I mean its competition is basically Friday the 13th which sucks way worse than DBD ever has and custom games in shooters, which is basically where the idea for this game came from. We used to play a game called Michael Myers in CoD world at war that's pretty similar to DBD
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As long as they add the stuff I demand then I'll let the game grow.
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So is low player count the reason that when I play killer the survivors are consistently at least 5 ranks higher than I am? It's kind of unfun sometimes to go against people who are clearly better than I am although you still get high rank potatoes
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Nah, that's bad matchmaking logic.
Playerbase numbers are fine, it's the matchmaking that has been consistently ######### up lately.
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Here we go again.
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I know the labor laws don't allow that. I'm saying ideally. Why does the calendar moving forward another day warrant time off? I'm glad Google, a company much larger than most, can give their employees a long list of perks. It's not a fair comparison to compare DBD to Google. If you want to increase productivity without giving people weeks off at a time then switch to 10 hour days four days a week. That still gives 40 hours a week to fix the bugs.
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I wouldn't really compare BHVR to Comcast; one has an absolute monopoly on what it does, and the other just doesn't have any developed competition.
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You can only nerf something so much and make the win rate for one side so low that folks no longer log in and play. I spend more time on forum and playing anymore. Once it hit nearly never escape on survivor and nearly never kill more than 2 on killer I got done. Just letting rank manually reset from not playing to go back in and play for fun again. Everyone plays to win, so if that dial doesn't hit around 50/50 and you lose a majority of games, why play anymore?
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Every game has glitches, every game has bugs, every game will never those bugs or glitches fixed because it's in the games coding they would have to demolish the game and rebuild it from ground up to fix all the bugs, you can test a game until the day it releases you're not going to find and fix every bug, it's just how games are and always will and no this game is not dying. The problem with queues is not people playing the game it's the ranking system, overwatch is the same way you play ranked games but rank means nothing. So you wait hours to get a game if you got rid of rank and made it a skill based system you would probably have shorter queues
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I disagree Because it's a PC only game right now, dead by daylight is on steam, Windows, Xbox, PS4, switch and now mobile in some countries. They also said that about that game the last time came out and when Friday the 13th came out and everyone knows what happened to those games they died off
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While I agree that every game has bugs and glitches, none of the ones I play have near as many as DBD. This game has pre-rework Mordekaiser(League of Legends character recorded to have more than 100 bugs) levels of bugs, and the sad thing is MOST of the time those bugs are not just minor issues. Somehow killer POV of a map and survivor POV of a map is completely different, for example. I don't know if that's by design or what, but there was a rock standing over the hatch when I was killer on Ormond in one game(I was unable to close it, assumed the survivor also couldn't jump in it), and for the survivor the hatch was next to a group of rocks. I've also noticed things like that when playing with a friend in KYF lobbies to test things.
Also the game doesn't have to be completely reprogrammed to fix bugs. Some bugs are just hard to find, but honestly I feel like the bug testing team for DBD is just not that good. It took them a month to figure out the Dead Hard bug was tied to exhaustion. I figured that out within 30 minutes after trying Balanced Landing, Sprint Burst, and Dead Hard.
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I take offense at your insinuation that Canada cares about its workforce, because you're basically saying the United States doesn't. To me it just sounds lazy to be honest for a company to shut down, its unheard of in the U.S. Workers get vacations, but they dont all take them at the same damned time.
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Lol are you roleplaying Archie MacMillan or something?
"no holidays for those maggots and if they don't fix their game in a week i'm going to beat them senseless"
I'd watch out of your son is getting an intrest in beartraps dude
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No, I'm not "basically" saying anything of the sort. You inferred that because you wanted to be offended by my comment. I said "countries like Canada who care about the wellbeing of their workforce", which also includes the US, Australia, most of Europe, and others.
Having said that, saying that companies in other countries are "lazy" for doing something that is proven to improve productivity and worker satisfaction isn't really helping your case if you're trying to convince me that those things are valued where you are.
Regardless, it's a moot point, and it's not really relevant to the topic of the thread. The fact is, the devs live in Canada, so they are taking Christmas off, which is actually a good thing for them, the company and the game (which is why the smartest, most successful companies, even in the US, have similar practices). It's not them being lazy, and it's not going to kill the game. So maybe just be a bit more patient.
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Slowly, but at this rate, yes. Devs can't even get something as fundamental as matchmaking correct. They continue to ignore serious issues like map design and the solo experience, instead favoring to nerf the killer of the month and slap out another round of cosmetics.
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I think Behaviour is making DbD so grindy for a reason: if there would be a competition game, then people still would stick to DbD because of how much work they invested in that game.
Also Behaviour is very lazy with their game. They rarely release patches other than new DLCs and cosmetics. I think they also do it on purpose: they could just shower us with constant patches when the competition game would appear and everyone would be hyped about DbD again.
Behaviour is like Valve: they won't do anything until a big threat appears that could harm them.
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I was making a joke lol. Lighten up and your world will look brighter. ;)
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I have to disagree with you again here. The most successful companies didn't get where they are today by taking very long holidays. When Bill Gates was starting Microsoft, I guarantee he was putting in lots of over time and holiday work. These big companies also have low level employees who work on holidays to solve certain problems and maintain system efficiency. I'm not blaming BHVR for being small or taking time off. I'm just saying with every action there is an opposite reaction, and in this case it might be pissed off customers.
And on a side note, if other countries want to work that way, be my guest. I'll just point to GDP numbers.
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it's possible they will piss off some people, yeah, but I'm pretty confident those people would be in the minority. And maybe the kind of people who get pissed off at them for taking time off to spend with their families during the holidays aren't the kind of people they particularly want as customers anyway.
Either way, the game isn't going to die because of it, and that's what this thread is actually discussing.
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Money is money and I wouldn't turn down any consumer. And yes, maybe only a minority thinks the way I do, but what happens if say 20 percent of players agree with me and decide to leave because bugs are not fixed during the holidays (I don't want this to happen, just saying). When 20 percent leaves then match making suffers and more people get upset. When they get upset they leave. It can snowball pretty easily. I know we are talking hypothetically here but my point is games can die quickly *cough CoD Ghosts cough*
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Don't be scared my dude. If you don't know, dead by daylight has like 20k viewers on twitch per day. I thought the game was dead too but there is still a lot of people joining in and playing.
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As long as it's the only option, it isn't going anywhere.
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DBD has reached daily peaks of over 40k players on PC alone for the last two days. In the last 30 days, the average number of players has grown by 2% and is now at the highest monthly average players ever recorded in the game's history, in spite of the developers being so lazy and irresponsible as to take time off to enjoy the holidays.
Yes, hypothetically, the game could die. Realistically, it's not even close.
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I never said the game is dying. My point is when quality is neglected for too long (be it for holiday breaks or any other reason) people will leave. Just ask Ford.
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At the moment, yes it is. Killers are leaving due to frustration with seriously flawed mechanics, which harm them more overall. This leads to a shortage, screwing up matchmaking, which frustrates killers more, and so on.
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And they sponsor streamers like boxghost and jendaze who encourage the toxicity, that alone made me quit for a bit
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I'd say it's more bad timing... releasing a chapter and having a holiday after that
They will be looking into all of the issues but on the other hand they won't take time to fix core issues
Though it'll be a great chapter idea... The Entity: Alive by Nightfall... features include but not limited too:
A new rank system (pip rework)
New hit box adjustment
New base perks for killer and survivors
Adjustments to "problem perks" (mostly number changes)
Changes to killer add-ons and perks that seem outdated (which is mostly the orginal killers)
Introducing new prestige rewards... either a set amount of shards and bloodpoints or just BP
Tweaks to blood webs of prestige
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I would say yes. I have being playing faithfully since it came to console but recently i have been asking myself "why do I come back to this" when i do play. The biggest thing killing this game for me right now is the amount of bugs it has and gets with every update. Then top it off with the long wait times only to get lobby dodged, or a friend doesnt make it into the lobby with you. Straight doo doo butter. I'm honestly over how competitive the game is getting too. Maybe i wouldn't have a problem the competitive aspect if mechanics of the game worked as they should. But its hard to play well and competitively when i get smacked through pallets.
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It was one of the best selling games on Steam this year, making gold, so not yet! I think this is going to be another great year for the game.
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The matchmaker has been pretty wonky since the stranger things hotfix.
Also, what he's saying is that more than 50% of players are playing in swf groups which is unlikely.
The current problems are due to people being confined in red ranks due to the recent rank reset changes.
Now, I don't have any stats to back my claims up, but since time immemorial, the dbd playerbase has remained vastly the same. Just a little disclaimer.
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Twitch streamers carry this game. If they stopped streaming it, this game would die very quickly.
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It's unfortunate..
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it's sad but i've stopped playing as i used to, no matter how hard you try to help others the teammates just wander around doing nothing, i'm bored of being a david king that does 3-4 gens gets hooked, dies in his first hook, or sabotaged by others, it's how friday the 13th started dying, it's how paragon died because nobody could play the game properly, i hope they find a way to save the game.. if not.. i'll miss my king.
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I honestly believe the Devs care more about making money then the actual quality of the game.
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Yes, thats how it works
Hopefully, we will get a fix to balance all dbd less than a year
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that looks like a screen shot back in jan 2020. not in sept 2020. it has none of the 2020 months in it. however i am not saying it's dying just that the information being shown is not current.
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Why are you necrotizing a dead thread
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"A happy birthday, as long as it lasts"
It's for DBD's birthday, a sentence like... Seeing how old players treat new players..
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I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. However, this game can wear you down and become not that fun to play. I kept getting Leatherface in my games and when I didn't, it was usually Spirit, Dr. and Ghostface. The Tome also had some (for me) impossible challenges to complete. Needless to say, I died a lot and my rank went from purple to yellow. So I haven't played in about a month, but may return this weekend. Sometimes you just gotta take a break from it.
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Wait, why is this thread from January revived?
Oh, well. No, Dead by Daylight is not dying. And it won't ever die.
Trust me.
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This game community is so negative and infantile, it's quite sad. You don't like the game, you can leave. But the trend that steam charts shows is that that dbd is in one of it's best spots in terms of popularity ever.
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And it won't ever die.
All games die, eventually. DbD is no exception. Might take a decade or more, but it will inevitably die.
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If most you people keep being toxic it well
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in the past 4 months the average player count has remained roughly the same, the game may not be dying, but its not growing much either, even with a recent Content patch.
Obviously this only accounts for Steam, but its still a good indicator.
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Dbd is nowhere close to dying but BHVR really needs to put more work on polishing the game and specifically balance the game.
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Why else do you think they pushed for crossplay? Its player numbers have been declining for over a year now - whether it be because of boredom or this crap playerbase (SWF tryhards, campers/tunnlers) it's been losing people for a while now. Crossplay will definittely extend its life for some time but unless they really overhaul some stuff eventually even crossplay won't do crap.
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The players pushed for crossplay, not the devs. Hell, the devs even said they had no plans for it when asked about it.
You can also check the Steam numbers to see that the player numbers have not been declining - quite the opposite, in fact. Of course, interpreting the data requires that you also know about events, chapter releases, etc., so you can compare player numbers during what you might call "normal" times.
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Check steam charts. What you are saying goes against the available data, that is just your opinion and not a fact.