right here shows you don't play killer. survivor sounds are practically muted while the chase music is playing. I can hear grass and footsteps when the chase music stops, sure. but on any killer that isn't spirit, good luck.
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I never said they should be invincible, but i said there has to be relative safty for survivors (by the way same that there has to be everywhere else a secure hit). I explained how and why it is important, that you cant understand it only shows your lack of understanding of the actual design of the game. There is and should not be any room for discussion here, because changing that monumental factor would simply kill the game. It is not me beeing biased, it is a fact you are not able to realise that because you only hear "safety" and you dont understand what i mean with that. You just get angry over something that is crucial for the game because you draw the wrong conclusions.
Why is wiggling no counterplay? Because it does nothing. From a balance standpoint, your skill as Deathslinger and the skill as survivor should be irrelevant. Someone missing a shot because the survivor is not running in a straight line has nothing to do with ballancing the killer neither has it anything to do with counterplay. It is like saying "hey the nurse is fine because there are many shity nurse players". If i play against a perfect Deathslinger and i run away and wiggle, he still gets 100% hit.
When your shots are on point you sill sometimes loose games? Of course you do because Deathslinger is not strong outside a chase. I never said he is op, but again, you draw the wrong conclusions.
Killers should have the advantage in a chase? If you read carefully what i actually wrote, you would not doubt that they have..
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Long winded way of saying "i should be safe because i pressed space".
Btw, wiggling stops you going to the basement every time the killer downs you.