The survivor choice does not matter...

Hi everyone,
Excuse me if there is already a post like that. What concerns me is that almost everyone is using teachable perks to all the survivors, leaving each survivors" perks ignored. For example, it is very uncommon to see more than one dwight perks on dwight players (I mean on experienced players). That means perks like Sprint Burst, Decisive Strike, self healing, dead hard are blindly used to each and every survivor.
What I think is that each survivor should have a unique playstyle associated with his/her perks. The player should be encouraged to use all David perks on David for instance so as to get the maximum efficiency. Physical stats (speed, repair,etc.) could be also a nice idea...
Please tell me your opinion on this suggestion and give more ideas to improve it.


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    I agree 100%. Once you have all perks, survivors are just skins.

    Either each survivor should have their own passive abilities, or you should only be only to put on ONE teachable from another character in your loadout. 
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    This was why the whole ranking of Easy - Hard on the survivors didn't make sense. Now they do make a bit of sense as all survivors will start with the rank 1 of all of their specific perks. However this hasn't changed the fact that they are still skins at a players late game (in terms of hours)

    Maybe one perk could be labeled as Orange or "Ultimate" which could only ever be used by that specific survivor? So things like DS, Self Care, SB and Borrow Time?

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I'm petty sure it's intended that way. First because some survivors would be better than others and would always be picked. Second because the killer would easily know what to expect from them.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    The game is intended for the survivors to pick the survivor they like best, rather than the survivor with the best stats. (even tho that principle is faulty due to the fact female survivors are smaller/harder to see for example)
    Devs stated it in the streams and already considered passives quite a few times.

  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    I think that in this way none of the survivors will be overall better than the others. They will just be able to perform better at their own part. Survivors know what to expect from each killer and play accordingly, so the opposite could bring balance to the game.
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I think that in this way none of the survivors will be overall better than the others. They will just be able to perform better at their own part. Survivors know what to expect from each killer and play accordingly, so the opposite could bring balance to the game.
    I don’t that it’ll bring balance to the game because every game I could message the killer my exact loadout and they can counter it directly and aside from nurse it would make minimal differences in how the game will play out. Mostly due to pallets,the gen rush, and swf. 
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @MineAntoiya said:
    This was why the whole ranking of Easy - Hard on the survivors didn't make sense. Now they do make a bit of sense as all survivors will start with the rank 1 of all of their specific perks. However this hasn't changed the fact that they are still skins at a players late game (in terms of hours)

    Maybe one perk could be labeled as Orange or "Ultimate" which could only ever be used by that specific survivor? So things like DS, Self Care, SB and Borrow Time?

    More powerful crutch perks for survs? HELL NAH! TO THE NAH NAH NAHHHHHH HELLLLL NAHHHH!

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:
    I hope you enjoy seeing four Claudettes every game, because that's what would happen.

    Actually, people would more likely pick Meg.
    Meg could Get : Sprint burst 3, Adrenaline 3 and Self-care 1 (that still has 50% self-care speed, only a slight reduction on medkit efficiency)
    Claudette could however only get Sprint burst 1, that could make the game slightly harder for them, which is not wanted ofc!

    Well, it depends if you take Op's idea or WK5 idea tho.
    Since Meg is a runner, she would very likely also get one of the best passive.

  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    Play 10 games survivor and 10 games killer and tell me your rank up percentage(do not do it, I am just saying). Since the killer does not know your loadout and you know his playstyle (killers instead of survivors have a unique playstyle), you have an advantage on him. So the game needs balance (lets not refer to looping,pallets, annoying survivor perks,etc.)
  • FallenRanger0
    FallenRanger0 Member Posts: 26

    Personally, and I know this is just me, when I play Survivor, I will only pick perks that seem like that Survivor would be able to use based on their existing perks and their lore. It makes for some fun and interesting builds. I'd encourage more people to try it, but most Survivors only seem to care about what their most likely to win with, not have fun with.

  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    You are one of the few then that do so
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Play 10 games survivor and 10 games killer and tell me your rank up percentage(do not do it, I am just saying). Since the killer does not know your loadout and you know his playstyle (killers instead of survivors have a unique playstyle), you have an advantage on him. So the game needs balance (lets not refer to looping,pallets, annoying survivor perks,etc.)
    I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. As survivor you don’t know the killer playstyle until you are in the match. Even when you get in the match you may not know for a little bit because you can play against a Myers with scratched mirror or one with unlimited EW3 they’re not going to play the same. You also don’t know their perks until you’re in the game as well. Same with killer you don’t know survivor perks until you’re in the game. The advantage is very minimal if any. Pallet looping, too strong survivor perks, gen rushing,totem spawns, and swf are the big things that are causing the big imbalance we have currently. Every survivor should be unique in some way I agree but even if your suggestion was implemented it wouldn’t do much at all as far as balance goes. Besides you’d see 1 or 2 survivors all the time and I’m certain nobody wants that. 
  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    I mean that each killer has a unique playstyle and the survivors can adapt to it.