Share your wholesome DbD moments!

This is a thread for you to share more pleasant moments from DbD, to remind us all that toxicity isn't all that there is. I'll start.
I'm not sure who the killer was playing, but long story short, I was destroyed by them early on. I think the last survivor got the hatch.
I checked out their profile, as I usually do when I'm killed off early to pass the time, and saw that they had played "Ori and the Will of the Wisps", the sequel to "Ori and the Blind Forest". These are games I've been curious about, but never really tried before because of all the promotion surrounding it (the more something is promoted, the less I want it and the more I suspect it's utter crap).
We ended up having a nice conversation about the games. I asked them what they thought of it, to which they gave the games complete praise. I explained that I wasn't too much into platformers, but they assured me that wasn't an issue because the game was simply incredible and I'd barely notice it.
I haven't bought either of them because I'm saving up for a new everything (GPU, CPU, RAM, motherboard) and still want Cyberpunk 2077, but I'll probably be checking out the first game when it's on sale. Worst case-scenario, my BF will love it.
What are your wholesome moments?
Imma keep em short and sweet.
Yesterday I was playing Pyramid Head. You'd expect survivors to ######### about it because, well, pyramid head, but instead they got really wholesome and called me a really good killer who's really skilled as him and I was like aww my heart <3
Playing with my new friends. You'd expect it to be me bullying newer killers (which technically it is and I feel bad, sometimes) but I've also been told I've taught everyone things, like cool looping strategies (other survivors) or how to shut down those loops (the killer). Plus I've been told that so long as I'm the one who dies the killer's happy, I'm happy because I got a good chase, and everyone's happy it's a win win.
Finally, any time I was playing with Cheers. He could make the game so so so much fun and no matter what happened it was good if he was there. This one time he stream sniped me (so I facecamped him as Bubba), other times I'd be using MOM and set me name to "Cheer's Boyfriend and Bodyguard" and do nothing but tank hits for him all game. This one Nurse ######### hated him so I'd take all the hits I could and activated mettle of man, then he was about to die at the gate so I took a MOM hit and we both escaped. Finally the one time I got off a CJ Tech when playing with him, Laura, and @MusicNerd_TC (also tagging him to make sure he does something with the thread :p). I can't remember if he was properly in the game or he was just in the stream and we were with @Respectfulnancymain, unfortunately. Hell it could've been Laura not in the game. Regardless his presence was amazing and he was amazing.
This game has some toxic awful moments. Remeber the good times.
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There have been so many. I like to give compliments to sick Survivor players as long as they don´t come with "ez" or I should kill myself etc. Often times after good matches I like to chat with them for a bit. I´ve helped people out with tips etc and I was helped greatly (sometimes either pittied or respected for my choice of Killer).
A match I´ll propably remember for a long time was against 4 Dwelfes on Ormond around christmas time. This was back when it was possible to switch Killers in lobby, so seeing them I switched to Santa Clown (srsly I have too many Clown skins...).
Needless to say it was one of the funniest matches ever. I don´t even remember the Kill ratio, but post game they asked why I had come after them, they didn´t want to be my slaves in the Christmas factory anymore etc :D
Few moments stick out for me, I just really enjoy the company of DBD players that aren´t so salty, bitter and aggressive. It´s nice to see that these increase :)
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One time on Midwhich 2 survivors suicided on their 1st hooks bc I was Legion, so I sheparded the last 2 to every gen, let them farm, then waved them goodbye as they left. I even watched over them to make sure they were safe on the generators, it was a very touching experience, I hope those 2 are ok.
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This was some time ago, where old toolboxes where still a thing. I got "genrushed" and lost the game. I just wanted to do my trapper daily and move on. Couldn't even finish it.
One survivor (who was the genjockey with the toolbox) defended me in endgamechat, while the others started to insult me. They even insulted the gen jockey for not coming to the rescue. All 4 escaped btw.
It's always nice to see people that can look beyond the "Us vs them" mentality.
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I was in a game with a friend, against a nurse. I actually loved playing against old nurse (sad i don't see as many these days) Less than two minutes into the game the nurse caught and downed one of the other survivors. I guess the other two survivors were friends too because they both DC'd right there and then. My friend an I kind of have an agreement where if half the survivors are gonna DC the game is a bust and we just give ourselves up.
The nurse decided that they were not having this and we did a little farming, which included some actual chases. I messaged the nurse to thank them and compliment them on their nurse playing during the chases. I also added i sucked at nurse and the guy offered to teach me. A year and a half later and the three of us still get together on KYF.
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It's really nice to read the wholesome moments people have. It really makes a change from hearing all the negative 😍
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Oh I have a few!
So I was playing against someone who was new to blight and I killed myself to egc on purpose so he could get a kill, after the game I messaged him over xbox that he was a good blight, he said I was a good survivor so I gave him some Blight tips (On console, blight plays alot like PathFinder from Apex legends, you control his turning by being slow and methodically, and if you wanna hit a survivor you jerk your camera into the direction you believe they are going)
It was a wholesome moment as the last time I did that was with Demogorgon and teaching someone to leave chases they can't win at the time
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Can't believe i forgot to add this one!
This was the day that ghost face came out on ps4, and every killer was delighting in the fact that they could Tbag. Myself and two friends were together and bumped into this guy twice. Now we three are....giant kids. The minute a killer indicates that they just want to mess around with the sillies, we drop everything, even if we happen to be winning.
That night involved my first ever slug race and a hilarious game later on when we realised we got him twice in one night. I still watch his streams to this day....even though i don't understand a word he's saying. A day after those games, he sent me this video and any time i get really run down by all the toxicity and Us vs Them stuff, i like to go back and watch it to remind myself that there are people who play this game for the fun of it.
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The other day I was playing as nurse on dead dog saloon and my headset died and i already suck as nurse, so needless to say I didn't get any sacrifices. I got a good number of hooks though, but didn't tunnel which screwed me. When the exit gates opened 3 survs left immediately but one stayed and waved me over to a hook. Them letting me get a sac saved me from a de-pip which was very nice!
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I had a match as trapper on Oni's map. I wasn't doing well. Had a few hooks but no deaths by the time the gens were done. Gates are open and I chased 2 people out. 1 person stepped in my traps and I hooked them at 40% time left on the EGC. I walked away and the 4th saved him. I chased them all the way to the gate. Though they were body blocking I did not swing at any of them. They got to the gate, teabagged and then realized I had Blood Warden. Both were taken by the entity, I got my challenge completed and in the end game chat they said "That was awesome"
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Yep, that's my favourite dbd game ever.
Me, you, cheers and Laura, we were only missing Nancy who was part of our main squad.
We were on midwich, and since I felt like playing like a dick, I used OoO.
Basically, the game was filled with CJ techs, head on saves, MoM stacks etc. Also, at the end the spirit came into the stream, followed karu and said gg.
It was so much fun, also karu, can you send me the clip of cheers stream sniping you?
Post edited by MusicNerd_TC on5 -
I can't the VOD gets deleted and I didn't download it :'(
I have the entire tribute stream but none of the ones before or after that one.
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I tunneled this poor Zarina and face camped her because I thought she had Object of Obsession. I didn't realize I had Bitter Murmur because I never use the perk. (I was playing Bubba, and I don't normally play him). Afterwards I get a message that just says "GG". I message back, apologizing for the face camp, explaining it. No harm done. I felt really bad about it, because it was my own fault I was seeing her aura, and not my own. But they took it with absolutely no salt.
Faced a 3-man SWF that was stomping me pretty hard. I managed to get one kill, but the rest got out the gate. Afterwards I get a message from the David, and we start talking about how we were both pig mains. Was a nice little conversation about how we like to play the game.
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There have been absolutely loads for me, but my most recent actually was from being absolutely crushed by a red rank SWF, after which all 4 contacted me with kind words, apologies (no idea why!) and just general kindness. They even tried to give me a sacrifice at the end as a wounded Nea ran straight up to me. I floored her, but instead took her to the Exit Gates - I think they admired that.
Other than that it's the moments of silliness, like when the hill glitch was in place and with one survivor stuck, the other 3 and I as Wraith tried to free them, before I decided to focus all my attacks on the hill whilst they pointed at it and teabagged it - When Killer amd Survivor join forces, the toxicity against hills is darn real!
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Nothing to special here but still a nice little moment i had last Weekend:
After lots of matches with only Mori, i faced a very friendly Blight who was not camping or tunneling the slightest. In the end i gave him a free kill (i think he had like 7 hooks but no kill). In endgame chat i thanked him for playing so nice and not tunneling, but he said first "i smell sarcasm" because normally nobody says that and everybody just uses it to insult. We had a small chat and appreciated the way we played and acted. Thanks for that.
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So coincidentally, both of my most wholesome moments happened on Lery's Hospital.
First one was a while ago. Was going against a Wraith and was having a really close game. At one point he was chasing me... Then the LB/L1 on my controller died. I couldn't run, only walk. Anyways, he hits me once, then just kinda looks at me and follows. Like he figured out that something was wrong. He downs me, then leaves me alone to find other people. I get healed back to injured, survivor runs off, but there is still gens to do. I jump on a gen and CANNOT hit a skillcheck. It was before you could rebind keys on controller. I keep blowing it up, he comes over, looks at me again and leaves. Sacrifices everyone except me, just watching the entire time. Walk my ass to the exit gate, leave, then send him a message afterwards explaining what happened and we both had a good laugh about it.
Second one was very recent. Was going against a Legion and it was one of those circumstances where they really wanted the 4k. You could tell. Anyways, during a chase, he downs me as I drop a pallet and he gets stuck in it. Survivor comes over and heals me to injured and runs off. I decided that I would hate to be in his position because of glitch and could have even understood if he DCed, so before he could, approached him to see if could hit me, no go, so I vault the pallet a couple of times and he was freed! Yay! He nods his head and goes off to find other survivors. He'll smack me every now and again for his frenzy. Gets down to him and I, had a challenge to escape though the gate so I take him to the door and point, nods head again, we go on a hatch hunt and we both find it, I nod my head, he closes it, I open gate and escape. He was on either PC or a different console, really wish we could have talked afterwards.
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I had a similar bonding experience with a Santa Clown last Christmas shortly after the Dwelf cosmetic came out.
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This has happened a few times before, and again earlier today. I'm first hooked soon to the start of the game, freed and recaptured. I figure my game is over, either I'll die on the hook or get caught again without much chance to play and have fun. I get freed and for whatever reason I run into the Killer again, I'm not that good at escaping when chased. But instead of pursuing me and getting an easy kill. They ignore me and start hunting the others. I'm still stuck in a nerve-wracking game, nonetheless it is a heartwarming moment.
I don't even think it is because I respect the Killers during the games, I'm hardly in those games long enough for them to get to know my playstyle and that I try to be fair. Instead it is them just showing good sportswomanship or sportsmanship. Anyway the kindness is much appreciated.
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I'm really loving reading these! Going to pin this thread for a bit for more visibility - some of these stories are great!
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OMG this is so awesome :D
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Ran a clown for 5 gens on groaning storehouse a few months ago and then after the last gen popped, he downed me in front of the exit gate with NOED at a T and L wall. All of my teammates left me at that point so he opened the door, picked me up and put me down at the exit saying in post game chat "I won't take a free kill from NOED"
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I once had a game as Ghostface where a player DC'ed the second I hit them. I was trying to get a daily done, so after I got my daily done I simply let the remaining survivors farm and escape. At one point I hid behind a generator with Nightshroud and grabbed one of the surv's that started working on it. After the game was done, I was just expecting to move on but the survivor I grabbed messaged me asking why I let them live, and that I was really good. It was really heartwarming, and is a huge reason I try not to be toxic even when I get facecamped to death.
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Here's a couple of message exchanges I had with some cool people. In addition I also have a funny Ghostface story.
I had been playing Ghostface this one match and somewhere down the line it turned into a farming match where I "helped" the survivors do gens and then we played a game. I stood up on a hill and the survivors stood below me and they would copy what I did. So I would Tbag, Tbag, 360 spin and they would do the same. Then at the end we lined up and took turns opening the a exit gate a little at a time and they had slug race. It was hilarious and I'll never forget how fun that match was.
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I was playing a hockey-mask Meg up against Trapper in the memorial hospital. It started out like any normal game where he was putting down traps and whacking survivors until we ran into each other at that fancier office in the middle of the hospital. Y'know the one with the nice leather chair--and sometimes a gen, but not always--and there's that weird little vault spot, which I guess is suppose to be a window but the view is a hallway.
Well, that little spot with the window looking across is where we met mask to mask. We just both stared, and it was like looking into a mirror. So when he'd turn his head, I'd turn my head. He'd go into the set a trap animation, and I'd crouch. He'd spin, I'd spin. This went of for a long time. Eventually he crossed into the mirror, so I crossed to the other side too. And did the same thing even longer from the switched sides. And switched sides a few more times and did even more mime'ing.
Eventually Feng, that #########, interrupted us and we both ended up going separate ways. The gens were almost done by then anyhow.
But I went to go find him again during EGC and finally caught up to him at the other exit gate while the hospital was crumbling around us. I tried to get him to hook me, but he just walked me to the gate. I didn't want to go. He set down a trap in there, and I stepped into it in case my message wasn't clear... but he picked me up out of it and set me on the ground to crawl out the gates before the entire place was wiped into oblivion.
I miss my trapper husbando.
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A baby Trapper on Shelter Woods didn't camp, tunnel, or nothing. He sat resetting his traps at the exit gate while I disarmed them over and over. He only had Agitation tier 1. We had a nice conversation afterwards, where I complimented a particular trap placement he did that caught me (literally) off guard.
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Less of an exact "moment" but often when playing as a console Nurse, people are often very nice and encouraging despite the obvious difficulties. It's a nice change of pace compared to the normal hate messages.
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This is a long time ago.
When the Pig first came out if I ever managed to finish a match before hach spawned.
I would down the last survivor and put a reverse bear trap on their head then I would make them complete one gen activated and another gen to eat up some of the time.
I don't let them get back up and told them they had however long was left on the timer to find hatch if they managed to do so they were free to jump into it but if they didn't they died.
If they died I sent them the sound clip on Xbox messages from Saw 2 of Amanda saying "Game Over" to Eric Matthews.
If they managed to live and find hatch I sent them "Amanda's congratulations" message from Saw 1
Honestly I got the best reactions from doing this and I met some pretty decent saw fans as well. Hell one person even told me I won the internet which was great.
Even the people who died found it really fun and had a good time.
I am pretty sad though considering it was 2 years ago Xbox nuked to my messages because I really wanted to share some of them
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You know what.....Imma do that
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One time a 3 man SWF was being really toxic. They teabagged, blinded at every pallet, and refused to save their teammate. Luckily they kobe'd.
I killed the SWF and me and the 4th guy just hung out the whole time. It was great.
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*custom game ideas intensify*
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So basically i was playing myers against im guessing a 2 man and 2 soloqers. The 2 man both had OoO but dc'd as soon as I started the ignore them. So then me and the last 2 farmed and we got a lot of points and no one depipped (one of them was rank 1)
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Not sure if it qualifies as a "wholesome" moment but I got this triple-instadown the other day:
And despite basically getting an easy win I decided to let the 4th survivor go (who worked on a gen on the other side of the map while injured) because it must have felt horrible/frustrating to see the entire team go down while you are actually doing your objective while injured instead of crouching in some random bushes.
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7 months ago I was playing Feng Min and at the time Susie was (and still is) my favorite person from The Legion. I got into a game and found someone playing her and I squealed in delight cuz at the time I didn't see many Legion players. As I was on my death hook, I had accepted my gate and didn't wiggle.
The Legion just ended up carrying me around and eventually dribbled so I could get off and they had me follow them like a little duckling following it's mother.
The messaged me after the game and said that Feng Min was their favorite survivor and we bonded over it, we are still friends too!
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I remember perfect teamwork in solo queue with a nice Dwight. After the other 2 were dead, I 99'd the gate. Then PH caged poor Dwight on the opposite side of the map. He was a good teammate so I thought YOLO let's go try! I get the save and we almost make it back to my 99'd gate when PH downs me. Instead of leaving me behind Dwight flashlight saves me so we both get out. Was on Switch so no chat but we became friends and play regularly together. 😁
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My story of a shy Wraith.
This happened today! I started a match and my Premonition went off. I squatted down a time and didnt feel like any creatures went by. So I went to find a Gen. Premonition went off again and suddenly I noticed cloaked Wraith who ran right past me(next to me, so he saw me.) He was like "Eep you found me!" Then he ran off to hide someplace else. Working on a gen later Premonition went off and I knew he was watching me! I went and found him and "Eep! You found me!" Again!! 😄
Later when I went to find the 5th gen I found a Nancy chasing the cloaked Wraith in a circle. It was super cute!! I'm glad the rest of the team had fun playing with that shy Wraith! 🌈
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I don't know why, but if I think of a wholesome moment I always think back all the way to this end game chat message in 2017:
(I'm Lemons, here). Can't remember why I was actually AFK, but the Nurse felt bad because she thought I was AFK purely because she was slugging. I probably just went for food or something. I just found this really wholesome and it's probably the most wholesome thing that's ever happend to me in DBD. She must have carried me to the exit and dropped me out, instead of hooking me.
@ApplesauseFabulous This you? :)
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i been in a situation like that, i could've easily ended the game but i knew i wouldn't pip, so i let them go and still got the 3k
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A couple of days ago this Nea with a full meta build sent me to Ormond. I was Slinger, I found her first, and downed her without ever using my power. She ran into me for the first hit after failing to fake a Sprint Burst, ran up to the main building balcony, and ran into me again because she didn't see the open doorway she ran right past and looped back around to. Naturally, after that amazing display, she DC'd in hook. Not suicide, DC'd.
And I literally turned around to see the 3-person SWF just standing there looking at this brilliant Nea. We all had a long moment of silence. I found out they had watched the whole thing. So, naturally, we proceeded to farm and they helped me hone my Ormond shots. Good people. And then we chatted a bit in the chat and all ended up with 20k+ BP, so... Yeah. Wierdly wholesome interaction from a really... I don't want to say toxic, because I think it was a mental-health, I-need-to-not-smash-my-moniter DC, but still.
Edit: also, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get a single headshot if they were working on a generator.
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I made an account purely for this. I have no shame in it.
Alright, today I was playing on Midwich against a PH. It was me and one other guy left, the other two died pretty early and we still had about 2-3 gens left. I was looping PH, and I'm not the greatest looper, but sometimes I do well. I ended up going down after ending up at an unsafe pallet. The other survivor was hiding in a locker in the courtyard. PH stared at me and I was literally just spinning on circles on the ground, waiting to die, because I was kinda over it since I'd had survivors doing nothing (like an Adam urban-evading, someone hiding in corners, etc.) He backed away and I just crawled after him every time he stepped away, pretty much chasing him until he picked me up. I didn't struggle, like I said, I was kinda done with the game, and the other guy was hiding in the locker, probably had been the entire time. Instead of hooking me, the PH walked around with me on his shoulder, carrying me like a child for a couple solid minutes. The only time he dropped me was to search lockers. He kept dropping me on hatch and picking me up again to go searching again, until eventually he dropped me in the hallway to check a room and I crawled in the general area of the courtyard. The other guy had crows he had been doing nothing for so long, and you could hear those things loud and clear. The PH found him, grabbed him right out the locker, and hooked him. He then picked me up, the other guy was struggling, and he ended up smacking the guy with his sword and the guy eventually let go. The PH then gave me hatch. That made me feel really happy after having a kinda crap game because the other 3 survivors had done nothing, and they went down in a couple seconds every chase. They also sand-bagged me before while they were healthy and I was injured. Honestly, I needed that, because I was getting sick of getting nothing from games where I was doing well and other people were doing nothing, so I love that PH.
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I was playing pig on Ormond and saw a survivor in the distance almost immediately when the match started.. They motioned for me to come over and didn't run away. I crouched, suspecting they must want to boop the snoot - I was right! We ran around chasing other survivors together until they realized what was going on and then three of the four had booped me by now. I crouched in front of a generator to help them, and we did it! We started the generator and I started doing the pig noises and moving my camera all around in celebration. They stopped doing gens and just ran around having fun - except for the Dwight. He didn't seem to know I was trying to be his friend and just kept running away. I got close time and time again and snorted for a boop, but he kept on running and dropping pallets. Eventually I got upset and downed him, planning to hook him. The other survivors started tbagging him as I was putting a trap on his head when I had a change of heart and carried him to the exit gate instead. After a while somebody helped him up, and then they went and did the last generator. I downed them all at the gate because they weren't opening it. I ended up opening it for them but they didn't wanna leave me, they just stayed and crawled toward me wherever I went. I wanted them to live, but they wanted to be with me... I miss my friends at Ormond...
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A Billy let us farm, because a dc or he saw that we was bloody noobs, I can't remember that. But he was protecting his Ruin totem (it was the old ruin before the rework). He was standing in front of the totem and was shaking is head. With my head bowed, I went back to the exploding generator, were we all 3 sat on.
Every second one of us failed a skill check and everytime the gen was exploding and regressing I needed to laugh and failed the skil check again. After a loong progress we finally did it and finished the one generator and I had a stomach ache from laughing so much. 😂😂😂
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Story1 as Killer: a survivor sorry for the blind save because of achievement
Story2 as Survivor: a Killer chase-hook other 3 really hard, I decided to take the chase and able to hold the chase of a min and a half. But Killer didnt hook but slug me. A while later, other 3 were death, Killer found me before I could find the hatch, down me, then carried me to the hatch. Realized that other 3 were SWF, Killer only target the swf and spare me.
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Trying my hardest for 3 months to get the silent hill school trophy the do this or that gen and escape one I managed to get the gens without being hooked once whole game against a Oni who just killed last person as I'm on the door and he had his power ready to go and they just let me run and take the hatch when they could have got me which was kind of them.
Another time was trying to get the all 4 out the hatch trophy and some guys was helping and I was on last hook and it was a legion with noed he's chasing me sees me run up to the rest all on the hatch and they just walk away they had me dead to rights but they let me go and the rest I love when a killer realizes a person's trophy hunting and lets them get it
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Playing a survivor match
I don't remember how the match ended but grouped up with the survivors and chatted about the game and other things
Eventually they asked about Whispers... So we went to a custom match and had one of them use Whispers to show them how it works
At the end one of them asked if I had GF... To which I said no and they gifted him to me
I got a 4k first match playing as him
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As a Hag a year or two ago I led the last survivor to the gate to let him escape.
While he was opening the gate I set up a conga line of traps up a hill just to get some extra BP. The survivor saw what I was doing and came back to run my death gauntlet just for my amusement. Now every time I give someone hatch as Hag or Freddy I make them run a death gauntlet first. They always play along.
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When a Bubba complimented my outfit on Nea despite him having a pretty unlucky game 💜 it warmed but also broke my heart.
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I remember another time of wholesomeness.
Once a Spirit wearing her school uniform burned a Midwitch offering and just ran down the halls showing us all how cute and in character she was. She never hurt us just ran around watching us. And let us all escape to tell everyone back at the campfire how cute she was. ☺️
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I just had my most wholesome match yet. I was trying to complete the "Kill the obsession 10 times" challenge and I accidentally tunneled the obsession out of the match at 5 gens. I felt really bad so I went easy on the rest of the survivors, and let me tell you they were the cutest survivors I've seen. This one Jane in a blue suit kept coming up to me and crouching in a circle, while two Felixes would stand still and stare at me as I walked past. I drew a heart on the ground with trails and they all ran in the center of it and crouched. I wish I could have said something to them in the post-game chat, but they were console players. Still, that match made my night :)
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There was a Huntress who managed to beat my team, after about 3 generators were done. It was like they flipped a switch, got very serious that match, and decimated us all. 😅 It was fun though.
Anyways, being the last Survivor alive they of course got to me. I started spinning around and they began to spin with me, pick me up, spin a little more, then gave me hatch.
As I thanked them, they were like “You toxic swf! You bullied me! Lol jk gg <3”
They had me in the first half, but gave me a laugh afterwards. Left a warm feeling in mah heart.
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I was playing Trapper and there was this one player that was clearly pretty new so i wasen't too serious against them.
At the end they were the last player and as i was carrying them to a hook i heard the hatch in the distance. So i purposfully stepped into my own trap that allowed them to escape.
The excittement in the post game chat was quite the marvel