Share your wholesome DbD moments!

Orion Member Posts: 21,675

This is a thread for you to share more pleasant moments from DbD, to remind us all that toxicity isn't all that there is. I'll start.

I'm not sure who the killer was playing, but long story short, I was destroyed by them early on. I think the last survivor got the hatch.

I checked out their profile, as I usually do when I'm killed off early to pass the time, and saw that they had played "Ori and the Will of the Wisps", the sequel to "Ori and the Blind Forest". These are games I've been curious about, but never really tried before because of all the promotion surrounding it (the more something is promoted, the less I want it and the more I suspect it's utter crap).

We ended up having a nice conversation about the games. I asked them what they thought of it, to which they gave the games complete praise. I explained that I wasn't too much into platformers, but they assured me that wasn't an issue because the game was simply incredible and I'd barely notice it.

I haven't bought either of them because I'm saving up for a new everything (GPU, CPU, RAM, motherboard) and still want Cyberpunk 2077, but I'll probably be checking out the first game when it's on sale. Worst case-scenario, my BF will love it.

What are your wholesome moments?



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    I can't the VOD gets deleted and I didn't download it :'(

    I have the entire tribute stream but none of the ones before or after that one.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Nothing to special here but still a nice little moment i had last Weekend:

    After lots of matches with only Mori, i faced a very friendly Blight who was not camping or tunneling the slightest. In the end i gave him a free kill (i think he had like 7 hooks but no kill). In endgame chat i thanked him for playing so nice and not tunneling, but he said first "i smell sarcasm" because normally nobody says that and everybody just uses it to insult. We had a small chat and appreciated the way we played and acted. Thanks for that.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Less of an exact "moment" but often when playing as a console Nurse, people are often very nice and encouraging despite the obvious difficulties. It's a nice change of pace compared to the normal hate messages.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I don't know why, but if I think of a wholesome moment I always think back all the way to this end game chat message in 2017:

    (I'm Lemons, here). Can't remember why I was actually AFK, but the Nurse felt bad because she thought I was AFK purely because she was slugging. I probably just went for food or something. I just found this really wholesome and it's probably the most wholesome thing that's ever happend to me in DBD. She must have carried me to the exit and dropped me out, instead of hooking me.

    @ApplesauseFabulous This you? :)

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    i been in a situation like that, i could've easily ended the game but i knew i wouldn't pip, so i let them go and still got the 3k

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited October 2020

    A couple of days ago this Nea with a full meta build sent me to Ormond. I was Slinger, I found her first, and downed her without ever using my power. She ran into me for the first hit after failing to fake a Sprint Burst, ran up to the main building balcony, and ran into me again because she didn't see the open doorway she ran right past and looped back around to. Naturally, after that amazing display, she DC'd in hook. Not suicide, DC'd.

    And I literally turned around to see the 3-person SWF just standing there looking at this brilliant Nea. We all had a long moment of silence. I found out they had watched the whole thing. So, naturally, we proceeded to farm and they helped me hone my Ormond shots. Good people. And then we chatted a bit in the chat and all ended up with 20k+ BP, so... Yeah. Wierdly wholesome interaction from a really... I don't want to say toxic, because I think it was a mental-health, I-need-to-not-smash-my-moniter DC, but still.

    Edit: also, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get a single headshot if they were working on a generator.

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190
    edited October 2020

    A Billy let us farm, because a dc or he saw that we was bloody noobs, I can't remember that. But he was protecting his Ruin totem (it was the old ruin before the rework). He was standing in front of the totem and was shaking is head. With my head bowed, I went back to the exploding generator, were we all 3 sat on.

    Every second one of us failed a skill check and everytime the gen was exploding and regressing I needed to laugh and failed the skil check again. After a loong progress we finally did it and finished the one generator and I had a stomach ache from laughing so much. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Story1 as Killer: a survivor sorry for the blind save because of achievement

    Story2 as Survivor: a Killer chase-hook other 3 really hard, I decided to take the chase and able to hold the chase of a min and a half. But Killer didnt hook but slug me. A while later, other 3 were death, Killer found me before I could find the hatch, down me, then carried me to the hatch. Realized that other 3 were SWF, Killer only target the swf and spare me.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Trying my hardest for 3 months to get the silent hill school trophy the do this or that gen and escape one I managed to get the gens without being hooked once whole game against a Oni who just killed last person as I'm on the door and he had his power ready to go and they just let me run and take the hatch when they could have got me which was kind of them.

    Another time was trying to get the all 4 out the hatch trophy and some guys was helping and I was on last hook and it was a legion with noed he's chasing me sees me run up to the rest all on the hatch and they just walk away they had me dead to rights but they let me go and the rest I love when a killer realizes a person's trophy hunting and lets them get it

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Playing a survivor match

    I don't remember how the match ended but grouped up with the survivors and chatted about the game and other things

    Eventually they asked about Whispers... So we went to a custom match and had one of them use Whispers to show them how it works

    At the end one of them asked if I had GF... To which I said no and they gifted him to me


    I got a 4k first match playing as him

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    As a Hag a year or two ago I led the last survivor to the gate to let him escape.

    While he was opening the gate I set up a conga line of traps up a hill just to get some extra BP. The survivor saw what I was doing and came back to run my death gauntlet just for my amusement. Now every time I give someone hatch as Hag or Freddy I make them run a death gauntlet first. They always play along.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    When a Bubba complimented my outfit on Nea despite him having a pretty unlucky game πŸ’œ it warmed but also broke my heart.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    I remember another time of wholesomeness.

    Once a Spirit wearing her school uniform burned a Midwitch offering and just ran down the halls showing us all how cute and in character she was. She never hurt us just ran around watching us. And let us all escape to tell everyone back at the campfire how cute she was. ☺️

  • Yffriium
    Yffriium Member Posts: 140

    I just had my most wholesome match yet. I was trying to complete the "Kill the obsession 10 times" challenge and I accidentally tunneled the obsession out of the match at 5 gens. I felt really bad so I went easy on the rest of the survivors, and let me tell you they were the cutest survivors I've seen. This one Jane in a blue suit kept coming up to me and crouching in a circle, while two Felixes would stand still and stare at me as I walked past. I drew a heart on the ground with trails and they all ran in the center of it and crouched. I wish I could have said something to them in the post-game chat, but they were console players. Still, that match made my night :)

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    There was a Huntress who managed to beat my team, after about 3 generators were done. It was like they flipped a switch, got very serious that match, and decimated us all. πŸ˜… It was fun though.

    Anyways, being the last Survivor alive they of course got to me. I started spinning around and they began to spin with me, pick me up, spin a little more, then gave me hatch.

    As I thanked them, they were like β€œYou toxic swf! You bullied me! Lol jk gg <3”

    They had me in the first half, but gave me a laugh afterwards. Left a warm feeling in mah heart.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I was playing Trapper and there was this one player that was clearly pretty new so i wasen't too serious against them.

    At the end they were the last player and as i was carrying them to a hook i heard the hatch in the distance. So i purposfully stepped into my own trap that allowed them to escape.

    The excittement in the post game chat was quite the marvel