Add D/C Penalities Again



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's a case of people misusing a tool. Hook suicides are great if your teammate finds the hatch but doesn't have a key, for example. However, they're not intended to be an alternative to DCing.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    I like the idea done in another game (I've forgotten which) where cheaters were forced to play with their own kind. Maybe a dc alternative of this would work. Base the game on a karma system.

    If the results screen report feature works, and there were markers in place when someone dc's, then it simply tallies up the karma and creates a separate area. With luck, those waiting times would be much longer, and the games more frustrating.

    I'm uncertain how an afk could be combated, other than other players filing a report with video evidence. But if that's done, then they suffer the same fate.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Strange that league of legends, rocket league, rainbow six siege and multiple other team based PvP games (without a system to restock teamsizes a la battlefield) have a timeout penalty for leaving games and are not dying because of that.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited September 2020

    Sounds like, in lieu of a penalty, they should simply award everyone affected by d/cs in the game an automatic safety. At that point, people probably wouldn't be as upset over it. Obviously, when a killer disconnects, the match ends. Survivor d/cs, on the other hand, don't end the match, and allow a killer to steamroll over the others, thereby resulting in de-ranks for those unfortunate survivors. A lack of a d/c penalty simply means that the only people punished by a survivor disconnecting mid-match, are that person's teammates. Either the match should end, regardless of who disconnects, or everyone should get a safety. At that point, there's literally no pressure for the match. If you can outperform, you should still get the points, but the safety should be the minimum. And obviously, if multiple survivors disconnect, they don't get any points, so it's not like one person could disconnect, give everyone a safety, and then they could disconnect and maintain that safety.

    It's literally a no-brainer resolution, yet it isn't in effect, unless it's a killer disconnecting. Even then, if they wait long enough to disconnect (just long enough for one of the players to pop a gen or pull someone off a hook), then the players that either didn't finish the gen or get the rescue de-pip anyway. It's almost as if BHVR WANTS people to get upset over this, instead of doing their part to either prevent it, or manage it. If they can't willingly punish people for being poor sports simply because a hacker can ruin streams for their most popular players, then at the very least, they CAN move to ensure that innocent people aren't punished for other's poor sportsmanship.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255

    The issue is that, as long as the option is there, unsportsmanlike players will abuse it. If the penalty is creating issues for streamers being hacked and getting the penalty stacked against them, then perhaps, as oppose to a focus on punishing those players with a system that might be abused, you should instead guarantee a safety for all the remaining players in that match. If a killer leaves, the match ends immediately, and survivors are typically awarded enough points to safety (unless they lost points prior), but if a survivor leaves, the rest are left carrying the bag, and are at an immediate disadvantage. They get punished for the choices of their fellow survivor, and that really isn't fair, especially if the penalty keeps getting removed for whatever reason. If someone is reported for frequent disconnects, then yeah, maybe that should be looked into, and perhaps they should be punished appropriately (like a temp game ban), but for the immediate future, focus on not punishing the innocent.

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27

    The amount of DC's is getting insufferable. I almost think I'd they aren't going to fix it they should extend the rift by a week or something. I have so many games get ruined where challenges become near impossible to complete because of DC's every other game.

    I can't help but feel that once we get closer to the end my only solution will be to join in on the DC fiesta to maximize my time. I just want people to so having 0 repercussions for abandoning a game that doesn't start flawlessly for them.

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    It sucks when people d/c as a survivor or a killer it sucks but the developers will never punish for that.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Yeah but those games also don't have hundreds of bugs that don't get fixed and constant balance issues that never get looked into.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    And game braking bugs like being stuck ARE a reason to dc. Not balance issues, since most people start trials, despite knowing them, expecting to get to play with a full team and it sucks in dbd as much as the other mentioned games when people DC.

    And I would even go as far as support the idea of seperate queues for people that are willing to dc for just not having "fun" and not minding other people DC, so they can leave each other.

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    I had someone DC today and it cost me iridescent devout. I'm saying this as a survivor main too they need to add a mechanic in the game if a DC happens you get all the points you would have gotten for that 1 survivor and 3 hook states and a sacrifice and on the survivor side if someone DC's before the first gen is popped, take 1 gen off like they did when you used to get 3 man lobbies

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Thanks for contributing your story. I hope they add a better protection to prevent hackers from giving false penalties. Also hopefully put people that D/C with others that do it.

    I've seen countless YouTubers/streamers disconnect, just because they could.

  • The original argument he was making was that the dc penalty is dumb because it is a rule that makes ppl not want to play the game and you're arguing with the sentiment, "if you don't like it, play something else". ...Really?

    I can attest to the original argument as I used to play this game heavily. Like everyday i was on for hours and the DC penalties have cause me to leave. Now I play maybe one match a every two months, if that.

    The DC penalty forces me to get bullied by salty slugging/ greedy 4k killers or toxic teabagging swfs. I wanna spend my free time having fun... not crawling on the ground doing literally nothing or getting BM (usually both). Sorry but I'm turning that off and playing Overwatch or Fallout 76. I'm not gonna participate in a game that rewards game hostage bully bs and punishes leaving a toxic situation.

  • laxygamesyt
    laxygamesyt Member Posts: 10

    should have it where you dont click anything n u stay they just dont think

  • laxygamesyt
    laxygamesyt Member Posts: 10

    ok if ur mad about a killer using insta down stuff ect i think its ok to dc sorry my opinion plus i dc in a match because i looped the kiler for 8 mins in tht time 1 gen was done n zarina n meg ran around clueless so i only dc if they do nothing isnt ruining it if it was already ruined

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) no one is saying you CAN NOT disconnect, just you have to accept that there is a consequence to your disconnect.

    2) the rule has been there long before the penalty, so that means you didn't give a damn about the rules in the first place.

    3) I am glad that you have decided to move on to something that better suits your disregard for the rules of the game as done by the Developers of this game.

    4) you are welcome to think what you will but I have never been BULLIED by anyone, even when slugged. sure it's not exciting game play but the amount of people I've actually seen do this can easily be counted even as streamers.

    Rules, apparently you feel the rules do not apply to you. speeding gives you a penalty if you are caught by the police. not wearing your uniform to work gives you a penalty if you are required to wear some sort of uniform. If you ran your own company I bet you'd penalize those that break your company rules. If you do not like a rule AND by inference the penalty for breaking said rule, perhaps you should evaluate if that game is for you to play or not.

    If you disconnect just accept the penalty or stop playing, there is no reason to complain about something so simple as "do not leave the match by any means other than being killed or exiting through a gate or hatch". if you get slugged fine you get slugged, after 4 minutes, you are dead. move on from that match to another. if you're being slugged perhaps there is a reason for that and you may be the reason (not not that i am saying you ARE as I know there are jerks out there but hell there are jerks all over the place and people disconnecting becuase they were downed first, found first, it's the killer they don't like, they think someone is cheating or any other silly little reason, beyond that you have a game breaking bug or something has happened and you needed to get out of there immediately (you had a panic attack or something), there is no reason for it. would you walk off the soccer or football field because you know you are facing someone that MIGHT have cheated? or is known for rough game play? and still expect to have a job after that and do you think those reasons would be accepted? doubtful.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Players like you deserve to be banned permanently if you're going to disconnect whenever you identity which killer it is you're playing against. As you said, sorry not sorry you deserve to pay for ruining other people's matches.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Well, being that it's actually possible for a team of 3 (I've even seen a team of 2 do it if one of them is a decent looper and the other does gens) to still win a game, I'd say no to that. Maybe you're not good enough, but people are, and maybe you should learn to get that good.

    Imagine thinking people should be banned permanently for leaving a game prematurely lol. Besides, even Huntress mains fully acknowledge her hitboxes are absolutely broken right now. So usually, I don't blame someone for just dipping. I don't dip, but I totally get it.

  • Ok and no one said that anyone said you can't disconnect. The argument is, once again, that it is a dumb rule that is not healthy for the game. It causes people to stop playing and then the player base dwindles. Then whose forums will you scream nonsense at ppl on? Like why are you so hostile about an opinion? I obey the rules, i never cheat, hack, only DC when glitched or being trolled, hell I don't even BM. I would get slugged and BMed by killers just for frustrating them with long chases. So I do well and get punished by the killer AND now the devs for a DC? Absolutely not. So yea i did move on to a more fair and fun experience and for all you know, enough ppl have done the same to cause them to remove it. I don't understand what you don't understand about what we're saying. I'm not condoning DCs I'm just saying that the penalty is the wrong way to address it. It feels bad when your options are get trolled for 4 minutes or get banned for 5 or more and just because it NeVeR HaPpEnS to you doesn't invalidate the experience of others. In my 1500+ hours of this game, I have seen a lot of toxicity so you're either lying or willfully ignorant.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited September 2020

    Pretty much every single multiplayer game where you queue up to get matches has a DC penalty, yet somehow they all manage to have active player bases, in spite of said penalty. Hell, I'd go so far as to say they have an active player base because of the DC penalty, since nobody wants to queue up only to have the game immediately lost by someone who disconnects when their opponent sneezes too hard.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    As for the question about other games, I get the point but there’s a big difference. As someone who DCs a fair bit, not a single reason I dc in dbd applies to any competitive game, when people dc in other games I do get annoyed, but when people dc in dbd I don’t blame them, because there are so many badly designed maps and a few killers/addons in this game that I couldn’t blame someone from dcing this #########. People play the game for fun, right? If there is no fun to be had, I’m gonna go next, the devs can work on eliminating DCs by fixing the things that make people dc, stop stacking of slowdown perks, design better killers who aren’t dogshit to go vs, fix dumb addons, and fix the horrible maps. I just personally can’t get mad at someone for dcing vs ######### like spirit, iri head, haddonfield - I just don’t see why you wouldn’t unless you’re some sort of masochist

  • WestX
    WestX Member Posts: 120

    I've had a few games now where I was the killer and the last player would leave the match as soon as I close the hatch or if they know they can't get away from me, very annoying.