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Increase odds of self-escape on hook

Does anyone else think a base chance of 4% is a little low? Only 3 tries seems a little low to me, as well.

I understand that once you're hooked, it should mainly be up to the skills of your team to get you down and to safety. But really? 4%? And as soon as you start attempting, your health is DRAAIINNNED. Basically, this feature shouldn't even be in DBD if it's that useless.

I've personally never escaped from the hook on my own, but I'd like there to be some sort of perk that increases your chances of escaping the hook (besides Adam Francis's unique perk.)

All in all, I think the base chance to escape from the hook should be something like 8-10%. Or there should be 5 attempts. (Basically, players should have about a 30% chance of getting themselves off the hook each game, not 12%.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2018

    4% per attempt adds up to about 11.5% on three attempts, using a binomial distribution. 10% per attempt would make it 27.1%.
    5 attempts at 4% each would be 18.5%, and at 10% would be 41%.

    It's fine as it is, getting off the hook by yourself is meant to be rare.

  • kilas2megas
    kilas2megas Member Posts: 6

    @CoolAKn Thanks, I wasn't aware of these perks.

  • kilas2megas
    kilas2megas Member Posts: 6

    @Orion 11.5% is pretty ridiculous, considering that, in all the other 9 games that you don't unhook yourself successfully, your are immediately in the second phase of the sacrifice sequence. That is very discouraging. I also hate when someone gets hooked 30 seconds into the game, and they try to escape the hook, and boom, they're already in the second phase. So everyone has to rush to get the person rather than do gens. And if they get hooked one more time, there's one teammate gone already.

    I think, rather than wiping out your HP on the hook, after 3 attempts to escape, Exhaustion should be triggered. When Exhausted, you can't attempt an escape on the hook. This would make games more balanced and last longer.

    Any thoughts?

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @kilas2megas said:
    @Orion 11.5% is pretty ridiculous, considering that, in all the other 9 games that you don't unhook yourself successfully, your are immediately in the second phase of the sacrifice sequence. That is very discouraging. I also hate when someone gets hooked 30 seconds into the game, and they try to escape the hook, and boom, they're already in the second phase. So everyone has to rush to get the person rather than do gens. And if they get hooked one more time, there's one teammate gone already.

    I think, rather than wiping out your HP on the hook, after 3 attempts to escape, Exhaustion should be triggered. When Exhausted, you can't attempt an escape on the hook. This would make games more balanced and last longer.

    Any thoughts?

    I don't really think there is anything you can do if that first survivor is so impatient they attempt to free themselves immediately. I would only try to unhook myself if I see my team make no attempt to come get me (I'm usually close to stuggle anyway), or if there is only one other survivor alive, and they might need my help. Otherwise, I'll just hang there.

  • aras1377
    aras1377 Member Posts: 55

    that's exactly what i was thinking about , glad to see i'm not the only one who felt that

  • kilas2megas
    kilas2megas Member Posts: 6

    @Orion I wouldn't call it impatience man. I mean, the only unique thing about being hooked the first time is that you actually have the option of attempting an escape. Why make this option if it's so dang useless though?

    In the higher ranks, I never see anyone attempt escape (unless there are 2 survivors left, one hooked and one in dying state. Or if they have the one of the few perks that improve your chances.)

    But other than that, should attempting escape even be an option, unless you have the necessary perks that give it some legitimacy?

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @kilas2megas said:
    Does anyone else think a base chance of 4% is a little low? Only 3 tries seems a little low to me, as well.

    I understand that once you're hooked, it should mainly be up to the skills of your team to get you down and to safety. But really? 4%? And as soon as you start attempting, your health is DRAAIINNNED. Basically, this feature shouldn't even be in DBD if it's that useless.

    I've personally never escaped from the hook on my own, but I'd like there to be some sort of perk that increases your chances of escaping the hook (besides Adam Francis's unique perk.)

    All in all, I think the base chance to escape from the hook should be something like 8-10%. Or there should be 5 attempts. (Basically, players should have about a 30% chance of getting themselves off the hook each game, not 12%.

    Use luck offerings if you believe 4% are not enough

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    It takes time to chase a survivor, hit the survivor, down the survivor, walk to a hook and hook the survivor. During this time the team is (hopefully) doing gens. If it was easy to unhook yourself then your team wouldn't lose any time trying to save you yet the killer would be punished needlessly in time. I personally don't even agree with the 4% but accept it as a game mechanic I can't change, however if the base chance is increased then I no longer see any sense in the games mechanical development.

  • Mr_Myers
    Mr_Myers Member Posts: 422

    the point of is the 1-25 chance of it happening. The odds of free escapes going up would be terrible since chases last long enough. More free unhooks would make it much more annoying so camping would spike in popularity

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i do it as a last resort and if it works it works. i manage to jump off the hook about 20% of the time so its not completely rare. but just bring that ace visconti perk (i forgot the name of it) or slippery meat

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Yes. Because Survivors need more second chances apart from the "Four horsemen of the apocalypse" Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, and Unbreakable.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    You have perk for this if you want.

    This is literally meant to be the last resort mechanic to try your luck. It is good as it is now. Buff monstrous shrine to do anything btw, cause right now you still have 3 attempts with it...

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    There's perks that can increase it.

    Also I know it might sound silly but I've always found it silly that RNG can potentially snowball killer into a loss because one player got lucky.