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The Current Braindead Killer Meta...yawn



  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited September 2020

    This is kind of nonsensical since Ruin doesn't work without regular Gen-Pressure. If the Killer isn't pushing Survivors off the Generators, they don't start to regress. Tinkerer is nice and all, but it only kicks in when the Generator is at 70% complete. Again, for this to happen the Killer would have to NOT be applying pressure. That is two strikes so far. Undying simply protects Hexes, whatever Hex it might be and extends it potential life. In this build, what would be the point? According to your logic they aren't pressuring the generators anyway.

    A better, in my experience so far, combination is:

    Hex: Ruin

    Hex: Undying


    *This has massive synergy in that the moment you pressure them off a Generator it marks itself in a color, and the second someone starts repairing it you get a big colorful flag saying "SURVIVORS HERE!" It is much faster than Tinkerer as you don't have to wait until they are 70% done. All this being said, you are just wrong on every level. You are clearly unhappy that the broken Gen-Rush is being reigned back a bit. Get used to it. The META is always changing with this game, and that is part of what keeps it vital.

  • Member Posts: 339
  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Probably should have read that guy's posting history before you replied @_@

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Yep. That happens sometimes. Depending on who I am running I sometimes combo Ruin+Undying+Thrill of the Hunt to slow down the Totem cleansing and to give me the audible notification so I swing around, see the aura due to Undying, and make a beeline there for a grab or drive them off. It works pretty well with the Stealth Killers since they can move up without giving it away, and use the aura to angle the incoming to have a better shot at the grab.

  • Member Posts: 188

    Well what can you do? People can use whatever perks they want. That's what intend to do. But tbh I hardly ever see this 'meta' you speak of. And you shouldn't have a go at people for the perks they use. The devs should be trying to make fresh changes to make meta a bit more exciting yeah but just think of all the survivors who use their version of the meta. Both killers and survivors do it. No point posting about one and not including the other makes you seem biased.

  • Member Posts: 915

    I was running Ruin+Undying on different killers for like 30 matches but i think about switching back to Pop + X (Sloppy on some, BBQ on others). It can be very powerful but i think it's overrated. On some maps with difficult totem spots like Lery's it's braindead if you have a high mobility killer, but in most matches both get cleansed eventually.

    Sometimes too late, if i already got some hooks and the snowball was rolling, then it didn't made a difference in the end. But more than often they found Undying early in the game, one time they even cleansed Ruin four times till only Undying was alive, and this was in like 3 minutes. Can't remember the last game Ruin was up till the end.

    Of course it gives you some time even if they just search for totems and cleanse, but a cleansed Ruin leaves you open in the endgame. Pop has saved me so many games where i got a good 3-gen-situation at the end with all 4 survivors still alive, but i killed them all because i downed and popped fast enough. Now those games are save loses. Some take Pop for backup but 3 perks for gen defense is too much for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I never heard of this being meta. I might do it as well.

  • Member Posts: 915

    short update: just had a game on ######### LERY'S where Undying got cleansed after 30 seconds (a survivor spawned on top of it) and after my first hook, Ruin got cleansed.

    Nice attempt Dev's, nice attempt! But those bullshit Hex perks will never be a solid meta. Please give us something reliable to work with, something like survivors have! Something that can't just be switched off.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    I mean atleast the killer meta changes unlike survivor which has stayed the same for 4 years

  • Member Posts: 613

    The fact people think this game is survivor sided still is laughable...sure Swf sided it may be but as someone who never plays on coms it's definitely do we have time to literally run around cleansing all totems while most killers now try and tunnel one person....chases don't last long anymore because most loops are nerfed to the ground or you get killers who 1 shot or can 2 hit pretty instant.

    Then if you manage to agro the killer off the person getting tunnelled then it's just enough time to may be get gens done....oh what's that? NOED.

    Then if you cleanse noed and undying is still up you have to spend more time cleansing that...

    Playing killer requires next to no skill and literally are rewarded with mountains of bp's it's stuoid.

    As long as killers keep having 20k+ bps every game this game is never survivor sided.

  • This is some low quality bait

  • Member Posts: 262

    I like it because its forcing survivors to cleanse totems. You see a dull totem near that gen you're about to work on? Cleanse that #########. Guess what? That's 1 less totem that Ruin could possible transfer to. It also could have prevented a possible NOED.

    Need more help? Run Detective's/Small Game or bring a map. The meta is shifting slightly, maybe you should update your builds too.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Nobody ever cleansed New Ruin to begin with, so why is everybody whining about it now?

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    I literally stopped using the ruin+tinkerer combination after undying got released. It not made this build more consistent, it also highered the usage of perks like "Detectives Hunch" and "Small Game".

    At the moment i usually only use haunted or thrill.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Tinkerer is useless on any killer that isn't high mobility, which is a majority of the cast of killers. It's literally just letting you know you failed at your objective to pressure gens and giving you undetectable for a bit. Undying + Ruin is good, but it sucks up two slots just to maybe keep ruin in the game. At least fifty percent of the time undying is getting taken out before ruin and ruin usually doesn't last that much longer after that against survivors who know totem spawns.

    Also, someone already pointed out that Ruin does nothing unless you know how to properly apply pressure. If you're bad survivors will be able to hold m1 and it'll be like you don't even have ruin in the game. So, if you're saying only braindead killers use this you're saying Tinkerer is the problem here and Tinkerer is far from a problem lol

    It's hardly meta anyway. Pop is still the best gen slow down perk in the game and plenty of killers will opt out of using two perk slots for Undying + Ruin and just run Pop for guaranteed gen regression throughout the entire match. Pop + BBQ or Thrilling on an Oni, Billy, Blight, Nurse, or Spirit is going to do much better against actually good survivors. Especially the deadly swat team swfs that everyone strawmans to try and get killer buffs and survivor nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    2/3 of the build can be destroyed at the very beginning of the match. Hexes are high risk high reward. I'd genuinely hope you don't think hexes should be on the same level as regular killer perks. I've used ruin and undying a few times on Blight and most of the time I end up playing with 2 perks instead of 4 for most of the game lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    It's not a contradiction to point out that the player wouldn't know how to play killer at a good level - rotation and juggling etc - then point out this build hard carries them by literally telling them where to be in matches making the rotation and juggling free for them. And you misunderstand me, i'm saying the build encourages survivors to focus gens, regardless of the killer bouncing around between them like a madman, since if you leave them for long enough Ruin destroys the progress and you gotta sit on it for longer. Then after all that Tinkerer will go off again and they come the title says...YAWN. It's just a very dull experience.

    I don't expect anything, I desire that the players in this game to be actually decent. No one is expected to be perfect, but the fact is, players are using hand holding builds way too commonly and thus staying at a terrible level. DBD is in a terrible state due to this.

    Chastising killers for playing in one of the most boring ways possible seems incredibely fair to me. Just like I chastise survivors for being overly immersed and not being good in chases leading to dull interactions and sometimes tediously drawn out matches.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    Kinda funny, because in order for ruin and undying to work, you have to pressure survivors off of gens.

  • Member Posts: 395
    edited September 2020

    Such a basic ######### build, especially on blight, and double especially if they're using c21 & maybe c23.

    I don't have problems with any of the actual perks, but it's dumb to go vs the same ######### every game, on both sides.

    However, pop corrupt was in basically every game before undying came out anyway, pop was essentially basekit and it'd be total amazement if a killer didn't run it, so it's not like stacking perks towards gen slowdown is a new thing whatsoever

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    The thing is it's not even much better than the current killer meta. Especially for high mobility killers. Pop + Corrupt + Thrilling/BBQ. One build gives you guaranteed info and gen regression through the whole game and the other is based purely on how lucky you get with totems and isn't even much better.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    By not ranting about all the ills of DBD is somehow making me seem biased? Well, that just tells me people skip over the point of the post and take it to a personal level to subvert focus. If I wanted to talk about how boring the second chance meta is and the immersive playstyle so many people do in this era then I would make a seperate post on it...subversion is over now. My post is talking about the braindead aspect of the new commonly used build due to it's dull gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
  • Member Posts: 2,917

    O No the Killers can now counter gen rush its da end of da WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(/sarcasm)

    Being honest killers have been dealing with this for over 4 years now survivors "mains" REALLY do not have a right to complain about it if they don't also have an issue with the survivor meta as well.

    Also Do Bones.

    Its your secondary objective and it can strip the killer of half of their perks in this build with a 50/50 chance to get undying out of the way early.

    Also being honest tinkerer being meta means gens are going FAR TOO FAST as if its nearly permanently up it means gens are nearly popping every 30 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    im just saying if the killer isnt good or causing pressure then these perks wont work, they have to chase you off gens for ruin to work and tinkerer is just an info perk they still need to go there and do something. all this does is force you to do totems, and its really not that hard but sooooo many survivors are boosted since the ruin and rank reset changes, ffs i still see rank 2 survivors selfcare for 80seconds odd through sloppy etc. im not surprised killers ruin a build for gen defense, its needed at high rank play.

  • Member Posts: 957

    lmao this right here ^

    Seriously, Survivors are complaining about killer meta perks? lawl

  • Member Posts: 189

    yesterday I ran across it 8 times. Safe to say it’s somewhat meta

  • Member Posts: 720

    As someone who has messed around with the combo for a while, it's still just RNG if it works or not. I much prefer pop + tinkerer.

    I get the games where ruin is actually undying and everyone is sacrificed at like 4-5 gens left. But I also have had plenty of games where both totems are dead within the first minute or two of the game.

    Also, I have seen a decent amount of survivors quick-swapping to rainbow maps at 6 seconds. There's no time to swap out of a totem build and you can't swap to another killer without a totem build since the busted MMR updated; so it's un-counterable at the moment.

    Want to make sure the killer only has 2 perks within a minute of the game starting? Rainbow map quick swap. Get them for free with plunderers if you are broke.

  • Member Posts: 425

    I had a game a few days ago against a pig and she was running this meta as soon one gen was finished by 2 people me and sombody. I was in chase with her for around 25 secs. Then sombody broke undying and not even 4 seconds later ruin was destroyed.

    You could see her reaction later.

  • Member Posts: 907

    You forgot the part where it's frustrating for beginners and veterans have to suffer from it.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Funny I see people rolling there eye going oh ya complain about the small pp build and justify that they don't run it. Fully well knowing the build is busted. But somehow the hypocrisy of a perk combo locking you out of meaningful decisions only occurs for survivors. Incoming "whataboutism" garbage to try and claim this topic should wholly be explored by itself failing to see that meta perks live an ecosystem defined by how well they circumvent the tools of there opponent's. It's a sweaty killer build living in an ecosystem where a sweaty survivor build exists I want both gone as far as I'm concerned or at least capped so they don't horrendously mess with the flow of the game. But I guess I'm a killer/survivor main who has his own agenda.

    Since no ones offering advice here some tips for messing with these perks. Soulguard is infinite unbreakable vs the endless hex totem onslaught very valuable vs most high skilled killers since slugging is almost mandatory. Against ruin drag chases to distant areas away from survivor gen repairs. Don't listen to people about detectives hunch or small game those perks are trash. Focus on generic survival options exhaustion perk of your choice, soulguard, iron will and ds. Feel free to experiment but if you want to beat meta you need to play meta.

  • Member Posts: 720

    I mean, do you think it is coincidence the hex meta was revived right after a new anti-hex meta perk was put out the DLC prior?

    But still, I love this meta. Rainbow map is just too good against totems, it finally has a use. I am confident you can take out 3-4+ totems on some maps before corrupt intervention would have even worn off.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I don't understand what the issue is. Survivors have ran the exact same perks for god knows how long now which usually means they're getting out free but the second a killer can have some sort of hope that the match won't end in 3 minutes, suddenly they're brain-dead? Maybe survivors finally need to stop humping those gens so hard and actually, you know, do those white skulls that glow? You're finally getting a decent challenge from killers instead when so many complain holding M1 on a gen is boring. But you get the challenge, and you suddenly hate it? Honestly, whenever I play survivor now it's actually refreshing to see these kinds of builds. I like my matches to actually last and get some kind of interaction, instead of seeing gens popping like fireworks.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    UNDYING, RUIN, TINKERER is about as busted as it gets on a fast killer. Can't believe such a thing exists. The only thing you can do is either fall asleep or farm some points and die. Killer has become the EZ mode.

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