DBD has the most toxic community ever.

Literally just had a game where 3 survivors were working with the killer. Early game the killer and Feng find me and he downs me. Feng almost instantly unhooks me, he downs me again and moris me while Feng tbags me (he brought the green Mori) and then he farmed with the rest of the survivors.
I tend to have a temper and I was already having a stressful day so this just made me go off. I message the Feng and killer cause they were the ones clearly working together, I couldn't tell if the other 2 were just yet, and I call them out for ruining people's games and being toxic. The killer plays dumb and was saying I was just bad and the Feng denied working with the killer. Even though after I died, every time they saw each other, they'd nod to one another and continue on.
Well I get mad cause like I said I was having a really stressful day and I just wanted to relax on dbd, so I call Feng a name. And since xbox is run by children, any curse word gets you silenced for a day. Immediately after I get silenced, the other 2 survivors that match and the killer message me laughing at me getting silenced. I'm just over this game and it's people.
Fall guys, man. Fall guys.
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Honestly, it's easier said than done, but don't let people like that get to you. I've had many encounters with people like that, and had that exact same situation happen to me. I even had one guy at one point get me banned for telling him to chill out over him dying in a match after he sent death threats. So yeah, Xbox are pretty stupid honestly. But not everyone is like that. I like to hold out hope that there are still decent people playing the game. I had a Feng yesterday who helped me in a match as my 1st time playing Legion, where she was letting me get her because she saw me really struggling. Those kind of people make me keep some kind of hope for the community.
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The people who cheat like that are in the minority, only a tiny fraction of the player base, at least from my experience.
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I feel you! this is sadly pretty common.
Sometimes I don't suspect anything bad. Worked on gens, looped the killer and then a survivor comes suddenly and blocking my way. Getting hooked and farmed by the survivors till death.
Good that Decisive Strike save you from Killers AND Survivors. 😄
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Nah league of legends still exists thats coming from someone who plays it.
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I had a similar incident a couple of months back with a Huntress. Maybe it was because I am a patient individual I recorded it and sent it on (one profile has since been deleted as I cannot find it). Didn't communicate with them after.
If you do get angry, before you act on anything get up and walk out the room. Say whatever you want out loud, punch whatever object you want, but get it out of your system before returning to the computer. The moment you show your anger to those types, you've already lost. It also adds to the increasing negativity around and will carry with you.
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if i was to type out all the hate messages i get for playing spirit it would be like 7 pages
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You clearly haven't played earlier cod games or overwatch if you think dbd has the MOST toxic community.
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*League of legends fandom has entered the chat*
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dbd is 100% not the most toxic, WoW for instance is wayy worse, especially Classic Andys
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You know what's worse then someone being toxic. A group being toxic to you in a 30 minute long game which you cant leave without receiving a temp ban. League is the ultimate in toxicity. People will give you crap just for the champs you pick, nevermind making a mistake or missing your smite. This is not an excuse for dbd's community I just think people should look around them before condoning dbd. I'm glad they haven't pushed DBD in a competitive path because trust me when I say those fun pebble head on moments suddenly become tabbo because there inefficient.
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As online communities go, lol no, this community is 'baby toxic' at best.
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Thats good advice, thank you :) I'll try that.
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I've played overwatch for many years, never have I gotten this much ######### from people in a game.
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How? It doesnt even have a chat and its casual AF. I dont think there is a way people could be taking the game so seriously they become toxic.
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Working with killer is bannable, you should report in game and send ticket to BHVR.
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Okay I will say WoW has a pretty rocky community. I've played WoW for 12 years and I've had massive highs and lows when dealing with the community.
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You're the minority of overwatch players then.
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I disagree. If you want to see the most toxic communities of the gaming world, go play a MOBA. Except League of Legends because Riot Games threatened toxicity with punishment.
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I agree, Dead by Daylight has the most Toxic Community I've ever seen and I come from the time of Modern Warfare 2 lobbies.
BUT...what I like about BHVR is their report system, it's a bit slow but if you really want to stick it to the people who are complete jerks to you, report them and BHVR actually does something about it.
I like that.
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Tbh I don't think DBD is that toxic compared to other communities. Sure, there are a lot of entitled players, but I don't think the community is as toxic as everyone claims it is. I think there's a lot worse out there when it comes to toxic games (like League or Overwatch.)
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Just played a solo queue R1 12 minute match with all PC players ending with 3 escapes and 1 guy dying on 2nd hook at the end of the game vs a Huntress.
Post game chat was basically:
Me: gg
<about to leave>
Huntress: gg
R1 Escaped Survivor A: My god face camping sloot, hope your mother dies of cancer
R4 Sacrificed Survivor: Can't just take the loss, puss? (Irony here, amirite?)
Me: Whoa guys, it really wasn't that bad. All you had to do was type gg
R2 Huntress: ur all fags who gen rush new killers damn swfs using voice comms think u so good
Me: Solo queue here, don't associate me with these guys. Check my profile if you have to
R1 Escaped Survivor A: you really gonna call us fags, when your cum dumpster of a dad died from anal?
R4 Sacrificed Survivor: Go get hit by a car idiot
R2 Huntress: I can tell when you cucks are cheating. Reporting all of you
<Like 15 more messages of vitrol back and forth at each other>
Surprisingly enough that is pretty rare - just memorable compared to the ones where I can just type gg - screencap the perks then move on because I get no replies
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This makes me rethink my playstyle. I had 2 bloody streamers offered by survivors so I went easy on them. I downed and hooked a couple, but ultimately let everyone go. Maybe I should just play normally regardless of offerings? Idk.
But how you were treated was unfair. Whether it's farming or a regular match, all players should receive the same treatment by the Killer.
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Mine was a Feng and Myers. I was low level at the time and couldn't figure out why the Myers found me three times so fast. Switched to spectate and saw Feng pointing in the direction of other surivors to Myers. In the after game, Feng was running Bond and something that I can't remember that probably let them point out the other survivors.
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I bet you don't get games like this often. Don't judge whole community by one unlucky match. I've seen a lot of toxic players but in my opinion there is less than 10% such players. Most of the time they playing as they can and saying gg or nothing after match. You think community is toxic because cases like this get better remembered than normal game.
Also I think you better choose some chilling game if you want to relax after stressful day. Like Witness or some different chill indie for example. Just an advice.
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OP, I've honestly never heard of anything happening like that - you got a 1 in 10000 dose of bad luck there.
Yes, the community is toxic to some extent - no, they shouldn't do anything drastic about it other than maybe pay some attention to the new/returning player experience. You should be able to pick one survivor and one killer start with 4 perks slots, a good smattering of greens and yellows, and a healthy amount of add-ons, priority given to the noob friendly ones. Also, you should get more blood points per match to get developed until you've reached a certain reasonable total amount. The new player experience is really bad in this game and I'm sure it drives a lot of people off when really small changes could help.
I would rather they spend their development dollars developing the game rather than policing or coming up with systems to police the playerbase or actively try to make it smaller by punishing players.
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DBD's community is so toxic that other games even say it's toxic. I still play overwatch once in awhile. When someone is complaining about something I just say "As whiny as the dbd community" and like 3-4 people all say "dbd is pretty bad"
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You must be new here,
My first reaction to the title was "well duh"
Been like this since year 1.
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I've been playing for 4 years. I'm not new. I'm just sick of it. Good job contributing nothing.
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I don't the the word toxic is being used correctly when dbd players use it, at least the majority.
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I bet you're usually wrong when you assume things about strangers. Out of my 4 years of playing, I can confidently say I run into cruddy games 4-5 times daily. I started on pc and it wasn't too bad, other than the hackers. But now I'm on console and the amount of sweaty try hards, the moris, the tunneling and camping, the teaming with killers, the dc'ers, and the constant disrespectful rude and insulting messages you get almost each round - yeah I encounter it a lot. And I like to think I play rather fairly.
Your 10% is completely incorrect and if you genuinely think that, you are ignorant to the fact.
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Its been happening for years. This isn't a new player experience. This is red ranks.
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No, it is. The community is toxic. It continues to become more toxic as time goes on and people like to act as if it's not a problem or as if it doesn't exist.
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I play for 2+ years and i've got 2100+ hours on steam. And the difference is I don't consider toxic such things like camping, tunneling, slugging, mori, keys, SWF, any perks including OoO, taeabaging, clicking, noding, pointing, farming.
Teaming with killer is toxic, but I've seen it only once long ago. When someone talking bs in post game chat is not really toxic. Most of the time they are just upset they lose. I'm losing games quite often and I rarely, like really rarely, see someone say gg ez baby killer in post game chat. Sandbaging is toxic but that kind of thing is also rare and I can see the difference between intentional bodyblock and bodyblock by confused survivor.
As killer I never use red or green mori. I don't camp or tunnel on purpose but I often see complains that I camped or tunneled someone. I don't mind it. As survivor I never teabag or click flashlight. At the end of the match I always say gg no matter what was the result.
And I don't expect you agree with me. There is a lot of people like you, that think this community is rotten toxic. So my point there is less that 10% of community is naturally toxic. Let's say it's my unpopular opinion.
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I always think that dbds community is the most toxic. Then i go to play rocket league and remember that it's not.
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I have received messages from players playing both DBD and Overwatch
I have been told the get COVID-19 twice so far (DBD player)
I have been told that I was the reason my team lost (Overwatch player)
Not much in COD though
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Nah League and Smite are waaaay worse but DbD does have a bad one
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Something like this OP? Yeah, it happens.
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Yup, that's what happened.
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I love fall guys. It's everything that DBD wished it would be. The load times are quick, the matches are short, there are no game breaking bugs, there's zero toxicity, but most importantly it's fun!
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Could you give me these people nicknames? Someone is going to have a very nice message :)
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My bad.. I was casually suggesting an alternative to unwind with after work that's a lot less stressful. I didn't make that clear.
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everyone should do this get these type of people off the game.
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Oh, I see, I misunderstood you. Yeah, fall guys is really fun and a really good game to cool down from playing to much DBD.
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Never ever do this. I don't doubt OP in this thread, but nothing stops someone from just making up stuff about someone they want to have shamed or harassed. And besides, giving you the nicknames would be against forum rules to begin with (for that exact reason)
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It was a joke lmao
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Alright, I couldn't tell and I have seen people that seem pretty serious about the whole "People like that deserve this or that" mindset on here.
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Ik I seen so many posts about killers that tunnel a survivor cause he uses |insert a perk here|
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Agreed. Just don't feed them the satisfaction of knowing they annoyed you. Make them irrelevant.
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It depends.
Survivor to survivor? Usually it's moderately positive.
Survivor to killer? Oh brother...